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  • Thread starterMaker
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Enser's hot idea! Like it!

enser said:
Hi Maker, Just read the third part of your posting. You are on the right track. You will
get your Christmas present.
When you get time, take your wife shopping for fancy lingerie, just to be nice to your honey, to show your appreciation for her cooperation. Maybe an appointment in a day-spa. To get coiffured, massaged, manicured, pedicured and a facial. An other facial than the one she can get in bed.

I also posted this in the forum

Thanks Enser - I like this idea a lot. I will treat her to a spa day this weekend. Her sister is coming to stay on Sunday, so I will set this for Saturday and encourage her to go out with David again on Sat night.

Way to go man. You are going to experience your fantasy. She will also get herself a hugh dick. How what can be hotter? Treat that lady like the Queen she is. For she is doing this for you. She will be VERY happy she did. You all are winners and their are no losers.I have been silent for a while but this is a very HAPPY story. Have Fun okdeacon
wanabe cucked

at least u are moving towrds your goal. was cucked once behind my back so i could not enjoy it. sadly she does not want to open legs again so i seem to be stuck in limbo. I wish you well in your endeavours.
Thanks for interest and support

Thanks to all for continued interest and support - I hope I did not hang on too much, but I got carried away in the telling of the tale. The memories are quite intense - particularly my wife kissing 'David' in the doorway whils she held my hand.

Things have started to move faster now, so I will update with news for any who are interested.

Thanks for your good wishes

hornchurchmale said:
at least u are moving towrds your goal. was cucked once behind my back so i could not enjoy it. sadly she does not want to open legs again so i seem to be stuck in limbo. I wish you well in your endeavours.

It is all very exciting just now, yes. My wife is getting sexier with me as she gets more into the idea of becoming 'hot'. It is good for me every way up just now, but I have to be so careful. I do not want to scare her off, and I am giving her more and more power, and whilst that is exciting, we have to keep some balance I think for the health of our marriage. I am trying to channel her control of me into direct and physical reactions. I sent her an email yesterday at work and she was mad about that - she wants this all kept very secret - I had to apologise very hard to get her to forgive me, and she only really worked it out of her system after a hard and unusual beating with the riding crop. But - after the crop she was so turned on, and she wanted to show she had forgiven me.

I know Hornchurch well, and still visit quite a lot. Some day, when Sue and I have sorted all this out the right way we should visit you, and Sue might be able to convince your wife of the benefits of sleeping with other men, and letting you know about it.

How did you you find out about your wife having cuckolded you? How long had it gone on for? Have you tried to convince her to do it again? For that matter, are you sure she has not without telling you?

Hey maker

Hi maker!
I have been reading your posts. Maybe i'll tell you what u don't wat to ear. Tell me one thing, she is 29, and u? Is your dick small? Do you have low self estime?
The idea of having sex with a nother guy is hot, i confess i thought the same sometimes (i'm 28), but have u wondered if she really starts to enjoy the idea and gets another guy to marry to?
Or if she uses this situation to chose another husband, that doesn't have this ideas? or that is better in bed... Then you will loose her...
So, think well if this idea of yours isn't just a temporary idea.
Hope u make the best choice!
Food for thought

mx-5 said:
Hi maker!
I have been reading your posts. Maybe i'll tell you what u don't wat to ear. Tell me one thing, she is 29, and u? Is your dick small? Do you have low self estime?
The idea of having sex with a nother guy is hot, i confess i thought the same sometimes (i'm 28), but have u wondered if she really starts to enjoy the idea and gets another guy to marry to?
Or if she uses this situation to chose another husband, that doesn't have this ideas? or that is better in bed... Then you will loose her...
So, think well if this idea of yours isn't just a temporary idea.
Hope u make the best choice!

