thank you kmbe
thanks h5t6ca
thank you subchard
thanks tcfranklin...I know what you mean and it's frustrating for sure....I post maybe 10 pic a month on another site and will get 10 times the comments there than I do here....add to that the fact I may be getting burned out to begin with..over 10 years doing this...and the tumbler thing...pretty much shutting down any hardcore pics....actually now it is work trying to get the usual number of pics.... Sat night I spent 5 hours looking and probably gathered less than I do on a normal work night! and then someone made some caps on the beach thread and I hate others posting on my threads...just kind of seemed to be a good reason to quit...although hell he really didn't do anything other than take some of my pics and add a statement to them
anyway the whole thing frustrating and getting not fun anymore!