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  • Thread startersteve_o_420
  • Start date
  • #121

I so want this to happen to me. This kindda stuff went on alot when I was going out with Katie but then I didnt have a cuckold fetish. This video took me back I remember getting picked on like this with some of my friends and Katie watching and just like in this video Katie ran up to me and gave me a wedgie. I remeber one day I was hiding from Travis in the restroom and Katie came to the door and said Its safe to come out now Travis is gone and as soon as I opened the door there he was. He dragged me out and started hitting me with his belt while Katie , Richard, and my cousin laughed. Later that night Katie said oh my god we were just playing with you steve stop being such a cry baby. Now I look back on everything that happend when she was my girlfriend it makes me very horny. Newayz enjoy the vid.
  • #122
Im not saying she's a gold digga, but she anit messing with no broke nigga

To my husband,

Oh geez. I don't know what is going on with you. Since the baby came along, you've developed (or perhaps just let out) this disgustingly arrogant, self-righteous bullshit personality.

I busted my ASS working for dickheads for 10 years in order to make enough money to buy our lovely house in our lovely town. I had a feeling that you'd let life pass you by while I planned for our future. I made all the GD money just so I could be a good parent, stay home with my daughter and give her the time and attention our parents never gave us.

You can't even get a job that pays enough to support the three of us. So I continued to bust my ass to earn enough EXTRA money so when the time came, I could stay home with the baby and be a good mom.

Well, dickie. Here it is 2 years later and you still don't make enough to cover our bills. It's not like I'm out spending all kinds of money. Shit! I don't spend a GD dime on anything for me. I haven't even bought the baby anything new. She wears all hand-me-downs from her cousins and our neighbors' kids. What the fuck man? You're too lazy (or scared) to get off your ass and make a DECISION in your life. You either get a job that pays our bills or switch careers, become a chef and be HAPPY. Your misery is becoming unbearable and your meanness makes me wanna kick your shit-hole! When I want something I figure out a way to get it. You, on the otherhand, just brood over the fact that your life is passing you by and you BLAME EVERYONE ELSE for your misery. News flash assface - you reap what you sow.

Stop taking your fucking misery out on me, and do something with your life. ***** and I will thank you for it. Otherwise, bend over and grab your ankles, 'cause when we're gone, you're fucked. sara

To my husband,

You are not a human being! Humans have goals and dreams, they want to be good parents and the males of the species want to empress their mates by providing food shelter and status to their family. But not you, you are lower than an animal. You dicust me when I see you sitting on the toliet sh..ing and eating at the same time. You make me want to hurl after you you hurl from being drinking. You are only 27 and you have more aches and pains than an 80 year old man. Your a dick and I've had it with your dicatry!!!! I wish the diabeties you have will quickly ravage your body and kill you so that me and the kids can get social security and I don't have to work full time and go to school while you sit your lazy ass at home.

I'm tired of working over time to barely make it. It is your reasponsiblity to provide for your children also. But know job is good enough for you. You were a truck driver and made what I make in a month in one week, but then your alcholic ass got an DUI and they fired you. You then worked for a for a landscaping company but you said you couldn't stand to work in the sun(poor baby), so you got so ***** that you cursed out your superviser,and got fired! Then your illeterate ass got a Job at WMart and lost that because you were out with your friends four nights ina a row and decided not to call or show for work. This all in less than a year and I want a man that can last longer than one minute In bed you cant please me now I see why people cheat Loser

You leave the kids alone while I'm at work or school instead of waiting till I get home. I wish you would just leave. I know that I would not get any child support or alimony but I would rather be alone and strugle on my own.

No matter how many times I ask you you won't leave. Leave us the fuck alone so that we can go on with our lives. I'm tired of being your mommy!
  • #124

autopsyofoutrage said:
wow. i'm almost famous.. lol

and i'm so boring to listen to because i'm so wild away from the puter. ;)
and i dont know how to edit either.. makes for some shitty vids.
i'm quite flattered.. i hadnt even heard this of this place before someone directed me to this thread.
thanks for your thoughts

If this is for real I'm impressed :)

What you have to realise though is not all us Cuckolds, do all the domestic choirs :rolleyes:

Hope you find what you are looking for. From what I have heard so far, you are a lovely lady :D
  • #125
steve_o_420 said:
Well I ask Kendel whos number that was and she said It was someone she worked with she said that she was gonna pick him up for work tomorrow cause his car is messed up and she had to call him tomorrow morning to see if he still needs a ride to work. I said you should'nt be picking any guys up without me with you and she said stop being so jelouis Its the bosses son. She said her boss asked her to give his son a ride to work and she couldnt say no to her boss so I let it go. How should I let her know about my cuckold fetish? Should I leave the pc on and have cuckolds.com on for her to see while Im in the restroom or something I thought about doing that but then I thought no thats to much at once and If she is not into this she may break up with me. It would be nice if she said your sick and humilate me and then cuckold me but I dunno if she would.

reminds me of me as i get my gf to fuck other guys, i think u should joke with her and tease her about how u know she is gonna be fucking the boss' son. just tell her to have fun fucking him. that u dont mind. then bring it up a lot like how good was he? did he fuck her good? cum in her? get her at least thinking about it. the next time u are fucking her, ask her if is thinking about him, did she like fucking other guys, bigger guys, stuff like that.

your laid back attitude should also not scare her, and she will definitely be thinking about what u said. its a good start.

i know there are guys and gals on here that will tell u to just go and confess to her that u want her to cuckold u, but i know that is not a good option for me. there are other issues i have to deal with, like her feeling slutty after fucking another guy, and feeling used, etc. i am taking it slow and loving every minute of it.

good luck, feel free to private message me if u want to talk more about it
  • #126
Vigo said:
If this is for real I'm impressed :)

What you have to realise though is not all us Cuckolds, do all the domestic choirs :rolleyes:

Hope you find what you are looking for. From what I have heard so far, you are a lovely lady :D

oh honey i'm not really looking for someone to do my chores and pay my way. i'm 100% serious about finding a cuck.. and i intend to do so.
thanks for your kind words
  • #127

you are amazing
i messaged you from my myspace once. im in seattle
and would totally move in with you to be your cuck.
not into the money and marriage thing either...my ex gf treated me like a cuck at the end of our relationship and im now addicted to it.

i would worship your body and your person, be there to let you take out yor frustrations of the day on , by controlling my cum (and letting me cum whenever you want..not like traditional cuck style where i dont cum ever)
we could go out on dates and make it almost like a real relationship but youd be checking out guys when we went out and telling me about it, imagine in the movie theater and you look over and are like honey hes cuuute..

and you could end it whenever you wanted and id be fine with it

just want to do it again, and more in depth like i didnt get to do with her
although i have alot of hot stories you might dig

if anything hit me up and ill tell you the stories, they will prob get you off cause they are all 100%real

and im a young guy and she was younger both in late 20's so it can really happen

on yahoo IM
  • #128
oh and ..(to autopsy)

ill email ya/send you pics if you want no problem
IM me
or email me
at newshadowz58@yahoo
  • #131



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  • #133
Plz fake Raven Riley 4 me

Can someone please fake this pic for me I tried but as u can see I cant cut to well and that was my 5th time trying on that pic. I use mspaint but people tell me that mspaint sucks. Ive tried photoshop 7 but way to much stuff on it and I could never figure it out. The last pic is the one I cut from but any blk cock would work thx


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  • #135
Mmmmmm Mandy Moore

Mmmmm Mandy Moore is such a *****


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  • #137
autopsy videos

luv your videos... u seem so real and kewl to me. i added u in myspace... hope u r well.


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