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Why are hotwives referred to as 'whores' etc ??

  • Thread starterTease_Me
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How to Call a ladies / they call themselves.

It is really difficult to say or even understand why the words, Slut, *****, Bitch is something good or bad?!

When My Wife started to fuck with other men, she was coming very horny Herself when She spoke meaning her self, that How do I like HER, such a HORNY SLUT ? SHE LOVE TO BE *****, MAKING WHORING, and always when we are making love, fucking, She love to tell me how good ***** She Is. Etc. She always comes really horny, wet and ....very loving, It is still more exciting to both of us when She Tell me those things. Somehow it such is so more better , fucking, when speaking "Dirties" . Who knows why?
if other guys think that shared wife is a "*****' or "slut" its also a reverse to call for a guy (like us) who fond of fckng around isnt it.

if we guys have sexual varieties, same as with our wife, some are silent but they have desires also to try, I appreciate guys who let their wife explore thier sexual fantasies with others, its just the same feelings with us guys...

like my wife, she has her freedom, in the end, I am her bestlover..
You say Slut like it's a bad thing....

My wife and I enjoy using the term "slut". And I like hearing a guy call her that in the heat of the moment, (ie. You are a hot little slut).

The English language is in a constant state of evolution. Bad used to mean just "bad". Now it also appears to mean "naughty" or even something good (ie. He's a bad dude").

For our part, calling her a slut, actually we seem to qualify it by "good little slut" or something along those lines, simply means that she is sexually free, loves to fuck, enjoys flirting and being fucked by other men than me.

I bought her a necklace with the letter's "HW" (Hotwife) hanging at the center. Recently I also added a necklace with the letters "SW" (SlutWife) for when she feels extra naughty.

I love the idea of the neclace you bought her ... She must have have loved it just as much.

As far as I can make out, all replies to this thread have 1 thing in common, namely, we all enjoy the term slut / ***** etc. being used on our wives / girlfriends AS LONG AS IT IS USED AT THE RIGHT TIME ... i.e. during sexual play.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to comment :)
Good thread. I have always had a problem with some of the names women have been called. Not only this forum but other Cuckold forums as well.
Some of you seem to be loosing site of a basic fact: Some are cuckold because the husband conned the wife into doing so while others are cockold as the result of a cheating wife.

If the husband conned the wife into cuckolding him, I can certainly understand why calling her a slut/***** would be distasteful and somewhat akin to adding insult to injury from the wifes point of view.

However the cheating wife who reveles in her sexual escapdes enjoys playing the role of a slut and often refers to herself as as slut/*****.
Are we really that thinskinned?

I'm surpised so many, people would respond, with such seriousness to this question? All i have to say about the whole subject is , "Let's not take ourselves so damn seriousy!" I mean after all we are all living an extremely different lifestyle(or wishing to live one), than the norm of everyday society. Yet we are gonna take offense to a few little words, that in all reality, are only used when it enhances all partners pleasures. We are all no fools when it comes to this matter, and the wife knows what she is, and what she likes to hear, same goes for the cuck and the bull. If things are pushed beyond a boundary in real life, they will be quickly reeled back in. As far as comments on a forum like this, you just have to take it with a grain of salt. I have been doing some hardcore interracial caps, on my thread and many times the wife is referred to as "black cock *****", the bull a "pimp", and the hubby is seriously humilated. But all of this is meant to only spark the imagination, the scenarios i post go way beyond the threshhold of real life. I for one completely worship and adore the female in every way, i see her as the most beautiful creature on the planet.
I'm glad I found this thread, as these terms don't fall naturally into my vocabulary and I'm amazed at some of the "A real man would show the....." type responses I've seen.

Since getting into serious conversations with certain members of the forum, and finding their own preferences of terminology in the right environment then I can talk privately with the fuck-sluts and cum-sucking-bitch-cucks with confidence.

After saying that, anyone who posts a thread starter with "My wife - rate the slut" has already removed the boundaries of decency and deserves whatever reply he gets (but I still choose to post a respectful public answer).

As usual - each to their own :)
I love it when I'm called those names by the men I let have me...it turns me on,honestly all of the men who have meare so polite its almost a turn off? I have my husband to make love to me...when I let him, so when I'm getting used I really am being a ***** so I want to be called a *****, slut & whatever else goes along with it
Thats just my own personal feelings about it.
Lady J said:
I love it when I'm called those names by the men I let have me...it turns me on,honestly all of the men who have meare so polite its almost a turn off? I have my husband to make love to me...when I let him, so when I'm getting used I really am being a ***** so I want to be called a *****, slut & whatever else goes along with it
Thats just my own personal feelings about it.

Thanks for sharing that.
That's is just what I was refering to.

If a cuckold/hot wife does not enjoy being a "slut", what does that make her?
It simply reduces her to being a sex slave/*****, totally against her will solely for her husband's pleasure and amusement and that my friends, is really sad.

Yes, a cuckold/hot wife is a slut to one degree or another and not reconizing that is simple ignoring reality. You encourage you wife to fuck other guys and you think you are not making a slut out of her?
Let's get real here folks.:)
different strokes

my wife loves being called *****, slut etc and loves the fact that everyone knows she is.
Lady J - get on your knees and open your slut mouth - I've got a delivery for you! :eek:<---Lady J

;) :D
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greymaster said:
Lady J - get on your knees and open your slut mouth - I've got a delivery for you! :eek:<---Lady J

;) :D

If I get on my knee's will you give me a delivery like this?? Please?


