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Her first "real date"

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #141
Susan's Slave said:
I think Don just overplayed his hand and that will work in your favor. Sue made it quite clear that she determine who she has sex with, and that she will look to you for input. If she chooses to expand her boundaries by allowing another man into the picture she has made it clear that it will be her choice, not Don's, and she won't do it without your approval. You have one very awesome woman sharing your life!

I don't think Don just overplayed his hand at all, I think he's been doing it all along. He did it with his request that Sue pierce her nipples for him, he did it with his request that she no longer allow STB to cum inside her, and he did it with the way in which he mismanaged the bed situation.

Many women have a primal sexual attraction to bad boys, equating them with fun times, and Sue seems to be one of these. But she also seems to be fully aware that the qualities that make for hot sex with a BF/FB would translate very poorly to a long term relationship. I do have to agree with Susan's Slave that you have one awesome woman sharing your life, STB.
  • #142
Agreed, but I bet tit rings would be pretty damned sexy. Think she would do it for you if you asked? It would put Don in his place if he knew she did it for her husband.
  • #143
Hey all - just a quick update. It's these kinds of weekends that I love. Great weather and Sue is hornier than a mountain goat. Usually we're both a bit tired by Sunday but she's already teased me before and sucked me till I was almost there and then said "later".

The only thing "Don-related" that's come up is that when she came home from shopping she had some extra stuff - shampoo, razors, toothbrush and stuff and she said that she had bought it to leave at Don's. She just said it as if it was nothing, she didn't even look at me and all I said was " uh huh" as we unpacked the groceries. I don't know if she noticed my hard-on when she said that.

If I really asked Sue to, she probably would try a nipple piercing. If I really played it up, she might. When Sue and I are together we'll play with a lot of toys. I know she shared with Brad that we have some bondage stuff and at times, I have "tied her to the bed" and had fun with her. I have also put clips on her nipples when we're playing that way. She loves it at the time but I am not sure she would want it permanentely. Although, on the other hand, in time, would it be any different than an earring?

I don't think Sue has revealed this part of herself to Don yet. She did allow Brad to tie her and she did allow him to use dildos and other toys on her. I suspect it is only a matter of time before she allows Don this degree of liberty. I should add that our "restraints" are only velcro cuffs that can be easily undone, Sue is one to enjoy the fantasy of truly being out of control but is not one to do it for real.
  • #144
I just had to post an update tonight despite being totally tired out. Sue was so horny tonight which was unusual and even though I wasn't totally there it wasn't hard to get there with her teasing.

I asked her why she seemed so horny tonight and she just said that Don had really made her feel incredible and everything she does sexually seems to turn her on. She actually said that her pussy ached for more and that her fingers weren't enough. She said she hoped I didn't mind that Don got her really horny with his spur of the moment fun on Friday.

I asked her if she liked him or liked the sex with him and she hesitated on her answer. Then she just said "I know he's a jerk but I do like him" and after a pause she giggled and said quietly "and of course the great sex". I was so weird - she was naked next to me and I had my fingers in her pussy and I could feel her squeeze them as she said that.

I still look at her and just marvel that she'll let other guys cum in her right where my fingers were then.

I was in her and she was pulling her legs back for me when she said "I need to ask you something" and just from how she said it I got even harder in her. "What is it?" "Well, Don asked me if he could see me other nights or maybe days?".

I knew it was coming. I knew from how she seemed with him. The look in her eyes when she'd come home. How turned on she was afterwards. And as she said that - she didn't even look at me as she said it - but as she said it and as she felt my reaction by my cock seeming to throb - well, her reaction was obvious - my god did she juice up inside and a moment later she pulled her knees back and I slipped all the way into her.

I know she was turned on but she had a look on her fact that seemed to look right through me and then she smiled and said in this sexy voice "mmmm, Don likes this too". She was driving me crazy. I said something to her about feeling so good and she just kept moaning with me and thrusting up at me. It was so intense - she would look right at me and say things to me to drive me crazy. And it worked, wow, I found myself on the brink so soon that she whispered something again about Don cumming a lot and that was it. I let loose with what little I had left but it was enough to bring Sue right along with me. There is something so wonderful when you can cum together and this was one of those times. Her body shook as she felt me exploding in her and that just spurred me on.

