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My first black experience (Pictures Included)

  • Thread starterAdventurousAngie
  • Start date
your one fine looking ***** and i love that fat pussy you got. just made for blk cock. i would love to see more of that whaite being sterted by a blk cock/

AdventurousAngie said:
I will post more later

Hey Angie,
It great when a beautiful white woman like you experiences such a wonderful time with a black man. Us black guys can't get enough of women like you.
It's just another photo lifted from the same site and with the same dates as before: not taken this past weekend as you claim. I have plenty of supporters here and I'll continue to call out people who aren't forthright such as yourself. I don't particularly care what the few who support you say because I know they are only here to pic colelct and fuel their fantasies. I'm far more reality oriented.

To date, between my e-mail box here and my yahoo one, I have received 36 e-mails saying basically, in one way or another, the same thing: that you're a fake and a man (likely wwh) and that you are the one with multiple id's. It may take me awhile but I will track down the website you lifted these pics from and ****** you even further (as if it has been proven enough) as the lying fake you are. If that upsets your "fans" that's just too damn bad. They're not fans of you anyway but rather the jerk-off material you post.

And for the record? I couldn't care LESS if you post any pictures or not. I see the real thing up close and personal every month so I'm not one of the "wishers" here who have to enjoy this aspect of sexuality through photographs. I suggest you come clean and tell the truth or face more of the same. The other option is to leave which you've done a million times. You just unfortunately can't help yourself and invariably come back under a new name. And don't think myself and many others don't know the names:

and the most recent one, before this, was where you stole Mandingo Momma's pics and claimed you were the husband of "Mandi."

You really are a mess. An entire team pf psychologists, working 'round the clock, couldn't begin to make headway diagnosing your many issues or determining how many personalities you have.
Well, Angie, to hell with pimp! You're gorgeous & sexy & I love your pictures!!!
This is done! Leave me and everyone else alone you are just sad and pathetic! Those names you put up those are your fake names alongs with the tons you have been making up and emailing me trying to get me to answer you!! What are you trying to do alienate everyone from this board so it will be just you and your million aliases left on here? I have said and done all im gonna say on this topic you know you are just starting shit for reasons unknown to it cause i called you out on the third person thing? I dont know but whatever it is leave me the fuck alone i had enough of it..You need to get a life!! Just leave me alone you and all your other alias names!! You arent gonna run me away from this board no matter how much you try and harrass me!! At first i was going to leave but then thats what you want so im not gonna do it! Go look at whatever sites you want you wont find these pictures anywhere else because they are MINE!!
You nailed it well, Will. Still, one has to admire that Pimp for taking a stand.
OMG pimp LIGHTEN UP. Pimp you and youres who analyze this stuff, why do you give a shit if it is fiction or not? this is the internet, just enjoy what is written, or dont! Is stating that these are fake pics the only justification you have to defend youre minority opinion on this subject? I dont care if Angie is real or not. she posted a hot series of pics with a story...fantasy or real, with it, and all you do is complain about this person's beliefs cause they are different than youre's. You still dont truly understand women and cuckold couples, and that here in the Dark Cavern; cuckolding is real and thought about by many, as i think i have proven since you are the ONLY real oponent of angie. everyone else loves her pics and story!
Nice pics, let's see more.

How does your husband like eating cream pies? Is this his new role in your relations?
Well guess what? These photos are on image shack. Imagine that. Now if you never intended to post but a couple or photos or two, why did "you" post so many on imageshack? Oh yeah, that's right......because you didn't post them originally in the first place--you lifted them from imageshack.

I knew I'd find the source of these pictures, I just figured it would take me a lot longer. Now if the differing picture dates, the poster's "demeanor" (spelling, presentation, defensive posturing, etc), the fact that each photo was taken with a different camera each time and the clear copy and paste job of the clock in certain photos doesn't convince my detractors and "her" supporters then I will be ever more convinced how selectively blind and obsessed people are in pursuing their obsessions and outlandish fantasies here.

You may wanna believe something so badly that you ignore infallible truths but eventually, at some point, reality has to dawn on even those most ensconsed in denial!!
Pooch what you continually fail to realize, and I'm beginning to understand why, is that this is a matter of principle. Me and a lot of other members, who are grounded in reality, like to keeps things real and do not appreciate fakes and being lied to. Fantasy is fine and dandy but should be clarified as just that. This person has outright lied and gotten many a black man's hopes up about the potential of meeting her in person when that clearly was never going to happen. Given the number of e-mails I have gotten and the number of posts here against this person cleearly indicates I'm not alone in such thoughts. You convieniently ignore this.