Thanks for your thoughts. I am 35, so not very old - my prime, I like to feel, I don't think I have self concept issues. I am pretty confident in work and socially, and am definitely confident that I will not lose the love of my wife. However - I take on board your thoughts. I am intending to use this experience to heat up our sexual relationship, but at the same time I am going to make my wife feel more and more valued and appreciated, and show her all my affection. Most of all, I plan to keep talking to her about what we are doing and how it feels. To be frank, I have always felt that I do not want to be with any woman who does not want to be with me, so if she moves on, then that is her right. I want her with me because she wants to be with me. No other reason is sufficient. i just do not believe she ever will want to move on, or that I will want her to. I guess that sounds idealistic, but I am sure of her, and if I were to be unsure of her then she would not be the person that I know.

As far as dick size goes - I am depressingly normal. Not big. not small. Just normal. And I think I am a pretty good lover. I listen to my wife in bed and when I am with her I am only thinking about her and the contact between us - nothing else.

I may be wrong, but I am confidently hopeful that I am not.

Thanks for reading and thinking and offering your feelings. I appreciate it.

Maker, that’s the right attitude, you should get your Christmas Present.
All change

My wife took a telephone call from David tonight, which has messed up all my plans.

On advice from guys in here I was planning to shop for an outfit for my wife Friday, treat her to facial and massage saturday, her having a date with David sat night, then wife's sister down on Sunday. I booked the treatments at the spa and everything.

But I hadn't talked it through.

David called. He wants her to go for a meal on Friday with him. I have to go round to his house to babysit as his wife will be on nights (she is a nurse). I am confident Friday will be the night - partly because it makes sense, partly because my wife was keen to do this on the friday rather than the saturday so her sister coming down would not be a problem, but mostly because my wife sat playing with herself while she talked on the phone with him. And she said I have to give her the money to pay for the meal. That turned me on on its own!

But it all blows out my plans for the weekend. Don't know what I am going to do now to follow the keep her special plan.

Going to bed now, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

blessing in disguise

Hi Maker
That’s a flop. Maybe a blessing in disguise. Friday evening you will be in David’s house. That means there will be no privacy for them after they return from dinner. Sue said she will not jump when you are around. Could you make sure Sue has her portable phone in her purse, ( an accident could happen) so you can call her during the evening and ask her if she could please pick something up at your house and bring it to you at David’s. Maybe a spare key to your car, you can not find yours. Or a pair of pants, you tore yours. Or you forgot to turn off an electric apparatus .
You could buy a bottle perfume as a gift to Jill and forget it in your house. Any excuse will do. This will get them to your place where they are alone on the couch.
It is possible they have planed the same thing.
The telephone call or the carelessness to forget something gives her a reason to reach for the whip. But she will not get really mad. Your wife seems to enjoy this. Her makeup includes a sado-streak.

The spa appointment I would not cancel. You should tell her about the treat you have arranged for Saturday for her, so she makes no other appointments. And after all you love her to death, and you think she deserves it.
Needs to happen at our house

i think I see what you mean, enser - the problem is that I will be sitting with David's kids at his house, so I need to ensure that they go to our house and bedroom - the thought of them together in our bed! I will work something out. I think you are right. It will be easier for her if I am not in the same house. I would love to watch, I think, but I have to be realistic. Maybe if I rush home when David's wife gets back from her shift? I may have to play this by ear.


Enser drilled the bullseye on this one. Just think what she will be thinking about all the time she is being pampered in the spa Sat. . You, and what you are having her do, she will be elated, as she should be. Your house is the spot if you want it to happen Friday for she will be too nervous to do it where you are. I predict some very sexy fun in you and your wifes future. Plus your friend is going to enjoy your wifes pussy. Your wifes lady friend is going to get something out of this deal, just wait and see. Lucky Man So Enjoy It All. okdeacon
That’s the beauty of it. They know you are babysitting and you can not leave Dave’s house. They know, nobody will burst in on them at your place. David will like this cause he saves hotel room expense. Now, you could also very innocently mention
” our house will be all empty on Friday night; I have to get some automatic timers, that turn lights on and off so it looks occupied.” Or if you have timers,” I should not forget to set the timers, cause the house should not look vacated on Friday night. May be you can plnt the idea in their head.

