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Her first "real date"

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #181
I can only hope my Friday nights will once again be as exciting as yours, enjoy while you can. You will miss it when or if it's not there and only have these forums to remind you how magical those special occasions were.
  • #182
STB, as Sue starts seeing Don more often and for longer periods of time, the likelyhood of you having penetrative sex with her may diminish. While you already "volunteer" to abstain on Wednesday and Thursday to prepare her mind and body for her Friday date with Don, you very likely will be asked to give up more as his time increases.

He has already told Sue that he would prefer for her to stop having penetrative sex with you. He seems to especially not to want you to cum in her, saving that gift for him. If Don starts seeing Sue during the week or on Sundays, I could see Don wanting Sue to be kept "clean" for him on a more full time basis. To this point, if they start seeing each other more frequently, he may at a minimum insist that you start to wear condoms so not to be able to cum in "his" pussy. It basically may come to the point where the more he is fucking your wife the less penetrative sex you the husband may get from her.

Part of the enjoyment Sue and you may get from her cuckolding is the denial to you the very pleasure her lover gets. Evidence of this is her saving herself for Don after her period and knowing you can't touch her and that he will have her pussy before you do again. It may also become a turn on to her to have you start wearing a rubber while she freely lets her boyfreind shoot his sperm in her.

When she gets home to you from her date nights you will be greeted with a happy, glowing wife who will undoubtedly have a creampie for you to feast upon. You will then be able to lick her pussy, the pussy that her lover fucks regularly. And she will enjoy telling you how much Don's cock is welcome in her pussy . . . and know how much you love to hear it!

  • #183
Custer said:

At the risk of stating the obvious, your wife is telling you that if you accompany her on dates with her lover it will feel like going out on dates with her father in the back seat, then with her father sitting at the same restaurant table, then with her father sitting in her lover's living room while they fuck.

I agree 100% with Custer, let her go by herself, and as she leaves tell her you can't wait for her to come home all wet and ready to make love. Beth
  • #184
I only have a short time right now as we are heading over to Home Depot once my son returns with his truck.

Luvsitto - I have considered the possibility of increased periods of denial, but one thing that Sue and I have talked about is perhaps relaxing the rigidity of the "every Friday" and just this morning she raised the possibility of perhaps seeing him 2 nights in a row but not every week, or perhaps Friday nights and then when she would go "shopping" on Saturday.

I didn't come right out and ask her if things were getting stagnant with him, but she seemed very receptive to my suggestion of moving away from the rigid Fridays.

As I've said many times here and elsewhere, this is something we are doing together (believe it or not) and I do want to go further down this road. I would like to experience the angst and anxiety during a longer period of denial. Seeing her naked in the mornings and knowing I will have to wait to have her again is, even now just typing it into the computer, getting me aroused.

I do not see condoms in our future though - Sue does not like them, she says they feel artificial, like it's a dildo instead of a real cock in her. Perhaps in a unique situation, like we had when she just had her IUD fitted, I can see the eroticism in them, but I do not ever believe that Sue would willingly stop having sex with me or stop letting me cum in her just because Don wanted it - she has already told him no and our 2 days is, I believe, very satisfying for both of us and that is something I do not wish to change.

Your last paragraph is very accurate. I did go down on her when she came home last night. There is something just so erotic seeing her undressing knowing the passions she's shared with him and that she is about to share with me. Seeing her reddened pussy still swollen and damp where her tender lips meet. Knowing - having seen firsthand - what she has been doing. And yes, knowing Don's big cock was in her and that he'd cum deep in her - it truly doesn't seem to be something I tire of ever.

It bothered me that she told him that I go down on her when she comes home. I sometimes wonder if the things she told him may have affected how he is with me when I'm there. But I no longer question that feeling and tasting another mans semen in her is an incredible rush. It is as if it is an on-switch for my cock because no sooner does she relax and (no other way to say it) "open up" both sexually and by starting to tell me of her night - my god, my cock goes rock hard.

