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I have just a call from my wife's friend at the spa. I have to find my wife's wedding dress and take it. She had an idea. She was maid of honour at our wedding, now she wants to be maid of dishonour. David has taken the kids to his mum's, and I have to cancel the table at the restaurant for tonight.

I always thought Sue's friend was kinky - looks like I was right.

I will post again with what happens later

Hello Maker.
Everything went smooth, nobody got short changed. How did your spouse react? Did she enjoy her newfound freedom? Did she harvest an orgasm or five? I like Jill and her attitude. She is OK. Cool cat, it would be nice if all females were that cool.
Finding a wet spot in the bed is like getting a receipt of the nightly activity. I am glad, the waiting period did not affect you negatively. I would go bananas if I had to wait for her return.

If Sue liked the happening, you have to be careful now, not to overdo it. If you let her play too often there will pretty soon be no more pussy for you. Slowly forward, and look around, or ask her to keep her eye open for a new fucker. Don’t become a burden on Jill, or you will become obligated to do her.

I just read your post about the wedding dress.

Me thinx you will have to pay back to Jill tonight. :)

Like I said: Keep on trucking.
Wound up

The wedding dress was a wind up by Jill

I raced around finding wedding dress and shoes and took them to the gym when I went to collect her and Sue and Sue said 'oh - you could have just brought a photo!' She was showing her wedding dress to one of the masseuses. Jill was wetting herself laughing.

We had dinner out with Jill - David had a boys' night out with his football friends. So my anticipation didn't come to fruition there either. Mind you, it was exquisite being teased by the two of them talking about sex with me and in front of me all evening.

Today Sue's sister coems to stay, so don't expect any long posts for a little while, and don't expect anythign to happen. But do ask me for details if you want them. I will remember everything that happened in all detail for you, however little I want to think about it. No - really. I don't want to think about it all the time. I don't!

Oh - and.....

I forgot to say - taking Sue bfast and sex in bed now. Keep myself in a role of lover as well as cuck. Enser - you agree?

Wow New Hot Wife

Maker I am as excited as you are. Congratulations Mr Cuckold. Its quite a high is it not? The excitement of knowing your wife is getting laid by another man is an outstanding feeling. I am so very happy for you, your HOT WIFE and your buddy who got her pussy. The friend who made it all possible is also a star in this play. It just does not get any better than this. Keep showing your HOT WIFE how much you apperciate her living out your fantasy and giving up some of her pussy for YOU. You must also let her girlfriend know how much her help was apperciated. Maker my friend you are on a new sexy highly erotic adventure that is about the most fun thing in the world if all is so inclined. Get her some birth control so he can cum in her to make it better for all involved. I was busy yesterday (Sat) helping my Oklahoma Sooners get into the big twelve championship game. But I thought of your adventure many times.Got on my pc as soon as I could today. I have a question, would like to know how much she enjoyed the sex with his fat cock. Actually would like to hear all the sexy details. THANKS to ALL for sharing this very hot escapade. Be Watching. okdeacon
Fat is good, it seems

Hi okdeacon

Sue's sister is out for an hour or so.

Sue told me all about the sex with David after we had sex ourselved yesterday morning in greater detail. He fucked her only twice - but very long and adventurous - lots of positions we had never tried. She said she did enjoy having a thicker cock inside her - she felt it much more than mine. (she said she still likes mine, but it is not so effective.) I have only made her cum twice with my dick during any sex session, and then only by fucking her clit with my dick outside her for part of the time. He made her cum and cum over and again both times he took her.

She teased me about being so kinky, particularly as I sprang hard again while she was telling me about cuckolding me. She spanked me for being bad, and while she did she asked me about the wedding dress debacle. (Had I really wanted her to wear the dress and get fucked in it? Jill said I did. Wasn't our wedding special and a memory to treasure?) I had to be very careful to make her understand that I had sort of wanted her to wear the dress, because the idea was thrilling and sharing how lovely she looked in it was exciting to me. She said Jill thought I would like the idea and that as I was getting off on the humiliation, she should just let me, and enjoy it, and humiliate me more. I did not disagree. I think Sue and Jill have plans for me!

