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Scars Of African **** - True

  • Thread starterqwerty2000
  • Start date
Sorry, but...

Well, Vivien, I do feel very sorry for you. I do think, however, what happened to you doesn't have anything to do with the color of the men's skin. I can show you areas in the USA, in Miami, in LA, in Chicago, where exactly the same can happen to you, done by white men, by hispanics, or by blacks. The only difference would probaly be that the men there would put a bullet in your head after.
It is not fair to blame what happened to you on black people.
My husband used to travel arab countries for work in the late 80ies. He has seen a lot there done to women by arab men. He says he has even seen slaves in chains in south Sudan. This doesn't mean all people down there are bad.

I personally stay away from trouble and don't venture out in unkown areas in countries I don't know.
i agree with hotcouple,it definately seems to be a strange place to post a tale of gang **** and asking for understanding on a site that caters for fantasy and reality of black men white women fucking in all its glory.
this guy really knows how to tell a story right?

"I remember them all kneeling down around me and rubbing my body over and over again".....**** don't do that! (black or white).

And if that happened to you anywhere in the world you'd be killed after "fella"!
That story is BullShit!!

FaceFiller said:
"I remember them all kneeling down around me and rubbing my body over and over again".....**** don't do that! (black or white).

And if that happened to you anywhere in the world you'd be killed after "fella"!

That's a BS story IMO!!:lame: I bet expatdad will tell you the same thing! A white woman gang**** in Africa hardly ever makes it back to tell the story!! African pimps aren't going to let a commodity like that get away!!:pimp:
Sinde said:
Those that have the details of these events, please email me the whole story. Some things seem to be left out at times..... sinde4u@yahoo.com
thank you...

Why? So you can go to the UN and protest? Or so you can wank?

I'm sorry, but **** is disgusting, and I wish all the **** and **** fans on here would go to another site... or better yet, to Hell.
That's Right

Who said that Nigeria is at the east of Cameroon? That person is obviously very uneducated.

Just a comment on the person who said it takes an hour an a half train ride in Lagos. Obviously this person is very uneducated. It does not take no more than 20 or 30 minutes at the max.

I noticed most people on this forum have some type of hate against Africans (especially Nigerians). And I must say that a lot of these people aren't good at telling non-fiction stories.
do u think only black men can be bad?

Violence and **** has nothing to do with race. You should not assume that all men are the same. I have heard stories of white soldiers ****** young black girls. Were they entitled to do so?
Yes, I like black men a lot, they seem extremely attractive to me. I have met good and bad blacks, because character is connected to other things than skin color. I feel sorry for you and hope you get over your trauma soon.
Hatred has never solved anyone's problems.

Someone recently did a google search using: Harare ****, and pointed it out to me.

It gives a demonstration on the issue

I'm sorry to read your story. I agree this is not the place to tell it other than to warn women that **** can happen anywhere but more often if you are in a place you should not be.

My advice to women is to always travel in groups. Look out for one another. Never go overseas to cultures you are not familier with. All black people are not bad. All of any race is not bad. You must be careful not to place yourself in a situation or place where you are likely to be attacked. For instance going to a party with 8 guys who are drinking and then being surprised that you got ****. Again, ladies don't put yourself in a vulnerable position.

Please do get some help....but this is definitely not the place for it.
I do not see how you can visit african and NOT know how terrible the nigerians are. All africa hates them - the ghanians call them "the alata" meaning the godless ppl. Seems someone - one of ur "friends" would of told u.

Unlike most on this site I am white and only date black women. I can assure u - all africans know what nigerians are. It was very foolish for anyone to of sent u there.
This story is false. There are no trains in Lagos. I have been there several times for work. This is a completely fictional account. Nigeria has no mass transit system. It's infastructure is very poor. The only way to commute between cities are in private cars,taxis, or minivans packed with commuters on public roads.
Nigeria has no rail system.

This is another attention seeking individual with a vivid immagination.

It's actually pathetic that someone would post such a detailed account of a fictional traumatic experience to gain sympathy from total strangers on the internet.

This is another attempt to portray Africans in a negative light.
Whether This Thread Is True Or Not...

quteassonfire said:
Violence and **** has nothing to do with race. You should not assume that all men are the same. I have heard stories of white soldiers ****** young black girls. Were they entitled to do so?
Yes, I like black men a lot, they seem extremely attractive to me. I have met good and bad blacks, because character is connected to other things than skin color. I feel sorry for you and hope you get over your trauma soon.
Hatred has never solved anyone's problems.

The above quote has truth to it. **** has no color. Also, this could have happened in Detroit, New York, L.A. or small town USA for that matter as well as it could in Nigeria.

Recently, the media has found yet another way to stir up the word "nigger". I have come to the conclusion that this word is needed because I see it as meaning: an inferior, lazy, stupid and criminally inclined person. All races have bad people or niggers. It has no color to it. If this **** did occur then I believe that this lady happened to run into a group of niggers. Any person whether they are black, white or purple can be labeled a "nigger". I have met white people who I would label niggers. You have black people, white people and niggers in all races.
hm, I rarely post here because there is so much BS. And this story seems to be, too, which really is sad. It makes me angry to read about those stereotypes. First of all, real **** is, as most experts say, not about sex but about power. It happens in all societies, countries and among all races.

