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Denial 2015

  • Thread starterSoonToBe
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  • #362
Well, our daughter came home yesterday evening so this will likely be a quiet week. But last night, as everyone can imagine, we spent quite a long time talking quite openly.

I'll try to condense down several hours of conversation. First and foremost is that she doesn't think this is going to be a lasting thing with Paul. I smiled at that and she asked what I was smiling at and I told her that I'd thought I'd seen signs of this to which she feigned surprise and said I must be imagining things but then did come out and say that "there isn't enough between them" to make it something more long-lived. She said again that she doesn't love him. I asked her what Paul is feeling and she admitted that he held some attachment to her but she maintains that he has never said he loves her.

She came out and said it - that this time, for her, it's the sex that she is into. She said she hoped it didn't hurt me too much to know that Paul is definitely better than I am in bed. I told her that I had known that for a while now. She went on and on about it telling me that she never knew she could feel the way he makes her feel. And she came out and said it, that just him cumming in her, that she feels it's affected their sex together. I told her that I was sure it was and that I told her what I'd "read online" about it. She giggled and said that she didn't think about that part of it, how it could affect her hormonally and that sort of stuff.

And all of that obviously led to the discussions about what we both wanted to happen next between us and in her relationship with Paul. Again she asked me about my beta desires "you know, your beta thing, is that still what you want". I told her yes, that it was something I wanted - and we were both clear on what it is we were talking about because she came out and said that it turns her on to think about doing it - denying me fully. And, as I clarified, that she will fulfill her sexual desires with Paul, she smiled and said that this was something she found it hard to understand but now sees it better. She absolutely loved knowing I'd masturbated at being so turned on her with Paul on Saturday night that she said she was beginning to see how this turned me on and that it was something she'd begun to see for herself. She told me again how turned on she felt seeing my cock and, she held my hand as she said it, "knowing I'm going to fuck it" Just like that. Her tone turned softer and quieter when she told me that she'd begun enjoying having control of herself sexually and that she couldn't really appreciate everything before as she says she never felt like what was going on was her decisions. And she came out and said it - that she likes how it feels between us when we're lying in bed and stuff where she said again that she really feels like she's finally able to tell me how she felt and that she likes how she doesn't have to always feel on the defensive sexually now.

I apologized for that and she told me it wasn't my fault, that she understood how I felt I "should" behave and then said that was one of the nice things that she began to recognize as part of my "beta thing", that some of it had affected her and us and she looked at me and said that "my desires may be towards Paul right now, but they are going to go back to you when I'm done with Paul and you're going to really like it". And she proceeded to tell me how she didn't think this was going to be a long-term thing with Paul. She said that he doesn't really appreciate what is going on, but more so, she actually said he is kind of boring at times. I told her that she shouldn't compare him to me and that after 30 years together, that we have a lot more in common and all of that, but she said that it isn't that. Instead it's that she just can't seem to find something that they share other than sex and skiing. I looked at her and asked "is it that you can't find anything or that you don't want to?" She looked at me for a moment and then understood what I was asking and she smiled and pulled me to her and said "baby, I don't ever want to replace you".

She was quite proud of herself for enjoying sex with Paul without feeling any/much emotionally. Yes, she admitted that she feels something for him, she said she has to in order to let herself really go with him, that she has to feel she can trust him and that overlaps on a lot of other things for her. She told me again how it feels good to say she loves it or even that she loves him during sex but she again told me - its just about the sex, that "...I love him for what he's doing to me, not because of who he is...". And she giggled and said that she hasn't remembered feeling like this since back in college, and yes, when we first started to date, where she remembers liking and enjoying sex so much without needing or wanting to feel the emotional part of it.

So - where was it all leading? Rather than continue on with each thing we talked about. In the end what she said was that with the kids still away at college, that she wanted to "do more" with Paul before they come home for the summer. She held my hands and, she wandered around conversationally until she came to the point where she asked me if she could become more exclusive with Paul "maybe starting in April?". When I asked her what that meant she softly cupped my cock and balls and said "it means we won't be having sex together....." and when I didn't reply right away she said "it'd mean you'd get to look at me but not have me, at least for a little while". Before I could start to reply she stammered out that right now she feels like she could let herself do this and that the timing is really good to try this out. And then she said it, she said "I want to try it with Paul before things take a down-turn" and she again told me how she doesn't think this will be something that lasts and lasts with Paul.

