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Who to humiliate?

  • Thread starter_Mark_
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Beloved Member
Jun 8, 2009
If you're into the humiliation thing, who is it more important to humiliate, the fuckpig or her husband?

What's the best you've ever done to humiliate a man or woman?
Or what's the thing you'd like to do to humiliate them?

Is knocking her up considered as humiliating him?
I could say so many things, but will bite my tongue for now !
mhall said:
I could say so many things, but will bite my tongue for now !


I honestly don't know about the humiliation side of things - does it appeal more to the giver or receiver, is it a mutual thing like S&M or what?

The questions were raised based on the "bag on the head" thread.
_Mark_ said:
If you're into the humiliation thing, who is it more important to humiliate, the fuckpig or her husband?

What's the best you've ever done to humiliate a man or woman?
Or what's the thing you'd like to do to humiliate them?

Is knocking her up considered as humiliating him?

Hi Wishing to All a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year ...

Occasionnally we learn a new word on the Dark Cavern Forum,
wow WOW this is the First time i see the word * fuckpig* !

i invite a few people to give themselve a challenge in finding
appropriate word ( s ) to describe a lady - wife - slut whatever
the case maybe...

It would be nice if this challenge would not be just an option.
Peace / Shalom
I see impregnating the wife as more a DOM thing showing who mow OWNS the breeding rights to her womb and not something truely humiliating, especially for the wife. The resulting pregnancy will be enjoyed by all parties involved also.....there is POTENTIAL to humiliate the husband, either in showing the wife as a disrespectful slut married to him or his inability to provide her the needed sexual satisfaction to "keep her home" (laughable as that may be!!), or even his inability to provide her with fertile sperm that could conceive a child so she went outaside the marital bond for that also.....guess you could look at it that way as humiliating.

JMNBABE@comcast.net said:
I see impregnating the wife as more a DOM thing showing who mow OWNS the breeding rights to her womb and not something truely humiliating, especially for the wife. The resulting pregnancy will be enjoyed by all parties involved also.....there is POTENTIAL to humiliate the husband, either in showing the wife as a disrespectful slut married to him or his inability to provide her the needed sexual satisfaction to "keep her home" (laughable as that may be!!), or even his inability to provide her with fertile sperm that could conceive a child so she went outaside the marital bond for that also.....guess you could look at it that way as humiliating.


Thanks, just trying to understand as many aspects as possible of what lies beyond a basic "wife tries black" scenario.

i think the ultimate humiliation should be on the white wimp husband. watching his wife with a real man, dressing in panties, made a slave or a toilet all good things. i would also think humiliating the wife in public would be hot. like picking her up in front of wimp husband at a bar, and groping her, and stripping her in front of friends.
Would love to see a aguy just hold my wifes ass, in front of me, or take her tit out and ****** it
I think it depends on the humiliated. How did this scene come about? Is the humiliation more for the husband or the wife?

The whitebois lovey wife giving birth to a black baby has be the most humiliating for him. Imagine what all his friends at the country club must be saying and he knows theyre taking about his inability to satisfy his woman and some maverick black stud left his mark on her.
the husband. theres nothing hotter than my lovers making my husband clean us both. even sucking their dicks.
hubbys role

I love it when a black guy is humping me and hubby has his nose up the studs ass and is sucking his balls as the stud fucks me.when its over i lik ethe stud to pee all over me and hubby
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solowhtguy said:
The whitebois lovey wife giving birth to a black baby has be the most humiliating for him. Imagine what all his friends at the country club must be saying and he knows theyre taking about his inability to satisfy his woman and some maverick black stud left his mark on her.

I agree that does kind of emasculate the husband, which has got to be humiliating...
Real Black Pimps turn them both out. How and why they do it is Pimp business.

The white girls should be reading up on Fem-Dom stuff on how to train little white bois.

And little white bois should just be doing what their told.
Some women might like to be humiliated by their Blakc lovers, but for me there is a difference bewteen beign SUBMISSIVE and being HUMLIATED.

Of course I like to be submissive to a true Black dominant male. THat's what white women are here for!!! And for the same reason, this is humliating for our wimpy white husbands who aren't man enough to keep us satisfied (and mine never will be, anyway). So in my opinion, it is without a doubt the white, wimp husband who should be humiliated by both the wife and her superior lover. And this is easy-- just the fact that she chooses him above her hub makes it clear who is the man and who is the wimp. Of course, they can really rub this in, which is lots of fun...
I love humiliation even if it is very subtle - like taking my wife from me at a bar or restaurant. I wish more BBC would verbally humiliate me.
My present lover prefers my hub be absent for our evening out, We are also swingers and for years I have cut hub off from sex of any kind 4 or 5 days before we party or I go on a IR date. I also teasingly humiliate him by telling him how Im looking forward to "real cock" or similar digs. In our case its part of the 'buildup' to a wonderful evening. If with another swing couple he gets to unload....if its me on a IR date he has his fun when I get home. It works for us
Susan said:
My present lover prefers my hub be absent for our evening out, We are also swingers and for years I have cut hub off from sex of any kind 4 or 5 days before we party or I go on a IR date. I also teasingly humiliate him by telling him how Im looking forward to "real cock" or similar digs. In our case its part of the 'buildup' to a wonderful evening. If with another swing couple he gets to unload....if its me on a IR date he has his fun when I get home. It works for us

Sounds great

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