This is really a hot development. If she becomes more dominant and enjoys it, that is all the better for her if she develops feelings for your potential stud. She will be more willing to "make the move" and fuck him. Also, it will be interesting to see if your stud sends her the dick pic, if she tells u about it. If she does not tell u, I predict she will tell that girlfriend (if she is close with her) from that other couple u were out with that night you met the stud in the bar. If he sends the dick pic and she does not tell u, watch her on the cellphone. I predict her cell will be burning up with confidential calls to the girlfriend telling her about it, sharing the story and possibly looking for advice. Too bad u are probably not on really tight terms with the girlfriend. If those calls to her do take place, that would provide u with some hot valuable intel on where things are going. My wife's slut girlfriend a few years back was invaluable keeping me up on my wife's studs and dates, unbeknownst to her. Best of luck.