Hello Maker

Yes my friend they do have plans for you. Its going to be very hot I think. I also think you are in for some really sexy times that all of you will enjoy to the max. Its great to hear sue enjoyed the new sex with a strange dick. For her enjoyment of the sex she is and will be getting is of a paramount necessity. I am totally excited and very happy for all of you. Jill is a smart and knowing woman who can help all of you enjoy this game of sex to the ultimate. Let her know and be sure and thank her for her help. For this lady is going to come up with some very hot stuff. Just you wait and see, Know i will be waiting and watching. Dont forget your buddy as his is getting Sues pussy. You are all winners. Kudos to each of you. You are getting your wish. okdeacon HAPPY STORY

Thanks okdeacon

I am going to cool things down a little, if I can - I am aware that all this has happened ina bit of a whirlwind. I want to make sure that we are both happy before I encourage things to move forward.

Jill I am going to treat like the little angel of sex that she is. I will be calling in on her in the morning as I have a day off, and will express my appreciation.


Great story and very inspiring as i am also in the process of attempting to encourage my wife to experiment with other men.i am at a bit of a disadvantage since we are not sexually intimate for quite a time now,ever since i was taking medication to encourage breast growth and it basically rendered me impotent.i love my breasts but i miss sexual intercourse.
Although i have never been able to bring her to a shattering orgasm she has enjoyed sex so i feel really bad about her loss.i have suggested other men to her but she was not overly responsive to the idea.:(

You have it all together and it will be fine. The dam is broken and now the stream can flow with an even current. It will be smooth and very fresh. Your and your wife have opened a new page of life that will give you much fun and pleasure. You have some good friends as well. You folks do what you decide you want to. But you are in for some very good times. But we will be waiting for word. Way to go all of you!!! okdeacon
Back in the room

Hi all

My wife's sister has gone now, so I can update you all on what has gone on over the last two weeks. Not much as sister has been around, but a few points of interest, I think.

I was sure that Sue was going to tell her sister about what were doing, but she didn't and she told me not to say anything either.

First of all the visit to thank Jill. She was very frank with me that she did not mind sharing her husband, but she expected to get something out of it too. They have been swinging for years, but always as swappers. If she was not going to be having sex with me, she made it clear that she was going to want to get another reward somehow. She said that she had talked with Sue about all this, and that Sue agreed she should not be left out. She said she was thinking about it.

Oh - Jill it appears let the masseuses at the health club know about Sue having sex with another man when I came to pick them up. I go to the gym there sometimes, and one of them smiled at me teasingly, though she said nothing about it when I was checking in last week. The girl is only in her teens. I blushed bright red.

Jill has plans for this weekend for us. Sue will be going out with her husband and I am babysitting again on Friday. Jill told me about it when we called in with Sue's sister last Friday. She called me to help in the kitchen and when I went in told me to keep the weekend free. Then she put her hand down the front of ny jeans and squeezed me, kissed me and whispered 'cuckold'. I practically came in her hand right there.

In bed I have talked with Sue about all this a lot. We still make love, but she likes it when I spice things up by blindfolding her and pretending I am David for her. I give her more oral now. She makes me clean her after we make love, and says that Jill said that as I was her cuckold I should get good at this. I can guess why. Sue has gone on the pill. She has talked a lot about the wedding dress and I think she is attracted to the idea of using her wedding dress as part of her fun with David. Perhaps this weekend I will be going to a wedding?

Hi Maker,
Good to hear from you again. Is everybody happy, everybody healthy, looking forward to the next round of family fun? As expected, you have a little problem with Jill on your hands.

Well buddy you flat ass have it going.I am totally thrilled by your new hot wife and her friend Jill. Maybe you will get to be the best man at the wedding. Sound hot? I felt Jill would want something and how we know she does. Maker you OWE all of your success in getting the little woman fucked too Jill. Besides that you are going to get something from her before this is over. I feel you are going to be eating a lot of pussy and some of it is going to be Jills. Just a guess. Your wife going on the pill is a real good sign for they all like the cum shot deep into their pussies. I think you people are in for some real happy and hot times ahead. I predict your little HOT WIFE will be trying some other big cocks down the line. My friend enjoy the ride and let the little girl dance. Thanks All ! Tell Jill i said she is a hot little mama as is your sweet wife. You are two lucky lucky fellows.okdeacon
Jill and the Pill

Thanks for your posts okdeacon and enser.

