ok shorty you call me a loser right but this is my whole point since you dont seem to get it still.
and i shall try to explain it to you using no ignorance as to insure that you understand what i am trying to say.
my whole point is this people log onto dark cavern am i correct.
then the board allows you to choose a particular area of interest(mines being wife pics)
once i click to wife pics i expect to see pictures there whether they are nude of fully clothed one click was all it took.
so why should i continue clicking or searching for that fact for your pictures
would it not have been easier to just post a picture on the thread that nobody else but you started. instead of directing the fans here,there, and everywhere to view your pictures.
why does viewing your pics require on to do so many things.
everybody else that starts a thread posts at least one pic up and then may remove it. but they dont play traffic director and have people loggin here and there looking for pics.
oh jesus lord almighty i hope you get the point now that i have addressed you civil and with no ignorance.
have a nice day now i gotta go dis your little cheerleading squad