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Leeza Gibbons' Notorious Black Fucks?

  • Thread starterrico88
  • Start date
Habib Maamria said:
Great point!

White women serving Black men is so much more common than most people think, but it is often kept private.

Very nice pics of Seal and Leeza seeing more mmmm:clap:
You have got to be the most obtuse and ignorant man (if you even qualify for being called one) encountered on this board. And to think weakwhite had that market securely cornered until you sauntered in with knuckles dragging the ground.

I could give two shits about Leeza Gibbon's sex life. You're the one who is consumed by the subject and started the thread. How sad to think your pathetic life is dictated by the volumnous and illogical fantasies of one woman's supposed (at best) interest in black men. Is that all that can get your tiny dick to budge?

I would argue the point of whom is the mental midget with you but why belabor the point in a battle of wits with a clearly unarmed person? I mean, tell me, who has the stunted reasoning when you react so hostily towards people who challenge you with the unequivocal truth that not all white women, including your adored, worshipped and pandered to celebrities, like black men?

I think the newsgroup alt.brainwashed loser misses their since you're a pup who can't run with the big dogs why don't you go back to it, loser!
This is what I call a stone cold RUMOR!! I'll give this one to you Pimpology...Not b/c I've never heard about Leeza creeping ( or that I doubt that she would), but I need more on this one than " I heard..". Sure, celebs bone celebs, but there's gotta be more circumstantial on this one.
I hope Leeza Gibbons doesn't end up missing and then found in a park in Ohio
copeland said:
I hope Leeza Gibbons doesn't end up missing and then found in a park in Ohio

These comments on here like this is totally uncalled for. What in the hell is the matter with you people refering to these white women suppose to be fucking a black guy and saying I hope see doesn't end up in a park in Ohio. How ignorant can people be saying shit like this on a Leeza Gibbons thread that someone started about a here say fuck with a black guy. Totally ignorant. I'm not signaling you out you alone copeland. WWH was the worst about it. I seen this morning that homicide is the third most killer of pregnant women. You want to keep throwing this up how about Stacy Peterson her white crazy husband killed her and then had a interview about missing his wife to Dianne Sawyer. Went on the news pleading for a person to return her. What I'm saying it is is sad of any race to kill like this with out laying it soley on a so called superior Black Male as you see it here. Some of you need to get a life as xzpaw says for your information there is no such thing as a superior black male or any male or woman of any race.
Your a nut case ... in a good way ... LMAO

rico88 said:
You fucking believe what the fuck you want....numbnuts.

I'm not here to convince you one way or the other.

You want to save these Hollywood cunts reputations start
a PR firm. I could give a royal fuck about these pampered
bitches and their narcissistic lifestyles.

I guess you must be the resident "morals nanny" on this
website. There's one or more on every newsgroup, forum,
group ect.

Next time you speak to your "good friend" Leeza...
just ask her if she fuckes black dudes, and let
the "facts" speak for themselves.

For the record.........the only thing I said,
as a statement is " she fucks discreetly, and
she fucks alot ". True or False is a choice and
the ng posting wasn't mine. The pics are window
dressing. Everything else posted is a matter of
public record (Leeza, Entertainment Tonight, Wayne Brady Show)

Now YOU have the "facts" straight.

You are a very strange person.

It is not uncommon for delusional people to become extremely angry or even violent when they're fantasies are questioned. There is help out there, but most people who are delusional don't know they are. Even though it is apparent to the masses.

Calm down ok. Normal relationships may be beyond your reach or comprehension. You are welcome to post anything you wish here on DC. However if you ask a question, you should not get so crazy when you get an answer.

Just say you believe Leeza is a slave to black cocks because you have heard .... whatever.
You don't need facts. Afterall, delusions are not built around facts.
pimpology101 said:
You have got to be the most obtuse and ignorant man (if you even qualify for being called one) encountered on this board. And to think weakwhite had that market securely cornered until you sauntered in with knuckles dragging the ground.

I could give two shits about Leeza Gibbon's sex life. You're the one who is consumed by the subject and started the thread. How sad to think your pathetic life is dictated by the volumnous and illogical fantasies of one woman's supposed (at best) interest in black men. Is that all that can get your tiny dick to budge?

I would argue the point of whom is the mental midget with you but why belabor the point in a battle of wits with a clearly unarmed person? I mean, tell me, who has the stunted reasoning when you react so hostily towards people who challenge you with the unequivocal truth that not all white women, including your adored, worshipped and pandered to celebrities, like black men?

I think the newsgroup alt.brainwashed loser misses their since you're a pup who can't run with the big dogs why don't you go back to it, loser!

You sissified mama's boy. You call yourself a pimp
....right...your obvious low IQ qualifies you as one.

