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  • Thread starterkevinsslave
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mincercuck said:
Yesterday,page 4, 7.20am you said "some doms are like paediophiles"
Let's just leave it at that
Love and peace

Hmmm, nope. You are taking what I said and claiming I meant something far removed.
I also, in a post in the same threat, made it clear I was talking about the impulse control, or lack there of, that both share.
Well, had a wonderful evening last night. But, the shit we girls (or men) go through to have a night out is just unbelievable. First, of course, is using the depilatory (surgi crem, veet, nair) just to make sure your face and body are smooth with no unsightly hairs. Then the wax strips (underarm, for example) and the eyebrow plucking and removal. Now, I try to keep myself smooth, everyday, but before I go out, especially. I've yet to find a cream that doesn't burn some part of my body.

Then, of course, is the silicone breasts and using the adhesive to get those on. Then, the worst for me, is the tucking under of the balls and penis and the use of a gaff. Although I have several kinds, what works best for me is a homemade one made out of cut support hose. After using just a small bit of tape to keep my member in place, I used the homemade gaff last night. No bulges, but, damn is it uncomfortable after a while. And, of course, urinating takes me 15 minutes (untaping, urinating, retaping, ugghhhhh.....). I swear, if I didn't like fucking so much, I 'd have the little fucker removed.:D Not too mention all we go through with makeup, etc.

But, I'm not complaining too loud, because, after all, it's worth it. Master was definitely pleased by my looks and when Kenny arrived, he told me "You're definitely getting fucked, tonight." I was a nervous wreck, at first, but after awhile, I realized no one in that dark place knew I was a man. No lie, one guy tried to hit on me as I went to the bathroom. Then, too, once the alcohol flows, you stop worrying. We had a wonderful meal and I stroked Kenny's cock under the table all night. At one point, Kristy did the same to Master and I started to get way too hot watching (which is not good when being tucked and wearing a gaff). Another thing that turned me on was watching Master and Kristy hold hands on top of the table. Seeing Master rub the top of her hand with her diamond wedding ring is just a complete turn on.

Master drove us all home and on the way, Kristy took great delight in sitting in the back seat with me for awhile, kicking off her sweaty shoes and having me worship her feet. She felt I deserved "a treat" for being such a good slave, but, the pain with an erection in that gaff getup is unbelievable. Finally, she went back up front and Kenny, my date, rejoined me in the back. Kenny wanted a blow job all night and now was the time to service him. So, the last 20 minutes of the drive, I gave my date a great blow job, again, like with master, alternating slow sucks, with fast, and always using my hand to stroke in between. I almost let Kenny cum in my mouth, he felt so good in me, but, I pulled away at the last second and let him cum on my face. Big problem, only 2 napkins in the whole care, so I was a sticky mess for the last couple minutes.

When we arrived home, I took the gaff and tape off and cleaned up. We all drank some more and, then, it was Kristy's turn to suck Master. Oh, how she loves to suck Master's cock and suck it dry. While Kenny and I watched, Kenny started to get horny again and started rubbing my ass. Once Master came, Kristy came over and open mouth kissed me and gave me Master's wonderful snowball. Kenny said I better wash my mouth out good before he fucked me. We all laughed and now it was time for bed.

Kenny and I went to my room and lay on the bed. I slowly massaged his cock to get him erect again. For some reason, Kenny wanted to fuck me with my boots on last night and so I peeled my jeans off, put my boots back on and did a sexy little dance for him, grinding my pantied ass into his cock. It was all he needed, and he quickly bent me over, applied the lube, put his condom on and fucked my man clit. He was hard as a rock and really fucked me deep and long. I was moaning, loudly, and after 20 minutes, he still hadn't cum. He turned me to my back, put my legs up, and fucked me for 10 more minutes before he finally came. Man did I need that fucking. I'm telling you, Kenny is a beast. Afterwards, I stroked his hair and kissed his chest and asked permission to jack off. He rolled on to his stomach so I could lick his ass and asshole while I relieved myself. I came quickly and then it was time to go to sleep. I changed into some silk pjs and laid next to my date and massaged him until he fell to sleep. Truth be told, I was hoping I could get him hard again so I could suck him one last time, as by now, I heard Kristy's moans coming from the master bedroom and knew Master was completely fucking her. But, I couldn't get Kenny up again.