Afterwards as we lay there looking at the ceiling and holding hands she said to me "you're okay with us showering and stuff right?". I don't think it will ever feel totally normal to talk about your wife and her lover showering together but there it was. I just said "okay but not all the time, right?" and a moment later I broke the ice and just said in a plain voice "what's this about seeing him more?" And she said it was something he'd asked her - if there were any other nights or maybe every now and then during the day on a weekend, if she could see him.

It was good that we weren't looking at each other because I don't know if I could have just spoken to her so calmly, like we were discussing fruit at the market. I took a breath and just asked her how that would work and what we'd tell the kids. And then, before she could say anything I added "and what does that mean to me?" She was quiet after that question for a few moments and then she just said "I don't know, it was just something that came up. Let me find out more and I'll let you know.". And that was that, neither of us mentioned it but I do still see the plastic bag full of the stuff from the store sitting on the shelf in the bathroom.

Anyway - as I said, I'm quite tired so I'll bid everyone a good evening and to hope you all have a good work-week.
  • #145
Wow, I am sitting here with my Jaw on he floor, The rate of progression of your adventure is fascinating. How amazing you must feel when I as a spectator get so excited just reading your accounts, and you are actually living them. Enjoy, I know I am!
  • #146
wow, this is amazing...showering together, seeing him more...I hope it turns you on...it certainly makes hot reading. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!
  • #147
I haven't said I was okay about seeing him more yet. I don't know that I'll reject the idea but I haven't said yes to it yet.

I think I said it back when she was seeing Brad that once I got acclimated to them having sex together and it stopped feeling like it was threatening, that I did find it exciting to think of them showering together. When she spent the night with Brad I know that one of the most intense parts was knowing they'd wake up together and get washed/showered together. For whatever reason it turns me on to think of them soaping each other up. I liked thinking of Brad washing my wife.

I'm not quite there yet with Don but Sue's desires since she came home Friday night seem to reinforce (to me at least) that this is something she wants and is enjoying and is sharing with me openly.
I guess I just wish he was less of a jerk in how he behaves but he sure does do right by Sue and that is something I cannot deny.

I remember how I felt when she would come home smelling so clean that I just KNEW they'd showered together. It is so intensely arousing to think of them that close and comfortable.
  • #148
So it's Tuesday night and after having sex last night, I don't know that either of us are particularly in the mood - but I also know if I say "no" to tonight that I may be waiting till Friday night again. I'm not sure but until our daughter goes to bed in about 45 minutes, I'm keeping all options open.

That said, we did talk a bit right after dinner when the kids went off. She said that she wanted to know if I wanted to go out with them again this Friday night. I asked what the plan was and she said they didn't have one yet. I was about to ask more when she asked me if she could maybe go see him on Sunday for a little while. I told her we'd have to talk about this later so I'm not sure how the night is going to go.
  • #149
Sunday? That might be pushing it. I guess that everybody is different, but for many people Sunday is kind of a "family" day. How you guys are going to manage a situation in which she is going to be out for a "little while". I forsee complications.
  • #150
Hey - only a minute to post here. No hanky panky tonight but we have a date for tomorrow night.

Frank - I asked her the same thing - actually what I told her was "you tell me where we will say you are going and you can go". She hasn't answered yet. I guess this will be a test for her in a way - how much does she want to go. She hasn't said yet why Sunday and why she wants to go (other than the obvious).

As far as Sunday being a family day - not here, not with my 17 year old son who has a car and a girlfriend and not when my daughter will surely be at the mall or at a friends house all day. Actually Sunday afternoons are usually when Sue and I will have a bit more time - sometimes an "afternooner".
  • #151
Beware the slippery path.

Dear STB,
Having spotted this fascinating thread I went back and followed it from the start but now, for the first time, I have concerns about where you are heading so have signed up specifically to say so. In retrospect Brad was no danger. He loves his wife and family but felt intense affection towards Sue, a sentiment that she reciprocated, and more. He is a decent guy and a gentleman. Agreeing to see her one more time expressly for your benefit, his last sex with your wife was with the inhibition of your presence, he then symbolically handed her back to you by leaving and by doing that he sacrificed the chance for some special time alone with Sue to say a proper goodbye at the end of their torrid year long affair.

