Hi , i believe that porn totally changed what the cuckold means to it JUST meaning , that he is a guy who is humiliated , degraded , cut off sex and treated like trash by his wife for being incompetent in bed or because of his size , which is one aspect of it , definitely not the whole
" cuckold " means a bf or a husband that is supportive of his partner being unfaithful . that is it really
if you think about it , lets say that cuckolding is like your Latte , when it is just basic latte , if you chose to add humiliation or degradation or limiting sex or treat the husband like a sub , then those are added kinks , like flavors , meaning they aren't essntional to the lifestyle itself.
so there are cuckolds out there who arent into humiliation or any of that , and just supportive of their partners just having fun
so all i am saying if i am saying anything is dont generlize the concept and dont think less of the cuckolds unless that is their own kink
" cuckold " means a bf or a husband that is supportive of his partner being unfaithful . that is it really
if you think about it , lets say that cuckolding is like your Latte , when it is just basic latte , if you chose to add humiliation or degradation or limiting sex or treat the husband like a sub , then those are added kinks , like flavors , meaning they aren't essntional to the lifestyle itself.
so there are cuckolds out there who arent into humiliation or any of that , and just supportive of their partners just having fun
so all i am saying if i am saying anything is dont generlize the concept and dont think less of the cuckolds unless that is their own kink