I sometimes wonder when I the excitement will fade but it hasn't yet. PUlling her knees back and slipping myself into her wetness. All I need do is think about Don having her just like this - and more importantly - her giving herself to him just as she is to me. She has often commented that my cock feels so much larger on these sorts of Friday nights. I know that the denial has certainly raised my desires incredibly.

She told me how they'd fucked in his bed and also in his den in front of the TV. She told me how she stayed naked the entire time and again how she enjoys letting her lover see all of her like that. She will usually put on a robe and clean up a bit if we are having a long night of sexual fun - but with her lovers, she still tells me she does neither and that it is similar to the freedom she feels when we're at the nude beach - that she doesn't need to hide anything.

It never takes us that long on Friday nights - the excitement is very high for both of us and while we may not always cum together, we both always do. She reached it first last night and it turned me on to feel her writhing under me and to feel her wet pussy convulsing and releasing all the cum trapped in her. Last night, when I felt that and heard the moan that I know means she has had hers, I let my mind go to the sight from last week with Don back on his knees. For whatever reason, the image of him kneeling there with a drop of sperm dripping from his bobbing cock - knowing the rest was in her, just as I was at that moment - just pushed me over and my 2 days of desire were instantly quenched (I'm in a poetic mood).

I know we lay there together for a while. There is such a peace lying together feeling each other breathing and feeling our bodies slowly slip apart. She giggled as she grabbed a tissue or two and wiped up before kissing me and going into the bathroom to get cleaned up.

I went in behind her and whispered "leave it wet tonight, maybe we'll wake up in the middle of the night". She giggled some more and called me a pervert but then turned, hugged and kissed me and said "ok". After washing and brushing our teeth we went back in bed and she let me run my hands all over her and my fingers through her wet pussy.

I would have liked to have said we woke up at 5am and had passionate sex, but the reality is that she woke up at 9:30am and took a shower and let me sleep till 10am. I was disappointed until she kissed me and said "I want you more today". And hearing her say that is in some ways what makes it all worthwhile.

Gotta run for now.
  • #186
STB, your words, ". . . this is something we are doing together (believe it or not) and I do want to go further down this road. I would like to experience the angst and anxiety during a longer period of denial. Seeing her naked in the mornings and knowing I will have to wait to have her again is, even now just typing it into the computer, getting me aroused," to me is what is so intoxicating about this lifestyle. When she talks about him and what they do, maybe even as you eat her, you are redminded that her vagina at times is reserved for his cock and that she at times won't be having intercourse with you. Somehow, throughout all of this, our sexual arousal grows.

While I crave this and will share/lose some of my marital rights, the last thing I want is to be cut off from her sexually. Like you, a 2 - 3 day period of "not being allowed" before dates seemed to be a good place to start (we are even longer now but that's another story). This added to the excitement and arousal for both of us.

During these times of no penetration prior to her being with him, we do certainly play. As we lay together with my cock being stroked, she will tell me what she has done and what she will be doing next with him. Words like "You know you've given up your pussy rights for tonight. You can't be in me now but when you are, it won’t be your cum you’ll be feeling” are whispered to me with the intention of heightening my release as I cum on her stomach.

When it is "my turn" and I am allowed, she may comment how I need to take good advantage of her vagina as it is limited and may ask me again if I really liked it . . . that she is fucking someone else.

Just thinking about your freshly fucked wife. Her pussy that just had another man's cock in it. It's hard to describe the rush . . . how hot it is. It is such a penis centric mind game and she plays it well.

  • #187
Damn, now I want to make love to your wife StB.
Does she care for a physicist?
Nah, shouldn't bother. I have been faithful and will remain so.
  • #188

lol thats funny, as many post as you make, surely you know where you are angel baby! Can't have any Cucks without someone being "unfaithfull".
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  • #189
Yeah, but as the guy, it is implied. :)

But I am here because the fetish interests me. Not as something I want to practice. My fiancé isn't that affectionate to start with and I do not want to compete for what little there is. But kinda like a novel I am reading about other peoples lives.