Don is a completely different proposition. I see him as controlling, self centred and selfish. Note the way that when thwarted on one of his demands he immediately asks for a different privilege as compensation. Make no mistake his aim is to remove you from the equation completely. Consider the list of things that he has asked for or gained in a relatively short time.
1. The urgency with which he wanted to have sex in your bed while vetoing any action by you on his own bed.
2. Persuading Sue to shave and asking that she get her nipples pierced.
3. Not content with showing her round the clubs as his GF, he persuaded her to go without panties and wanted her to flash other men.
4. His wish that you no longer have intercourse with your wife. This is not fastidiousness because he is quite happy to lend her to his friends for his own benefit and amusement.
5. Now he wants to be with her on extra nights. This will inevitably mean more denial for you and will be another step towards his ultimate objective.

Sue has sensibly told him that extra nights are up to you. I think it is important that you refuse, at least in the short term. To please Sue you may agree later, (on an occasional basis only), but it’s vital that you exercise your degree of control now, if only show that you still need to be considered but also to slow the rate of his planned encroachment into your life.

Please don’t get into the position where your lines in the sand are repeatedly just brushed aside. I am worried at the way that you have already started to eroticise denial. I recently wrote a story where the lover was a man very like Don. Under his persuasion the wife weaned her husband off intercourse completely with masturbation training.

Good luck.
  • #152
I would strongly suggest you show Sue the recent thread that has taken some dramatic turns. It should shake your desires and Sue should be told such. You and Sue should read the thread and discuss how that relates to her, Don, and you. Only then should you proceed, with caution, knowing where others have fallen.
  • #153
Hey all. I spoke to Sue earlier today and casually mentioned Sunday and she said "it's not going to work out anyway" so I didn't ask more but will when I get home later.

UK - I didn't just start to eroticise denial - it's been there all along and Sue knows it. And I've already told her as I've mentioned here several times that it turns me on to know she would "rather not" have sex with me at times in preference of Don or having her excitement/anticipation for him to build. To me that is just such an intense turn-on and she knows it. But this is nothing new so I'm not sure I understand that part of your caution.

I'm well aware of the other cautions and warning signs that you see in terms of Don, but I also see that Sue has appropriately said no (and without a prompt from me).

UK - I would love it if you could share your story with me - if it's good, I'd like to "use it" on the nights when Sue and I aren't having sex. I've PM'd you with my Email address.

Gotta run - almost time to head home.
  • #154
So - we haven't had much time to talk yet as we had to go to a school thing at my daughters school. She'll be off to bed so Sue and I will soon have our alone-time. Our son is out at his girlfriends studying and won't be home till about 11pm. I asked her if she "minded" having sex with me tonight and she giggled and said "no silly, I never mind it" and then she just said something about it making her a little less horny by Friday and that if I still wanted it that she'd be into it as she too felt she would miss me since we changed our rhythm this week.

Sue did confirm that Sunday is off but she did say she would like to find a way to have a little more time with him - and she said it - "from time to time" - so I don't think she's looking for something as regular as Friday.

For Friday night, all she said was that I should meet them at the usual place and that, at least she thinks, Don will be more receptive to me being with them at his place. I started to ask her more but she said "lets talk later" so I let it go.
  • #155
I know many see Don as the end to your marriage or at least your manhood, but I don't. I liken Sue's interest in other men to women who love to ride horses. Brad was a great horse, well-mannered and fun to ride, but it was hard to schedule rides.

Don is an unruely mount, tiresome in his antics but fun to ride. So, Sue rides him once or twice a week. If he wants to do things she doesn't approve of, she brings him back to task. If he becomes too hard to handle, she'll find another.

A woman doesn't want to marry the horse, she just wants to ride it.
  • #156
loveslife2005@yahoo.com said:
I know many see Don as the end to your marriage or at least your manhood, but I don't. I liken Sue's interest in other men to women who love to ride horses. Brad was a great horse, well-mannered and fun to ride, but it was hard to schedule rides.

Don is an unruely mount, tiresome in his antics but fun to ride. So, Sue rides him once or twice a week. If he wants to do things she doesn't approve of, she brings him back to task. If he becomes too hard to handle, she'll find another.

A woman doesn't want to marry the horse, she just wants to ride it.


does anyone have a shovel?:)
  • #157
Hi, Been away a while (went to attend a Grandaughters wedding in MO.) so have been catching up on your events.
Concerning Sundays, My opinion is you should 'conditionally agree' She can visit him on a sunday afternoon, for an hour or two, as long as you are with her and get to participate in some way that you and Sue agree on before hand. You can explain to the children that you will be 'out shopping'. That way Don will know that you are both expected back home and won't be able to encourage Sue to stay longer without you.
I, to congratulate Sue for the way she is handling Don. I also think she is needing and asking for your support. Not just for allowing her the freedom to have sex with Don but in guiding her in keeping it under control.
Cheers, Harry
  • #158
Only a minute to update right now as we've had company since early Saturday afternoon and they "camped out" in my office where the computer is.

