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Why I choose Blackmen over My Husband

  • Thread starterAsianMommy
  • Start date
Going black for an army of reasons

Went black when hubby and I were on a military post. First, was a black woman who worked for him (he's an officer). She then shared me. I love my husband, but I love their attitude and ability to use me in ways that sends shivers up spine (and elsewhere) just thinking about it.
Korean Girls -- Like BBC Teacher

hey asian mommy. i am former military, married to a korean woman. we attend a korean church and hang in their social circles. there are several very pretty korean teenagers (over 18 of course) who have a thing for a black guy who is the "helper" for the sunday school kids. i found this out from a white guy whose daughter told her parents about it. i must admit i'd love to see him, the black guy, fuck those girls good.
meet you

AsianMommy said:
So do you go to every posting of women here that cheat on their husbands and tell them the same thing. I am a real person and maybe your right that I'm being harsh on husband. I was upset when I first posted about him. Would you prefer I would never have mention him and say i"m Married Asian Woman that loves Blackmen....would you have been so mean then or would you have typed wow she is pretty ,love some of that.
How many women here cheat on their husbands for same reason I do for SEXUAL pleasure. Pleasure their husbands can't provide. My husband is not a bad man he is good and take cares of me in all ways but sexually but that is frustrating in its self.

I would really like to meet and chat with you. You are hot and seem very interested. grammy1112000@yahoo.com or IM me at grammy1112000
AsianMommy said:
Thank you for your kind words and understand why I have the needs I do. Here is more of me and I hope you like. Im on the West Coast. I hope all asian women find how great Blackmen are and get over the taboo.

I think u are one of the hottest women on this site . WOw hit me up
I am all for you having fun and be sexually satisfied. How u do it is your problem. what I dont like is the idea that you would ridicule your husband for something he has no control over. If he was a bad man ( and that he is not - as you seem to say it again and again) then what you did was WRONG. Even if you are angry - you cannot ridicule him - now if he says - huney - go ahead and ridicule me - humiliate me I like it - thats another issue - then you go to town on it. What I am saying is - do not ridicule him for somethind that he has no control over with out his express approval. You wanna be a slut/fuck black, blue, green, yellow guys - do it by all means. Thats what this site is all about. What you have no right is to ridicule a man who has been good to u but has been cursed by the divinity by having a small dicklett.
Zebrawalk said:
So humiliating your small dicked hubby is a good thing for you to do?? Did he choose to have a small dick? You sure had the opportunity to first check him out no matter how conservative your family background was. Is it his fault to be small dicked? U are a trash - I think you are a real BITCH for trying to humiliate him. What if you had some deformity and he went on the internet and showed you around and humiliated you. You have a right to seek pleasure and sexual gratification - by all means. What you don't have is the right to insult and humiliate a man who has no power to change is physical deformity. And this goes to all people who do things without first consulting their partners. If your hubby wants to be humilated - sure go ahead and do it by all means - don't go behind his back and ****** him in this manner. For that you will not be forgiven.
Hello,I,m wondering what a self rightous person such as yourself is doing visiting a sight like this,
mswendy said:
Hello,I,m wondering what a self rightous person such as yourself is doing visiting a sight like this,

Has as much right as you to express an opinion
swipe said:
So if I had said your response was lame and was purely expressing my opinion I'd be wondering what your reaction would be Mike?

It would be the same (and it's Mark) You are perfectly entitled to your opinion and have a right to state it. As long as you do so with respect you can do as you wish. For the record, I agree with the poster - she should not be humiliating her husband behind his back but it would appear she is - that doesn't make it right. From previous posts you can see we all have differing opinions about the original poster, but while the banter is not insulting all is allowed.

And if you think that response is lame - so be it, I have no problem with that. However, tell me I am lame and that is a very different matter - you will see how quick I will jump all over you.;)
Since I'd never suggest that a person is their behaviour Mark it would be an impossible response for me because thinking one is their behaviour is the hall mark of many currently typing here, I'd have hoped a reasonable chap wouldn't feel a need to threaten a physical response, would you. If one can separate the persons from their behaviour it might just be possible to take a long enough breath to not create the negativity which can ruin not just a thread but an entire board. Enquiring more deeply and specifically into why a person has exhibited whatever behaviour you feel is necessary for you to come to terms with their behaviour. Moralising seems so prevalent and inseparable in some quarters. Seeing the world in black and white and forgetting the vast greys of the realities and remembering that ALL our perceptions of reality are just that our own minds perceptions which are mapping out our individual realities of our minds creating. Now when one shows the anger of attack one really exposes much of their own inhibitions and stand points of rigid upbringings having created these knots in minds. And so it can be that people can realise their own old held limitations and move past them and growing in the process, can't they. Now I hope you can understand what I am communicating without drawing notice to any one specific thread, can't you.
falcondfw69 said:
Baby, I am white and it is a true injustice that you have to put up with that. That is not a man. That is not even a mouse. BBC is where you need to be, or at least with a respectably hung white guy.

