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  • Thread starterkevinsslave
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kevinsslave said:
Sitting here thinking about last night and am curious Mincer regarding your thoughts on when my wife and Master give contradictory orders or express conflicting wishes. My wife wanted to release me, Master wanted me caged, who, in your opinion, do I listen to? Last night, my wife called Master and so it was OK, but, he was a little angry that I questioned her authority. And, yet, I fear if I had followed her wishes and let her unlock me without checking with Master, there would have been hell to pay.

This issue doesn't come up often, so I've never really addressed it. Master is my Master and my gut instinct and mind tell me that whatever he says goes. It seems to me that I serve both my wife and Master and my wife is also more subservient to Master than he to her (well, he's clearly dominant in that relationship). So, I believe that Master is the ultimate authority. How do you handle it, Mincer?
Well i think that as the master is the main perportrator of the humiliations,punishments and pleasing your wife,that he is the person you should be obedient to,i always check with master when my wife gives me an order,and if he is not available,i obey wife then tell him later,and he decides if it is right
1) Not from my own personal experiences. From the experiences of others where it went too far, including one case that turned to murder.
2) The comparison to pedophiles is the impulse control problem, not the target of the impulses.
3) It often takes a third party to says it is going too far and point out someone is getting hurt.
4) Safe and sane play should be practiced and reviewed often in such lifestyles.
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AngleBaby said:
1) Not from my own personal experiences. From the experiences of others where it went too far, including one case that turned to murder.
2) The comparison to pedophiles is the impulse control problem, not the target of the impulses.
3) It often takes a third party to says it is going too far and point out someone is getting hurt.
4) Safe and sane play should be practiced and reviewed often in such lifestyles.

A guy didn't like his wife's cooking so he murdered her,so we should ban cooking?
We are dealing with ADULTS here,not defensless children,i still find your comparison to paedos odious!!!!!!!!!!
Once again,the guy is an inteligent LAWYER,if we carry your theory through,any one that meets a stranger in a bar is at risk,which we know is true,but you have to make sane and intelligent decisions in every area of your life as an ADULT.
You are judging this guy,and being more than a little patronising,about issues that he has already resolved.
You don't know anything about this guy,he may have all the safeguards/safewords etc in place.
AngleBaby said:
1) Not from my own personal experiences. From the experiences of others where it went too far, including one case that turned to murder.
2) The comparison to pedophiles is the impulse control problem, not the target of the impulses.
3) It often takes a third party to says it is going too far and point out someone is getting hurt.
4) Safe and sane play should be practiced and reviewed often in such lifestyles.

I would ask,what are doing on this site?
A site that is dedicated to cuckold relationships,which involves the Dominant bull,the Submissive husband and the wife,that's what this site is all about.
Most posts deal with dangerous situations,ie,wife goes to bar to pick up strange men,to bring back to the marital home,ADULT decisions.
Curious,then,that you have chosen to preach to ONE submissive,on how YOU see it
AngleBaby said:
Didn't say that he must earn more than you, but he must not be dependent on your money to be a true master of the domain. As for the choice of the slave to leave or stay, I agree and it is a must that the slave has the option to leave the relationship. But I do know from my childhood how abusive 'alpha' males can be when the wife or partner is emotionally dependent and your situation does worry me. Doubly so because if you threatened to pull the rug out from under him, he could turn even more aggressive. That is why I insist that any dom be able to pull his or her own weight.
I do not stand and pass moral judgment on people, but I do use a critical eye when it comes to these types of relationships.
While I do agree emotional dependence on the dom is the ultimate state in a D/s relationship, some doms are like pedophiles, where when they see they have reached that state, they cannot but help themselves abuse the slave. The risks that any dom is asocial is too great for me to do anything but advise any couple to keep their independence and wherewithal in any D/s relationship, financially and emotionally.