Plus it gave me new insight into my own relationship that is most valuable.
  • #190
STB. I think you are kidding yourself in this case. Thrre could be a time when you don't get to clean up. My impression is that Don is gaining ground. You could fin yourself like me on a cruise, with your wife spending all her time with the lover she met. Then get home and find the birth control pilss that you don't know about. And the knowledge that her diaphragm never left the suitcase. Then find a few remnants such as totally stained panties with short descriptions of the time and place. Most important part is how much she loves it. Good luck.
  • #191
A few thoughts

I have been thinking about some of the things that STB has mentioned about his wife and wanted to bring out a few observations. I get a feeling that something more is developing here. Of course, it may just be that I am reading into this too much, but consider:

1. Sue is going out in public with Don. What message does this send? I know that people in the bar know she is married, I wonder what they assume? That her hubby doesn't satisfy her? Does it bother her they might think this? No matter how caerful, its always possible that someone you know will see her there with him, is that a conern? Being outed in this manner could have an awful effect and is much different then seeing a guy at his place.

2. Sue likes to be naked around Don (and Brad too, I think). This is a very submissive display for a female to present herself nude to her lover. I wonder if she just feels naughty or really is on a submissive fantasy in her head when she is alone with Don?

3. Sue allowed Don to her her in her marital bed, but seemed to eventually side with Don in his refusal to allow STb and Sue to have sex in her bed. this seems very symbolic to me.

4. Sue has asked about seeing Don more--is she becoming more attractted to him? Does she desire him more?

5. She has teased about letting Don have her first after her period--again , could be very symbolic, that she is offering herself to him and denying hubby.

6. She changed her wardrobe for Don--going out without panties. Very daring and also she is responding to his requests. ALso a very submissive thing to do, I think.

7. She took some personal things over to his place. The possibility of showering with Don (very intimate). And razors? WHy would she need to shave unless there is going to be an overnight?

Don't take offense at this, STB. I love to read your postings and highly respect you. I am not trying to super-impose my fantasies either.

That said, I would (if I were you) encourage her to take a little further. Maybe Mom needs to stay late at work thursday, go out with her friends on friday and go shopping on saturday--actually all spent with Don of course. Maybe there is the possibility of an overnighter--or maybe even 2 nights together.
  • #192
How long will it last?

Dear STB:

This is a beautiful thread. For us, it expresses perfectly what a couple feels when traveling this delicious path.

Your question is very interesting:
" I sometimes wonder when the excitement will fade but it hasn't yet."

Well let me tell you this, we started traveling that same path 30 years ago and the excitement has not faded at all.
I love her just exactly the same and feel exactly the same excitement.
For example yesterday when Alicia came back from her shopping she offhandedly mentioned that a good looking British Gentleman was very interested in her and was flirting and smiling at her, until she had to relent and give him her cell phone number.
Wow, the same sinking feeling for me (Jorge).
The same butterflies in my stomach.
The same anxiety and light headedness.
The same instant erection.
All the same wild thoughts and doubts.
The same admiration for her sluttiness.
The same unconditional worship for her beauty.
The same question: Why can't they keep away from her.
Though in the bottom of my heart I know the answer. It is impossible not to fall for her.
It was impossible for me.
So after 30 years can that be normal? I would just say it is the most perfect and beautiful feeling.
So in our case the excitement has never faded.
I think it never will.

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge
  • #193
How will this end?

Now to the big question:

How will this all end?

The answer is that it will not end well.
How do we know?
Because we traveled that exact same path 24 years ago.
In other words Alicia and I decided to risk it all and take it to the next level of intensity.
Or in other words we decided that I would let her fall in love with him, and he would fall in love with her.
We know and understand that not everyone can go so far.

