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Nigger Worship

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I too lament the loss of NW....

I was proud of my proof pic.....
I've been there and the kiddy porn allegations can't be far from the truth.

Not to diss the former mods at nw, but I bet there was tons of kiddy porn that went unattended. These were usually the big compilations of pics, so I guess the mods didn't scan it?

I did my best to report at my time there to I think his/her name was str8blk?

The forum brought out some of the true racists in the world! Jeez what's up with the fascination of getting your DAUGHTER pregnant by black cock ?

Glad the forum is dead really.

some people took the "taboo" feel of it way too far.
Honestly, thats the vast majority of what I see on here, in contrast NW didn't seem to have any of it.

Though I imagine if not for the rules people would have posted the stuff though.
hunny said:
you seem to have NW confused with some other forum. stick around here for awhile if you want racist and arguementative
Nah, I don't, but I see what you mean.
The only reason NW wasn't "argumentative" was because the "membership" consisted of all like-minded people; people who ascribed superiority to another faction of people based solely upon race. Those not of that brainwashed sect were ran off or banned. You will always get debate (which escalates to being argumentative often enough) when you have differing opinions and are allowed to think for yourself. If you believe a race of people is superior to another simply because of the color of their skin then you ought to create a new Jim Jones/David Koresch like nirvana site again. That way people of such troubled ilk can assimilate together and leave the able-minded to sites like DC.
Pimpy Caught Dictating Again

pimpology101 said:
The only reason NW wasn't "argumentative" was because the "membership" consisted of all like-minded people; people who ascribed superiority to another faction of people based solely upon race. Those not of that brainwashed sect were ran off or banned. You will always get debate (which escalates to being argumentative often enough) when you have differing opinions and are allowed to think for yourself. If you believe a race of people is superior to another simply because of the color of their skin then you ought to create a new Jim Jones/David Koresch like nirvana site again. That way people of such troubled ilk can assimilate together and leave the able-minded to sites like DC.

Don't run off Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy.' You've been caught dictating again. Little baby thumb sucking 'Pimpy' is so delusional, he thinks he can run off someone by baby sucking oppressive dictating words. Come run with me, little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy.' So we can support your delusional brainwashing dictation together. NOT!!!

Lets see if little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' can be argumentative with the grownups. I know little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' doesn't like big words. But since little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' is using grownup words like 'argumentative,' we have to give little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' a chance to show us he knows how to use such a big adult word. Come on little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy.' Dictate something to us. Prove to us what a good little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator your delusional thumb sucking brain thinks you've become.

Show us adults what nirvana, little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' ascribes to. So, that we can clap our hands for little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy.' NOT!!!

hey folks, just let me know what features of the site you enjoyed and we'll get it on here. It might take a little while, but we'll get it done.

dig420 said:
hey folks, just let me know what features of the site you enjoyed and we'll get it on here. It might take a little while, but we'll get it done.

Dear Administrator,

Like so many who visit sexually explicit sites dedicated to various persuasions. I find it very comforting, that the exercise of free speech be allowed unabated. Especially, if such free speech is designed to express one's desires which tend to harm no one directly. Or, infringe upon others desires which they may wish to express differently via the same format of free exchange.

I only take exception to this principle aforementioned. If one or another, continuously tries to dictate their own moralistic views upon others which reflects a nature of oppressive behavior or hurtful statements, directed toward those expressions posted by others, then these individuals should be banned. For violating the freedom of speech within the scope of Good Will toward one another. I think to allow such behavior which infringes upon free speech, denies a very important self-evident principles that most people cherish...life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!! Which they have the right to exercise, without being libeled or otherwise slandered. Just for expressing one's sexual desires which is intended to harm no one. PERIOD!!!

I for one, am guilty of ridiculing one of your posters, i.e., 'pimpology101.' Which I take this time to express my apology for my disdainful behavior towards this poster child for dictatorship. So, if you want my opinion, as to what might make this site more open like NW. Eliminate the ridicule which tends to do injustice to anyone. Simply because someone else may wish to have or express different sexual desires concerning interracial relationships.