I asked her again if he wanted her or had any "designs on her" (if that's the right way to say it). She giggled and she said "well of course he's joked that he'd like more time with me" but she says that he's never said or done anything to suggest he wants her to leave me. At least not that she's aware of. She said that mentally (and physically) that before the kids come back home that it'd be the best time for her to see what it really would be like to throw herself sexually at another man and to fully want it with him and not me. It seemed like she'd broken through her inhibitions for a bit and she said that she feels like she's ready for this to happen and from how we've talked since before Christmas even, that it's sort of inevitable and she looked at me and said "you want it to happen, right?" and I nodded my head yes and she said "me too". She said that it kind of scares her but at the same time, she says that it's something she now, jokingly blaming me for starting all of this, now wants to try.

She almost immediately added again "you know baby, if it ever gets to be too much, you just tell me and I'll make it better for you". I know that was a different thing than she'd said before but I knew she meant it in the same way. I asked her what she was going to tell Paul and she said that she didn't think she had to tell him anything "he knows what you enjoy" and told me that he was still surprised at my really wanting them to be together. "I know it's maybe sooner than we had originally talked about" and she asked me if that was going to be okay. Before I could answer she told me that she was surprised that she felt this way "already" (building on the earlier part of the conversation) but that she felt it was something she was ready to try out. And she turned to me and asked me how I felt about it?

I told her that I was concerned about Paul and what message he was getting. She told me that nothing was going to change regarding how she feels about him but that she would talk to him and make sure he understood that he shouldn't misconstrue what was going on as anything related to her having more feelings for him. She smiled and said that she knew that was important and that she agreed. I held her hand and I told her that I trusted her and that this was a big thing I was trusting her with and that in some ways, it could affect a lot of things and that she needed to be very aware of it. She smiled and hugged me and said that she had been clear with me all along and that wasn't going to change now and she giggled "especially knowing it's something you want me to do". And that was a good segue into me telling her that I was a bit hesitant and that it was happening sooner than I'd thought to. She held me and said "you see how good he is with me, what he makes me feel...." and she said that she wanted to do this with him while she was still really into it with him and while she felt herself able to let it happen.

I did ask about how this would work and she said that is why they started to talk about getting together on 2 weeknights - and she looked at me and asked "maybe it would work up to me spending 2 nights with him?" as opposed to taking up so much time on Saturday. It naturally led to the question of who is pushing for this more and she said that Paul did ask if they could get more time together during the week - and that he seemed fine with changing to 2 weeknights instead of the current schedule. I was kind of dry-mouthed at how openly and calmly she was talking about this part of things but again repeated my question about whether Paul wanted this or initiated this and she said "no" and she giggled and said "he doesn't care about what you and I do together" so it really reminded me that this something she is initiating. And I asked her so - "this is something you want, isn't it?".

She hugged me and said that she can't believe it's what she's saying "but, yes, baby...". And she was almost in tears at this point when she told me how she felt like this was an opportunity that she couldn't feel she could say no to and that she just felt it was something that would work right now for all of us. She said that she can't believe she "feels this way as your happily married wife" but then hugged me and said that she "really wants to try it". I hugged her back and I looked at her and said "I feel the same way". I know I was nervous saying it and I know she was nervous hugging me back saying "I know". We looked at each other and she said softly "so, are you going to be okay?". I nodded and said "you?". She smiled and nodded back.

It seemed like we'd reached a big turning point. She looked at me and said "lets take this slowly over the next few weeks" and then she giggled and held my cock and "I'm not done with him just yet either baby".

I'm sure I missed a lot or glossed over a lot - I admit I'm trying to do 2 things here right now.

More in a bit - gotta do some actual work today.
  • #363
Wow what an update. You and your wife share an amazing level of communication.
Continued good luck and thanks for sharing.
  • #364
Steve, glad you got the discussion in without you being too excited to think. You missed a 'not' out of the all important quote but I'm sure we all know what you meant to say. Things do seem a bit clearer now between you, although in reality I can't see a significant change. In the last few weeks, if Sue hadn't initiated it, you would have been denied just as much as you are about to be. If at those times, Sue initiated because she wanted to, it is her desires that is being denied, if it was because she thought you deserved a mercy fuck, then emotionally you are not missing anything anyway. As to the timing, Sue will see him almost the same amount, albeit you will see them less. You already said her previous lover was easier to bear because you didn't have to see it, so this new situation should be easier. As to Paul knowing, you contradicted yourself above with Sue saying she didn't need to say anything about your denial and then saying she would explain it wouldn't mean any further commitment to him. Seems the former is cleaner to me. Either way, you have endured worse and you have the prospect of a new improved relationship at the end. More equal but more fired up than your 'stable' periods before. It's all good to me.
  • #365
Peak - for me what I got out of our talk was that Sue feels very actualized about this for herself. I do believe her that Paul isn't pushing her for this. I say that because of how she spoke about the sex between them and how she seemed reluctant to tell me that she's feeling (cumming) more with him than me. I know from how she sounded that she didn't want it to hurt me and that she wanted me to understand that it's not so much Paul that she wants but yes - what's between his legs.

