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My first black experience (Pictures Included)

  • Thread starterAdventurousAngie
  • Start date
  • #141
pimpology101 said:
Fuck off Joe. Everyone knows you're a man anyway. EVERYONE.

And Pooch.......the last time I am gonna tell you, ok? I know those situations exist. I've said so already. But they are the exception not the norm. And Angie left because she was a fake and yes, it was founded. It was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. If you wanna be duped by fakes have it. I don't.

Can't you get along with anybody?
  • #142
I don't give a shit what you think about me, Pooch. Truth be know I have always felt you were a dick, pushing a superior mentality and all that cuck crap that most don't follow. I only cut you some slack because you seem to be Mule's friend. Hell, he doesn't even follow that line of thought. You have issues, man. Anytime someone denounces cuckoldry, in the black superior sense, you get your panties twisted in a wad. Tough shit. I keep it real--if you wanna live in a fantasy world then that's your business, but stop trying to pass that bullshit off on me. I know better and aint buying it.

Get out in the real world a bit, among swingers and not the fantasy laden shit regurgitated in here and you'll see that people attending gangbang parties is a common occurence. But what is uncommon is any of them doing it while adhering to a black is better, master/slave or sissy/wimp mentality.

And if you want "Angie" back so damn bad, so you can continue telling yourself, "oh she's real, she's real" and so you can jack-off vicariously to the photo he/she/it posts......then go beg her to comeback. I for one don't miss it's ass. Just because a person may be in a minority (and even that's questionable) that doesn't make them wrong. The majority is often fucked up. That could not be more true than right here at DC.
  • #143
I get along with quite a few. I don't care whether or not I get along with certain people and Joe is a case in point. I'm not gonna cater to people who I dislike or whose opinions i don't respect just for the sake of harmony and appearances.
  • #144
I could read "War and Peace" faster then this thread! Damn. Good job pimp, I told eveyone Angie was bad news from the start and we should have VOTER HER OFF THE ISLAND. Angie, go away and take your fake pics with you.
  • #145
Dont cut me any slack Pimp, I'm a big boy. At least i read what you say, respect it, and i comment directly about what you say (sometimes positively others negatively as in this thread). Read my posts, they speak right to the point and preach understanding, tolerance, and having fun. You on the other hand, continue to misquote and take what i write out of context. you have done it several times in this thread alone. Never, Ever, do I, or have I preached the black superiority mantra. You think cause I support (or dont put down) cuckolds (the sissy kind, not the voyeur kind like you), that I preach Black Superiority? That is a crock, and you will never find anything I have written to show that, in fact i normally write posts putting that belief down!

Do I think I'm superior to some whites..hell yes, but only in the bedroom, but i dont take that to believe that I, or any other black is better than all whites or any other race of people. Do I think other blacks have bigger cocks and are better in bed than the majority of whites..yes i do, must also or you wouldnt be into youre gang bangs...who is it that is doing the fucking..the fucking that you are getting off on watching? The macho white husbands? hardly... but again does that make blacks superior to whites..well only in the bedroom. (well come to think of it, i did run faster than any white kid in my HS? hmmmm i really must be the best!!!)

If you cant deal with that basic opinion on blacks being better lovers, well then DC or any other forum on IR sex will never suit you. I am not outwardly rude or mean to people as you are (on many occasions not just this thread). You and a few others have this issue with people being real or fake with there posts. I still laugh at you all for taking this so seriously, cause this is all fantasy land, until you deal with any particular person, in person. Angie posted a fantasy story with pics (whether it may or may not be real..never once crossed my mind.), but you HOMOPHOBES, need a reason to put her down, so all you have is to use the FAKE CARD, which, even if you are correct on, still has nothing to do with the underlying theme of this thread.

Live with it Pimp, Cuckolding is real..In the real world. There are cuckolds like you, who just watch and allow it to happen (yes you are one). There are those that watch and like to clean up (creampies); then there are those that are into the bi-sexual aspects (sucking/fucking)....if a guy wants to suck a cock more power too him if he isnt bothering me or you! and there are plenty of black men who like having it done for power and pleasure; and of course there are those who are the most extreme and are total feminized sissys (some are ****** into it ..yes this actually happens, and others want it themselves cause they are bi, or just wimpy personalities..and they are those that are into that worshipping crap).

I live in the real world pimp, and I speak from experience of doing, not just watching. I understand how a female can change into a Submissive Slut from being sexed properly (and its far more than just the size of my dick), and how she can live to only worship me and other blacks! I have regrettably, forcefully sissy cucked a husband once at the prompting of his cheating wife, and I have also had previously straight husbands want to be feminized, and yes i have been to more than one gang bang in my time (although i dont participate in them anymore, primarily due to wanting to keep disease free, but that is my personal choice).

Despite our differences, I never had to stoop to some childish level and call you a Dick, as you did to me, but its ok, you can act tough in this forum, but we both know you wouldnt have the balls to say that to me in person. but i dont need to drop to that level because those that read what we both write/wrote, well they all know who the real Dick is, and not just who has a real dick!
  • #146
pimpology101 said:
Don't misconstrue facts, watchwife. I have called you many things (all of them appropriate) but none were used because of where you are from. You'd be a boil on the ass of humanity no matter the state you reside in.

Pimp stop please! I spit my drink all over my monitor. I dropped in to see WTF this thread was still going for and ran across that.

