I guess Im a old (35) ninny, but you said you were a virgin on your wedding night, and I presume you loved him or else you wouldent of married, so what does penis size have to do with anything? Surely you can have BBC or a larger white man to take care of your sexual needs but that dont make your hub any less a man. If you didnt love him when you married, why are you snivveling to us? If you dont love him now, get a divorce and find someone else to take care of your spoiled butt.:blahblah:
In some English-speaking countries, wives could once get an annullment of their marriage on the grounds of hubby's penis being less than 3 inches long./
I happy to share myself more but I did want your comments on him. It shows me Im not wrong for thinking how worthless he is and how right I am to love blackmen and be with them. Sometimes I think he is smallest man out there and I wonder why I wasted so much time before going black. I wam taking a huge step being so open about myself here.
Looking at your photo, you are very beautiful.
White guys have always had asian women to themselves because they had the money to travel to asian countries to find a dream wife. But things are changing and asian women are discovering black men. This is only fair.
Can I just ask. You knew the size of his cock when you married him. So why did you?
I didnt know the size of his penis until we were married. Even then his penis was the first I ever saw. I knew deep inside men couldnt be that small . I was raised in a very strict home as I said before. Even though I was a virgin and his cock is not even three inches hard but I wanted to be a good wife. I made love to him but never once did I receive pleasure from it or orgasm. I guess now over the years and especially since finding Blackmen I know he was selfish for wasting my youth on his sexual needs and not my own. He should have told me he was that small so now I show his smallness to the world well at least on here. I want every one to comment on what they think of him. I have been on site for awhile but now feel time to be open about myself and have included more photos.. Please understand I know bad to humilate him here but it was bad of him to waste my pleasure all those years so please comment
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I am shocked I am getting this reaction. Im the victim here not him. I use condoms with most of my lovers and I tend to date blackmen not sleep on first date. Blackmen I have sex without condoms have to be tested recently and show proof of it as do I for them. I have kids and am proud of them. How my husband was ever able to get me pregnant each time I wonder. As for his safety he cant even get hard to have sex. We have seen a doctor but he says do to his smallness and lack of exercise it can happen. My husband and I use condoms always when he can get it up by my request again for his safety and that I dont want his cum in me any longer. I love blackmen and feel I have shared alot of myself and ask you to comment on him not me. Am I not wanted by blackmen or are these husbands commenting on me.
In some English-speaking countries, wives could once get an annullment of their marriage on the grounds of hubby's penis being less than 3 inches long.
When you say an annulment, I am under the impression you are referring to the Catholic religion. While I understand many things are said here based on fantasy, to my knowledge a small penis is not grounds for such a transaction.
So long as the married partners are working to procreate - they are satisfying the requirements of the Church.
How foolish can a person be? As noted by a previous poster, you are not a victim, but a willing participant. When you increase the number of partners, obviously you increase your risk. Being testing is only accurate if the virus or disease hasn't morphed beyond the incubation period.
Going bareback with additional partners increases your risk exponentially (i.e. each of you sleep with others who sleep with others, etc.) Open your eyes and stop pretending to be blind. Go to the Center for Disease Control and read the statistics for those who have been documented and/or reported. There are many more active players spreading whatever to whomever they sleep with.
From the readings, and my two years in asia, this is the MALE!!!!!
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So do you go to every posting of women here that cheat on their husbands and tell them the same thing. I am a real person and maybe your right that I'm being harsh on husband. I was upset when I first posted about him. Would you prefer I would never have mention him and say i"m Married Asian Woman that loves Blackmen....would you have been so mean then or would you have typed wow she is pretty ,love some of that.
How many women here cheat on their husbands for same reason I do for SEXUAL pleasure. Pleasure their husbands can't provide. My husband is not a bad man he is good and take cares of me in all ways but sexually but that is frustrating in its self.
Just being me, I'd rather not comment on your husband, BUT, I do enjoy the fact that you can talk about what is on your mind and what you feel... I find you VERY sexy, and Beautiful, and the fact that you have a taste for chocolate, is exciting to me. I'm a black man, and I find Asian women like yourself to be very Attractive... PM me anytime...
Ok people, can we all just relax a little. This is a cuckold forum. My opinion, right or wrong, is that this sounds like a man who wishes to be humiliated for his size, or lack of it. The original poster continually asks you to comment on that, not "her" or what "she" is doing. It may well be that things move on and the thread has gone off in a direction that the original poster never expected. It has all been quite amusing to follow, but let's not get hung up on it and stoop to insulting comments ("if your Asian tits were any smaller they'd be shoulder blades")
You are a real pretty girl AsianMommie. You have to make your own choices but it is great seeing you with a Black guy.
Again I get insulted..If you read my last post I admited I was made at my husband when I put up the first post and wanted to hear him humilated but that is not the only reason I come to the site. I added photos of myself to show im a real person and happy to meet blackmen close to me. Of course I want blackmen to comment on me I lvoe attention but I dont like being insulted by men that hate a woman being upset about her husbands poor size. If you like me and find me attractive I will add more of myself but if you prefer I stop then so be it.
This site is "Based" on black domination of wives, and you guy's jump on her!! I can't believe the attitude!! That being said, I did spend 2 years in Asia, she might have gotten married for the "Green card"!!