  • Cum on face 2.jpg
    Cum on face 2.jpg
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*****,slut, To My Friends

My wife likes that I call her *****, slut, because She is willing to share her cunt to other men too, not only for me.
She also herself calls her after fucking others when She arrives to home, that I Am and I have been making whoring, do Yoyu love me even I Am a Slutty *****.
Did You were wanking last night and the night before that when I was cruising by boat? Yes I told her, one a clock at night I did and She told me that Oh my good, just that time both nights I had real cock in my cunt fucking it really wonferfull way, both nights that time, too. I have got now several fuckings, Thank You that You allowed me to travel to that trip. She also likes that my friends know that she is a slutty whoring *****, She has also fucked several of my friends, several times every of them. It is not us bad names those, they are our "playnames" which we both likes, why?Who knows?
a late response....

great question tease_me.

I love to be called a ***** and call myself a ***** but ONLY be self definition whether that be with my beloved, my lovers or anyone else. In the context of a feisty fuck session where I don't doubt the integrity of the person I'm with it's fine. When used as an insult, obviously it's not fine and I think it can be hard sometimes in a virtual forum such as this for people to make the distinctions.

I *love* re-claiming negatively perceived words and re-investing them with power...*****, slut, cunt to name a few :D

but a cheap shot is a cheap shot and we often know how to call them. Hopefully....
The Worm Turns

Gosh! How this thread went from a mamsey-pansy "Oh, I would never call a lady a - ssshhh -*****!" To: They're all whores and so am I!"
Well, that's my take on it too. My mother was a *****, my sister was a *****, my daughter is a *****, all my wives were whores and fuck holes except my present wife who is a jerk off just like me. My mother sold herself, so did all my wives but two and those two #1 fucked herself up a corporate ladder and down into the gutter and #2 is a jerk off. None of these women took exception when called outright names like *****, slut and fuckhole, not one and not even once. Because they were all fuckholes in deed. If the shoe fits, you'll wear it ... or be laughed at by the public ... like McCain saying the fundamentals are strong (Oh, please don't get back at me for that statement, I'm not a politicial creature, but because I'm not politicial even I heard and realized that ridiculous statement is to laugh at and laugh at it I did.) That's how normal folk laugh at all you fuck holes and your hubbies when you say, "Oh, I'm not a slut." Then what the fuck R U? Not a loving couple protecting and guarding your virtues. Not anyone pure in deed. Not anyone who cherishes the possessions of each others bodies - you're fuckholes. You're all whores who act upon any passion or desire to scratch an itch whether you get paid for it or not, payment permitted in cash, VISA, MasterCharge or pleasure.
Fran my slut wife

My wife is a slut,she calls herself that and I even have her on video telling a bull she is with,when he asks her what she is ,she tells him,I am a naughty slut,you cannot fuck around without being a slut it goes with what you do, fuck other men.A pic of my slut with her bull Mike.
Well I think letting yourself called as *****/slut is sign of submittance and admitting your weakness bit like dogs and wolves putting their tails and ears down in the presence of alpha male or female.

I have sex with many men but I don't let anyone of them to call me as ***** or slut. That would mean that I would submit to them. Show that they would be better and stronger natured than me. That would tell that I'm weak. Mean that they would be the ones having the control. Many people get kicks from being submissive. I don't.

For me to be submissive to someone would mean that I would really care about that person. The only man I care and love is my husband and under all his outward chauvinism he's gentleman in the core and he would never call me as that. If I would be submissive and weak I wouldn't consider myself deserving of having sex other people than with him. All the other men are like the books I borrow from the library. I borrow their time, use them and then return them in as good shape as I got them. I respect them nor do anything to them against their will if they show the same respect to me. I have some regular fuckboys towards who I have some friendship but I can't stay I would particularly feel affection towards them.

If man calls me as ***** or slut he poses basicly a open challenge for me to prove who is stronger both mentally lol and physically in some cases and none of the nine men who have made that mistake have won the challenge and few have needed some medical care afterwards.
Respectful Lady You

Lilith said:
Well I think letting yourself called as *****/slut is sign of submittance and admitting your weakness bit like dogs and wolves putting their tails and ears down in the presence of alpha male or female.

I have sex with many men but I don't let anyone of them to call me as ***** or slut. That would mean that I would submit to them. Show that they would be better and stronger natured than me. That would tell that I'm weak. Mean that they would be the ones having the control. Many people get kicks from being submissive. I don't.

For me to be submissive to someone would mean that I would really care about that person. The only man I care and love is my husband and under all his outward chauvinism he's gentleman in the core and he would never call me as that. If I would be submissive and weak I wouldn't consider myself deserving of having sex other people than with him. All the other men are like the books I borrow from the library. I borrow their time, use them and then return them in as good shape as I got them. I respect them nor do anything to them against their will if they show the same respect to me. I have some regular fuckboys towards who I have some friendship but I can't stay I would particularly feel affection towards them.

If man calls me as ***** or slut he poses basicly a open challenge for me to prove who is stronger both mentally lol and physically in some cases and none of the nine men who have made that mistake have won the challenge and few have needed some medical care afterwards.

You are a lady, by all definitions. Except that in some cultures it is not lady like to have affairs outside of marriage. That attitude is waning. You are civil and respectful of others and yourself. Love thy neighbor as yourself.
But I think you confuse the word ***** with cunt and SLUT with baggage, hussy, jade, slattern, tart, tramp. A ***** is in it pretty much for her own passions (lust, money, adventure, etc.) The word ***** is very, very often used aside the word ********** / Streetwalker. But that's not exactly correct, but not EXACTLY incorrect either. A slut is in it to degrade herself and/or situation further than the present condition. My entire family are whores and sluts and many are prostitutes; trust me we know the differences.

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