Another low esteemed ghetto fool. A dime a dozen
prison butt fucked punk. A big mouthed fag, wallowing in his own self-pity and bitterness.

You cock sucking butt fuckin Tenderloin queen from San Francisco. Piss on you.. YOU genderless and sexually ambiguous transgendered misfit.

You can't comprehend the Hollywood black/white
fuck scene. Those WASP pussies taken black meat
on a regular basis. BLACK atheletes, BLACK Actors,
BLACK dope dealers, Black Rappers, Black Music
moguls, Black Singers, Black executives, Black
Politicians..........FUCKING WHITE All-AMERICAN
FEMALE Celebs 24/7 from coast to coast.

Your fudgepacking queer ass can't go there. You
can't relate.

Stay anonymous and locked up in your queer closet
.....until that AIDS infected bug up your ass, puts
you 6 feet deep.
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Ignorant Fool

CuteChris said:
You are a very strange person.

It is not uncommon for delusional people to become extremely angry or even violent when they're fantasies are questioned. There is help out there, but most people who are delusional don't know they are. Even though it is apparent to the masses.

Calm down ok. Normal relationships may be beyond your reach or comprehension. You are welcome to post anything you wish here on DC. However if you ask a question, you should not get so crazy when you get an answer.

Just say you believe Leeza is a slave to black cocks because you have heard .... whatever.
You don't need facts. Afterall, delusions are not built around facts.

Read the post from the beginning.....asswipe. It
started out as a True of False quiz, and ng post,
and then ONE fucking moron (pimpology) started
distorting the premise and putting his own spin on
the post, with his scarcastic bullshit.

You best WATCH your fucking labels about other
peoples motives and mental states. You asshole.

Your big mouth and half assed conclusions about
people you know nothing about....could give you
a REAL sobering dose of REALITY - one day.

This is a fucking Internet forum about interracial
sex, not a court of law adjudicating the merits of a libel lawsuit.

Maybe you're just too stupid to notice the difference..... like your in-bred twin - Pimpology.
Incest Stench ....

xzpaw said:
Are you on LSD or something?????? :whatever:

Are you fucking your relatives or something?

In-bred retardation is most apparent in your postings.

pimpology101 said:
Damn that Rico is one delusional, disturbed motherfucker. Oh and a big fag pussy too......

OWNED..Fag Boy.

That post hit weak little bich

Read it again.....

You sissified mama's boy. You call yourself a pimp
....right...your obvious low IQ qualifies you as one.

Another low esteemed ghetto fool. A dime a dozen
prison butt fucked punk. A big mouthed fag, wallowing in his own self-pity and bitterness.

You cock sucking butt fuckin Tenderloin queen from San Francisco. Piss on you.. YOU genderless and sexually ambiguous transgendered misfit.

You can't comprehend the Hollywood black/white
fuck scene. Those WASP pussies taken black meat
on a regular basis. BLACK atheletes, BLACK Actors,
BLACK dope dealers, Black Rappers, Black Music
moguls, Black Singers, Black executives, Black
Politicians..........FUCKING WHITE All-AMERICAN
FEMALE Celebs 24/7 from coast to coast.

Your fudgepacking queer ass can't go there. You
can't relate.

Stay anonymous and locked up in your queer closet
.....until that AIDS infected bug up your ass, puts
you 6 feet deep.
xzpaw said:
Why does it matter if a celeb fucked a black guy. The majority of them are alcoholic drug abusing pussy flashing emotionally troubled nouveau riche whores. Many of them date cheating rehab rejects as well, does that turn you on too

You piece of abject yellow mucus.

What ever bred you....should be sterilized. human excrement.....

Trolled and owned.

Sometimes you just read the threads and shake your head. The bile some people come out with from nowhere is just amazing. We really do live in a screwed up world. What worries me is if this anger is taken outside of the forums somebody has been beaten up today through no fault of their own
Rocco is a fag and can't accept not all women, celebrity or otherwise, fuck black men. If he doubted that they did his little pecker would NEVER get hard to the 1.5 inches it does.
mhall said:
Sometimes you just read the threads and shake your head. The bile some people come out with from nowhere is just amazing. We really do live in a screwed up world. What worries me is if this anger is taken outside of the forums somebody has been beaten up today through no fault of their own

I agree with you some people must have a pretty lousy life. Some of the crap some say is like it is comming out of a grade school bullies mouth. mhall thanks for the pm I will try what you suggested. If I could I'd send you Rosie O'donnell over to the uk to show you my good American manners.
Thanks again Muleman
Why shoould I care?

If Leeza Gibbons wants to screw only black guys, or only white guys or some of both or, for that matter, none of the above. I should care because? If folks like the IR scene, they check this site and enjoy. All this angry crap..what's the point?
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Leeza fake

Can someone please fake Leeza with Shaq. Let's see how see pleased him

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