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Scars Of African **** - True

  • Thread starterqwerty2000
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After reading some of these, you can understand why I am so concerned and finding it hard to bring myself to be with an unknown man by myself. I really wish my husband was into allowing me the freedom to choose but be there to protect me. Even if he could not protect me, it is someone with me, I am not alone. I truly am scared but wanting. So far more scared than wanting. I have only had one extramarital affair and it was a disaster but it proved I could do it.
I think this is total BS. Nigeria has its problems so does every other african nation. I myself am Nigerian but glad I was not born there and hence have not inherited the bad nature that majority of Nigerians have. Suffice to say, I had good parents who raised me right, taught me how to respect people irrespective of their skin color. So in short, not all Nigerians are the same. Some can show respect if they have been brought up right and others can right down low dirty bastards which is a shame as Nigeria has the potential of becoming a great country but it is being let down by the government and the majority of the greedy populace. But as MixedGodess said, blaming an entire race of people just cos of the actions of a group of stupid men really is IMO, inciting hatred on those who have not done anything and racism on the whole black community!!

@gatorTim: all africa hates Nigerians???? Where the hell do u get ur facts from??? Sounds to me like you have been listening to those who just want to spout rubbish against all nigerians, instead of getting to know for yourself... SAD!!
I wasn't going to post, but the generalizations here are quite bad. Just for the sake of discussion and stating the obvious, not all Nigerians are scammers, crooks, liars, rapists, or thieves. An entire nation should not be labeled as such as is being done on this board. I am Nigerian and my family is very well educated and lives all over the world, and unfortunately the broad brush being used here is quite disturbing.

Also, there is a significant number of Nigerians in western countries that conduct themselves like normal people, and contribute greatly to whatever society they are part of. So, let's call B.S. put things in perspective before attacking an entire nation on generalities. To move in this precarious direction you may as well consider every country, and it's problems and ****** everyone for what they are, flawed and imperfect. No group or nation of people is without it's sins. I am not silly enough to claim not, but let's not go down this rather easy path.

Additionally, if one was **** why post on this site? This of all places would be the last to consider for rehabilitation purposes. Secondly, if there is any truth to the story seek a mental health professional to deal with your problems, and simply deal with black men as individuals. Some good, some not which is quite reflective of the rest of the human population on this planet.
Please bear in mind that the original post was probably a wind up post, as heyray77 posting to a an inter-racial forum is not the act one would expect from someone being ****.

There are plenty of people on this site who do not appreciate the genre and organise threads of their own to pander to their prejudices.

Africa is a wonderful place and African men are more sexually aggressive, but usually with a sparkle in their eye and a ready laugh to hand, rather than through intimidation or fear, though showing timidity in Africa is not a good policy.

Of course if you wander off into the wrong areas you may be at risk, but that could happen in many western cities!
I am so sorry about what happen to you in Africa and my heart goes out to you, but that **** that you experience could have happen right here in the United States by a group of white male. I get tried of ALL YOU WHITE PEOPLE saying that ALL BLACKMEN are bad, ******, drug dealers, thugs. I think that you WHITE women should look at some of your own, your grandfathter, father, sons, brother, forefathers, uncles, and for that matter other WHITE FEMALES. There have been many ****, hangings, murders, countless other deeds that WHITE **** have inflicted on the black man and black woman. Look at the deeds of your own WHITE people and their HISTORY toward BLACK before you come on this sight and make your statements. Watch, ROOTS, MISSISSIPPI BURNIG, ROSEWOOD and countless other really life racial encounters, and many that we will never know anything about. LOKK at the WHITEMAN and the WHITEWOMAN, they both have not only **** but KILLED millions BLACKS!
I take offense to the gross generalization of an entire race of men because some low lives that just happen to be black did this most disgusting thing. Just the other day and a group of whites imprisoned a black girl and repeatedly **** and abuse her. Yet I don’t see this gross generalization against whites. Through out history whites have **** and abuse black women, yet no such generalization. I condemn the actions of the few.
If that **** really happened it had to be a horrible ordeal. In my dealing with my black lovers from the age of 22 thru 47 years old they have been excellent gentlemen and have treated me very well. Yes I like it rough from time to time but is it only playing. My black males have been all sexy and most of all real gentlemen.
i know this is a fantasy site but honestly i just need to say that black men should not be painted with that brush. i really feel terrible for what happened to you, but it wasnt due to an inherant cruelty of the race, but an ingrained behavior built into some people of a war torn continent. Human Life has been devalued so drastically in some african nations in the past 30 years and it is mainly learned behavior of the european invadors for the past 400 years.

i am a white male but i cant just sit and let someone say there is evil in the hearts of blackmen. this site kind of promotes this dominant black male and submissive white female fantasy, but in reality ive been close to black males since childhood and have called a few brother. i can tell you ive been as close to these fellas as my own brother or any other friends and there is some deep seated anger but never cruelty.

the only truly cruel people ive ever met were white to be honest. im not sanctifying black folk, i mean ive fought and bled with them and have a few i really hate, but thats a personal issue between two individuals, not because i tihnk theres a genetic evil.

anyway i just cant really go for it. im sorry for your pain and i understand it, i would never tell you not to feel the way you do. my post is more aimed at those women you aimed your post at.

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