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Thoughts/plans for 2014

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #601
HEY GUYS I'M BACKKKKKKK!!!!!! Seven days goes by sooooooooooo quick. DON'T IT PEAK????
Oh yea Your not to answer Me or PM Me. Per Order Of Steve. (One of Your Wives told Me about that).
  • #602
peakmb said:
Your sense of humour bypass operation is showing again. If I thought you really weren't effective I wouldn't have said it. I would say that a little above average length and width is probably the way to be. Vagina depths can vary as well and anything bigger risks bottoming out with some women which can be painful. Horses for courses.

How would You know its painful??? I have done it to a few women. Yes You have to Becareful.

BTW Harry has proven to be one of the most thoughtful faithful Posters on this Thread. I don't know anyone Who doesn't have the utmost respect for the Man. I have never know Him to say a harsh word about anyone. Even You.
  • #604
SquirmingSub said:
O here is goes yet again...

Admit It. You Missed Me. BTW Didn't the memo say to ignore Me. Maybe I'll go away?

I'm sure You meant to say IT. As in "O here it goes yet again..." Not "O here is goes yet again..."
  • #606
peakmb said:
Still off the meds I see.

I was going to come back with a snarky comeback. But thought about it. I call You to task for insulting a Well Respected Poster. Harry. His post always are well thought out. And are written with such class. You have done this a lot to Posters over the Years.

Look You want to believe this thread is Real. Go For It. I Don't. Sorry Sue finds love in a bread store?

In Boxing there is a term for a person (boxer) like You. "A Bleeder" You can give a pretty good punch. But when You get hit the first time You start bleeding.

Peak at this point I've got nothing to lose here. I intend to tone it down. But I will speak My mind. I will not trade barbs with You.
  • #607
Will - based on your recent remarks it would seem that you have not had a relationship like Steve & Sue's or any true experience with others that have had. I have and currently do so I can truly relate to Steve's post and if you do not like it here and think what he is saying is not real, why not keep you replies to yourself, leave everyone to there own vice and move on to another issues on another thread. Yes a woman can find a future partner anywhere and yes that can include the local bread store as these types of places that Steve spoke of caters towards a wide range of people.
  • #608
SquirmingSub said:
Will - based on your recent remarks it would seem that you have not had a relationship like Steve & Sue's or any true experience with others that have had. I have and currently do so I can truly relate to Steve's post and if you do not like it here and think what he is saying is not real, why not keep you replies to yourself, leave everyone to there own vice and move on to another issues on another thread. Yes a woman can find a future partner anywhere and yes that can include the local bread store as these types of places that Steve spoke of caters towards a wide range of people.

Don't Assume!!! I've been in this lifestyle for a while. Which is why I find this turn very hard to believe. I talked to Sue. By way of Email. I got know what she was looking for as far as a Lover Goes. You don't find that man in That College Class. Or That Sandwich/Bread Store. Look You want to believe in Love. Great!!! But Squirming Sub, We are on The Slut Wives Board. WE are talking about SEX. There is a deference between being in Love. And having Sex. I know the difference.

You may or may not believe this. I as a Dom. Do have respect for You being a sub. I need subs to be a Dom. Just as You need Dom's to be sub.
gets boring with out each other. Yes I have some cuckold couple right now. No I see no reason to post about it here. ( Have said this before).

You want to believe Steve. I'm not stopping You. Go For it. Truth be told I like Story. ( I liked Moby Dick and Mister Roberts) But I find it hard to believe it to be true. Just Me. Look We just disagree about this. Nothing more. PM Me You'll See.
  • #609
Well, our daughter is off at college and so-far, so-good. Keeping our fingers crossed. Sue is torn between emotional extremes since dropping her off - loving the upcoming sense of freedom one minute and mourning the "loss" of our little girl... Our son is home till next weekend after which things will truly change at home.

Sue's emailed Paul a bit and they're meeting for lunch again this week at which time they'll decide on what's next. She's already suggested that the three of us get together and, no surprise, she said he's a bit reluctant so far, not fully understanding how things work between her and I.

Not much more to share for now.
  • #610
Always a bad time when the last child leaves the nest.