AsianMommy, I am also a white man, and one that thinks you are a beautiful, gorgeous dream come true. But I would never in my wildest dreams assume that I could give you the pleasure you desire or deserve, nor would I try. You were MADE to love blacks, to give pleasure to the black man's penis and take your pleasure from it and it only in return. No white man should have any part in your love life, save to help you prepare for your black lover and, if you'd allow, service you orally once he was done. I admit that a woman like you is this white man's dream of a wife... but only if I could know she were taking her pleasure in the arms of a black lover... relying on and demanding from me financial support and respectability, taking her love and pleasure at the end of his thick, black shaft.

Just my opinion on the matter.

no one should be subject to these pathetic little cocks.

i mean hey we love our guys, but please keep those poor excuses for dicks as far away from us as possible!
What ask the Question if you Don't like the Answer

AsianMommy said:
I made it clear and I appreciate when white men can understand.
For me sex and pleasure will come from Blackmen only. It is my personal preference and just look at my husbands tiny thing.
I mean am I wrong should any woman have to deal with that, when she can be with Blackmen.
I know not all white men that pathetic as my husband but in my mind when I see white men I see them all as that small.

Other than playing to the posters and the professed cuckold lifestyle, it is ironic that you married this guy knowing full and well what his assets were and are pretended to be an ******* victim. From your post I must assume your husband is white, but would the same disgust be aired if he were black and packing the same caliber weapon?

It is absurd to post such nonsense when most White men have been very successful in pleasuring their lovers; black, white, yellow, red, etc. so when you make such declarations, it defies logic and experience. The fact is your prefer black men, so leave it at that. It is obvious that your mind is as small as your husband's penis.
I understand where you are coming from, but please remember where you are - In the cuckold section of a web site that deals with inter-racial relationships, some of which are real, many of which are fantasy.

self righteous man

Self righteous people too have fantasies and have sex drives. I was taken abck by her abuse of her relationship of her husband.
Zebrawalk said:
Self righteous people too have fantasies and have sex drives. I was taken abck by her abuse of her relationship of her husband.

As were many others I would guess. But the first question is "is this real?" and if you go down that route you will realise that much of what is written is fantasy - and certainly not wworth getting upset over.

I would agree that the way the abuse is written is the sort of thing a man would write who likes the humiliation (and I should know).

Personally, I care little if it is real or not - as long as someone is enjoying it - stroll on.
Zebrawalk said:
Self righteous people too have fantasies and have sex drives. I was taken abck by her abuse of her relationship of her husband.

You shouldn't be 'taken aback...' If her husband is a cuckold (and we surmise as much, since she's posting in the cuckoldry section), it's very likely that this is very much within his comfort zone (humiliation).

I agree with mhall... It's also possible that this is total fantasy, written by a male who's into being verbally abused.
Zebrawalk said:
I think this black guys having huge cock is so fucking blown up. The taboo of fucking a colored guy is what gets most of the white and asian trashy women all excited about. Also, the blacks are dirtier, uglier and bigger in physique is no doubt. I have seen some whites, Arabs and Asian men that are HUGE but they don't go around parading their cocks on the internet as the blacks do - cause they don't have much else to do except looking to bonk white/asian trashy women. I know you black guys are gonna howl and come after me - bring it on. If you could be better fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles and more responsible community leaders - you would be more respected than just being used merely as a object of breeding and sexual gratification. I don't blame all the blacks for it but sure you need to take some responsibility for your behavior. When brothers/sons and husbands call their wives bitches and whores in rap music - you demean yourselves and your mothers, sisters and daughters.

I'm not gonna 'howl and come after you,' but I do believe your post deserves a serious response. If you choose to let your opinions about 'colored guys (YOUR term)' be formed by what you read in Dark Cavern, that's your right, but I'd suggest that's seriously short-sighted. Mhall said it best; "I understand (what you're trying to say), but please remember where you are - In the cuckold section of a web site that deals with inter-racial relationships, some of which are real, many of which are fantasy."

It's also short-sighted to take what you read as truth, without questioning it at all. It's conceded by many in Dark Cavern that the majority of so-called Black men' are actually White males, posing. And most of the assertions are just that--FANTASY assertions, without any basis in fact. Again, you're in the CUCKOLD section of a sexual fantasy site. You have to consider the source.

Should you care to find a more 'balanced' (than Dark Cavern, anyway) source of information about Blacks, CNN has a special, six-hour television program called "Black in America," scheduled for July 23-24. The CNN Special examines the complex issues, successes and struggles of Black men, women and their (our) families. Go to this link to see a preview of the show...

Special Reports - Black in America

In a year when a Black man is running for President of the country, and a lot of white people are still uncertain about black people in general, it will be interesting to see the spin CNN puts on this - if it makes black Americans proud ..... or mad. If it gives white Americans insight... or ammunition.

There. I've given you a careful, yet challenging response. I hope you take it in the positive way I mean it.

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