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Is Biden in cognitive decline

  • Thread starterTheWhiteManTime
  • Start date
  • #181
Hotblondewifeshared said:
It is not and why do only republicans need their own news channel since reagan? You do know fox lost 780m for lying to you about the election and behind the scenes, they called their viewers "dumb cousin-fucking terrorists", and have a bigger lawsuit for the same thing right? Do you know how many right wing radio stations there are? Have you heard of Newsmax?
Just fuck off! I’m not on here to master debate your fucked I’m libwral bullshit. So let’s end this convo.
  • #182
You do know that 40 of his 44 cabinet members don't support him and not a single x president or vp in either party right?
  • #183
DaveJ said:
Just fuck off! I’m not on here to master debate your fucked I’m libwral bullshit. So let’s end this convo.
Hahahaha. Fucking snowflake cult member.
  • #185
DaveJ said:
I didn’t show off Fox and friends. I said it’s the only conservative news channel. I look at many news channels. And I can make my choice who is the best person for the job. Do you think Putin‘s going to respect Kamo Harris? Do you think P in China is going to respect Harris? Do you think the Arab, Muslim world is going to respect Harris? What about Iran? Like I said, we don’t need another Angela Merkel! So fuck off!
You really shouldn’t have came here to talk politics if your response is, “ I like who I want, fuck off!!” Classic Republican response, doesn’t have a damn intelligent thing to say lmfao. Interesting that your whole political stance is backed on your beliefs, zero data or facts. Beliefs arent opinions, beliefs require no evidence. For you to have an opinion generally you need to be educated on the issue. You sound like a child who believes what their parents tell them to believe. What policy of Trumps do you think is beneficial to Americans? Do you know how many jobs were lost during his presidency? Do you know anything about the economy or any policies Donald Trump actually has for it? Your basis for Trump being the best person for the job is that you think he is intimidating? He couldn’t even look at Harris when they debated. He sounded like an unintelligible idiot and looked a coward to boot. He really fucked himself focusing so much on Biden‘s cognitive issues . Now that he left the race, Trump is the rambling drooling grandpa.
  • #186
DisGud said:
You really shouldn’t have came here to talk politics if your response is, “ I like who I want, fuck off!!” Classic Republican response, doesn’t have a damn intelligent thing to say lmfao. Interesting that your whole political stance is backed on your beliefs, zero data or facts. Beliefs arent opinions, beliefs require no evidence. For you to have an opinion generally you need to be educated on the issue. You sound like a child who believes what their parents tell them to believe. What policy of Trumps do you think is beneficial to Americans? Do you know how many jobs were lost during his presidency? Do you know anything about the economy or any policies Donald Trump actually has for it? Your basis for Trump being the best person for the job is that you think he is intimidating? He couldn’t even look at Harris when they debated. He sounded like an unintelligible idiot and looked a coward to boot. He really fucked himself focusing so much on Biden‘s cognitive issues . Now that he left the race, Trump is the rambling drooling grandpa.
Listen asshole. I have done a lot of things In my life for you and the rest of your sissy fuck people who just want to base shit on on Internet junk! I don’t have to discuss what I did in my life, but I will tell you this. If you think you’re so swift and smart and try to hold intelligent conversation on a fucking sex adventure website, then you have no life! Go get a life before telling me how to hold intelligent fucking conversations! Don’t really give a flying shit what you or any other cuckhold sissy fuckers have to say on a “sex website”! If you think you’re smart and think we should vote for a woman who’s not going to be respected with world leaders, including Iran, then go ahead! And if you think you have the balls to fight a war with actual arms, bigger than your sissy cuckhold balls, good luck! I really don’t think you understand the severity of things here if we put in another Obama puppet! I will also tell you this. The future of your children and grandchildren will be more difficult. You don’t have to believe me. And you probably don’t care because a lot of you dip shits just shrug it off and say “why should I worry about them…I’m not going to be around anyways!” Or just keep arguing to the point of just calling people “just the classic Republican Trump response!” Just shows even more what your ignorant asses are doing too! Not too smart! You just keep rooting for your
Party like your favorite football team. I’m not talking on tbis thread anymore. So again in kind words coming from an admiring independent. Fuck the hell off!
  • #187
Dave:I I only engage with you because of a couple lucid posts you made in this thread, to wit, the common sense observation that we desperately need a MODERATE third party now more than ever. Because the two party system that worked so well for many decades has atrophied because of both parties moving to extremes leaving the moderate majority to pick between two less than appealing choices. As the Pope said yesterday, you must pick the lesser of two evils..

I'm a GDI from day one. But also a proud never trumper. Because I've studied the Constitution for 40 years. Got the Am Jur award in Con law in 1986! Not just talking out my ass here like most. A second Trump term would be the death blow to our system of government. This is not liberal fearmongering, this is a statement of FACT from a constitutional law expert for 4 decades.