Fuhermore, this forum board was never intended to be about cuckoldry. Tell me one place whre you read text intending that as a mission statement. Not all couples appreciate certain aspects of cuckoldry either, despite your laborious and tiresome rhetoric to the contrary. You like to promote that because it's your particular thing. Granted, many couples do enjoy that. I'm fully aware of this. However, just as many are not; growing tired of the constant issues of black sexual superiority and white male emasculation that has somehow incorporated itself into the defiinition of cuckoldry. Most are here for the taboo element of interracial sex and merely to participate in extra-marital interracial sex without all the associated bullshit you and people like "Angie" try to inject into it.

Besides, this was never an issue about cuckoldry until you made it one. It was about one person's genuinesness or lack thereof.
You really are a fucking genius arent you? Wow you found out i hosted them on imageshack! Asshole that feature where you upload the pictures isnt working so the only way you can post pictures is by using a host site like imageshack, photobucket, etc..

you make people not want to post here...don't bother responding because I won't get embroiled with you
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Then I wonder why I posted about seven photos last night, "Angie?" The photo option here works fine. You're backpedaling faster than Larry Craig at an airport restroom!

I don't care what you think either BlknHung. You're probably just one more of the many aliases used by the poster above me (especially seeing as how you only have 14 posts). Keep bringing out more fake matter how many legitimate or fake people validate you the truth is crystal clear for people who see through unveiled eyes.
I have a life i have a job, a husband, 2 kids, i dont have time to be playing games like you making up a ton of fake names like you..I have to admit you made me laugh the one you did in the Kim post.. how fucking pathetic are you!! So everytime i answer your accusations you say i am back peddling? Give it up you sorry excuse for a human being. Karma is a bitch you will get whats coming to you!! No one gives two shits what you think in here! I feel sorry for you cause you come on here trying to be some big shot badass cause in your real life you are just a sorry excuse for a human being so you need this to validate your existence and not blow your brains out because of how sorry of a person you are!! This is my final response to this all no matter what you say and no im not running away im just tired of fighting with a little bitch of a man!! My two year old is more mature then you are! Goodbye loser!
WHat a fascinating little debate we have broiling here!! Is Angie live or a cheap knockoff of a slut in heat? I prefer to believe she's real b/c that's my fantasy, although Pimp P.I. makes a compelling case that all is not what it seems....
Welcome to cyberspace, I mean the twilight zone !!@??
You've only said it's your final post about 27 times now. Just like you can't tell the truth about who you are and the pics you pilfered, you can't tell the truth about anything. I've not even acknowledged your accusations about me making up aliases as it's just too laughable. First I don't know how and, second, why would I need to when enough people back me up. I mean out of almost 2,500 posts I've never waivered ONCE in presenting myself as I am, how I am.

Again, just tell the truth (if you're capable of it) and be done with it. Otherwise I'll expect more of your manish tantrums and backpedalings given you're such a pathetic and cowardly bastard.
again pimp keep wasting youre time sweating the little things. there is no reason to worry if she is real or fake, but you and youre friends feel so, so have at it, I sure dont care. And yes, this thread was clearly about cuckolding, that is the part you took offense too. and nowhere did she tell anybody that she was looking ot hoook up with anybody here, so there are no black men who's hopes are dashed. you are the one who made this into a fake vs. real thing like you often do! that had nothing to do with this post, and youre problem with it.
Go back and read her very first thread on the dark cavern. She actively solicited black men to meet her this past weekend. I wonder how many of the men who jumped at the chance actually heard from her? Wanna wager how many?

I personally took exception to her statements but the bigger issues was, and still remains, her legitimacy. And you're right--when I see a blatant fake purporting to be what they clearly aren't I am going to point that out every time. I have said I would do so from day one and I'll continue to. If you or anyone else doesn't like that, because you can't engage your imaginations, I don't know what to tell you.
  • #100
pimp all she did was recount her hot night and try to explain how it has changed her and her cuck husband. thats it. you took offense to it pimp cause you are against cucks, and you made it a fake vs real rant, only after youre negative opinions were questioned. you want to make it like she is making a personal offense against you whether she is real or not, i dont care, I am still staying to the point of the thread. she is a white slut who had her life changed due to hot sex with black guys. deal with it it happens, and the results are often cuckolds (sissys and/or slaves).

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