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Not my wife

  • Thread startermackem88
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morelove4her said:
Just found the story and I think it is great. I have had my cock in my hand the whole time. I like the way she needs you to control things and calls you Daddy. Thanks for the time you have put into this.

When I read what you wrote, my mind saw a jerk circle around a hot pussy and you were ejaculating while a guy in a wizard hat was reading a sexy story to you all. She wiped your cum off her neck and jaw and sucked her fingers. I touched myself below and came almost instantly. It took awhile to stop breathing hard. Thank you for my orgasm, it came out of nowhere, so quickly, so unexpectedly - but it came and I came also.
By the way, Thanks for the picture of Jen. It's great to see the body that's going with the story. She is a very attractive woman. Fred is one lucky man!
I'm Back

Hi Folks, sorry for the delay, but I am back now.
I moved house a month ago and have just had my broadband reconnected.
Jen and fred's adventure will continue very soon.
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That Evening

I chatted with her again later in the day and she wasw deffinitely up for some fun that night. I also chatted with Fred while she was in the bath, I told him what had happened earlier. He didnt think he could be that cheaky as he had already told Fred about her, never mind, he wasn't going to get any more.
Jen contacted me later from the pub, she had been chatting with a guy she didn't know, but he said he was a friend of Jeff. That was the one who gave her, her first gangbang. His name was Barry and Jeff had told him she usually needed a lift home from the pub as her hubby usually stayed late. she thought that Jeff must have said more than that. She hadn't given him a yes or no yet, but he had a mate with him and they had offered to keep her company for a while when they got her home. He had even put his arm around her waist and stroked her ass, and asked if they should take some drink back.
She wasn't sure what to do, so I asked her if she fancied being a real slut tonight. How do you mean, she asked? Well they seem to know what to expect if they get you home, she just needed to be a little more forward with them, so that she got what she wanted.
What do I do then? So I told her that when she got home she should go and change into a really short skirt and a blouse open most of way. No underwear and blouse open enough so that they could see most of her tits.
Tell them where to sit while you change and get the drinks and make them wait until you get on computer.
She agreed, rather quickly I thought. She really was getting into the swing of things so to speak.
I knew it wouldn't be long before she was back home and sure enough Fred contacted me five minutes later to say she had left with 2 guys he didn't know. I told him I would give him an update soon and that kept him happy.
Another ten minutes and Jen was online.
What are you wearing I asked, She told me she was dressed as I had asked, short skirt and blouse. She said her tits were almost falling out of it. Did they get a good look at your tits when you gave them their drinks. Oh yes they were staring at them, but she had told them to keep their hands to themselves for now.
Good girl, she really was learning. She could have just let them fuck her straight off, but she wanted to wait for her Daddy. Are the watching TV, or looking at you, they a looking at me she said.
Ask them if they are enjoying their drink, yes she said. Now open your legs wide and ask who wants to taste your pussy?
She did just that and Barry's mate, whose name she had found out was John, was on his hands and knees and lapping up at her pussy. His face was burried and his hands werere on her tits. She was having trouble typing, but she almost froze as she heard a knock on the door. Barry got up to answer and told her not to worry. She could hear voices and people coming into the house. Barry had 3 more guys with him, all from the pub, but they had walked up, to give Barry and John a chance to get things going. of course they had arranged it all before hand. If Barry's car had not been there, they would have walked passed.
I found this out later, but just now she was sitting with her legs wide open and John lapping up her juices. It was a bit late for her to get coy.
I fired off an email to Fred to let him know what was happening. He would give her time to get throughthem all or maybe he would sneak round the back again so that he could watch.
Tell them all to get their clothes off I said. Tell them you want a cock in your mouth. They all got naked pretty quick and one of them intoduced himself as Frank and then pointed his cock at her face, she just opened her mouth and took it all in.
It went quiet for a while, but then One of the guys started typing. His name was Tony and he knew all about me. He told me that Jen was on her knees with Barry fucking her from behind and John was in her mouth. She had the other two in her hands and ke[t swapping the on she was sucking. When Barry emptied his balls into her he came onto the computer.
He told me what a great fuck Jen was, he hadn't believed jeff when he had told him, but He had no doubts now. She was on her back now with her legs in the air and taking a pounding from one of the other guys, and she still had a cock in each hand. He said she was holding them like she didn't want them to escape.
I told him she probably dosen't, not until they have all fucked her. He laughed and said I was probably right. She had changed positions now, she was on her side, one in her pussy and one in her mouth. He said she dosen't even stop to take a rest. As soon as one pulls out of her she is pulling another into her.
They all came in her a least once, her pussy must have been at bursting point and she had taken a few loads in her mouth too.
They all left pretty quick when they were finished.
She told me that was the best so far, but that she would have to get off to bed before Fred got home.
I told her it would be even better if Fred knew and if he didn't mind. She wasn't sure about that, but she went to bed a very happy lady.
More soon........:)
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Fred was home quite soon after Jen had gone to bed. He had read my email and had left the pub to get home and had been watching the action through a gap in the cutains. he had never been so turned on and couldn't believe just how much of a slut Jen had become.
It wasn't so much that she was fucking all of them, or that she showed no modesty.
What really turned him on was the fact that when one had finished and emptied his balls into her, that she was so quick in grabbing the next cock and getting it into herself. she just seemed so insatiable. She wasn't just fucking with other guys, she wanted a cock in her, any cock would do. When a guy came and flooded her cunt with cum, she seemed to milk his cock, take all his seed, but as soon as he stopped cumming he was no good to her, she would push him away and grab at the next hard cock. Most of the time she didn't even have her eyes open, she was surrounded by hard cocks, and as soon as one started to go soft on her, she just pulled the next hard one into her. If a cock went soft she would use her mouth to try and get it hard again.
This wasn't Jen, Fred's quite demure wife, the woman that he loved so much. This was Jen the slut, Cock hungry, any cock would do. She didn't look at a guys face to see if she fancied him, she felt his cock, if it was hard then she wanted/needed him.
It was no longer a matter of, would she fuck someone tonight, but who she would fuck and how many would she fuck? A few weeks ago she was still quite shy and protest when I made her flash even a little more cleavage or a little more leg, now she was quite happy to go without underwear, open her legs to shgow her shaven pussy or leave her blouse open to show her naked tits. She also now, knew how to use her body to real a man in.
I didn't have to make her fuck anymore, I just had to give her a way to fuck. Where she had been protesting at me making her flash her body, she was not now protesting, in fact she was now, not even bothered about looking like a slut. She now wanted that cock infront of her, or, more to her liking those cocks, if there were more than one in the room with her.
Fred thought that the following weekend when he woulod take his friends round, she wouldn't argue too much. Once she was given the option of fucking or not fucking she would be only too willing to fuck.
It was only a matter of time now.
Fred coulod not wait.
I was still planning, I only hoped ot would work.............