The rush of feeling is incredibly intense for the husband (And for the wife also).
So, so, so intense that after it is all over there is even a withdrawal syndrome. (Or a "down" feeling afterwards).

But, it all ends badly.
Some marriages will not survive.
(Ours did of course)

Before we went to that extreme level, we made a pact:
In my case (Jorge) I promised Alicia that no matter what. (For example if she left me) I would not only keep loving her but would also provide for her economically.
In other words if she left with her lover I would continue to provide for her and care for her even if I never saw her again or if she went to live somewhere else.
So there.
It almost happened (She almost left me) but she did not, and our marriage survived stronger than ever.
To tell you the truth, at that critical moment I even pushed her gently out the door, but she pushed the door against me with all her strength, and clung on to me with all of the strength in her arms. Crying and telling me that she would not leave. Never, no matter what.

So just that moment is worth everything.
In Alicia's case she says she does not want to go to that level again.
In my case (Jorge) I say that it was all worth it.
I would live it all over again.
In my case it has made life worth living.

I hope I have not frightened you.
But Custer, and steev and luvsitto are all right.
You are traveling a very dangerous path.
( Also a very delicious path)

We will follow this with you, and maybe tell our story when yours is over.
Best of luck and enjoy every moment of this beautiful path.

Best Regards:
Alicia and Jorge
  • #194
Hey all - I've started many replies to the last few posts but haven't had enough time to get all my thoughts and other stuff together.

Steev asked many questions, etc., most of which are things that Sue and I have discussed - and some within the past few days (coincidentally).

I hope to have more time later tonight as today at work it is meeting after meeting and this is about the only time I've had all day thus far.
  • #195
STB - you know from my past comments that I love following your story and I admire your ability to communicate. I admire both you and Sue for your openness, communication and willingness to experiment for each other and to be open to possibilities in your lives.

Elaborating on one of Steev's questions: Why did Sue switch from wanting to have a threesome with you and Don, to not wanting you to have sex with her in his bed? Has she put aside the threesome idea? Would it work somewhere else? Did Don's "slut" comments get to her? Is she getting tired of Don and his attitude?

IMHO, for what it's worth, if I were in Don's place, I would show both you and Sue much more respect. He is lucky to be able to share a woman as wonderful as Sue. I often wonder just what he is thinking. He's got a great thing going, but it may not last much longer because of his actions and attitude.
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  • #196
Jorge88 said:
Now to the big question:

Because we traveled that exact same path 24 years ago.
In other words Alicia and I decided to risk it all and take it to the next level of intensity.
Or in other words we decided that I would let her fall in love with him, and he would fall in love with her.
We know and understand that not everyone can go so far.


It almost happened (She almost left me) but she did not, and our marriage survived stronger than ever.
To tell you the truth, at that critical moment I even pushed her gently out the door, but she pushed the door against me with all her strength, and clung on to me with all of the strength in her arms. Crying and telling me that she would not leave. Never, no matter what.

That, my friend, is a kind of love that cheers me up.
  • #197
Hey all,
I may actually have some time as she's just started watching a show on Tivo.
After re-reading the last few posts, there's so much to follow-up on.
I guess it might be easier to answer Steev's list of questions and see what is left after that.
1) Sue and Don and his friends at the bar. They know Sue is married and they've met me several times. I don't know if they've figured it out that she is with me but I don't know that it matters, Sue said that Don has had married women with him before. It is possible that someone would know her but not terribly likely as this is pretty much a "local bar". It is honestly not something we've talked about since she says she does enjoy being his girlfriend while they are there.