A short summary of Friday was that I followed the plan and Sue had gone straight to Don's place after work. I came home and then went out later and met them after dinner. I have to say, it is an odd feeling eating dinner with your kids knowing their mom is out on a date. I noticed that she'd taken the bag she'd put together of stuff she wanted to leave at his place.

Anyway - I met them as usual and the first thing that struck me was how comfortable Sue was in the back area by the pool tables. Many people said hello to her and the bartenders also seemed to recognize her. She looked so relaxed and incredibly sexy. Don would pull her to him and kiss her as to all there, they were together. I thought of going over but instead I just stayed on the other side of the room. It was maybe 15 minutes of seeing them be totally relaxed together - holding hands, kissing, him feeling her ass - before she saw me and immediately came over.

She kissed me so passionately it took me off guard and she hugged me and asked me how long I'd been there. She smiled when she felt I was hard and had been there watching for as long as I had. She asked if I was going to come over and hang with them and I said I would but that I thought I'd feel weird if people remembered I has her husband. She smiled and said that they know she's married and held up her hand with her rings on it.

I did go over and we even played some pool but it was obvious, she was with Don and not me as they continued to behave pretty much like I was just a friend. She talked so freely with other couples there - sometimes alone and sometimes with Don's arm around her shoulder. It was eerie to see. But every now and then she would catch my eye and smile and blow me a kiss.

She danced with Don and she danced with me. While we danced she said she'd talked to Don about me and "being nicer" to me and he said he'd try. That explained the pool game that seemed a little out of character. We even took turns buying rounds of drinks. Finally, maybe about 11:30pm Sue came over and took me aside and talked to me for a minute.

She said that she'd talked to Don about my coming over and that she'd gotten him to calm down about my being there and that he'd be better about things. She said I could do more and stuff like that. I told her that was great and I was ready to follow them.

Maybe 15 minutes later we were in the parking lot outside his condo and he was at the door opening it. Sue took me aside again and told me more. She said that he said he was okay if I wanted to do stuff with her while they were fucking - she said "you know, play with my boobs or kiss me". I asked if she'd suck me and she said Don said that would also be okay with him. I asked "what's he not okay with?". And she just said "He still would rather you not fuck me" and she added "I told you..." and after a pause she said "remember, he doesn't even like that we do it when I'm not here". Then she added "give it some time, I'm sure he'll give in eventually, okay?" and then in this pleading voice she said "for me?!". What choice did I really have.

I stayed back this time too - they started getting friendly in the kitchen as he made drinks - he did yell out to me if I wanted anything and I came in and got a beer. I stayed there - maybe 5 feet from them and we talked for a second but I don't remember about what as all I could do was stare at his arm around Sue and his hands in her hair and this dreamy look on her face.

I let them go upstairs first - Sue crooked her finger for me to follow but just said I'd be up in a moment. I think it's easier on me - it still hurts in a way to see her be seduced and to see Don undress her and reveal her hungry body.

I gave them about 10 minutes and then I walked up slowly. He was licking her pussy and she had one hand on his head and the other cupping her breast with her eyes closed and her body tense. I waited as she started to shake and then started to moan as she came as I watched.

More in a bit - dinner is beckoning....
  • #160
Sorry - Sue was yelling to come up to dinner.

I don't know if I'll ever totally get used to her like that. Despite the incredible arousal, it still gives me this ache inside to see her like that - knowing Don is having all of her. I know she looked over and saw me and smiled (she later told me I was smiling at her at the time).

I don't know how long I stood there as time seemed to stop as I watched their fun. It was obvious that they were VERY comfortable and familiar with each other as their movements seemed so smooth and relaxed. I almost felt proud at how far Sue has come in letting herself go totally as I've always said I wanted her to.

When he pulled his face away it was quite the sight as she was visibly excited - her pussy was so red and wet and open. I felt like I'd given something very special up at that moment seeing her so open and available for him. But at the same time my god was I turned on to know that she was that worked up in anticipation of him fucking her.