Fred was online the next morning. Jen had gone to visit some relatives, so Fred had time to chat. I had been keeping him upto date with the plans for next weekend. I had always made sure that jen had a way out. That she could stop what was happening at an early stage if it looked like Fred was going to be upset. I knew that he was looking forward to it and he wouldn't protest, but I also had to give him the same oportunity to stop it all if he wished.
It was one thing to fantasize about the event, but to actually see it through could be a lot more difficult, for both of them. They could always try again, it would be very difficult to arrange but it could be done.
Fred was quite sure he would be ok and if I could convince Jen to go ahead then everything would be fine.
I made sure he knew what to do and say to give Jen her way out and also how to encourage her. I also pointed out that things could go disastrously wrong and once things got going I would have very little if any control. They would just have to go with the flow.
Fred would not be put off however and was looking forward to acually being there in the room with her as she was getting fucked. He wanted it to be a regular event.
So now all I had to do was convince her and hope for the best.
I was pretty sure I wouldn't have to try very hard to get her to go along with my plans.......:D

Hi all
Sorry this is taking so long, So much to do just after a move and my mother not too well iether.
Hang in there, more on way soon, and it gets very interseting.

Sorry folks been off line for a while, but an update is on the way. I am going to jump straight to the weekend that we had planned and there are some very strange twists about to come.
Party time