I got to sleep in this morning and Kristy and I woke up before Master and Kenny. Her dishevelled appearance told me that Master had has his way with her last night. While we drank coffee on the couch, I, of course, massaged, kissed, licked and worshiped her feet. She told me what a good foot boy I was but was too tired to jack me off or suck me. So, I had no choice but to go back to my room, when Kenny was up, and blow him again.:) Master was up after I showered and was already dressed in my man clothes for work, but, he still allowed me to worship his feet for a few minutes before I left for work.

I can't stop thinking, today, about what a good time I had. But, boy, have I become a *****.:rolleyes:
So there i am knelt between his legs,,mouth full of cum,face covered in spunk,with little threads os spunk still connected between his cock and my lips.

Quite a goal, indeed. I love satisfying Master as he watches sports. Really, though, I can think of no better feeling that knowing you have sexually satisfied your Master and having his cum in your mouth and all over your face (especially after his team scores). You are a good slave.
i try not to be a tease,but i can't help myself,i see the bulge in his trousers and think"i did that!!!",but i have to control myself and realise that i am here to please superior real men

But, if Master sets up the date, shouldn't you be satisfying your date? Master has made it clear to me that I am as much Kenny's property as I am Master's. Of course, Kenny is so hot and so masculine. He's not as gorgeous as Master, but pretty damn close. The same wonderful lips and eyes and while Master is almost an almond like color (or between almond and walnut), Kenny is darker (more like Walnut). They both know how to satisfy the "ladies" but I enjoy sucking and getting fucked by Master more, particularly because he is my Master.
AngleBaby said:
Hmmm, nope. You are taking what I said and claiming I meant something far removed.
I also, in a post in the same threat, made it clear I was talking about the impulse control, or lack there of, that both share.

whatever!!!! not FAR removed you mentioned paedeophilia on here,if you read my posts you will see that i always apose any mention of this on here wether it be real or in a story,there are enough bigots out there who would be happy to condem our lifestyle,without people mentioning peados in ANY context let alone the sort of Psuedo psycobable that you have written.
Impulse control,MY ARSE!!! how do you work that one out,been going to night school or is your "impulse control" all your own theory,MY ARSE
Let it lie and let us get on with enjoying his story !!!!!
OK, as usual good is always followed with bad. No fuck ups by me, though, this time. First, shortly after 1:00, Kenny stopped at my office and told my secretary to tell me "an old friend" was here to see me. Imagine my shock at seeing Kenny. Kristy comes here, often, but Master, virtually never, so it was a shock to see Kenny (you know the old saying about not shitting where you eat). Anyway, I had Kenny come in to my office and we started talking. He told me that I forgot to pay him his stud fee. I smiled, relieved, and asked how much did I owe him. He said $200 should do, so I asked if he'd like to make $300. He smiled. I went over to his chair (a mistake he didn't catch, he should have been in my chair behind the desk) and dropped to my knees. "Damn, you're a *****," he said. "We have to be quiet though, OK?" I asked. He nodded and I quickly pulled his shoes off and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. I pulled his cock out of his underwear and started sucking him that way, but, he wasn't satisfied and kind of half stood up so that I could pull his pants and underwear off. I pulled them off but pulled his ass towards me with my hands so I could blow him while he stood and I kneeled. I, again, took your advice, Mincer, regarding looking at him while I sucked him as it showed my submission to his manhood. He pulled the back of my head forward and kept his hands there, pushing my head to go faster and faster as I deepthroated him. As I was doing this, it dawned on me that I was going to have a sticky situation (pardon the pun) on my hands as I couldn't let him cum in my mouth and hide the evidence and if I let him cum on my face, I was going to have to clean up enough, in my office, and make it to the bathroom to wash my face without my secretary seeing me. Thankfully, at some point, my passion took over my reason and I didn't care where he came on me as it would be a privilege to have him cum on me at all. I pulled my mouth off, stroked him a bit, and let his cum shower my face. Because he had already orgasmed twice last night and once this morning, there wasn't a lot of cum. I was able to get it off with a tissue and would get the sticky residue off in the bathroom.

I gave Kenny his money and asked how he got here (we had left his car at a hotel parking lot last night, near the bar we were at). He told me he was driving Kevin's and that Kevin was having lunch at home with Kristy and Kevin had said he needed some time alone with Kristy. Kevin told him to be back in about an hour and he'd drive him back to his car. I guessed that my gorgeous wife was getting another good fucking from Master.