That is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks. 10/10.
  • #147
Look for yourselves

After reading this exhaustive thread, something Pimp said in one of his posts made sense to me. Rather than just take at face value what this site really is or is not about, I visited the home page. Pimp is right about a few things and wrong about others. Incest, children, sissification, he are all right about ( and personally I agree with him have no place here). But, cuckolds, black worship, cheating wives, and hubby's giving up control of their wives are ALL NOTED and Dedicated reasons for Dark Cavern. Check for yourselves. Also pay close attention to the tan box at the top of the homepage. It states specifically that DC is based 100% on reader input.

Maybe this can shed some light once and for all as to what the original intent is, was, and will be. Now maybe we can get back to some black/white sex!!!!!!:D
  • #148
You are an absolute moron, Pooch. If you believe, as you say you do, that blacks are innately superior sexually and bigger than white in the penis size department. You claim to live in the real world? You haven't a clue as to reality, bub. Consult any scientific penis size study ever conducted. But be careful; the results will damage that all too frail ego and likely make you cry. Then you'd come in here blathering about it was racist or flawed or better yet.....just plain wrong.

Why do most white people indulge in the bbc thing? Because of the taboo. Yeah...because it feeds some need of being bad. There is indirect racism involved to a point, Pooch. It's because of that and not a childish belief that your race is superior to ours. In fact in many instances the mindset is just the opposite. I don't watch or host my gangbangs because I think a black guy is gonna give it to a white woman better than I or her own man could. Far from it. I do it because I get off on the taboo. Because it's still considered wrong and I dig women in tune enough with their sexuality to say "fuck it, I don't care if it's wrong or not. I wanna fuck!" I like the bad girls. It doesn't have one whit to do with your race's supposed sexual superiorty as that myth has been debunked a million times over.

You also say I take things out of context and misquote you. I may well have, but you have done so also--on every single post I have made. I never said cuckolds didn't exist or there wasn't some interest or passing fancy in the extreme examples cited. I just said it was by far the exception rather than the norm. To think otherwise is to be ignorant and blind. And if you don't preach the superior mantra what do you call your 2nd paragraph. Many of your posts don't actually come right out and say it (though you finally did just now) but they have been less than subtle to any person paying attention. It was easy to tell what you were and are about.

So it seems your issue with me is my being intolerant. Tough shit. I have said a million times that intolerance should not be mistaken for bigotry. Freedom is not the ability to behave in any ill manner you wish but rather the responsibility to act as you ought. Practing a belief in racial superiority, sexually or otherwise, falls under the category of unacceptable to most people. I call people on it, including you.

"I understand how a female can change into a Submissive Slut from being sexed properly (and its far more than just the size of my dick), and how she can live to only worship me and other blacks!"

The direct quote above may either be the most laughable or disgusting comment you've ever made. So a woman cannot be properly sexed unless a black man is doing the fucking? Are you fucking kidding me? Grow up and get a fucking clue would ya? How about this? I've seen black men at my parties who couldn't get their fuckin dick hard to save their lives. I've seen blacks get hard and then laughed at the size of their dicks--only to stop laughing when I've seen the utter disappointment on the crestfallen face of a white woman who bought into the hype. I've seen black women cum all over and squirt from a hard white pounding and then laugh at the brothas because, as she said, "aint no brotha ever fucked me like that!"

So you see, it goes both ways. It's not an issue of race, it's one of prowess. The sooner you learn that and more importantly, accept it, the better off you and the rest of us will be.

And for the record......I didn't begin the name calling; you did when you called me an asshole. I have kept it real with you and everyone else from the moment I ever came to this forum and will continue to do so. If you don't like hearing the truth then it's best you skip my posts cause that's all you or anyone else is ever gonna get from me. And if you don't think I'd call you a dick to your face then I suggest you come see me in Ohio. I'll call you that and a whole lot more if you come at me in the manner you have in this forum. Act like a mature adult and leave the racial superiority shit at the door and I might buy you a beer.

By the way, I was the fastest kid in my school too and out ran all the black boys. Wanna race???

And Dodger, glad you got a good chuckle out of something in this thread. It could use some more light-hearted moments. ;)

Thawks, wear a hard hat or duck and cover cause the sky will fall in on these knuckleheads who buy into all this bunk now that fun50 stuck the pin in their balloon!
  • #149
Will, that was a fabulous post. Just perfect. But I'm sure the people in the camp of fanaticism will disregard it.

I also understand the political point and will try to refrain from engaging in that aspect of argument or debate here in the future. It's hard to do, for me, especially when watchwife opens his mouth, but I will make the effort.
  • #150
Will, you very wisely point out in your post how the work "cuck", like many other words in the English language have been hi-jacked by the extreme side and bear little resemblance to their original meaning.

BTW, I read with great interest some of your older posts about how you initially got into the lifestyle. Man, you should be writing "how-to" books!!
  • #151
im done fighting over youre BS Pimp. you go on being a Homophobe and sweating the little things here. I will continue to ck this place out when i feel like it, and enjoy what is good, and do my best to ignore youre Foolishness. respect to all in here, especially any others that feel about me, the same as Pimp does.
  • #151
Guess we'll see ya then.

And you can call my all the erroneous things you wish and mislabel me however you want. I don't sweat you; never have, never will.
  • #152
Hi Angie,

Loved ur pics, mature discreet cuck couple also in fort laud. If you would like to connect as couples leave an e-mail in my private and we will return with pics and such
  • #153
Angie, hi I am a white guy from UK England and just love reading beautifull stories of white babes going "black". My first time on forum, but would love to see your pictures! may be I am not "clicking" on the right sin. I would love to find a babe in the UK for me to encourage to go black and video and take pictures of her several bbc sessions. Please let me know about the pictures, the "boys" on the thread sound blown away by them


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