Expatdad's latest story is accessible on the "storiesonline" website. It is up to his usual fine standards and makes great reading.
There are lots of subtleties written in this tale.
It has been a while since he has added to the "African Seduction" Angel story and I have been hoping that Expatdad's next efforts might be in this direction....
I just finished reading Expatdad's latest addition to his "An African Seduction"
tale... in a word, wonderful!! It is certainly up to his usual high standards, detailed descriptions and believable dialogue....
Expatdad's many fans, will appreciate this new chapter as 'Angel's' relationship with Igwe continues....
Again, Expatdad, many thanks!!
Mr. B
I have read Expatdad's latest and it is another winner. Angel's resolve crumbles and Igwe's three friends enjoy her in turn. Well written, as always with excellent dialogue.
Many thanks, Expatdad!
This is going to be my last post to this web site.
I have enjoyed participating in the forum but the moderators are allowing posts inciting religious hatred to dominate one of the threads and I will have no part of a web site that permits this criminal behavour to flourish and respond by exercising my right to walk away from it.
You will have to look elsewhere for news on new stories/chapters which will not be before July anyway.
I can recommend another yahoo group to those who would like continuing discourse on Africa, or my stories. Just send me an e-mail at author@uwclub.net
For all of us who appreciate Expatdad's literary efforts, his latest masterfully crafted tale is available on the "stories on line" site. A true wordsmith, IMHO...
Thanks you, Expatdad.
For those of us who appreciate his work, Expatdad's latest effort is has been posted on the "Stories on Line" site. This one may not be for all tastes, mine included, as it features Angel's daughters, but in the spirit of free speech....