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I'm Normal, and You're NOT(?)

  • Thread starterRaunchyRandy
  • Start date
Eventually it will get ironed out I hope. Give Will a chance. Besides the extreme section should be the easiet to know where to post.
Agreed. I noticed a new one fucked up today and all I thought was......."uh-oh, Will's gonna blow a gasket!" lol
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ok...now...I want to post a thread about Gang Bangs...hmmmm that is Extreme..i guess it must go there??? ..but wait..Pimp wont even see it now since he has refused to go in there? (ok im just causing trouble...lmao but serously that is my point)
Pooch said:
ok...Pimp wont even see it now since he has refused to go in there? )

Go in there? Haven't you noticed? HE IS ALWAYS IN HERE!! This IS the IR EXTREME Room!!!

I guess it's easier to say one won't do something... But, at least he's behaving... I'm beginning to understand him, and that helps...

Well, maybe I still don't understand something... Like how a white male who arranges set ups for WF's and black males SHOULD NOT be considering cucking, or at least belong to an interacially EXTREME set of circumstances (or in an IR EXTREME section of Dark Cavern). But, that's just me, wondering. Not advocating anyone being put anywhere they don't want to belong. This paragraph was included in the spirit of dialogue, NOT out of any animosity.
This was something I began participating in before I realized it was in the extreme section. If you notice, in "most recent posts" it makes know determination which section posts are in. I came, I began discourse and then noticed the section. However, if you bother to look, I am not in any other thread in this section. Besides this topic is not "extreme" it's a discussion thread.

And, fyi, where do my posts about "gangbangs" surface? That's right, one of two places: the let's meet up section or the wife pics (where I post actual photos from the parties).
omg pimp chill out...you dont need to be so defensive...its ok we (I) still love you...and those who dont, still hate you.
LOL Pooch don't read defensiveness where there is none. Just elaborating and explaining. The line from the Toby Keith song is my adopted mantra......

I'm a man of my convictions
Call me wrong, call me right
But I bring my better angels to every fight
You may not like where I'm going
but you sure know where I stand
Hate me if you want to, love me if you can.
RaunchyRandy said:
Well, maybe I still don't understand something... Like how a white male who arranges set ups for WF's and black males SHOULD NOT be considering cucking, or at least belong to an interacially EXTREME set of circumstances (or in an IR EXTREME section of Dark Cavern). But, that's just me, wondering.

I don't know why I never thought of that myself. Wouldn't it be wild Pimp if per chance you, say, accidentally sucked down a cream pie at one of your parties or something and became the wildest extreme freakzoid on the board? Thats what usually happens when someone goes from one "extreme" to the other. Will would have to create a new forum because the Pimp would end up too extreme for the rest of us. There would be IR Extreme then for the real freaks there would be Pimp's ExxxTra Hard IR Extreme.

Don't laugh Pimp. You see it all the time. The biggest sinners were the most religious at one time and vice versa. The biggest anti smokers are ex smokers.

Wow, I'm blowing my own mind.

There is never any danger of me getting anywhere close enough to a creampie, especially with my mouth, for that to happen. In fact the thought makes me wanna puke and brush my teeth....1,000 times.
sounds homophobic to me, not macho. sluts drink and love cum, the sh*t not gonna kill you. you never got hit by flying cum at a gang bang? come on now..every man out there at some point in there life tasted there own cum just to see what it was like.
Pooch said:
sounds homophobic to me, not macho. sluts drink and love cum, the sh*t not gonna kill you. you never got hit by flying cum at a gang bang? come on now..every man out there at some point in there life tasted there own cum just to see what it was like.
Hey Pooch is there a diff between tasting and drinking it I hear some drink it. What the hell are you doing posting in a I'm normal thread lol.
mule go back to the beginning..what was a call for tolerance for all on DC...which was a spinnoff of that "pimp' thread...well you can read how and why it got all off whack and make youre own determination. and PS..a little cum or alot wont kill you.
I never said it was out of machismo. It's a personal choice. You are more than free to drink all the cum you like and eat all the creampies you want. Somehow it doesn't surprise me.
SaltandPepper98 said:
Wouldn't it be wild Pimp if per chance you, say, accidentally sucked down a cream pie at one of your parties or something and became the wildest extreme freakzoid on the board?

Guys, it was just a little tail tweaking with my buddy Pimp. And thats the way he took it. The picture of it in my mind just seemed funny at the time and I wanted to share it with Pimp. Lets not blow this all out of proportion and start something that isn't there.

