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Gay men

  • Thread startermuleman
  • Start date
I'm as straight as a poker, but I'm with Pimp. Most gay people, as far as I know, would not support what NAMBLA stands for. On the other hand, those washroom ads do get a little tiring.

pimpology101 said:
LOL well thank you, Joe. But considering I write for a living I ought to be fair at the least of the craft of stringing words together. I've written so many papers as a journalism major (initially, before I switched to psychology) that I have no desire to write any more! LOL

Typical journalism and psychology major. I should have guessed that immediately. What else does a liberal major in? Interesting that you visit a website that includes men who call women "bitches" and "whores" but yet you are so concerned about people's rights. You even call yourself "Pimp". I always thought you liberals were so much into women's rights? Interesting that you note at the bottom of your post that you are non-cuck; what's wrong? Is that homophobia showing? Yet another contradiction.
You still did not explain your contradictions that I listed nor did I expect you to. This discussion is pointless and spend too much time shen you are dealing with the typical liberal who can not defend their statements but can only spout out the usual pre-programmed platform points of trash over and over then bash the other individual. So go ahead back to your little writing job.
WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
This discussion is pointless and spend too much time shen you are dealing with the typical liberal who can not defend their statements but can only spout out the usual pre-programmed platform points of trash over and over then bash the other individual. So go ahead back to your little writing job.

How is this any different than what you are doing? You dont seem to back up your arguments all that well and when pimp responds to you in a fairly reasoned manner trying to explain his personal viewpoint you bash him because it doesnt fit in with your idea of what all "liberals" are supposed to be.
Anyone here belong to NAMBLA needs to stay out of my way or it won't be a pleasant time for you. These fuckers should of been banned from the start. Also it makes not a shit bit of difference what political party you belong to there are gays in all of them. Some help out the cause such as Don't ask Don't tell. What I'm saying is there seems to be so much of it plastered all over anymore it is like we are suppose to accept it whether we agree or don't. If you want to be gay fine be gay go find a lover and have a relationship just keep the crap out of where young children can read your wanting a cock to suck shit plastered on a wall or any other place. I'm sure not all gays do this but there seems to be a vast amount of the ads wrote all over every where. I wonder if they would like it if I went in there house and wrote all over their walls wanted white woman to fuck please call. Or wanted pussy to eat please call.
It's hardly a contradiction. It merely is a disclaimer that let's people know I'm not into the femninization or emasculation thing so prevalent among cuckolds.

You so-called conservatives are nothing more than thinly veiled hypocrites who want to espouse your moral superiority then run to your closet and beat your meat like a banshee while you indulge your deviances in secret. Typical.

Go back to listening to your Jimmy Swaggart sermon while browsing through your copy of Penthouse you self-righteous piece of crap.

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