But that is not why I am angry. I am angry at the strange depiction of Africa. It seems either some romanticize it here, or vilify it. Both groups probably have never been there.

Yes, there are some very dangerous places in Africa, places that are very dangerous to the Africans themselves and even more to foreigners who don't know what they are facing. South Africa has a very high violent crime rate, so has Nigeria and Kenya. And don't even start talking about Darfur. Or Rwanda. Or Congo.

But, Mexico also has such a high crime rate. Or Washington DC. In all these places a foreigner who has no idea about the local customs can get into trouble fast.

I have been in Africa, in Kenya and Zambia, and I know that there are huge differences within the continent. A difference like between Bozeman, Montana and Washington DC. Zambia is a very nice place, with poor but very gentle people. Kenya is tougher, as any Zambian actually will tell you ("what? You are going to Kenya? Be careful!!") And Nigeria also has a certain reputation.

But as I said, there are places in Mexico where violent crime is rampant. I walked through some tough neighborhoods in Mexico city, with my kids, (not knowing they were tough) and nothing ever happened. I came back safely from Africa and was enchanted by the gentleness of the people there. I will go again soon. I am more afraid of going to Washington DC.

Africa is a huge continent. You find everything there. You can't just paint the picture black only (pun intended :) ) So let's stay real.
Mexico also hasn't been involved in a civil war for as long as I can remember, and neither has Washington DC.
This story is false. There are no trains in Lagos. I have been there several times for work. This is a completely fictional account. Nigeria has no mass transit system. It's infastructure is very poor. The only way to commute between cities are in private cars,taxis, or minivans packed with commuters on public roads.
Nigeria has no rail system.

This is another attention seeking individual with a vivid immagination.

It's actually pathetic that someone would post such a detailed account of a fictional traumatic experience to gain sympathy from total strangers on the internet.

This is another attempt to portray Africans in a negative light.
I think it was established some time ago that this 'story' was just a fiction by american teen idiots
stella said:
hm, I rarely post here because there is so much BS. And this story seems to be, too, which really is sad. It makes me angry to read about those stereotypes. First of all, real **** is, as most experts say, not about sex but about power. It happens in all societies, countries and among all races.

But that is not why I am angry. I am angry at the strange depiction of Africa. It seems either some romanticize it here, or vilify it. Both groups probably have never been there.

Yes, there are some very dangerous places in Africa, places that are very dangerous to the Africans themselves and even more to foreigners who don't know what they are facing. South Africa has a very high violent crime rate, so has Nigeria and Kenya. And don't even start talking about Darfur. Or Rwanda. Or Congo.

But, Mexico also has such a high crime rate. Or Washington DC. In all these places a foreigner who has no idea about the local customs can get into trouble fast.

I have been in Africa, in Kenya and Zambia, and I know that there are huge differences within the continent. A difference like between Bozeman, Montana and Washington DC. Zambia is a very nice place, with poor but very gentle people. Kenya is tougher, as any Zambian actually will tell you ("what? You are going to Kenya? Be careful!!") And Nigeria also has a certain reputation.

But as I said, there are places in Mexico where violent crime is rampant. I walked through some tough neighborhoods in Mexico city, with my kids, (not knowing they were tough) and nothing ever happened. I came back safely from Africa and was enchanted by the gentleness of the people there. I will go again soon. I am more afraid of going to Washington DC.

Africa is a huge continent. You find everything there. You can't just paint the picture black only (pun intended :) ) So let's stay real.
Stella has it right here. Though I don't think Kenya has the violence these days as bad as it had 3 or 4 years ago.

It is a pretty safe place to visit if you use a bit of common sense.

There is serious trouble in the North of Kenya, but tourists tend not to go there.

One of the problems in Kenya as that some of the politicians there have no scruples in stirring up tribal fighting and Central Kenya has seen some of this in the last few months, but that is very much tribal and politicking rather than criminal voilence.
It is my opinion your ordeal was horrible irregardless of the color of the men's skin. It would have been no less horrible had they been white and I think you need to understand that. I am sorry for your trauma and I'm sorry for every other woman's trauma who has been where you are. Like Anna-MWF said, you cannot judge an entire race by the actions of a few bad men. You should have just said "I was brutally **** by a group of men".
I'm over 50, black and a gentleman.
Rite i have read this lady's story and i can tell you that its TOTALLY untrue - Nigeria for one dont have a day-to-day train service and the only train that runs is like once's in a Year if you are lucky. 2, Nigeria is in West Africa, so this lady has her facts very very wrong. Its true that Nigerians are scammers but one thing that they dont do is gang **** due to their up bringing and families. This lady has told a lie and people that believes are needs their head checking or needs to be more educated on the whole Nigerian culture.

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