I contradicted nothing. And if you think that at the tender age of 5 years old your son would be exhibiting signs of homosexuality you're sorely mistaken. Any psychologist worth his salt would tell you as much. You are the one who contradicts yourself by saying you're not phobic, a hater or fearful of homosexuals. You are clearly all three of those things.
Secondly, if you are so attune to biblical philosophies and principles, what are you even doing here in the first place. I was raised by a strict Baptist father and know the Bible backwards and forwards and your mere presence here, if you believe in it unfailingly as you seem to given your quotes, then your mere presence here is an affront to it.
As to your theories about bathroom stall writing.....more often than not it's teenagers posting things about where to get pussy or head.....in some cases it's homosexuals writing it and soliciting but those are exceptions rather than the rule. And as to the rights you enjoy that gays do not.....in most states there are many things you are afforded that they are not; insurance benefits, ability to marry, even hospital visitation rights and decision making based on illness.
Furthermore, I don't know what country bum-fucked town you live in, but there are plenty of public educational systems that do offer required reading on interracial families, extended families and nuclear families. Unless you want your child to grow up as misinformed, narrow-minded and ignorant as yourself, Jethro, maybe you ought to invest in better educational opportunities for him so he doesn't wind up like his father; a knucle-dragging, bible-spouting, racist hater of all things not Republican or cavemanish.
There are monumental differences between pedophiles and homosexuals but your closed mind can't make the obvious distinction. Nor can you make the distinction between your bible thumping and your own personal deviances of being on an internet site dedicated to white men sharing their wives with black males. You are a clearly disturbed person. And I don't just say this because your a homophobic, holier than thou, bible thumping, demophobe either. I say it because your issues are self evident to this hypocritephobe who loathes self-aggrandizing moral fat cats who hide behind religiosity while engaging in deviant behavior (which is the truest measure of most Republicans).