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Preparing Your White Daughter For Interracial Dating

  • Thread starterLattrell
  • Start date
  • #101
Spelunking in Dark Cavern

I always wondered if I would hear that someone came to this site while seeking actual caves. My wife was black preg with her first baby when she married me at age 29. I was 18. If not obvious, I am a white male married to a busty blond female. I have never had sex with her. She has given me occasianl hand jobs and that is it. Her lover of 14 years (father of the baby) even came on our honeymoon. She no longer serves black only and has 3 white babies. I would like to get her back to Black only. She is 52 now and I will soon be 42. I have never put my tool in anyone except their hand. I stopped trying a couple decades ago. I HAVE observed that white women in general can take the biggest sex organs in them. Black men OFTEN offer that. It may be a factor. well, I do not want to get too racial here so bye for now and good luck.
  • #102

This thread is the most disgusting I have read. What kind of parents would encourage their daughters to sleep with young men who we all know play the field at every opportunity. The truth is black men are infecting women with HIV at record rates, here in the US. Black women are the biggest group because of their black mates. Put your perversions aside and do whats right. Keep those promiscous fools away from your daughters!! Too the so called administrator....You are trash!
  • #103


It is pretty obvious that you are Flying Egle from other posts. Looking at the content, its obvious you are a poster child for a sexually repressed white woman.

Please read the Janury 4th post from neat-n-petite on page 1 of this section. Try going to Sandy's real web site and you will see and understand what you have been missing.


But be careful, it will only leave you more repressed.

It's virtually impossible to hold the racists feelings you post and still be here reading in this forum. There is something missing!

  • #104

I think that our "guest" does most of his posting hoping to get people stirred up. I have had to delete a few of his posts because they were just hateful. This one came close.
  • #105
blacks spread disease

Sandy who. I sure hope I am opening some eyes here. Leave the kids out of your perversions. How can a mother do that to her daughter? Thats my beef. Setting your daughter up to be used by blackmen should be a felony. Let her make the choice if she wants too.
  • #106

I agree with you, that is why I did not censor your post. As a moderator I try not to censor too much but some people do go over the line. I do not condon many of the things people discuss here but rather than delete their posts, I try to bring some reality into the discussion. In this case, I probably should have piped up sooner. You are right to slap my hand.
  • #107


I went back and looked over the thread. I really don't see and so called "sick perversions" about white parents setting up their under age children to be sexed by black men?

That would be illegal. Freebird is only a troubleshooter making up whatever she/he wants to make a point.

If something is illegal.....you delete it. Anyone on Dark Cavern would do the same!!

  • #108

I deleted a couple of posts and that may be the reason you did not see what Freebird was concerned about.
  • #110

I have been putting most of my work on my blog site at


but I have been also looking at yahoo's adult web community for people who want to contribute. any suggestions?
  • #111
Where to post


I have had great success at yahoo groups; I am preparing to establish a site to the great Jean Afrique in yahoo groups. Can you send me the pics and verbiage for Preparing Your White Daughter For Interracial Dating to my yahoo account at bdoeclub@yahoo.com.

Your Fan,
  • #112
SandyWho said:

I have been putting most of my work on my blog site at


but I have been also looking at yahoo's adult web community for people who want to contribute. any suggestions?

Sandy, I too have bemoaned the demise of your "Friends and Lovers" site. I especially miss Black Zeppelin's photo stories that used to be posted on that site. What has happened to them ? From what I can tell, they're not on your current site.
  • #113
Request for help

Does anyone have the instruction, storyline or pics for "Preparing Your White Daughter For Interracial Dating"

If so please send to bdoeclub@yahoo.com

  • #116
Ignorance is Bliss

Neat 'n Petite said:
Sandy, this is a subject that deserves plenty of attention, because down here in my area, interracial dating is becoming very prevalent, but for some reason, I don't quite understand, almost every IR couple I 've seen is a black guy with a white girl. Only very rarely do we ever see a white guy with a black girl. Why is this ? Perhaps I'm just naive, but there are scads of really cute black girls at my daughter's school but only 2 or 3 are seen out with a white BF, whereas at the school dances I chaperone, there must be a couple of dozen black guys dancing with the white girls, including on occasion, my own daughter. Must be a status symbol thing...or just the cool thing to be seen doing....and what's so neat about it, the white girls are doing most of the instigating. Go figure....

BTW....it might do me some good if I could view the article referred to above on your website. How do I go about getting registered so I can ? I'm pretty new to all this computer access stuff.

The reason that white girls are attracted to black men is because of the racist child rearing that is done since birth, you tell your daughters not to date black men for a multitude of ignorant racist reasons, and the majority of females will go for the forbidden and the taboo. So if you take the stigma associated with interracial dating it wouldn't be such a fad, which is all that it is, like I've said earlier these people would have sex with animals if it were socially acceptable.
  • #117
farrakhan said:
The reason that white girls are attracted to black men is because of the racist child rearing that is done since birth, you tell your daughters not to date black men for a multitude of ignorant racist reasons, and the majority of females will go for the forbidden and the taboo. So if you take the stigma associated with interracial dating it wouldn't be such a fad, which is all that it is, like I've said earlier these people would have sex with animals if it were socially acceptable.

Some of what is said here has an element of truth, but that last remark strikes me as an insensitive testamant to IR relationships...IF the writer is trying to compare black men to animals. Our daughter has been enjoying a very loving IR relationship with her black bf for over two years, and neither she, nor I consider him an animal, but a very intelligent, articulate gentlemen who happens to prefer a white girl as his partner.

I wanted to respond, since my earlier post was referenced.
  • #118
By Example

Neat 'n Petite said:
Some of what is said here has an element of truth, but that last remark strikes me as an insensitive testamant to IR relationships...IF the writer is trying to compare black men to animals. Our daughter has been enjoying a very loving IR relationship with her black bf for over two years, and neither she, nor I consider him an animal, but a very intelligent, articulate gentlemen who happens to prefer a white girl as his partner.

I have to agree with Neat'n Petite. It really does lend itself to a racist interpretation.

I divorced my white husband because I wanted to be with my black lover.
Yes, the sex was better but also because he wanted me more than anyone else ever did.

My daughters from my first marriage see black boys (though not exclusively) and I didn't have to encourage them - they had my relationship with Damon as an example.

  • #119
The link dont work

Anonymous said:

I was on your web site:


and noticed a very informative photo article about helping white parents deal with the preparation of innterrial dating. It was a 10-step guide that offered both very sexy photos and many truths regarding this popular trend. You also have a 10-step guide for married white females who wish to try an interracial affairs. I just want to thank you for helping white parents and husbands understand the depth of sexual attraction between white females and their black male counterparts.

It makes sense if you think about it. African-American males are dominant amongst the male species. They are stronger, have larger sexual organs/drives, and are more attractive than any other race of males. Most males who have a choice will chose a white female. Therefore, it only makes sense that the best should have the best. I am so happy to see that the future is now!!

Thanks for the good work!

I tried the link and it dont work.... if anyone has a new link or a copy of the story i woul dlove to see it.

feel free to email me.
  • #120
passive_hotwife said:
I tried the link and it dont work.... if anyone has a new link or a copy of the story i woul dlove to see it.

feel free to email me.

Unfortunately, Sandy's link has been defunct for over a year now, ever since MSN screwed up their adult sites. The photo article referred to was a classic in the encouragement of IR dating.

I consider the site's demise a huge loss for the IR community, for while it was active, it contributed to the passion of IR relationships in ways no other site has equalled.

Right, Zep ??

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