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need advice from a wife...

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May 1, 2004
I have a crush on a neighbor. She's married, I'm married. It started with quick glances and look aways. Now we've been waving to each other with cordial smiles etc. Nothing more. Once I saw her in the grocery store but I didn't have the nerve to say anything. The point is, I have this gut feeling that she has some discreet ideas about me too. When I drive passed her house on the way to work, I noticed she would look at me. When I turned the corner, she's still looking. I think she has tremendous sex appeal. She has a few curves but she has a really pretty face and sexy eyes.

Does the way she looks at me suggest that she too is looking for a little spice on the side?

(past suggestions were "comment on her garden", "ask her and her hubby over for dinner") I don't know her and I don't think it would be a good idea to bring in the spouses. I have this stupid mad crush on her and I'd like some advice from other married women with kids etc. Just a real honest answer about how you would want a married neighbor to approach you.

I have her email address and her phone but I would not be dumb enough to call as this would be an absolute invasion of her (and her family's) privacy.

How about email? Again we have NEVER spoken so I don't think emailing is a wise idea.

How can I possibly send a hint to her that I'm interested if she is interested without insulting her? (or worse creeping her out?)

Confused in Connecticut Suburbia
First thing you must do is to find out where her head is. You can be honest but that leaves you *******, your family, and the relationship with your neighbors at risk. So screw that idea. Go for a more deceptive route of breaking the ice. Take the day off from work. Go for a walk by her house at the same time you usually drive by her. Stop and talk to her if she is out. Ask her to join you for coffee. If she can not do coffee right then and there then allow her to set the date and time. You should know where you stand after that.

This is my suggestion... start subtle but when opportunity peeks its head.... POUNCE. You may not get a second chance.
re: how to break the ice with neighbor's wife

Da Buzz. GREAT advice. The tricky part is not looking obvious. Yes I see her usually around the same time (while driving to work). However I NEVER walk my suburban block. It would seem out of place. Guess I'll need to wait for that organic opportunity like the gorcery store. I just wish she would honk when she sees me in fromt of my house. I need an ice breaker.

Any other suggestions from a wife's POV would be great.
If you have her e-mail address you can ask to e-mail her...start with something easy and light but add a neutral compliment. One step at a time
first of all, are you a married black man?
If you are, and you are in good shape, which im assuming you are, based on her looking you over, i would come out at times you know she is out, wearing things to leave less to the imagination, (i.e. shirtless, wearing tight, revealing shorts, etc). This will feed her imagination and help escalate her interests in you. she won't come over and drop to he rknees in front of you, but if she bites on this bait, you will sense it and then you will be able to reel her in with more powerful and deliberate eye contact. (you should be able to peer deeply into her eyes until she blushes and looks away, then give her the re-assuring smile. hey, it's a start.
Not sure I agree with Maria about wandering about in your Speedo. I think a black man in a good looking suit and tie is lots more interesting to me than one who just calls out for me to check out the bulge :eek: in the Speedo.

If you are looking to meet her, why don't you first meet him? If her hubby is out mowing the lawn, go over and ask him about his lawn mower or some other guy thing that gets you the introduction you are looking for? After all, if she is interested in you, she is going to have a much easier time explaining to hubby why she is chatting with the "nice black man" down the block if he knows who you already.
crush on neighbor's wife

thanks for the comments. Yes I have mowed my lawn without a shirt on. Hot day, sweat. I'm sure I piqued her imgination. I just wish she would honk. Just some sort of signal. Would other married women be so bold as to beep the horn when passing by? I get the feeling hubby isn't to keen about me. 2 years ago they strolled by the house. She waved hello. He was straight faced. I took the hint that he's not too friendly. I can't email her. It's too evasive. I just want another grocery store window of opportunity.

These feelings are torture.

More comments welcome. ;-)

Confused in Connecticut Suburbia
Great points Sandy. If you build a casual relationship with the hubby then it will not seem so out of place if you happen to stop by one day (when you know he isn't home, of course). :bowdown: Please oh please ditch the speedo idea. Eww, thats just plain wrong. LOL

Maria Canoli, I dont know about staring into her eyes just yet. Once he knows for sure that she wants him then staring into her eyes can be a very overpowering thing. If she does not want his advances then staring into her eyes seems almost maniacal. You ever have someone stare into your eyes when you dont want them to? It is very uncomfortable.
:eek: :slow:
I am so tempted to send her an email but since I never spoke with her it would be awkward and creepy. A comment on her body language. One day while drving down the block on my way to work, I saw her putting her kids into her SUV. She saw me and put her hair behind her ears. Just curious on the body language.
You are wasting time... make your move, or she will think you are not interested. Then perhaps someone else will get the fruits of your frustration.
You know her email and have never spoken to her.How did you do that?
Try the local bars at the weekend or any other place your social class may go.
If after a few weeks you dont see her maybe you read it wrong, but if she is unhappy(and your for real) she will make it so you can find her.
She's married with kids. She's not trolling the bars. Lets see what happens this week ;-)
So only unmarried women(with no kids) can go out with friends for a night out?
Maybe your own wife could do with a little action.
I"m in Bristol! Where you at brutha?
Next time you see her, just walk up to her, tell her that you think she is sexy and you want to pump her brains out. Grab her ass, look into her eyes, and say "who is your black master"

It works for me all the time
yeeeesh... ok, you have done everything right so far.. she is interested.. be cool, but act! just go up and say hello, and that you have wanted to say hi for quite a while, and be honest and say how she is very attractive to you! then ask her for coffee or some type of drink. you can't come out and ask her to fuck, but you can feel the vibes when your up close and talking. If your at her house, and she invites you in, touch her arm on the way in, or when you shake her hand, hold it, it will tell you what she is up to. from there, be smooth, and after some small talk you can say that you find it odd, but there is some strong sexual tension.. and see where she takes that, if she jumps at it, then just plant your lips on hers.. if she backs away then your safe.

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