QUOTE>>>>>> I do know from my own childhood how abusive "alpha" males can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>in your own words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and yet you STILL insist that you are not talking about your own "issues" maybe unresolved?
Calm down now. You are going a little over the top, replying multiple times to a single post.
I do find it a turn on to read about others relationships, but I also wish to add a cautionary voice to the community. I only wished to add another view to the conversation, one which others might learn something from and keep in mind. Cuckold relationships do not have express lanes and no official road map, so getting lost and ending up in the wrong place is easy.
Other than my handle, you know very little about me, so maybe you shouldn't start analyzing who I am so deeply.

AngleBaby said:
Calm down now. You are going a little over the top, replying multiple times to a single post.
I do find it a turn on to read about others relationships, but I also wish to add a cautionary voice to the community. I only wished to add another view to the conversation, one which others might learn something from and keep in mind. Cuckold relationships do not have express lanes and no official road map, so getting lost and ending up in the wrong place is easy.
Other than my handle, you know very little about me, so maybe you shouldn't start analyzing who I am so deeply.

Multiple posts are a result of being locked out if i go over say six lines,not my choice,however you still are not answering about your contradictory posts,on the one hand quoting your childhood experiences,and then saying that you have evidence that people have been murdered,i made my statement about your issues,based on your own words
ONCE again we are ADULTS and we REALLY don't need someone to parent us
in our relationships thank you very much,if you really need a cause,get on the case of the women who pick up strangers in bars,risking s.t.d's,violence or even murder.
Anyhow,you seem to have appointed yourself as the analist here,i'm merely replying to your patronising replies,don't you think that other ADULTS KNOW the suff you are so naively passing on as your pearls of wisdom
kevinsslave said:
Master took the belt to me, again. I am a fuck up. I don't know how I could have forgotten to wash his clothes from the trip. It was such a small load, his sleep t shirt, some underwear, socks, jeans, etc. I promised him it would never happen again, but, he told me that all I do lately is fuck up. I have welts on my welts. But, this should remind me about taking care to do all my chores. He was especially angry because I fell asleep early and certainly had time to wash his things while Kristy and I watched the movie last night.

Thankfully, I'm not back in the cage. I was, however, as punishment required to lick every single piece of Master's dirty clothes with my tongue, tonight (a pre-wash as Master called it) before I put them in the washing machine. Again, no dinner, Master said that the filth I licked from his clothes, socks and underwear were nourishment enough (he called it filth, I do not consider any of Master's substances to be filthy). Then, to make sure I understood how important keeping his clothes and things clean was, Master had me tongue clean every pair of his shoes (top and bottom). After completely disinfecting my mouth, I was allowed to worship at Master's feet and beg his forgiveness. Master made me beg, in front of Kristy, to suck his cock and then kept telling me "no." I pleaded and got "nos" and more of the belt. I have been ****** to wear a pair of Master's dirty underwear on my head tonight (and I must sleep like this) as a reminder to wash his clothes.
As a thank you to Master for teaching me this obedience, I gave him the money I earned earlier this morning. He and Kristy are in their bedroom now and I'm sure Master is taking her as I type, here. Kristy seems to get very excited, sometimes, when Master is punishing me and can barely seem to wait to get fucked by him. Oh, well, yesterday was bad in the middle but good at night. Today started great, but, ended badly.

Kevinsslave,i think he is right on course and training you very well,i know when i come home from a difficult day,i love master to take control,i don't have ANY decisions to make, except what makeup,lingerie hairstyle will please him,i am in his hands,and the relief from stress is HUGE.
Lately i have been having dates,arranged by him,with master's much older and not very attractive friend,my instinct was to be appaled,but as you might know,once i pulled on my stockings,fixed my makeup,put on my new sexy dress,perfume,my heart was pumping at the thought

Give it a rest mincercuck. Enough is enough already. Let's move on to something else now.

bevw said:
Give it a rest mincercuck. Enough is enough already. Let's move on to something else now.

OK let's just let this person accuse us of being PAEDOS and ****** shall we
OK, Angle, I understand your point, but Mincer is right, remember, Kristy, Kevin and I are all consenting adults. I'm sure Kevin could "go off" if he felt things slipping away, but, it's highly unlikely. I guess I could "go off" one day watching him fuck my wife, but, again, its highly unlikely. Our relationship was discussed by the 3 of us, long ago, and it works because each of us no what we have gotten into and each of us knows our roles.