Yes you are correct, that the few times we have had sex were at Sue's behest and her initiation. I suppose the biggest difference for me will be in knowing that I shouldn't expect that at all, or to be very surprised by such. I am thinking as you mentioned, that perhaps this is also moving the time they are together away from being around me. It only came up as a small part of our conversation but she did say she liked me being there but at the same time also said that she thinks Paul likes it more when I'm not there and we did already talk and I said that in some ways it was easier for me to just wait at home and only "know" what she's been doing and not seeing it.

Regarding her explaining it to Paul, what I meant to infer was that she doesn't need to explain whether we are doing anything further than we are now and that its her that feels it doesn't imply any further committment to him. What I was trying to say was that from what he sees and knows about that she needn't tell him anything is changing between us as it's not something that's happening because he asked or requested it of her.

I am sure that when another 2 weeks go by and the calendar is turned to April that I will have some more serious misgivings. Right now the thought of her denying me is a real turn-on, but somehow I think that when the date gets closer and we both know what is coming that it will hit me. But you are correct, she has already begun denying me on a more regular basis without me even really recognizing it or realizing it and it was okay - actually - it was good. I didn't even really realize it was happening.

I am glad she felt she could talk to me. I know it's not been easy for her to accept her own desires and now to act on them. But at the same time, I can so see it on her face and in her desires what she wants. I know that it wasn't easy for her to tell me, just as it wasn't easy for me to admit my own desires, but I know that it's something she's been building towards. In a way, I'm very happy that it's Paul and it's the sex she wants - I know that her desires were leaning towards truly falling in love with another guy. I am laughing as I am typing this but maybe it's Paul's fucking her and giving her that separation that she wanted to feel that's fulfilling her desire and that maybe she doesn't feel she needs this strong emotional attraction to fulfill herself.

The last thing I should add is that for now, she'd like to resume one night a week at his place and that - for now at least - she said she'd come home after seeing him the second night during the week (unless he comes here which we left in the mix) - but she did say that before the kids are home for the summer that she thought she would want to try spending 2 nights with him.
  • #366
Thanks Steve, that's clearer. As I said, I think you're in an exciting and rewarding zone at the moment. Nothing is risk free and the transition back to 'normal' life afterwards holds its own new issues this time but that's some way ahead. Enjoy the ride. ..
  • #367
Steve, this is one of those times were I truly can echo Peak's viewpoint. As already said, nothing is risk free although this is a evolving chapter in your life together in which you both will enjoy an exciting & rewarding place within your relationship. Enjoy the ride as long as it last, take in every moment and enjoy the journey.
  • #368
Steve, I am curious...about complete denial...!

Sue says that this is not what Paul is pressurizing her into. You say that this time it's her who wants it. The question is why?

As of now you are almost being completely denied. (Four /Five times during past two and a half months, that too in condom, and that too only for you -mercy or pity fuck as Peak says is equal to being denied). Sue says she is not emotionally attached with Paul too...so what is in this for Sue ?

Other than of course having (sadistic) pleasure in denying you. How does it escalates her relationship with Paul if Paul doesn't even knows of it. (If Paul knows than of course he would enjoy cuckolding you and the status of being alpha being Sue...with Sue being his women - and not it being Paul's pussy alone).

The big question is Why????

Another question is Does she wants you to desire her during the period of denial? Or She wants you to relax yourself by masturbating ? Is it possible for you not to desire her sexually ? may be for a limited period of time? How much time? How do you communicate and tell her it's time and you too want to be with her physically? Or as you have indicated in your posts - Does seeing her with her lover gives you satisfaction that is much more than having her for yourself? Does she also feels the same?
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  • #369
Great update and you do know what you are , about to give over to Paul to own. now for as long as he and Sue are still togather.
in this trip that you two have set out. on and yes the Big question is why would you want to give more , or less ownership of Sue's pussy to Paul totaly.
well have fun and keep us posted.
ps stb please do not take this post the wrong way.
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  • #370
Steve, thanks for the great updates. You and Sue have wonderful communication even when it may be things that cause you difficulty. It is good that she clarified what is behind her latest moves. You (and you readers!) are in for a great ride.

I'm glad that Sue says Paul is not pushing things. My only caution is that he may have those designs on Sue but is smart enough to not show it because Sue might back away. He may just be biding his time. I hope I am wrong about that.

