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My wife's first business trip - May 22-24

  • Thread starterGordonPym
  • Start date
I hate the influence that my mother in law has on her daughter, my wife.
This past WE we celebrated Linda's parents 53rd annuversary. Wow!
I don't believe that Linda's mom has ever cheated on her husband. No, I am sure she hasn't.
Thats a very bad model for her daughters.
WE went to church all together. I am sure that this has awakened Linda's deppest Puritan thoghts.
That is very bad for my plans for her upcoming business trip.
Will I manage to recover the situation?
I have only two days...
Re. Soon's comment:

SoonToBe said:
.... If [your wife is] driving and not having to deal with TSA security at the airport, a vibrator/dildo could also be something to include [in her luggage]. ....

Neither you nor your wife should worry about airport security types discovering items of a sexual nature in her luggage. In the unlikely event her luggage is inspected by an individual, that will almost certainly be done after she checks it at a location where she is not present. And, there's nothing illegal about having sexual items in one's luggage.

Re. your comment about your wife's period coinciding with her business trip: I suggest taking all suggestions put forward in this thread, and leave it to your wife to worry about whether she should or should not pursue bedding another man during her trip. You'll have then given her the message you want her to do that, and... if she decides not to... she will be more likely to keep it in mind for the future than if you don't offer her any encouragement at all.
Custer Laststand said:
Neither you nor your wife should worry about airport security types discovering items of a sexual nature in her luggage...

Thank you Custer for your sound opinion.

Now I have a question for you all (it’s a kind of double poll):

Shall I put anything sexy in Linda’s luggage?

= YES, you should pick:
A- Condoms
B- Sexy lingerie
C- Suspender belt and stockings
D- Dildo
E- A nice letter telling her what I expect from this jurney
F- other (any suggestions?)

In such an event shall I

1- put items in her bag secretly, as a surprise to her? (not much arousing, but no risk that she leaves without proper equipment)
2- select items with her? (arousing, but high risk that she stops me)
3- suggest items and let her choose on her own (a surprise to me)? (much arousing if she does so, but the risk is even higher)
4- wait without mentioning it and check only afterwards if/what she has brought with her? (extremely arousing if she picks something unsolicited, but the risk of a failure is at maximum)

Please state your valuable opinion (and feel free to suggest alternatives!) on what is the behaviour to maintain to MAXIMISE THE CHANCES
On another forum I received this suggestion about my wife's first business trip and my hope to be cuckolded on that occasion:

What you should see about doing is to find out where your Wife is going on Her Business Trip and try to Help Her to Find Bulls in the Area that She Will be, so your Wife can Find Not Only the Guys that might just Hit on Her, but also the Bulls that are going be there for one thing. TO FUCK THE HELL OUT OF your WIFE!

My reply was that the method scares me a bit. I find it quite dangerous.

Here is part of the further explanation that I received:

It's just like Meeting Local Bulls. She Meets them in a Public Place that She Is Fully Comfortable with and your Wife can Either Agree to have the Prospective Bulls Fuck Her, or She can Decline and Leave…

If I understand correctly, this method that they suggested me implies that Linda has already joined the hot-wife lifestyle, which is not actually the case.
I don't believe that Linda will agree to have a deliberate (i.e.: scheduled) meeting with a Bull on her first trip alone.
I think, but I might be wrong, that she should (we should) rely on her beauty and hope that among many guys there will be at least one of her taste who will try to pick her up.

But I am not as experienced as you guys are: I am still in the wannabe phase :( so if you are of different opinion please do not hesitate to state it
I go with A, B, C no dildo as you want a real cock in her & ABC will give the message. perhaps put these in a bag with some of her favorite perfume, and try and make it a surprise..so she can't say no
I agree but I'd also perhaps put in a copy of Penthouse Letters. But that works for Sue and I and I know she's turned on by them and that when she was away that first time, they did help give-her-ideas and to put her head in the right place. I am sure she had a night or two of self-pleasure while getting up the nerve to actually be with another man for the first time.

If you can truly write her a sincere letter, I'd put the stuff in her suitcase and let her discover it when she gets to her location. I would also suggest not writing the letter totally from your point of view "I'd like this" or "I"m okay with that" - but put it in perhaps more of a way that says "You should let yourself go and enjoy something new". Be encouraging but not demanding or overly suggestive.

Good luck!
SoonToBe said:
I agree but I'd also perhaps put in a copy of Penthouse Letters…

STB, I need to apologize because I didn't include Penthouse Letters in my list, although you had already suggested it. Please accept my excuses.