Hi Sorry for the delay, so I am jumping straight to the day we had arranged.
It was bank holiday weekend, loads of footie on the box. Playoff finals and all that.
Fred had arranged for a few of his work mates to come round to watch, little did they know what they were going to see.
Jen came on line, she had dressed as I had asked her, a short kilt type skirt that would fall open and show off her legs easily and a low cut loose blouse. She was very nervous when I asked her, but agreed to do what I wanted her to do. I reassured her that everything would be ok and she could back out at anytime if Fred said anything. It would just be an accident and she could go and change clothes.
Well Fred Arrived with five mates to watch the football. Jen got them all drinks and they all settled down to watch the TV.
I told her to wait untill she was almost finished her drink before doing anything, like a good girl she told me that her drink was almost finished so I told her to let her skirt fall loose off her legs..
She was really nervous but let it fall open, Are they all looking I asked, yes she said, just glancing, but they can all see. Can Fred see I asked? I think so but he is not looking so much, he is watching the TV and his mates more.
I had told him what to do and he was playing his part well.
Ask them all if they want another drink, they will all be looking at you then. When you get up make sure you open your legs as you move from your seat to get up. They will all get a good view.
When she came back I asked if they all got a good look at her knickers, They must have, they were all looking and I opened my legs wide as I got up she told me.
Are they looking now, yes but they can't see anything. has Fred said anything I asked. No, but he has no reason to, I am not showing anything, you didn't tell me to.
I had told Fred that if he wanted to pull out all he had to do was say casually that she was flashing and that would be it, She could look embarrassed and go and change, but he was keeping quiet.
I told her to let her skirt fall open again, let them see her legs, but just to carry on as normal. She did, now it was Freds turn to make things work. I had asked him to make sure that this time she flashed her legs, that he had to say something, but he had to wait until his mates had all had a good look at Jen. Make sure they had all seen her flashing.
She told me they were all looking and smiling at each other and watching her. I told her to cross her legs a few times and then Fred finally said something.
It had seemed like an age, but was probably only about ten minutes.
He told Jen that his mates could not keep their eyes on the TV as they were all looking at her legs.
That was her cue. She had to seem annoyed, and she did. She shouted at him, how long have they been looking? Why didn't you say something? All prompted by me.
He told her he thought they were enjoying the view, but he thought he better say something before she realised and got up set.
This was going very well indeed. They were both playing their parts perfectly. I told her to say how much more do you want them to see, then open her blouse and legs, asking how much he wanted them to see, before storming off to the kitchen, and she did it very well.
When she cam back however she was not acting, she really was annoyed. Right on cue Fred had followed her into the kitchen, he had told her he didn't mind his mates seeing her like that, because he wanted them to know what a sexy wife he had. He didn't mind how much they saw as lang as she didn't mind and wanted them to see. She could do whatever she wanted as long as she was happy. I had prompted him to say most of this, but obviously he used his own words. What he did last was what really got her mad, and I had told him what to do.
She told me that he had told her to do what ever she wanted and had even loosend antother button on her blouse. She was mad, very, very mad. Are you going to fuck them I asked.
I am going to fuck them, here this afternoon, and I am going to fuck anyone else that wants me, but I am never going to fuck Fred again. He can watch, but he'll never fuck me again.
That was quite a shock, but I thought that she would get over it eventually so I tried to carry on.
Tell them Fred doesn't mind how much they see, but you are not going to strip for them. If they want to see more someone will have to strip her. One of them was already on his feet and moving towards her, and he soon had her blouse open.
I told her to move over beside them all and make Fred come to the computer.
Then Fred was telling me what was going on. She was on the couch with hands all over her. She was feeling for their cocks and they soon had her stripped naked. One was fucking her another in her mouth, she couldn't get enough. I told him what she said about him not fucking her again, like me he thought it was just a moment of madness (how wrong could we both be). He was just enjoying the scene, She was humping, fucking sucking and he was there to watch it. he wouldn't have to peek throughthe curtains any more, he could be there and watch her fuck.
They took her in every hole, she had 3 coks in her at the same time for a while and she as loving it, but Fred could not join in. All he was going to get today was to watch.
He had won. He had got his wife to fuck in front of him. Not just fuck, but she was a wanton slut, she couldn't get enough. No one knew the score from the football, no one cared. The five of the fucked her for about two hours in everyway they could until they were all exhausted.
When they had all finished, Jen came back to me. Did I do good Daddy? Yes you did Jen, You were very good.
I want more, tell fred to bring more home tonight, I'm going to fuck all his mates. If he wants to see me fuck, then he can see me fuck everyone.
She had changed. In one afternoon she had changed from a quiet slutty wife into a demanding cuckoldress.
She was going to change even more. Even I could not predict what was about to happen, but that will have to wait till later.

I forgot to add a few pics of the party. I hope you enjoy because they caused a lot of trouble.:confused:


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amazing story, loved the read so far, can't wait to see where this goes, think you have everyone one here on the edge of there seats, cheers for the pics as well

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