One more question, are you getting what you want when you can't be honest with the "crazy women" in your life?
Do you want the truthful answer or the right answer? I know I should say "no, I'm not" (and, truthfully, I'm not) but, it will have to do for now. It beats having to be honest and make a choice that I'm not ready to make.
However, let me say that I'm really pretty certain that I'm going to choose to end the marriage and start new with Sheila. For better or worse, she has woken up some part of me that's long been sleeping. But, you know, I still have doubts about what to do, so.........
I will say, last night was just wonderful. We were talking about vacation and she told me the last time she'd been to the ocean was the summer after high school (right around when I first met her). She went with 2 friends to Ocean City for 5 days. Of course, the true deviant that I am, I had to prod her to tell me about any sexual escapades she had while at the beach. She told me that she had, on the first day, met a really cute guy and they hit it off, immediately. He was a blond 20 year old from New Jersey. Anyway, she was drinking last night, so I prodded her on to tell more.
She said that first day they were on the beach and in the ocean all day. She said they wanted to kiss all day, but, didn't. Eventually, it turned dark and they went up to the boardwalk to shower off (you know, at one of those shower type things near the beach). As he showered, she begin rubbing sand off his back and she slid her hands in the top of his bathing suit (near his ass). He turned and they started to make out.
They went back to the beach and to a little spot under the boardwalk and made out for a long time. Eventually, it got fairly hot and erotic and she started kissing his neck, shoulder and chest. While she was telling me this, I was kissing her feet and legs and was so fucking turned on (about a story from 15 years ago, no less). So, she told me she could taste, as she kissed his body, specks of sand and the ocean salt, but, that seemed to turn her on all the more. Finally, he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her to her knees, where she proceeded to slip his trunks off and suck his cock. She said she could taste the sand and sea, still, and it just made her hornier. He blew his load in her mouth.
By this point, I couldn't take any more and carried her into the bedroom and had incredible, incredible sex with her. Too, she was so wet when I entered her, I figure her story must have excited even her.
She promised to tell me more during our next date, but, I don't know if I can stand to hear it. lol. Anyway, as we lay there in bed, I thought about everything and realized if she had been telling me a story about her and a guy that happened last week (as opposed to 15 years ago), I would be jealous and pissed. I really don't want her to be with anyone else. Just me, just monogamous. I can't say that I feel the same about my wife and I guess that opened my eyes a bit.
So, like some movie, when I got in my car to go home, the song (yes, I know, I reference a lot of songs), "Fallin' In Love" by Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds (from way back in 1975) was on in the car. It seemed like a sign to me. I guess I realized that I really have fallen in love with Sheila. It's not some infatuation or some righting a past wrong. I care about her, her life and her daughters. I enjoy being with her. I don't need anything to spice up our love life and, if I do, even a simple story of one of her past encounters will do the trick.
I realized, too, that when I'm with Kristy, there's just an air of sadness or regret with me. In my mind (and my heart), I guess I know that I could never return to the life we had together. It's damaged and over. Of course, there could be a new life, but, it would take time for the wounds to heal. I do love her, but, there is so much distance between us. And, I'm not sure that we would change our lives. In so many ways we are not good for each other. There seemed to be nothing either of us wouldn't do for the other (which could be a wonderful thing, but, in our case, I don't think it was). On the other hand, there were *********. I'm not sure there ever would be. Our hearts are too wild, too untamed, guided too many times by our passions. We really were (and are) reckless.
Oh well, it's stuff to think about.