Now why don't You take this Paul out to lunch. ( but to a place that has Real Man's Food) and explain what's going on?
  • #613
far2easy said:
Ever consider emailing him and letting him know it's fine?

Look This has happened to Me. Wife got a hold of Her Husbands email. And sent an email in his name. He was not totally on board with this. Paul may not be the trusting sort.

Look this is what a real cuckold would do to help His Wife. If He were telling the Truth. Now if he were writing a story to spite someone? He may just go on doing what he wants.
  • #614
You know I try to ignore the ignorance here but sometimes I just have to point it out.

I think I've said it several times already that we still have 1 kid at home this summer. Will, I guess you never had kids (thankfully) or you'd understand that you can't just run off when you like. Yeah, he may be older but it's the last week before a holiday weekend before he goes back so either we'd be crappy parents and blow him off because mom wants to get laid - or we be the parents we've been all along and make sure we have a nice last few days with him.

You know Will, you talk a good game here but sometimes you really show how out of touch with reality you are. Here we have a guy who's met my wife a total of 3 times so far, two where they had more than 5 minutes together - and yet you think it'd be good for me to send him an Email and say "hey - it's okay if you want to fuck my wife.". Sure we've talked about the possibilities and that email might be cool when Sue says she's okay with that - but right now, she's undecided still. Sorry if she doesn't meet your slutty standards there Will, but she doesn't just jump into bed with everyone she meets. But ahhh, again, reality sets in that you seem to have a hard time believing that our lives aren't ruled by our genitals.
  • #615
SoonToBe said:
You know I try to ignore the ignorance here but sometimes I just have to point it out.

I think I've said it several times already that we still have 1 kid at home this summer. Will, I guess you never had kids (thankfully) or you'd understand that you can't just run off when you like. Yeah, he may be older but it's the last week before a holiday weekend before he goes back so either we'd be crappy parents and blow him off because mom wants to get laid - or we be the parents we've been all along and make sure we have a nice last few days with him.

You know Will, you talk a good game here but sometimes you really show how out of touch with reality you are. Here we have a guy who's met my wife a total of 3 times so far, two where they had more than 5 minutes together - and yet you think it'd be good for me to send him an Email and say "hey - it's okay if you want to fuck my wife.". Sure we've talked about the possibilities and that email might be cool when Sue says she's okay with that - but right now, she's undecided still. Sorry if she doesn't meet your slutty standards there Will, but she doesn't just jump into bed with everyone she meets. But ahhh, again, reality sets in that you seem to have a hard time believing that our lives aren't ruled by our genitals.

Stevie its Your Story. Your the One that's pushing His Wife on Other Men. And Writing About It.
As far as Children go. You know I have two Son. You read all My Emails to Sue. You know My Life Story. Don't Play Dumb Now. Its unbecoming.

I told You before this Bunch doesn't care about that part of Your Life That Isn't Ruled By Your Genitals. Talk about that ride in the mini van to the shore to get ice cream. Or picking out drapes. and nothing else. See how many hits You get. Please Steve, Get Real.

So to recap ( I have been gone for seven days.) Remember? Sue's met Paul in this Bread Store. 3x For less than 5 mins each. Nothing has happened yet. To hear some of the others I had the impression They were Apt. hunting. Or your stuff was already in the basement. Should have know. Look what happened with Robert. After one date they had You living in a cardboard box. LOL.
But a few emails only. No Date Yet? Much less a kiss. No feel. Boy I'm disappointed.
  • #616
Ahhh, so now the truth comes out. You're bored by my postings about going to the store or whatever.
As we've said all along, it's my post, I'll say what I want, but I surely don't post it here because I am looking at a hit-counter.

Perhaps I'll tell you about what we're having for dinner tonight. I think tonight will be hamburgers on the grill. Hopefully we'll have some corn on the cob too. I prefer a little sugar in the water with the corn but it's also quite good on the grill left in the husk.
  • #618
Some people just can't take a hint.
  • #620
This is far and away the best series of threads on this site and has been for some considerable time. It's an intimate, cosy place sometimes, an atmosphere not helped by a raging sociopath concerned only with his own perspective and agenda. I know it's a fine line to tread in policing an open site, but protection is needed or the essence of the thread is lost.
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