Now, I am not a "snuggler" at all with men, I don't want to snuggle or hug or hold their hands, etc. I want to pleasure them and have them leave or go to sleep or fuck Kristy or massage their feet or whatever. But, Kenny makes me feel a little different. I kneeled at his feet and gently kissed his bare legs and rubbed his calves. He is such an excellent lover and such a strong man. As always, I thanked him for letting me service him. Finally, he said he had to go and I put his pants on him, stood up and started to hug him and kiss his neck. I whispered in his ear, "I wish you were staying tonight, I so want you to fuck me again. I love the way you fuck me." He smiled and said he'd be back soon.

Well, I did get by the secretary and wash my face. She was oblivious (as always) and, again, why would she ever think I had just blown my "old friend."

About an hour later, Kristy called and I asked if she had had a nice afternoon with Master. She dropped a bombshell, Master wanted to go back to college and get his degree (which is great) BUT he wants to go to Ohio State (which is 3 hours away). I was stunned and silent. "What?" was all I could mutter. Kristy calmly repeated the info and I asked, "Wait, why can't he go here or somewhere close to here?" There are probably 5 to 10 good universities within 90 minutes of us. I knew the answer, his heart has always been set on going to OSU and they have a great program for his field. "When does he want to do this?" I asked. She said either winter or spring quarter (which means like January or March).

Kristy didn't seem as upset as me and I asked her why. "Because, he's trying to do what's best for him, why would that upset me?" She was right, of course, but still. WTF. I asked her if she was going to try to talk him out of it or wanted me to try and she said, "Now that would be selfish of us, wouldn't it?" Again she was right. "You'll have to pay for his tuition and his apartment," she said. I told her of course, without question, but, I was in shock. I never expected this. "I can go visit him all the time and he'll be home a lot - it's only 3 hours, not the other side of the country." I wanted to say that I didn't want him to go but it seemed so selfish and foolish of me.

"Honey, you know how I feel about Kevin, but you're my husband and I'm you're wife." I interrupted her (how about that, her trying to make me strong about this) and told her it's just that I'm shocked. Happy for him, but, shocked. I told her to meet me at a restaurant for lunch or a drink and we did meet, holding hands, and talked about the future. This is very odd, I'm far more stunned and upset than she. Then, again, it's funny how quickly I seem to slip back into my more masculine and dominant side as, within 20 minutes, I was cracking jokes about a friend of mine at the restaurant (to him, not behind his back), rubbing Kristy's shoulders and telling her that it was time for us to go visit "our place" (the hotel from the other day). We did not, of course, but I don't know, this all seems very sudden and strange. I'm hoping this is just some crazy whim of Master's, but, knowing him, I'm sure he's thought this through.

More later.
Master just called me and wants to come talk with me at the office before he goes home. He'll be here soon. I know this sounds totally insane, but, I feel like crying. I don't know how to say this, but is it possible that I'm in love with this guy? I'm certainly addicted to him. I mean I know I'm in love with my wife, she touches my hand and my heart flutters, but, I've been so intimate with Kevin and I'd do anything he told me. I just don't know what to do or say and I'm afraid I'm going to say the wrong thing to him. I feel like someone has punched me in the gut and I can't breathe or think.
kevinsslave said:
But, if Master sets up the date, shouldn't you be satisfying your date? Master has made it clear to me that I am as much Kenny's property as I am Master's. Of course, Kenny is so hot and so masculine. He's not as gorgeous as Master, but pretty damn close. The same wonderful lips and eyes and while Master is almost an almond like color (or between almond and walnut), Kenny is darker (more like Walnut). They both know how to satisfy the "ladies" but I enjoy sucking and getting fucked by Master more, particularly because he is my Master.

Oh yeah i do satisfy my dates,but this guy is quite old,in his late fifties,early sixties and he is paying for me,so i know i must give value for money,was taken there again last night,after he phoned master and said he needed a fuck,perhaps an all night session,so to bring my negligee.
ONe thing he is good at is,making me feel sexy and WANT to please him,the moment i'm through the door,he is very attentive,slipping his hand down on to my butt,giving a little squeeze,giving me a peck on the cheek,getting me a drink,pulling me down on to his lap,deeep kissing
mincercuck said:
Oh yeah i do satisfy my dates,but this guy is quite old,in his late fifties,early sixties and he is paying for me,so i know i must give value for money,was taken there again last night,after he phoned master and said he needed a fuck,perhaps an all night session,so to bring my negligee.
ONe thing he is good at is,making me feel sexy and WANT to please him,the moment i'm through the door,he is very attentive,slipping his hand down on to my butt,giving a little squeeze,giving me a peck on the cheek,getting me a drink,pulling me down on to his lap,deeep kissing

so if he moves away you will be at a loose end,would you consider another master or will you visit?
mincercuck said:
so if he moves away you will be at a loose end,would you consider another master or will you visit?