SoonToBe said:
… that works for Sue and I and I know she's turned on by them and that when she was away that first time, they did help give-her-ideas and to put her head in the right place.

I am pretty sure that it won’t work for Linda. I don’t believe she even knows of their existence, so if she finds a copy in her luggage she would not understand the purpose.

SoonToBe said:
If you can truly write her a sincere letter, I'd put the stuff in her suitcase and let her discover it when she gets to her location. I would also suggest not writing the letter totally from your point of view "I'd like this" or "I"m okay with that" - but put it in perhaps more of a way that says "You should let yourself go and enjoy something new". Be encouraging but not demanding or overly suggestive.

Following your advice I have already written a letter. I will amend it in accordance with your latest suggestions, which seem too me very sound and productive (I hope ;))
Okay - I understand that if Letters would be something new or that you think could be offensive - that it'd be a bad thing. But perhaps that's something that you could possibly use to help you move forward in the future?

I know that there are paperback book versions of Letters that are less "in-your-face" and are printed as more being sexy short-stories without the explicit pictures and such. You could say you stumbled across it in the bookstore while she was away and thought she might be interested in it. The range of letters may allow you some insight of which she finds erotic and which she doesn't. Surely she'd heard of the 50-Shades-of-Grey book from last year that was the rage with most women? What was her response to that? You can explain that Letters are just short-stories like that book, etc. Just sayin' - this can lead you places my friend...

I don't recall if you guys ever watch any kind of dirty-movies? They don't have to be explicit porn, there are a lot of 'suggestive' movies out there that can also work in your favor. One movie Sue loves and finds that it gets her horny is the The Thomas Crown Affair - the newer version with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo - good adventure/action with a definite sexy-flair. There are some scenes in there for both of you.....

My last suggestion for you as I've suggested elsewhere is that if you guys do have some toys - that you playfully name them and use the names during foreplay and more. Good luck.
SoonToBe said:
Okay - I understand that if Letters would be something new or that you think could be offensive - that it'd be a bad thing. But perhaps that's something that you could possibly use to help you move forward in the future?

One thing I learnt in my not-so-short life is: never say never!
Yeah, I think it is worth an experiment. Not on this trip, though.

SoonToBe said:
Surely she'd heard of the 50-Shades-of-Grey book from last year that was the rage with most women ...

Perhaps she did, I didn't.
I'll buy her one copy, as a starting point.
Let's see how it develops.

SoonToBe said:
I don't recall if you guys ever watch any kind of dirty-movies? They don't have to be explicit porn, there are a lot of 'suggestive' movies out there that can also work in your favor.

We do it- Not as often as I'd like, but we do it.
As you imagine, it's no porn, no XXX, even no softcore.
Only mainstream movies with some "interesting" cuckold scenes or athmosfere
I am of French origins, and we found some European movies that trigger her quite effectively:
- The Ages of Lulu (1990)
- Romance (1999)
- Femmina (1998)

And recently - Pur Elle (2007), a short with Victoria Abril (a cuckolds must see!)

But also:
- Crash (1996)
- Unfaithful (2002)
and many more.
If you are interested, I'll dig in my archives and let you know.

SoonToBe said:
... One movie Sue loves and finds that it gets her horny is the The Thomas Crown Affair - the newer version with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo - good adventure/action with a definite sexy-flair. There are some scenes in there for both of you...

I overlooked at it, but it sounds promising.
I'll certainly test it :) :) :)

SoonToBe said:
My last suggestion for you as I've suggested elsewhere is that if you guys do have some toys - that you playfully name them and use the names during foreplay and more.

I want to reassure you that this is already happening. We have even playfully named my cock (Chuck) and her pussy (Pam), and jokingly we say that the three of us (Me, Chuck and Pam) are allied against her to take her virtue :)
First night at home on my own - (it's long, but worth reading)

Linda left yesterday morning for the first business trip in her life, so I just spent my first night at home on my own. (To be clear: it’s not the first time I am home alone :) - It’s the first time that I am home alone while Linda is on a business trip!)

No kids around (all at college), no wife, I could have taken the advantage to organize a wild party with friends, letting the bear flow, and inviting some young chicks to make some fun together.
But I didn’t.
I’ve been aroused all the day long thinking of meek Linda surrounded by sexually active conference attendees, and I needed urgently to have some private time for myself.

Nevertheless, when home alone I made a point of not touching my dick.
That was a tough assignment!
At 6pm I received a short text from Linda, saying that she was getting ready for the official dinner.
I replied “Good luck”. That was the last contact between the two of us, and so far (it is 7 am as I am writing this post) I did not receive anything more.

