Well, had a wonderful evening last night. But, the shit we girls (or men) go through to have a night out is just unbelievable. First, of course, is using the depilatory (surgi crem, veet, nair) just to make sure your face and body are smooth with no unsightly hairs. Then the wax strips (underarm, for example) and the eyebrow plucking and removal. Now, I try to keep myself smooth, everyday, but before I go out, especially. I've yet to find a cream that doesn't burn some part of my body.
Then, of course, is the silicone breasts and using the adhesive to get those on. Then, the worst for me, is the tucking under of the balls and penis and the use of a gaff. Although I have several kinds, what works best for me is a homemade one made out of cut support hose. After using just a small bit of tape to keep my member in place, I used the homemade gaff last night. No bulges, but, damn is it uncomfortable after a while. And, of course, urinating takes me 15 minutes (untaping, urinating, retaping, ugghhhhh.....). I swear, if I didn't like fucking so much, I 'd have the little fucker removed.

Not too mention all we go through with makeup, etc.
But, I'm not complaining too loud, because, after all, it's worth it. Master was definitely pleased by my looks and when Kenny arrived, he told me "You're definitely getting fucked, tonight." I was a nervous wreck, at first, but after awhile, I realized no one in that dark place knew I was a man. No lie, one guy tried to hit on me as I went to the bathroom. Then, too, once the alcohol flows, you stop worrying. We had a wonderful meal and I stroked Kenny's cock under the table all night. At one point, Kristy did the same to Master and I started to get way too hot watching (which is not good when being tucked and wearing a gaff). Another thing that turned me on was watching Master and Kristy hold hands on top of the table. Seeing Master rub the top of her hand with her diamond wedding ring is just a complete turn on.
Master drove us all home and on the way, Kristy took great delight in sitting in the back seat with me for awhile, kicking off her sweaty shoes and having me worship her feet. She felt I deserved "a treat" for being such a good slave, but, the pain with an erection in that gaff getup is unbelievable. Finally, she went back up front and Kenny, my date, rejoined me in the back. Kenny wanted a blow job all night and now was the time to service him. So, the last 20 minutes of the drive, I gave my date a great blow job, again, like with master, alternating slow sucks, with fast, and always using my hand to stroke in between. I almost let Kenny cum in my mouth, he felt so good in me, but, I pulled away at the last second and let him cum on my face. Big problem, only 2 napkins in the whole care, so I was a sticky mess for the last couple minutes.
When we arrived home, I took the gaff and tape off and cleaned up. We all drank some more and, then, it was Kristy's turn to suck Master. Oh, how she loves to suck Master's cock and suck it dry. While Kenny and I watched, Kenny started to get horny again and started rubbing my ass. Once Master came, Kristy came over and open mouth kissed me and gave me Master's wonderful snowball. Kenny said I better wash my mouth out good before he fucked me. We all laughed and now it was time for bed.
Kenny and I went to my room and lay on the bed. I slowly massaged his cock to get him erect again. For some reason, Kenny wanted to fuck me with my boots on last night and so I peeled my jeans off, put my boots back on and did a sexy little dance for him, grinding my pantied ass into his cock. It was all he needed, and he quickly bent me over, applied the lube, put his condom on and fucked my man clit. He was hard as a rock and really fucked me deep and long. I was moaning, loudly, and after 20 minutes, he still hadn't cum. He turned me to my back, put my legs up, and fucked me for 10 more minutes before he finally came. Man did I need that fucking. I'm telling you, Kenny is a beast. Afterwards, I stroked his hair and kissed his chest and asked permission to jack off. He rolled on to his stomach so I could lick his ass and asshole while I relieved myself. I came quickly and then it was time to go to sleep. I changed into some silk pjs and laid next to my date and massaged him until he fell to sleep. Truth be told, I was hoping I could get him hard again so I could suck him one last time, as by now, I heard Kristy's moans coming from the master bedroom and knew Master was completely fucking her. But, I couldn't get Kenny up again.
I got to sleep in this morning and Kristy and I woke up before Master and Kenny. Her dishevelled appearance told me that Master had has his way with her last night. While we drank coffee on the couch, I, of course, massaged, kissed, licked and worshiped her feet. She told me what a good foot boy I was but was too tired to jack me off or suck me. So, I had no choice but to go back to my room, when Kenny was up, and blow him again.

Master was up after I showered and was already dressed in my man clothes for work, but, he still allowed me to worship his feet for a few minutes before I left for work.
I can't stop thinking, today, about what a good time I had. But, boy, have I become a *****.