Until the debate, I've never been impressed by Kamala dating back to when we attended law school together (I was two hears ahead and much ahead in class rank). But on Tuesday she was BRILLIANT! She is an excellent prosecutor, and Trump an easy defendant to convict. Only true believers can deny that was a shutout, a no hitter were it baseball. So now its ABC's fault as the fascist propaganda machine churned out the "3 on 1" headline within hours after they were humiliated, no other word for it. The rebuttal of the claims that babies are killed or pets eaten was devastating to Trump's modicum of credibility.

Just as he continues to deny losing the election four years ago, he now denies losing the debate.

And then there is Laura looper oh thank you Jesus. So in the same week we have Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala the Donald has a new and growing scandal, to wit, his new best buddy 9/11 denier, parkland denier, absolute wingnut bimbo. As Maher said, if Marjorie taylor greene is too intellectual for you there's now Laura LOL

So Trump's campaign is in a death spiral this week just as Kamala's star is shining brighter than ever. Maher (and others including frank Luntz the REPUBLICAN's top pollster) agree its over and the debate debacle was the clincher. Google it. Fox might kill the story like the Natonal Enquirer did about the various affairs eg Karen McDougall and Stormy Daniels).

Still 7 weeks is an ETERNITY in politics.

The Beyonce endorsement is coming soon, Trump will get Kid Rock's endorsement and Ted Nugents, but their follower numbers aint up there with Beyonce and Taylor). The tyrant is in DEEP trouble, but not dead yet. The Russian hackers have not yet released kamal;a's emails.

Do I think Kamala will be a great POTUS? HELLO NO!!!!!!
Did I think Sleepy Joe would be good when I voted for him in 2020? HELL NO. I wanted Amy Kloubacar.

But the CONSTITUTIONAL form of government created by the founders REQUIRES that the rules be followed, and the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution prevents the best result (a 5th term for Barack the Great starting in January) .

Kamala is the ONLY alternative to Russian style totalitarianism with a dictator now protected by a Supreme Court decision giving UNQUALIFIED IMMUNITY for all criminal acts committed by the Felon (the sexual assault conviction is not related to official executive department business and predated his time in office and thus not immunized. ) The fact that the Cheneys are voting against Trump should tell you something Dave.

Get a grip man! Even your state of North Carolina, tobacco country, now looks likely to go against Trump. Abandon the sinking ship man.
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  • #188
The most telling moment of the debate was when Kamala told Trump "you are not running against Joe any more, you are running against me now" and he could not disguise the disappointment in his face at that reality. Joe did the patriotic thing, he stepped down for the greater good. What has Trump EVER done for the purpose of benefiting anyone besides himself? Its a rhetorical question of course.
  • #189
Hotblondewife: To quote Reagan "now there you go again" (quoting facts to poor Dave who has nothing but Fox' rhetoric to offer in rebuttal).
  • #190
DaveJ said:
Listen asshole. I have done a lot of things In my life for you and the rest of your sissy fuck people who just want to base shit on on Internet junk! I don’t have to discuss what I did in my life, but I will tell you this. If you think you’re so swift and smart and try to hold intelligent conversation on a fucking sex adventure website, then you have no life! Go get a life before telling me how to hold intelligent fucking conversations! Don’t really give a flying shit what you or any other cuckhold sissy fuckers have to say on a “sex website”! If you think you’re smart and think we should vote for a woman who’s not going to be respected with world leaders, including Iran, then go ahead! And if you think you have the balls to fight a war with actual arms, bigger than your sissy cuckhold balls, good luck! I really don’t think you understand the severity of things here if we put in another Obama puppet! I will also tell you this. The future of your children and grandchildren will be more difficult. You don’t have to believe me. And you probably don’t care because a lot of you dip shits just shrug it off and say “why should I worry about them…I’m not going to be around anyways!” Or just keep arguing to the point of just calling people “just the classic Republican Trump response!” Just shows even more what your ignorant asses are doing too! Not too smart! You just keep rooting for your
Party like your favorite football team. I’m not talking on tbis thread anymore. So again in kind words coming from an admiring independent. Fuck the hell off!
Not once in that rambling incoherent response did you come anywhere close to making a point… at all. It takes me maybe two minutes to respond here. You’re very easy to rebut, being that you dont really make any sense. You are exactly what Republicans look for a, a soft brained knuckle dragger. you still haven’t actually discussed a single policy that makes Donald Trump good for America or the world. You are fixated on this idea that the world respects Trump because you do. They dont. They can tell he is an unfit buffoon (many Americans can too). Those leaders only like him because he’s so unfit to deal with America’s foreign policies that life is easier for them when he is in office . The “cuck” and sex website insults are funny though. Pssst, you’re on the same website you fucking moron. You’re just too dumb to formulate your thoughts into a cohesive response so you respond with random generalizations alluding to your toughness? I bet your facebook bio says “school of hard knocks” lmfao. You keep saying you’re not gonna respond but you keep getting mad, and you keep responding. Using the Donald Trump playbook for answering questions. Just random, incoherent, angry nonsense. Each response worse than the last. If you don’t have the capacity you should stop trying to discuss ideas lmao. Ending with ”Fuck off” is not the mic drop you think it is lol.
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