I think I could resist, but I didn’t.
When I eventually got asleep at 11pm I had jerked off already three times (maybe four!).
I woke up suddenly at 2.27, looking for Linda at my side. Of course she was not there!
I grabbed my cell phone, I put on reading glasses ( :( ), looking for any messages which could have arrived in the meantime.

My inbox was empty.

So at 2.45 I had to update my jerk-off log, to record an extra one.


Let me now make a flash back to the day before yesterday, which I hadn't the chance to report on this forum.

I knew from the morning that Linda was in a good mood.
So at noon I texted her asking if she wanted me to help her in selecting her clothes to pack for the trip.
She replied that she didn’t need any help, but the she would’ve been very happy if I checked her luggage afterwards to see if she was missing anything - I really couldn’t interpret that reply (positively or negatively) until I got back home at five thirty.

Her luggage was already on the doorway.
I went upstairs to change clothes. I was so horny that I couldn’t resist peeking in Linda’s sexy lingerie Box.
Unfortunately, all seemed to be at its place. The box (which I periodically check, secretly) seemed to be intact since my last inspection. What a cold shower!

As soon as I was ready, with Linda’s permission I opened her luggage.
I was so much disappointed …
In fact, I found only the standard business clothes which I expected to find: basically women’s pants and jerseys. I was depressed.
But digging a bit, I also found a very nice lounge dress, which Linda knows I adore. It’s grey, just one inch above knee long, very tight. “What is this for?” I asked loudly.
Linda was in the kitchen and shouted: “I’m sorry Jesse, I am preparing for dinner. What are you talking about?”
“I say… This dress… I mean, the grey one. The one that I love!”
“Oh, that…” she replied nonchalantly “That is for the official dinner tomorrow evening”.
As I gulped, my sleeping dick stiffened immediately.

“What will you match it with?” I shouted in my turn, but trying to emulate her same nonchalance.
“Haven't you checked the white bag, yet?” Linda replied naughtily.
I hadn’t, actually.
As I unzipped the bag, the first thing to pop out was a grey-pink box of ... condoms!
Durex Performax Intense, to be precise, "designed to speed her up and slow him down", as it is written on the box.
Then I found a small selection of stockings, suspender belts, sexy lingerie, and so on …
I didn’t have the guts to check thoroughly the contents. Feeling the urge of jerking off, I clumsily put all back in, I quickly zipped the bag, and put it back in Linda’s luggage.

I entered the kitchen an placed a huge kiss on her neck.
“Do you thing I am forgetting anything?”
“No… No, I believe it’s all ok” I tried to dissimulate my arousal.

After dinner I suggested that we should go to bed early, as she was facing a long day tomorrow.
Linda agreed, but said “No naughty play, though!”.
I reassured her: “No naughty play, promise”
But how could I resist?

We had already switched off lights when I asked very softly: “Can I have one last peek at your trimmed pussy before you leave?”
“Oh please Jesse, Let me! I’m tired. Besides you promised No naughty play…”
“Just one more peek, please. It will take no time” I begged
Linda sighed: “Ok, but no touching!” and allowed me to lower her panties.
Beautiful, but I could keep my thoughts for myself: “Have you seen it closely? Some hair has already grown back?”
“Yeah, I saw that. Isn’t it disappointing?”
“You should remove them before leaving”
“I wish I had time to go to the beauty salon…”, Linda seemed very annoyed.
“I can do it for you, if you wish.” That’s my boy scout background: anytime there is someone in need, I try to help.
“Hum! I doubt it will work”
“At least let me try! Please…”
“Ok then, but only if you are quick!”

I will not tell you all details, but in ten minutes the situation was:
- Linda laid in the middle of our bed, legs obscenely spread, her head resting on two pillows, blindfolded;
- a spotlight directed right to the center of Linda’s pussy (the blindfold was actually to protect Linda’s eyes from the light, but had a considerable erotic side effect);
- me on my knees, between her legs, a magnifying lens on my left hand, a pair of tweezers on my right, carefully removing the undesired hair.

If I go back only five days ago, I am sure that I could not even imagine that in a few days I would’ve ended up grooming my wife’s pussy to prepare her for her first business trip.
What a shift! And that is thanks only to the discussion we (I mean me and you readers) had on this forum. I owe you something!
(BTW: As I had promised, we didn't have sex... that was tough!!!)


As I am writing (it’s already 11.00, because meanwhile I had to go to work, and had other important things to do) the only message that I received from Linda was a text at around 8.00, with the usual greeting that we playfully exchange in the morning when we get up.