I just thought maybe Kenny can act as a stand in ?
ONe thing he is good at is,making me feel sexy and WANT to please him,the moment i'm through the door,he is very attentive,slipping his hand down on to my butt,giving a little squeeze,giving me a peck on the cheek,getting me a drink,pulling me down on to his lap,deeep kissing

Well, he certainly knows how to treat a lady. Usually, Kenny or Master treat me like piece of meat, using my ass and mouth at their pleasure. A guy that Kristy and I fooled around with a long time ago named Ryan was more attentive to me and, in fact, one drunken night, he and I made out for almost an hour. He often rubbed my legs, my neck, etc. Not sure which I prefer more, I guess it depends on my moods. Sometimes, I just want to be fucked, sometimes I want a little more.

The first time I was ever with Kristy and Kevin, together, I was orally pleasing Kristy while she lay next to Kevin making out on the bed. I had my hand on Kevin's leg and I felt him grab it and move it his cock. So, I slowly stroked his cock. Kristy moved and kind of curled up so she could kiss Kevin's chest and neck and I stopped my tongue action. I sort of was sitting on the bed, slowly stroking Kevin. I bent down to kiss Kristy's legs and again I felt Kevin's hand, this time pulling my head, by my hair, up to his cock. I started to give him a blow job and he pushed me away, rolled on top of Kristy to fuck her, and grabbed my head again towards his ass. I rimmed his asshole, but, his hand pushed more so I knew he wanted me to eat his asshole. Kevin was (and is) very dominant in bed. He makes it clear that I am to serve him, sexually, and there will be no kissing, etc. He could care less whether I cum or not, he's told me that it's about him, not me.

Kenny, likewise, is the same.
so if he moves away you will be at a loose end,would you consider another master or will you visit?

I just thought maybe Kenny can act as a stand in ?

Well, unless something dramatically changes, he's moving away. He will come home, I'm sure, on some weekends, and Kristy certainly will visit him there. Kristy would not fuck Kenny and Kevin would never allow it.

When I got home last night, Kevin had gone to see his mother and, so, Kristy and I talked. She kept talking about it being time to, maybe, slow down a bit and catch our breath. Be a little more vanilla. I told her she always got this way before our trips and reminded her that it was her, 3 years ago that wanted this kind of lifestyle. I was always under her spell and didn't need anything to keep sparks flying. It made me think that she knew when she was prodding Kevin to get back in school, she was, maybe, looking for some kind of break. I don't know, she's very hard to read, sometimes. She reminded me that she is very happy when we're alone and our sex life certainly doesn't suffer (definitely true, I make love to her like mad on vacation). I don't know, years ago, her ex told me she was crazy, maybe she is. She seems to fluctuate between wanting a vanilla life and, yet, wanting the wildness too. She told me a long time ago that sometimes she wanted to be treated like a princess (my job) and sometimes treated like a ***** (Kevin's or whoever's job). Who knows, with her. I sound frustrated, but, I'm not, I really do adore her and reminded her that I do a lot of the things I do to please her and make her happy. I will say that although I've always had very submissive fantasies, I was happy, before Kristy, living them out once and a while. I was never very good with women in terms of emotionally satisfying them. I was always very distant and, somewhat, detached (well, really, with even my friends, too). Most of the breakups were bad, with the women blaming me for being a cheat (which I did) or not caring enough (again, probably true) but the women kept coming back and there were always new ones.

Kristy changed that and allowed me the freedom to explore a lot of my own submissive fantasies. Not to be a heretic, but, I must confess there are times that I don't want to wear a woman's panties and times when I don't want to suck cock (let alone, get fucked) and times when it's hard watching another man fuck my wife. There are times that I just want to lay on the couch, watch a game or a movie and have a normal night with my woman. And, if I never have to drink a glass of urine again, I'd be happy. Let's face it, too, swallowing cum is not always a treat.

