Zebrawalk said:
I think this black guys having huge cock is so fucking blown up. The taboo of fucking a colored guy is what gets most of the white and asian trashy women all excited about. Also, the blacks are dirtier, uglier and bigger in physique is no doubt. I have seen some whites, Arabs and Asian men that are HUGE but they don't go around parading their cocks on the internet as the blacks do - cause they don't have much else to do except looking to bonk white/asian trashy women. I know you black guys are gonna howl and come after me - bring it on. If you could be better fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles and more responsible community leaders - you would be more respected than just being used merely as a object of breeding and sexual gratification. I don't blame all the blacks for it but sure you need to take some responsibility for your behavior. When brothers/sons and husbands call their wives bitches and whores in rap music - you demean yourselves and your mothers, sisters and daughters.
I'm not gonna 'howl and come after you,' but I do believe your post deserves a serious response. If you choose to let your opinions about 'colored guys (YOUR term)' be formed by what you read in Dark Cavern, that's your right, but I'd suggest that's seriously short-sighted. Mhall said it best;
"I understand (what you're trying to say), but please remember where you are - In the cuckold section of a web site that deals with inter-racial relationships, some of which are real, many of which are fantasy."
It's also short-sighted to take what you read as truth, without questioning it at all. It's conceded by many in Dark Cavern that the majority of so-called Black men' are actually White males, posing. And most of the assertions are just that--FANTASY assertions, without any basis in fact. Again, you're in the CUCKOLD section of a sexual fantasy site. You have to consider the source.
Should you care to find a more 'balanced' (than Dark Cavern, anyway) source of information about Blacks, CNN has a special, six-hour television program called "Black in America," scheduled for July 23-24. The CNN Special examines the complex issues, successes and struggles of Black men, women and their (our) families. Go to this link to see a preview of the show...
Special Reports - Black in America
In a year when a Black man is running for President of the country, and a lot of white people are still uncertain about black people in general, it will be interesting to see the spin CNN puts on this - if it makes black Americans proud ..... or mad. If it gives white Americans insight... or ammunition.
There. I've given you a careful, yet challenging response. I hope you take it in the positive way I mean it.