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  • Thread startersteve_o_420
  • Start date
  • #141



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  • #142

she is so sexy in tha 4th pic


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  • #143

Penelope Cruz is so freaking HOT!!!! and your right in the forth pic she is soo sexy she looks like she is slipping her high heels off or something to climb in bed and do what you typed
  • #145
the truth hurts

Hey steve your such a loser no wonder your girlfriend has nothing to do with you anymore. Just think about it she is still with you but she never makes love to you anymore. She never wants to kiss you anymore, she never holds your hand in public anymore like she use to. Come on are you really that dumb and blind that you cant see she dont love you anymore. I dont know why she is even still with you unless you make alot of money. Just by what you have told me I would bet that she is cheating on you not only with her bosses son but with Gabe, Scott, and your brother. Last time you was on hello you sent me these pics and told me that was what you done lol each pic was your load. That should tell you that you are a fuckin loser that you have to cum on the pics cause you could never get anyone to let you cum on them, and look at how much you came a 12 year old or 80 year old could cum more than that you should be ashamed. So why dont you just face it you will never be good enough for anyone or anything but your hand hahahaa


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  • #147

bendmeandtakeme2 said:
Some mean bitches, and some bitches having fun
Nice I really liked tha last one and partygirl ur so right on everything u said I use to hope she would never cheat on me or hurt me in anyway cause I love her so much but now I want to watch her with another man, watch her have a real man and when she is done she would get up slap me and tell me how much better he was and how much of a loser I am. Two reasons why I want this 1. cause I find it a turn on 2. cause maybe she wont leave me if she can do what she wants and fuck who she wants and thx 4 tha comment Hott! It prolly wasnt intended for that but u know me :)
  • #148
arabic wifes'first time

who likes to watch his wife with strangers too(specially blacks) ???
i am looking forward to meet black bulls in my area Amman Jordan for such fun.....


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  • #149

if u like it just let me know


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  • #150
last part

waiting for such pics...


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  • #154

LittleDickLoser said:
hey steve_o can i get u to email me or post in here when u get sexy celebs 2 done?
Im working on it right now. I had It done last night and when I was about to save It frooze on me and when I logged back onto wmm It didnt find it so I had to start over but now after I add a few clips I will save as so incase it freezes again I wont lose anything or much. I should be done tonight I'll post It In here when Im done
  • #155
Wanna Ride

My friend Scott called me a few years ago and said he just bought a new 4wheeler and asked If he can bring It over to my parents house to test It out since they have alot of land. I said sure I'll meet you over there In a hour or so. I stopped by my girlfriends house and picked her up When we arrived at my parents house Scott was already there unloading his 4wheeler. We walked up to him and I asked him when he is done can I take Jenn for a ride she's never been on a 4wheeler and he looked at her and said get on I'll take you for a ride I've been riding 4wheelers alot longer than Steve so I can show you a better time and you dont have to worry about me wrecking. I looked at Jenn and said Its up to you baby and she got on the back and they they drove off. I waited on them to come back for a while, an hour passed and I couldnt hear the 4wheeler anymore so I started to worry. Scott use to ride 4wheelers all thru those woods and no matter how far back he went you could still hear the 4wheeler. So my first thought was something happend maybe his 4wheeler broke down so I started walking thru the woods looking for them. I walked for almost 30 minutes then I heard the 4 wheeler start up from a far distance. I stood there for a little while to make sure It was running ok, I could hear it getting closer. Moments later they came passing by me really fast but kept going. I walked back to the house and there was Jenn and Scott sitting on the 4wheeler. Jenn's arms were wrapped around Scott and her head resting on his back. Soon as they heard me walking up Scott got off the 4wheeler. He asked where have I been and I told him I was looking for them I couldnt hear the 4wheeler anymore so I took off walking looking for them and he said yeah It stop running for a little while. Jenn starts to say I wanna drive It and Scott said I dont know Its not running right. Ahh come on Jenn says pleease. I dont know Scott said Its taking a big risk of messing it up bad I would but let me get It running right first I'll bring It back over here when I do and you can ride It all day If you want. Jenn said If It messes up I will pay for It, come on I'll do anything you want just let me drive it to the end of the woods and back. You'll do anything Scott said. "Anything" just name It and I will do It said Jenn. Ok lift your shirt and show me your boobs. She didnt think twice she lifted her top and since she wasnt wearing a bra out came her tits. Scott said hold on a sec and he pulled out his cellphone cam and took a pic. I got pissed and walked In the house. I was looking out the window and seen him take a few more pics one pic she unbutton her pants, put her hand down them and sucked on her finger. I thought damn she must really want to drive a 4wheeler and my parents were home at the time but she didnt care though she was bound to drive it. Luckly my parents stayed In the living room and watched tv the whole time. Anyways Scott got on back of the 4wheeler and they took off. This time they stayed gone about 3 hours untill the sun went down. On my way back to bring Jenn home I so bad wanted to ask her why she flashed Scott and let him take pics of her like that and why did they stay gone all day but I didnt, instead I put my hand on her leg and slid It up to her zipper. She pushed my hand away and said not tonight baby. I said come on why not as I tried again and she pushed me away again and said cause I said so, I dont feel like it. I wanted to feel her panties and see if they were wet, sticky, or dried up or put my finger in her to see if her pussy was lose but she wouldnt let me. That night as I laid In bed I was wondering what happend so I called her a few times but there was no awnser, So I called Scott and we talked for a little bit and he told me he was on the other line with Jenn. Yeah right bullshit I said and he said hold on I'll proove it he clicked over on the other line and let Jenn go. He said ok I told her I would call her right back Im gonna call her on 3 way dont say anything. She picked up on the first ring and they started talking. To be continued


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  • #158
how to tell

How to tell she dont like you
1. If she seems more interested in what you have or where you're invited than who you are
2. she's never there for you when you have drama
3. You call her all the time but she never calls you
4. Always criticizing you in public or private
5. A secret you told her got back around to you
6. constantly downing your adventurous ideas
7. She counters the majority of your opinions with sarcasm or remarks like "That's dumb"
How to tell If she likes your friend
1. Shee invites herself to tag along with you and him everywhere you go
2. Everytime you ask her to go somewhere with you she ask who all is going
3. She badgers you for all the details about what goes on when you off with your friend
let me know if you have any other ways to tell
  • #159

ill be on hello in a min steve o have some updates on my ex

she still likes teasing me in email
and i think i might get to meet up with her again
  • #160

those sexy celebs would laugh at our pathetic selves..jackin to them

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