Yeah - Jill looks like she is going to be a handful. God I hope she will be a mouthful too!

We are all happy and healthy. Sue says that the pill will be working by the weekend. I have been banned from having sex with her until then. I have never had unprotected sex with her, so I am looking forward to that. Sue is a little frustrated at not having any sex (as am I) but she has got into a routing this week of getting home from work and taking her frustration out by spanking me and then having me give her oral before she even gets changed from work. Last night, she took a call from Jill while I was under her. Jill was telling her what to do to me. She definitely enjoyed that.

Jill will be calling in on me this am. I am working from home and she is calling in on her way from dropping the kids at school. I expect she will be telling me what to prepare for this weekend. I will update later.

it ain't wortht the effort and she will probably leave you after all the work, (happens MUCH more than anyone wants to admit) but others will encourage you so they have jerk-off material...

just jerk-off to others misfortunes!
thanks - but there are happy endings!

thanks for the advice, but honestly, this is going well for my wife and for me. Got to go.

Jill at the door

She spanked me.

As I write this I am sitting very uncomfortably.

Jill has just left. She called in for 30 minutes, in which time she explained that as she was lending her husband to my wife, she was going to get me in return. She had agreed with Sue that she would not fuck me, but she could do whatever else she wanted with me. She said she was going to try out her Domme side. If I did not obey her all the time then she would call the deal off with Sue and take David back from her.

She told me I would have to punished if I was bad and gave me a taster. I had to kneel on my office chair and she spanked my bottom, then used my ruler on me. Then she hitched her skirt up and had me kiss her bottom.

Finally she said that on Friday I was to bring my evening clothes and Sue's wedding dress. You were wrong okdeacon, though - she is to be the best (wo)man, and I am giving my wife away. Apt.

Just after she left, Sue called and asked to speak to Jill. I said she had just missed her. And Sue asked if I was okay - did I love her. I told her I was very happy, so long as she was happy and that I loved her more than ever. She said that she was looking forward to the weekend. She said she would be late home as she is going for a drink with David after work. I am not to wait up.

Going to be another fun week, I think.

Good morning Maker, the way this game progressed you have nothing to worry about anymore. Jill might be a very hot bitch in bed; she is a good and intelligent person. She will most likely present her pussy to you to lick. Do you know how to use a vacuum cleaner? Or, did you ever wear panties or high heels? She might plan on caning you. This is novelty for her and you are used to this.

Sue has played with different cock. Since she repeated the game, she indicated, she likes it. And I bet David would crawl on hands and knees over broken glass to get in Sues pussy.
If you do not reciprocate and screw Jill at regular intervals, she will not lend David out for ever. That means looking around for some guy that could eventually replace him.
Does Sue share the details of her trysts with you? Does she tell you how everything progresses?

Good luck, stay healthy.

Maker said:
As I write this I am sitting very uncomfortably.

Jill has just left. She called in for 30 minutes, in which time she explained that as she was lending her husband to my wife, she was going to get me in return. She had agreed with Sue that she would not fuck me, but she could do whatever else she wanted with me. She said she was going to try out her Domme side. If I did not obey her all the time then she would call the deal off with Sue and take David back from her.

She told me I would have to punished if I was bad and gave me a taster. I had to kneel on my office chair and she spanked my bottom, then used my ruler on me. Then she hitched her skirt up and had me kiss her bottom.

Finally she said that on Friday I was to bring my evening clothes and Sue's wedding dress. You were wrong okdeacon, though - she is to be the best (wo)man, and I am giving my wife away. Apt.

Just after she left, Sue called and asked to speak to Jill. I said she had just missed her. And Sue asked if I was okay - did I love her. I told her I was very happy, so long as she was happy and that I loved her more than ever. She said that she was looking forward to the weekend. She said she would be late home as she is going for a drink with David after work. I am not to wait up.

Going to be another fun week, I think.

I have to run.But liked you post. You WILL be eating a lot of pussy. okdeacon
She pulled it off this time

Sue got back after I was asleep last night, but she woke me up with a kiss.

She had a lovely drink with David at a pub out of town (next time they are going to go to our local). She said it was like a teenage date again - lots of kissing and touching and laughing. Then they went to a country lane and made out and she pulled him off while he played with her tits. She was all giggly telling me, though this time she was quite sober.



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