For the record I don't eat cream pies either and I know I'm not homophobic.
See, even when Norm and I disagree (which is often) we still manage to remain friends (I think) and love tweaking one another. An aversion to creampies shouldn't be misconstrued as a hate of gay men. Geesh.
muleman said:
Hey Pooch...
What the hell are you doing posting in a I'm normal thread lol.

Mule... Pooch... Pimp... SaltnPepper... I thought I'd tweak this thread a bit, 'cauz y'all need a new angle.

Since this is the 'IR Extreme Room,' as one who identifies as a Dominant, my posts could be considered '...the stuff that you might reasonably expect other posters to be disturbed by.' That doesn't bother me, but I see myself being as 'normal' as the next person.

What's 'normal,' anyway? For example...

Person A maintains a good job, and has never been in trouble with the law, doesn't do drugs, is religious, and is a family man. He does volunteer work in his community, and is someone who can be depended on to be helpful by his friends. He is faithful to his wife, and they have sex two or three times a week. BUT, he identifies as a Dominant (and his wife, conversely identifies as a submissive). Their sexual mores are a bit more intense than others, but they keep their activities private (as do most couples). They occasionally seek out the intensities prevalent in the Domination/submission lifestyle. In all ways, they indulge in sexual activities which are SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL (SSC).

Person B is exactly the same as Person A except that they DO NOT identify with the D/s lifestyle. Their sexual activities include active exploration of fantasies, and they SWING (discreetly) with other couples. Again, their activities are SSC...

Person C is completely disparate of Persons A and B. He cheats on his wife (or SO) if he has one. You see him on Dark Cavern regularly, soliciting women of all ilk. He's a specialist in one night stands. He identifies as a 'bull,' or a 'stud,' and has children that he doesn't even know exists. To him, women are simply objects to be used for his own sexual gratification, and he'll bareback anyone who will stand still long enough...

My question (because I don't accept anyone else indiscriminately labelling me or mine) is, 'Why are Persons B & C labelled as 'normal' here on Dark Cavern, while person A, simply because he occasionally privately indulges his own peculiar brand of sexuality, relegated to a special 'room' for 'freaks?'

Keep in mind, Pimp, we are ALL unique/peculiar in our own way. We each have our own unique relationships/focuses which we embrace. My thought is
that each of us is entitled to pursue those sexual activities which make us happy, as long as it's legal, SAFE, SANE, and CONSENSUAL; others thoughts about that don't matter.

In my mind, I'm as mainstream as anyone else here; 'cause, again, looking at the whole of societal dictates, NONE OF US are really normal.
Normal is a nice label but I don't think it applies to anyone who comes to this forum. Normal to me is the church lady down the street and she probably had a lesbian affair at some point in her life so I do believe that none of us are truly normal. I am just as crazy and messed up as all of yall (it's part of the human condition). It seems that the most judgemental people are the ones with the most to hide (Larry craig, Tom Foley, Jimmy Swaggert, Republican assholes in general). It really is a shame that we as a species have wandered so far from our origins. Shame and fear as tools to control the flock and reap the $$$. I do not condone lawlessness or anything goes (pedophiles should be slowly tortured to death but so should Dick cheney)
The Breeding section was always going to fall over because some DC members are bitterly opposed to the thought of white wives deciding to breed black babies (as society is allegedly not ready for them).

What is normal is constantly changing. Slavery was normal, a white girl siting on a bus with a black boy was not normal, the Earth is flat was normal, divorce was not normal.

A site like Dark Cavern cannot flourish unless certain members stop trying to enforce their own views of what is normal. Statistics don't mean a thing, as lots of visitors decide not to join because they notice how many posters get rubbished for holding views a little bit different.

I like to read about other people's fantasies as it stretches my mind to try new things to add more fun into my life.

I don't come to DC to get rotten eggs, over-ripe fruit, or loads of bricks dropped on me.

Sometimes, I think that the ones who bitch the most are probably getting the least sex, and this thought causes me to smile.
sticky you are a fine artist, but lets not ruin this thread..again..with political commentary for I could name many liberal judgemental assholes also. i think Randy wrote this forum in response to all the bickering in previous forums (which sadly I admit I was front and center in and again apologize to all that i may have annoyed) just to show that everyone has the rights to do whatever they want, and that should be cool with everyone..period. josetta great comments too, atypical of youre normal writing style but deserving of props nevertheless. as i like to say "live and let live, fuck and let fuck!"
That was a nicely worded post by Joe to further his (?) agenda but vieled allusions and metaphors don't blind everyone. No one is censoring or muzzling anyone here. If those who hold such thoughts as you would have them share they can do so in the extreme section where again, the majority who are offended by such over-the-top subject matter will not have to be subjected to them.

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