Anyway, Kristy and I had a nice talk and then made passionate love. I felt like I could have sex for hours last night and easily brought her to orgasm. Likewise, it was wonderful coming in my wife last night and holding her after. Tonight, it will be nice not having to dress into feminine clothes when I get home. Yes, I know, I'm being disobedient, but, Kevin and Kristy are in Columbus and will be for days and, let's face it, things aren't going to be the same. Kevin will live there and we will live here.

I'm guessing based on Kristy's mood, no new Masters for a while and I'm not quite sure the extent to which I will serve Kevin in the future. This all feels an awful lot like a goodbye, but who knows.

Emboldened by our wonderful sex, and the calmer Kristy, I asked if I could let loose and have some fun while her and Kevin were in Columbus. "If you mean being with another woman, foot boy, forget it, you're my property. I'm allowed to play, you're not, that's the deal." I said, "Come on, just this weekend" and she smacked my cock (hard). "Forget it, do I have to cage you while I'm gone?" I was just joking (well, maybe a little truth in there) and she knew that. She has, however, left me a pile of dirty socks and panties to sniff to my heart's delight till they return.

They left very early (I can't recall the last time they both were up before me) and she called to say they found a beautiful gated community not far from campus. It's fairly pricy, but, I'll pay for whatever she and Kevin want (she will be visiting him there, after all). They have more to look at and will spend the weekend looking during the day and having fun at night. They don't expect to be home until mid next week, so I'm flying solo for awhile (unless Kenny comes around). They've got a pile of cash and credit cards, so I'm sure they'll have a fun time.

So, for now, I'd say I am at a loose end. Who knows what will happen. I just know things are going to be different.
It is nice to see a full circle completed.
Although there are a few people who live this kind of life with no stops or breaks, it makes me happy to see people cycle a bit through it.
Relax, take some time to look at what the last three years has been like, talk with your wife, and if you choose to do it again, more power to you (or rather, to your master, be it Kevin or some one new). This is a chance to confirm that you enjoy your life style so much, that you are willing to commit to it for a few more years after returning to vanilla sex for a while.

We have found that when masters relocate with their jobs and we return to our conventional marriage,even throwing out my female clothes,that it is never the same,you don't get that other wordly rush or excitement.
we lasted about six months in our old ways,before we began the search for suitable masters,until we hit on our present one who fulfills all our criteria and fantasies and has the imagination to take us to that elusive"other" place
We are probably the happiest yet,wife getting all the cock she needs,me being trained as a sissy slut/cocksucker/fluffer/cleanup,the moral being; i don't think you can go back.
i don't think you can go back.

Well, we're about to find out. Conversations from Columbus have been about the furniture she's buying for his apartment. As to their wild, steamy sexcapades while in Ohio's capital city, uhhhhh.... there haven't been any. In fact, this was the slowest weekend I can recall in ages. I stopped at a restaurant for take out, yesterday, and couldn't stop thinking about fucking the girl who got my food.;)

But, I'm guessing you can go back. I've been involved in quasi-cuck relationships in the past, bi-sexual relations and normal hetero relationships. I never had a problem bouncing from situation to situation. We shall see.

I know one thing, I'm getting a new mattress for my triumphant return to the master bedroom (new sheets, too).:) It is going to be different, I'll say that.
Well, Kevin left our fair city, yesterday, and headed to Columbus. Seems to be all she wrote for the time being. Kristy and Kevin had one last night together, Saturday (dinner then home for great sex), but, sadly, I saw none of it. It was their "private time" and, I guess, that's that.

Our new king mattress comes on Tuesday and I moved back to the bedroom last night. Kristy is a bit peeved at me as I think she suspects I played around while she was gone (not sure if kissing Sheila's feet, etc., counts - but, I didn't tell her about it).

We leave for vacation late on Tuesday and head into our 10 day vanilla relationship. After that, I suspect, we stay vanilla for awhile. Seems very odd and, yet, nice. It was time for a break and we'll see how it progresses. Wish I could lay some hot story on you all, but, that's pretty much been it the last 2 weeks.

Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas to you as well! Have a great vacation and good luck with your trip to Vanilla.

I must say that I was appalled by your early posts but I have changed my opinion. Your level of submission is beyond my imagination but your comments are very insightful and I have learned a lot from you!
it is a very very nice story. Thanks.
I feel horny and will beg my wife to lick her creamy pussy soon. I might need to beg her current lover to pass by, so that I can get this opportunity...

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