Where you have made me think, however, is regarding Master. He was halfway through college and stopped going a couple years ago and I have always kind of felt responsible for that. I guess I wouldn't have the drive or desire to go if I was 24 and being handed roughly a $1,000 a week with all my expenses paid and having a slave to do menial tasks and a beautiful girl to fuck at my desire.

This morning, Master was up early and on the couch as I was having my morning coffee. I brought him a cup and sat next to him. I asked why he was up so early and he said he and Kristy had fallen asleep early as she was tired (codeword, they didn't have sex last night). Master is gorgeous, even in the morning. He is,as I have said, only half black, but, his skin is very light, almost an almond color. His eyes and lips are beautiful and his body in perfect shape. He was wearing gray shorts and a t shirt (not his favorite-my fault).

I asked for permission to rub his feet, which he granted. I slowly worked my hands up his calves to his thighs. Master drank his coffee and watched ESPN. Slowly, I slid my hand into his shorts and near his underwear. Master was, as always, rock hard. "You want some, don't you?" he asked. I moved up on the couch next to him and slowly and passionately kissed his neck and began rubbing his cock through his underwear. "I do, Master," I told him. "Go ahead," he ordered and I dropped to the floor on my knees and pulled his shorts and underwear off. I took Master in my mouth and sucked him very slowly, all the while, using my hand to stroke his cock in between sucks. Master put his head back and I stayed on his cock for a long time, alternating slow strokes and sucks with faster ones. Master needed release and so, then, I just went to work, sucking him fast and deep. He came (a lot, so I really knew he hadn't had sex last night) and I swallowed every last drop.

Now Master stretched out on the couch and I moved to his feet. I love to massage and worship Master's feet, but, particularly after I give him a blow job to show him just how much I worship him. I knew now was my time to bring up college and did. I told him that he and Kristy were almost 20 years younger than me and, given my stressful job and smoking habit, anything could happen to me. "Master, you're so strong, so intelligent, please, please, consider finishing college." I told him, this way, just in case something happened to me, he could get a good job for a smart, strong college grad. He started to get a little upset, but, I risked his wrath and kept talking. "Of course, if nothing happens to me, I'll always be your bitch Master and I'll always earn you money. You know, Master, I love to earn my keep and I owe you everything." Master said he had been thinking about going back to college in the winter or spring and finishing his degree and said he'd keep thinking about it. He said Kristy has been on him to do the same thing and wanted to know if she put me up to this. "No, Master, I'm just always thinking of you," I said, "and thinking of all the ways I could serve you and be of benefit to you." I sucked his toes and licked his feet and told him, "Oh Master, you know how I worship you." With that, I let the subject go.

Also, I told him that I would get he and Kristy tickets for the Fiesta Bowl if Ohio State goes there (January 5, right after Kristy and I get back). Of course, he and Kristy can have a wonderful vacation and this was just my way of trying to compensate him for my recent mistakes. Master was pleased and I laid there, worshiping his feet for another half hour. Finally, I had to leave and asked Master for permission to get ready for work. Before I left, I asked Master if I might take his underwear with me, today, so that I might smell his beautiful scents all day. He allowed me this privilege and I'm smelling his scents as I write this.
Kevinsslave,i think he is right on course and training you very well,i know when i come home from a difficult day,i love master to take control,i don't have ANY decisions to make, except what makeup,lingerie hairstyle will please him,i am in his hands,and the relief from stress is HUGE.

YES, YES, YES. It's so freeing not to have to make one damn decision other than what to wear and making yourself look good. I've programmed myself to do my chores like a robot. I can scrub a floor and wash towels and clothes without much thought. What concerns me, though, sometimes, is whether or not I'm keeping Kristy happy. Worshiping Master and keeping him happy seems to occupy more and more of my thoughts.
but you are taking it out of the intended context.
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No, what he's doing is taking your argument and applying it to different situations. OK, I obviously disagree with what you have had to say, but, as I understand your point, you're trying to give me a friendly warning. Now, let's leave it at that, OK?
Friendly advice.
I hope you do have a lasting relationship there and hopeyou have many more joyful years.
AngleBaby said:
Friendly advice.
I hope you do have a lasting relationship there and hopeyou have many more joyful years.