If they drive in Dave’s car make sure they can park in the garage to hide the vehicle.
Friday Comes

okdeacon said:
Enser drilled the bullseye on this one. Just think what she will be thinking about all the time she is being pampered in the spa Sat. . You, and what you are having her do, she will be elated, as she should be. Your house is the spot if you want it to happen Friday for she will be too nervous to do it where you are. I predict some very sexy fun in you and your wifes future. Plus your friend is going to enjoy your wifes pussy. Your wifes lady friend is going to get something out of this deal, just wait and see. Lucky Man So Enjoy It All. okdeacon

Thanks okdeacon

all going ahead still.

I am a little nervous about what exactly my wife's friend will get out of this, but I agree, she will. I have decided to treat her to a day at the spa as well - and easy treat and she and my wife can have a nice girly chat.

I will take my laptop to the babysitting. I think they have wifi, so I will try to keep in touch. I will need to talk with someone, and I am not planning to call my mother.

Hi Maker,
The husband of your wife’s girlfriend will get a fucking out of this. But that is not so important. Your wife should harvest a terrific orgasm or fife out of this. You might get gray hair waiting for your wife to tell you what happened.
Saturday you should have a hotwife. I hope it all goes well and your nerves hold up.
I am looking forward to your posting.
Hey Maker

No pun intended with that title. Will thinking of you and your wife tonight. Hot Dogs is all I can say. Its going to happen man, Have a hot night tonight. Is she going to bake a pie and let him cum in her? Let us know asap man. The Very Best & Enjoy Your Hot Wife. okdeacon
I am a cuckold

I have to be very brief.

I am making breakfast in bed for my wife, before she goes off for her spa day.

I will try to get back in her later to give more details, but

I took my wife over to David's house and looked after his kids. My wife went out with David. She took him to our house afterwards and he fucked her on our bed. He would not wear a condom, but pulled out and came all over our sheets. His wife got home from work earlier and sat with me until I got a call to say I could go home. She teased me a lot! I got home and had to wait downstairs while David dressed and gor ready to leave, I rushed up to talk with my wife and she told me all about it. I suggested licking her clean in case any sperm had escaped, and she agreed (result!). Actually she was quite strict with me, like when she is giving me a spanking.

She insisted that I slept in the damp patch left by David. I woke up this morning with the sheet stuck to my leg!

Going to take her breakfast in bed and treat her like the queen she is - I will write more later.


A good thing I have ears, so you can see where my mouth ends. Congratulation, You have a hotwife. How are you and how was the time at Davids house waiting?

Having yabbered on in previous posts, I now hardly know where to start.

In answer to Enser's query - waiting was thrilling. I watched my wife bathe and dress at home. Then I drove her to David's house and saw them off. I put his girls to bed ('where's daddy?' "he's gone out to dinner." 'with mummy?' "no - he's gone for dinner with auntie sue") and sat downstairs on my own, trying to watch TV, but all the time imagining what they might be doing. I swear, it was the sexiest night of my life. Sexier than my wedding night.

I had hoped they might call, but they didn't.

Just before midnight David's wife came home. She had spoken with them, and said I had an hour to wait before I could go home. She spent an hour kidding me all about what David would be doing with my wife. She wanted to know if I was excited and made me show her my erection. She said it was only fair as my wife was seeing plenty of her husband's. She said that her husband's was the same size, but thicker. Then the telephone rang and she spoke to my wife, and said that I could go home.

Sue shouted down for me to wait in the living room while she said good bye to David. He came downstairs, smiled and winked and said he would see me next day before he left. I went up to my wife and kissed her. She tasted of cum and the room smelled of sweat and sex.

I know I am sparse on detail - I have so much to say about so much I do not where to start. If you want me to relive anything for you, please tell me, and I will very, very willingly oblige. You have only to ask.

My wife is at the health club with her friend having a spa day, and I guess telling her all the gory details. I am off to pick her up in a few minutes. More thrills!

What happens next? I hardly know what to hope for. Any advice or ideas as ever appreciated.


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