Thanks again for keeping us informed of your incredible journey.
  • #371
Guys, after 370 posts on this thread surely the 'why' is well established. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Paul. His wishes or desires. Likely he won't even know. It is entirely between Sue and Steve. In that order. Steve wants to be a beta cuckold. Sue wants to express her ultimate dominance and wring her maximum pleasure out of her adulterous relationship by denying Steve. It's all about what's happening in her head. The only thing Steve has to do is follow his desire to be the beta and not initiate. By doing so he knows that if Sue doesn't ask for a time then he is denied. The thing is. He actually likes that. For a time. The big angst is he doesn't know how much time. Even then he can still play his Stop card.
  • #372
Steve, several of my fellow readers have asked you why (?), I would think if they have truly been reading your post over the years and more specificly this more recent year they would not be asking why (?) as they would already have a general understanding of your disires and mutual direction with Sue in this shared adventure. For those that ask why you want to give up ownership of Sue's pussy to Paul; while I can not speak for you I would ask those within the group to reflect on the question they ask. Does Steve really own Sue's pussy or her body? I would say NO, it is not for Steve to control Sue's pussy as a beta I would think that you do not own Sue's pussy, as her pussy belongs to Sue and for Sue to decide whom has access as well as for what duration. As you have said, Sue is now controlling all aspects of her sexual interaction with Paul and with you respectively.

This is truly another one of those moments were I would echo what Peak said in post #371, you have established 'why'.

Being denied sexual access to ones own wife while she has choosen to give herself sexually exclusively to another can be extremely stimulating for a beta husband.

Continue to enjoy the amazing journey...

peakmb said:
Guys, after 370 posts on this thread surely the 'why' is well established. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Paul. His wishes or desires. Likely he won't even know. It is entirely between Sue and Steve. In that order. Steve wants to be a beta cuckold. Sue wants to express her ultimate dominance and wring her maximum pleasure out of her adulterous relationship by denying Steve. It's all about what's happening in her head. The only thing Steve has to do is follow his desire to be the beta and not initiate. By doing so he knows that if Sue doesn't ask for a time then he is denied. The thing is. He actually likes that. For a time. The big angst is he doesn't know how much time. Even then he can still play his Stop card.
  • #373
Peak makes a very good point and I think it is one that even Steve might not fully get at times. This has nothing to do with Paul. It is completely about Sue right now and her living out a few of her desires. Sue revealed to Steve some time ago that she had always felt an obligation to have sex with him whenever he wanted it. Even when she wasn't in the mood, that pressure was still there. The point is, Sue felt that way. None of us know for how long. So it makes sense that Sue is enjoying having sex on her own terms and with who. Steve, by evolving from the beginning in wanting to share Sue, to now wanting to be a beta cuckold husband, has helped make this all possible for Sue. Rather than Paul being a wedge to drive between Sue and Steve, Paul is merely the instrument that Sue is using to reach her own desires as well as meet Steve's desires. That Paul is better at sexually pleasuring Sue is just an added bonus but also needs to be taken in context. Sue saying Paul is better easily plays to Steve's cuckold desires and Sue knows that. Remember, Sue said the same things about Don and also about Robert.
  • #374
Wow, quite the set of posts since yesterday.

I admit that I'm still a bit unsure about everything, but I am not having second thoughts in the sense of not wanting things to progress. I know for Raks that it doesn't make any sense, but Peak did sum it up pretty well and Jax, you have also equally hit the nail on the head.

With our daughter home, Sue is also not seeing Paul this week, or if she does it will only be a quickie after work so as to not raise suspicions. I'm driving her back to school on Saturday and as of now, the plan is that Paul will come over on Saturday but not stay the night and that next week she wants to begin spending one night during the week at his place.

We haven't talked more about it tonight yet but I expect to in bed later.
  • #376
Steve, talk is cheap! I'd be interested in the betting odds this week of Sue demanding use of the last condom needed for some time. Partly because she isn't getting her usual attention and partly because it's a good way for her to start the new regime for you. One last taste and all that. Could be why Paul isn't staying into Sunday too. That day will definitely be a gentle hand holding expression of love I expect, perhaps without the overt signs of passion you might be already craving by then. Certainly interesting anyway...
  • #377
I hope you are having a great week with your daughter home. Maybe Sue can see Paul for a lunch time quickie if she is missing him too much. :)
I hope Peak is right and you get to use a condom this week. How many have you used this year? Good luck moving forward. We all know Sue loves you and you are both enjoying this ride. Thanks for taking us along on the ride.
  • #378
Peak - have you been talking to Sue? She's already told me that later tonight "you won't have to use your right hand" and that she wants to "feel close" to me. Needless to say, I'm psyched.
  • #379
Ha! I wish. Although I think when the time comes (and you do), the word won't be psyched. The question is whether Sue wants to use it to be loving (in which case she may not want to come) or if she's feeling horny (in which case she just might). So, how to stay beta and Still weave your magic ....
  • #380
Enjoy your pussy tonight stb, the time for true denial is close at hand. Maybe i missed it but when sue is talking 2 nights does that mean 2 nights in a row?
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