Yes, me too, but I have wondered if it will still be going and what it will be like when I'm say 58 and they are in their late 30s.

BTW, Angle, where did you come up with that moniker? I always misread it as "Angel Baby" and, then, that old 70s song "My Angel Baby" by Toby Beau starts playing in my mind (it's playing now, "'But you're my angel baby, for the rest of the night.....[great little guitar solo]")
A guy didn't like his wife's cooking so he murdered her,so we should ban cooking?

LOL. Very good one. Of course, if you ever tasted Kristy's cooking, you'd want to kill her. She even screws up toast and pop tarts. I swear, she could fuck up a glass of water. She's a horrible cook, but, damn does she look and taste great.
but as you might know,once i pulled on my stockings,fixed my makeup,put on my new sexy dress,perfume,my heart was pumping at the thought

Oh, how I know the thought. Master, Kristy and I are going out for drinks and a late dinner to a club about 45 minutes away. I'm dressing as a woman tonight and am nervous but excited. I'm sure I'll be glued to the table with fear, but, my cock is hard just thinking about it. I'm wearing my very sexy UGG Elsey black boots with jeans and a little strap t and a jacket. I'm wearing one of my best wigs, my creamy-cocoa Amber wig by Ferre. And, of course, some luscious black bow-back thongs from VS with a gel-curve low back bra. Kenny may meet us later and, if so, I might get lucky later (so I want to look my best). I want to jack off just looking at myself, it's such a turn on being a fem like this. My cock has been aching to cum since I pleased Master this morning and I have no court appearances or appointments tomorrow, so I can party late into the night. Have to run, now:)
kevinsslave said:
Oh, how I know the thought. Master, Kristy and I are going out for drinks and a late dinner to a club about 45 minutes away. I'm dressing as a woman tonight and am nervous but excited. I'm sure I'll be glued to the table with fear, but, my cock is hard just thinking about it. I'm wearing my very sexy UGG Elsey black boots with jeans and a little strap t and a jacket. I'm wearing one of my best wigs, my creamy-cocoa Amber wig by Ferre. And, of course, some luscious black bow-back thongs from VS with a gel-curve low back bra. Kenny may meet us later and, if so, I might get lucky later (so I want to look my best). I want to jack off just looking at myself, it's such a turn on being a fem like this. My cock has been aching to cum since I pleased Master this morning and I have no court appearances or appointments tomorrow, so I can party late into the night. Have to run, now:)

mmmm like the sound of your panties and bra,looking your most sexy for master and Kenny,i usually feel all girlie and weak at the knees in these situations,it's the most delicious feeling,i try not to be a tease,but i can't help myself,i see the bulge in his trousers and think"i did that!!!",but i have to control myself and realise that i am here to please superior real men
out shopping

yesterday evening my wife,or Madam as i now have to call her,went out to do xmas shopping,so i was settled between master Tony's legs and worshiping his beautiful cock as he watched the football
I was licking his balls,up and down his shaft and when he moved forward and lifted up to present his ass i tongued and licked his hole which he loves.
Moving back up i took his cock in my mouth and felt his hand on the back of my neck,easing me forward onto his cock,and i buried my nose in his pubic hair as i deep throated him,alternating between deep and shallow sucking.
Just as i withdrew,licking all the way up his cock,he threw his hands in the air
GOAL!!!!!! he shouted,and he spurted his cum into my mouth at the same time,then withdrew to spurt over my face,3 or 4 more times.
So there i am knelt between his legs,,mouth full of cum,face covered in spunk,with little threads os spunk still connected between his cock and my lips.
That's one goal celebration i'll never forget
kevinsslave said:
LOL. Very good one. Of course, if you ever tasted Kristy's cooking, you'd want to kill her. She even screws up toast and pop tarts. I swear, she could fuck up a glass of water. She's a horrible cook, but, damn does she look and taste great.

redeemed yourself at the end,let's hope she doesn't read that,LOL!!

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