2) This was something that really bothered me when she started doing this with Brad. It took me a long time to get accustomed to this but it hasn't ever been something I liked. What I can say is that she likes the feeling of being all his and she feels that she likes being submissive in this way. Not so much submissive in terms of Don being a "dom", but submissive in the sense that she truly wants to be his girlfriend.
I understood this more with Brad as she seemed to develop a much deeper relationship with him over time. With Don, she basically said she started to feel this way after they stopped using condoms together.
From what I can tell from what she's explained, she says that she loves to give in to Don's passion (and Brad's earlier) and that doing so she lets herself go more easily.
It is unnerving to see and know, but at the same time, it is very exciting and is something that when I think about it at other times (when is not with him), is incredibly arousing.

3) I already posted that afterwards, I felt that had gone too far when they were in our bed. I do also know that Sue didn't think it was as big a deal as I did which is something we have never talked about but probably should. With regards to Don's place. She says that this last time I was there - that she had planned to let me take Don's place. But when I just lost it like that, she said that it just changed her mind that she realized I'd cum just like that from watching and being there.
I don't know that it will never happen there, but she did say that she didn't want to do something that he didn't want - and she reminded me that I was okay with them using our bed and that if I hadn't said I was okay, that they wouldn't have done it.
I can say that it was pretty close to a 3-some the last time - he was fucking her and she was sucking me and jerking me off. And she's said that we can try it again sometime but that she'd want to be sure Don was okay too.

4) So - this is an interesting one because we have discussed this a lot, especially this past weekend and yesterday.
I basically asked her if she was still "hot on Don". She giggled and asked me why I asked. And I told her some of what I posted here - that she seemed to be a bit less disheveled when she comes home - as if somehow they were maybe not as crazy together. And she was quiet after that for a minute and then she said that she feels like they've kind of done all they can do on a date night. She then said that it wasn't that she's tired of him but that she wanted to have more time with him to just have more time to do stuff.
I was concerned and asked her what she meant by that - and at one point I asked her if he was becoming Brad where she was actually feeling emotionally attached to him.
I wasn't sure I was ready for her answer.
She waited a second and said "well, I certainly don't feel anything like I felt and still feel for Brad". And after a pause she said something that she likes Don and likes having fun with him and that she'd like to have more time for fun with him. "More time for sex?" and she giggled and said "sort of". What she said was that she wanted more time so they could hang at the bar later instead of feeling like they need to leave by 11pm to go have sex, or that they could go out to dinner for a longer/later dinner and again, not have to feel rushed.
I asked her what she was thinking and she said she wasn't sure. She said she wasn't sure she wanted to spend the night with him - and then added "just yet" and I just said to her that I was expecting to hear that soon and she smiled.

5-7 in another post.
  • #198
5) Sue knows that this would turn me on incredibly and I am actually expecting to hear her ask/tell me this next week as I get the feeling, as I was alluding to in #4 where she wanted to do more.
She knows from how I was with Brad, several times, that I do want her to do it. But she also knows that I want it to be HER that wants it and I think that it's along the same lines of her not yet feeling ready to spend the night with him, that maybe she's not ready for this yet either. Some things I just can't ask her about as I just want her to do or want this on her own when she is ready and wants it.

6) Yes, goes along with my other comments about her submissive side coming out more. I know that it turned her on to do it for Don and that it was something she was ready for and ready to get to with him. She has gone out commando with me many times (including some even more submissive things I've had her do). I know that if she's ready to feel these sorts of things, for her to be submissive to him in this way, that she must feel she can trust herself with him too.

7) I did ask her why she took that stuff and she wasn't shy about answering. Yes to washing (and showering) with him at times and that there have been times that they've gone to his place first and that she'd wished she had some of her stuff to get made up again before they'd go out afterwards. And yes, she very nonchalantly said "and for when I do spend the night", so, as I said before, it isn't a question of if, it is merely a when.
I'm actually okay about that and I told her that when she is ready that I'm sure I'll be okay about it.

As I said, we did talk a lot about an overnight stay. She pretty much said that it's not the sex that's the issue but it's that she doesn't feel she's ready to want to wake up with him and to feel all of that stuff. Hearing her say that made me feel really good. She did add that she LOVED that with Brad - that she loved sharing all of that with him (damn that got me wicked hard too) and I just nodded and told her that I knew she did and she smiled and giggled.