In addition, this is what made the website NW, among many other characteristics, very popular. People there were more tolerable, compassionate, and free spirited. When it came to accepting people, as just people, with different views or desires. Simply because they had the same right to express them, as everyone else. As long as such expressions or desires where not designed to infringe upon someones free will in the same exercise thereof. This right, does not give one a license to look down or condemn others just because they may have desires which others don't wish to express or experience. Especially, when it is not designed to express or experience these desires, by harming others who choose not to use their free will to do or not to do so!!!

In closing, if this site wishes to ban me for my opinions, I humbly bow to their demands. Like I have said before. This is not my site, but the owners thereof. If I have disrespected anyone, I humble ask forgiveness of those worthy of forgiveness.

Restitutor Lex Aeternae:love:
Wow, Still talking about this site? hasn't it been almost a month? lol move on people.
Manifested Good Will

Lorismi said:
Restitutor, your a hipocrit. Get a life!

If it is to be that others deem it necessary to view my freedom of expression to defend the rights of others, to express their sexual desires just as freely as you, myself, or whomever, so be it!!! Why, would you or anyone else for that matter, believe some other seeking no harm, have any less of a right to do so? And why is it, that when one comes to the defense thereof, such is considered hypocritical to challenge those by whatever tactics, who deem it necessary to belittle, demean or chastise, if unworthy to exercise the same right to free expression because of such behavior which shows no respect or Good Will, for the same rights which you deem yourself worthy to exercise? This is why Moderators are in place. At least I believe this is so!!!

And just to make it clear again. Are you saying, that slander, demeaning, and mean spirited dictatorship over what is acceptable to one or more which seek to do harm no one, should be allowed unchecked? When it has no social redeeming value whatsoever? Contradistinctive to the interests of preserving the same open choices to choose to express one's self or otherwise? When no harm is done?. Either, against the free expression or the rights which you espouse for yourself thereto?

If this is your belief. Being that, any one or more should continually allow destructive character assassination of individuals? Solely, because an individual or group of people, believe that they have the right to express themselves? Or, that their desires as the only acceptable expressions thereof? And, unless everyone else confirms to such manifest idea of what is acceptable, freedom of speech or otherwise, would be counterproductive to your rights? Then if this is truly what you are saying, I would again have to strongly object in the interest of the same preservation of equality of expression, for all walks of life seeking Good Will, to be preserved in the interest of Universal Peace.

Ignore him, Lori. He fancies himself an intellectual but he's really just mentally stunted. Resi's a very troubled individual.
pimpology101 said:
Ignore him, Lori. He fancies himself an intellectual but he's really just mentally stunted. Resi's a very troubled individual.
Your right. He's just another annoying pop-up!
The Wonders of Life, Nnever Ceacse to Amaze Me!!!

WhiteSlut_NW said:
NW will be back! :p

Once again, I find myself agreeing with little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator. "PIMPY" is not worth the effort. But one day someone in control will have the necessary fortitude reign him in. Like the other petty delusional dictators in the past. For their dangerous and abusive ill Will towards the equal right of all to express themselves. Who seek to exercise the same self-evident free will. To express their own point of view without demeaning others, while doing no one any harm against their own free Will. Supposedly, doing in like kind!!!

As to the return of the website NW. All I can say, is let the Saints go marching in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Redditor Lucis Aeternae:whip_it:
Pimp isnt delusional hunny. But I agree with you about the rest. Its time to stop guys.
Just create your NW2 and leave. Best case scenario for all involved. You don't like it here and most don't want you here.
Nanny, Nanny, Bobo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pimpology101 said:
Just create your NW2 and leave. Best case scenario for all involved. You don't like it here and most don't want you here.

I sometimes get the feeling that little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator and friends doesn't like me. Somebody call the wambulance. Little baby thumb sucking 'pimpy' dictator lost his pacifier. DICTATORSHIP WITHOUT CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!!

Redditor Lucis Aeternae:whip_it:

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