My cock is worn out by the furious stroking of the past hours.
My balls are burning, and hurt, because they need to unload once again.
But I am at work, so I see it much difficult to perform ;)

Besides that, there is a voice which continues to warn me:
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch! You don’t have any evidence, yet , that Linda has cuckolded you. It might likely be that she is only teasing you…”
And I try to convince myself: "Anything is fine!"

Now, with this final suggestion, I must leave you and return to my work.

Thank you again for your support. :)
OMG! She had shopped for condoms and packed them in there
herself? And then denied you on the eve of her trip. I would say
it is looking very promising that you will get your wish to become
a fully cuckolded man. Great touch grooming her for any potential

Good luck,
Gordon - congrats on the big steps forward!

Totally agree with Hiki - the condoms are actually quite a huge step as it means she's thinking of it at other times including wanting to plan for something to maybe happen. And the grooming - I admit I thought at first she'd done that maybe to appease some of your desires, but perhaps she wants to feel like a different person when she is with her first new man?
Key thing..try and check when she gets back...are there fewer condoms in her bag than she left with. I know you hope they ALL get used :)
Hello Hiki! It's a pleasure to hear from you again!!!

hiki said:
OMG! She had shopped for condoms and packed them in there
Yep... But again: "Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" It could still be the Tease of the Year.

hiki said:
And then denied you on the eve of her trip.
That is not quite what happened.
She was sincerely tired and had to wake up early in the morning.
I had already promised the day before that I wouldn't bother her that night.
It was not denial, it was rather mutual respect.

hiki said:
I would say it is looking very promising that you will get your wish to become
a fully cuckolded man.
Don't forget her period might have already started.
I read on the Internet that one system to delay period is by increasing her sexual arousal.
I tried it as it looked to me the only viable method, even if I am skeptical that it will work.
Thanks to my attentions (following your advice on this forum - especially those by STB) Linda has been indeed very aroused in these days.

hiki said:
Great touch grooming her for any potential lovers.
That was great! And totally unexpected. No pre-planning, totally spontaneous. And never did anything similar in the past!!!
STB - First of all let me thank you for your advice.
I must tell that all the forum users had many interesting ones (for which I thank them all), but I found yours particularly sound and helpful

SoonToBe said:
Gordon - congrats on the big steps forward!
I also feel that it's a big step forward, regardless of the actual ending.

SoonToBe said:
Totally agree with Hiki - the condoms are actually quite a huge step as it means she's thinking of it at other times including wanting to plan for something to maybe happen.
I partly agree. On one hand I must recognize that this is the first time she bought condoms (as far as I am aware :)) but I am pragmatic. Linda knows how much this trip is turning me on, and could have played a bit on it setting up the Tease of the Year

SoonToBe said:
And the grooming - I admit I thought at first she'd done that maybe to appease some of your desires, but perhaps she wants to feel like a different person when she is with her first new man?
When she got her pussy trimmed last week, that was NOT to appease my desires. Linda knows well that I prefer it natural.
When she allowed me to groom her last night, well, that was so unexpected. It happened spontaneously because she was sincerely upset to have that unaesthetic regrowth and not to have time to go to the beautician.
Also this could be part of the Tease of the Year, but it was so spontaneous that I sincerely think it is not.
But I don't want to jump to easy conclusions.
bear48 said:
Key thing..try and check when she gets back...are there fewer condoms in her bag than she left with. I know you hope they ALL get used :)
I will check, for sure! That is long time planned :)

I foresee two scenarios: I might find the box intact, or find that there are some missing condoms.
But both cases are not conclusive.
- box intact: could be a disguise. Linda used condoms from a box which I don't know the existence of
- missing condoms: just thrown away, as part of Linda's plot The Tease of the Year

Good news is that before she left, I dared asking her to bring me back an evidence of her sin:
- a soiled condom (not so easy to find, if you don't have a man with you),
- cum stains on her stockings or lingerie. (How do I know it is cum? Well, that's easy. Have a look at an old mattress and you will immediately know what a cum stain looks like ;) You cannot get mistaken)
I don't know if that matters, but the evening before Linda's departute we watched a movie which I know arouses Linda a bit.
It's"The Land Girls" (1998) a romance, with some situations in which the girls behave quite sluttily
She's sue home today - dying to hear the results.
Linda is back - Bad news!

Linda is back.
She is on her period. :(
She says that she has been so since day one of her trip, while still traveling.

I'm so pissed off !!!

But it is not her fault, and I must control my anger.
(I should control it anyway!)
But I am so pissed off , the same !!!:mad:
- GordonPym

PS: If tomorrow her period is over, she is not telling me lies. I'll let you know.

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