thanks tcfranklin...the feedback has always been a little frustrating...I always thought it would just pick up after a while....but posting maybe 10 pics a month on another site and getting probably 10 times the comments does kind of irritate
and the tumbler thing....they keep working on it...gradually shutting it down...wonder if that is their intention> look at what Yahoo did to their groups...made a bunch of changes and killed it...tried going back there some this week...most groups have folded and the ones still around...hardly no pics!
you can still find some on tumbler and I have been stumbling my way through...but I am gathering about 1/3 of what I used to...funny if you look at "goofy" named site and one is foreign languages...they still have the pics...but you might click on 5 sites before you get one ...time consuming!
anything with BBC...hotwife...or cuck in the title has been blocked
I have more than enough pics I could post for 2 months without ever gathering a pic...kind of thinking this might be the time to hang it up anyway...give up on spending most of the night and coming up with very what I have a quit!...just thinking anyway