I actually felt like I was a spectator in a sporting event or something as I felt like cheering them on in a way. The next thing I knew was she had his pants down at his ankles and as he pulled his shirt off she eagerly sucked on him. She glanced over at me and motioned me over with her hand and as I stood up she started a motion like she wanted to jerk me off so I undid my pants and walked over next to the bed and sure enough, she took me in her hand.

It felt incredible but looking down at her eagerly sucking Don was like the icing on the cake. I pulled back a bit to catch myself before I just got carried away and would cum. She slowed her hand down as she kept going at Don.

She can barely get my cock in her mouth so there was no way she was doing more with Don and she could only get maybe half of him in her mouth - she did the rest with her hand and whatever she does - if it's what she does to me - it feels incredible and it's no loss that she only has 1/2 of it in.

I looked down further and saw that Don had his fingers in her pussy. Either 2 or 3 of them but they were all the way in her. She must have felt incredible at that moment as it sounded like it from how squishy she seemed to sound and look.

Thinking back, I seem to have gotten caught like a deer in the headlight kind of thing where time just seemed to stop. It felt like she'd been sucking him for hours in one sense and then in the other, it felt like just seconds.

I do remember when she pullled him out of her mouth and not just how wet he was but how big and mean his cock looked. I just stood there like a statue while he seemed to literally throw her back against his pillows. It seemed so well rehearsed as she lay back and just spread her legs. Even from where I stood it was obvious she wanted him in her. I felt such a rush at that moment. I didn't even need to cum or anything - just seeing her like that.

She was even more brazenly sexy - even slutty - than when she'd been at her most comfortable with Brad. Her pussy hole just hung open as if she almost needed him in her to fill her. Sometimes she's a little dry - but not Friday night - between him licking the heck out of her and just her plain excitement - it was obvious she was more than wet.

What blew me away was how she just willingly pulled her own knees back and arched her body to invite him in. LIke I said, I felt like a spectator at a sporting event - ready for another cheer as the visiting team got ready to score.

I felt my cock throbbing wildly as he effortlessly pushed his way into her. He pulled back only once or twice before he sank all the way into her. As he did she let go of her knees and again raised her hand to call my own cock into her grip.

I walked up and Don didn't really acknowledge me even as Sue held my cock and started to jerk me off slowly. I was so close to where he was in her I could see and hear their passion. It made me feel so great when Sue started to cum almost right away. I could see the wetness increase as she seemed to take him even deeper.

She held my cock for a few minutes but then gave in to his passion. My god did he take her that night. Slamming his body into hers and then grinding himself into her and into the bed. I thought he was going to cum with her but as she came down from the sudden surprise he seemed to motion with his hands and without pulling out of her, somehow they turned over and he was now behind her and she was on her knees. A second later they turned and Sue moved to me still standing at the edge of the bed and she started to suck on me.

I looked up and Don was behind her, eyes closed, pulling her back by her hips. The thought of her being fucked from both ends drove me crazy. Feeling her body as she'd plunge back onto him and then forward onto me was incredible. I held her hair in my hands as Don held her hips just as tightly. He opened his eyes and saw me looking at him and he just smiled a huge grin as he pulled her back and ground himself into her.

This must have gone on for maybe 10-15 minutes and I swear I do not know how I held off as long as I did. I felt Sue cum at least 2 or 3 times and each time I could see her back arch and feel her shake. I knew I was close and I didn't know how Don could be holding off but Sue just kept floating from orgasm to orgasm.

I had my eyes closed until I heard what could only be a slap. I opened them to see Don spanking Sue. I've done it to her many times (I've even spanked her directly on her spread pussy) so it didn't totally surprise me that Don would like it. Sue let out a squeal at it but my god did she start to fuck and suck even harder from it too. He was using both hands and she was moaning so much.

Finally, and it surprised even me, he pulled her sharply back to him and he let out a grunt that even turned me on. It was like this guttural grunt and then another and another. She had my cock in her hand and as I realized he was cumming in her at that moment, I started to cum in her hand. As he let go and collapsed forward she took me in her mouth and sucked the last spurt from me and then collapsed to the bed.

Don just stayed where he was kneeling. Seeing his cock softening there with a dribble of cum coming from it - it was a humbling sight for sure.

Damn - she's yelling for me. I"ll have to finish later. She "wants me" again tonight and our daughter is off to bed right now so I'll be back!!!

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