Alicia and Jorge - I love hearing about more of your experiences, but I have to say that I will never want to experience Sue falling so much for another man that she would even think about leaving me. To me, that would no longer be something that was between us and for us. I can see Angle's view of that being true, pure altruistic love - but I am not there and I don't think Sue would ever go there either.

Sptbj2 - you mentioned something that I think I may have expressed wrong. It was Sue who said she didn't want to be considered a slut and that Don just said that it was her who was lying naked on his bed. I guess it could be a back-handed way of saying it to her but I know he apologized over and over according to Sue.

Regarding that 3-some thing again. Sue says that she came to feel - after the last time I was there - that maybe if Don doesn't want me in his bed, that we should go along with it and that she felt she agreed with him. As I said though, she hasn't said no/never to it happening - after all, it did sort of happen and it WAS exciting as hell (obviously so for me!!!), so in some ways I think that I sort of may have let her say to herself "okay we did it".

Thank you for the sentiment that Don should be more respectful. I think Sue is living out her bad-boy fantasy in some ways with him. Despite his gruff approach and attitude, he does treat her well.

It's about 11pm and her show should be over so I'm going to say goodnight for now.
  • #199
An interesting crossroads. Sue says that she's starting to feel like she's done all she can do with Don "on a date night", but I suspect it's rather that she's started feeling like she's done all she can do "with him". He's shown her who he is and what he does, and it's not enough for her. I think you've seen this yourself, STB, in saying that by giving her more freedom to do things with him now it will likely hasten the end of their relationship. The bloom definitely seems to be off the rose.

Don may not know the word "cuckold", but he's made pretty clear from his actions that he understands the potential power exchange involved: his wanting to fuck Sue in your bed, but not wanting you to fuck her in his; his expressed desire that she cut you off from cumming in her; his request that she pierce her nipples for him; and his wanting to have a threesome with her and a guy other than you.

The ironic thing is, had he been more patient with these things, and smoother in how he brought them up, he could likely have had her wanting them for herself, and even thinking that they were her desires/ideas, and she would then have gotten you to be okay with them because they were what she wanted. By handling them rather clumsily, he instead caused friction between the two of them, which resulted in pushing her back to you. Brad had the potential to become a threat to your marriage, because of the feelings that they developed for each other, but his circumstances kept that threat from materializing. Don had the potential to become a threat to your marriage because of his circumstances, but his constantly overplaying his hand kept the necessary feelings from developing.

The real challenge may yet lie down the road, if/when Sue takes a boyfriend for whom she develops deep feelings, and whose personal circumstances permit more of a "relationship" than she was able to have with Brad. That may be the point at which you find yourself at a crossroads similar to the one Jorge and Alicia found themselves at, STB.
  • #200
Well you are already on that path

Dear Angle:

Thank you for your heartfelt comment.

Dear STB:

Well, the problem is that apparently you are walking on a tightrope and going precisely in that direction.
The problem is that a woman's feelings are not that easy to control.
In other words you have to start out with very clear rules.
a) It will only be for the sex.
b) There will be something else (emotional attachment)

In our experience it is impossible to tell a woman: "You will love him but just up to a point".

Everything in your narrative indicates that there already exists an emotional attachment.
Also everything indicates that this emotional attachment is growing.

So our question is very simple:

Is this what you want?
Have you talked this out with her?
Have you talked about possible scenarios and consequences?

Or are you simply letting things happen?

Anyways, everything that is happening is beautiful.
In no way do we want to spoil your pleasure.

But we are curious to know in your case if you have talked about these potential obstacles in your path.

Of course some couples don't talk beforehand and just let things happen.
This is not necessarily bad, but we think that establishing rules from the beggining is good.

Best Regards:

Alicia and Jorge

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