The funny thing was, as I've written before, that there was an evolution on my part from wanting exclusivity when we met to not minding her having other partners to now when I actually want her to. There's a line in Mamma Mia when the character Sophia says of her mother played by Meryl Streep, "I don't care if you've slept with hundreds of men", I always tease my wife and say "gee hon, they're talking about you", she smirks/smiles coyly and I get an instant hard-on.
I can't get her to give up details, though on occasion she alludes to her very active sex life in broad strokes, but not only in private when we are with other people, like she's strutting. As an example, we were in the showroom of the motorcycle dealership were we worked and they're were a bunch of us talking, male & female about sex and we got on the subject of blow jobs, without hesitation and or prompting she blurted out that 'all men taste different and I should know I've sucked a lot of dicks'. By the way she always swallows. Or when we were or with a group of friends and we were talking about the good old days, the 60s & 70s and she let everybody know that she was a real product of 'sex, drugs and rock'n'roll', that the sex part kinda kept her too busy to get into the drugs and rock'n'roll part. And when one of our friends said 'that busy', she responded, who keeps count and that she kinda lost track after a while.
But it's the details I want. I ask questions about how many, anyone I know, any women or only men, any group things, etc. She told me vaguely, that broad stroke again, men only, no groups, no one I know. I feel like I have to water-board her to give up the details. And the question is always can I believe her, I always felt I could but then.
We went to to community event a few months ago, and I'm sitting at a table while she works the room and the guy sitting at the table with me strikes up a conversation which soon turns to a review of the women in the distance, you the deal, looks, fuckability, etc. Then he says, "holy shit, I think I know her." "Which one?" I ask, he describes a blond that turns out to be my wife, I don't say anything, he says "at least I think so, it' been awhile". "What do you mean?" I ask. "She sure looks a lot like some broad I did a few years back, maybe 20-25 years ago can't really remember when at this moment, but she sure has gained weight, she was a real looker back then". "Still is a looker", I say. "Yeah", he responds, "but back then, if it's her, she was a real wildcat". "You really remember back that far?", I pump him for more information. "I could never forget", he says. "You know The Old Fashioned that used to be on Main St in Nyack", I nod that I do. "That used to be pickup central, I was at the bar with a bunch friends and this knockout blond, it's gotta be her, sits next to me and accidentally nudges me, I turn towards her and she smiles, and we get into a few minutes of small talk, and somehow we get on the subject of cars and she tells me she loves vans but wouldn't own one, I ask her if she wants to see a decked out van in the lot, so I ask one of the guys I'm with to give me the keys to his van. We head outside and I unlock the back and she climbs in, she extends her hand for me to join her. No sooner than I get the door shut, she's on me, in less time than it's taking me to tell you this, she's got my cock in her mouth. I few minutes of sucking and she's on her back, legs in the air and I'll never forget this phrase, she tells me to "jump her bones." I think to myself, that's almost enough proof, that's what she's said time after time again, TO ME. "She's a wildcat", he says. "I wouldn't exactly classify that as a wildcat", I respond feeling a little defense. "Well, I fuck her for all I'm worth and she doesn't let me pull out when I'm gonna cum. When I'm done I pull out and she takes my cock and licks me clean. I pull up my pants as she continues to lay there. The door opens and the van owner sticks his head in and asks if we're done yet, I say yes, she says come on in. I switch places with him and stand outside with my other buds who left the bar as well. We're talking and smoking as the door opens and he exits, from within the van I hear her shout, NEXT. So we're hanging out yakking outside the van, the guys who are done and the guys waiting." "Now I see why you call her a wildcat, you and your 3 friends", I say defining the numbers. "Fuck no", he says. "That was me and my 5 friends and them some". "What'd'ya mean", I say. "I left after she did us 6. But the van owner had to to wait until she was all done, it was hours, my friend said he lost count, but she ran a pretty good train, guys in the bar kept her busy or maybe it was her keeping them busy. Any way, I'm pretty sure it's her." These were his parting words as he left the event.
I was as hard as I've ever been and can't wait to get her home. We're barely in bed and I'm on her, then in her. Doesn't take very long, I'm done filling her with my cum. As I'm dismounting I joke a little and say "next". She doesn't laugh with me.
First let me say I'm pretty sure it was her that this guy described, besides the "jump my bones", I had asked her in the past about getting a van and she said she loves vans but wouldn't own one, and she often likes to lick me clean after we fuck. I know all it's circumstantial evidence. But it fits. Am I being foolish to now think shes lied to me when she said no groups, or is the circumstantial evidence just that? Second, if it is her how can I get her to give up the details without the lie thing getting in the way? Thirdly, if it is her how can I get her to do it again and me watch or at least document it for posterity. Lastly if it is her and we get past the lie thing and get her to do it again, how do get her to make it a regular happening?