With all due respect I think this site has free speech. When is the last time you seen dig or buzz or will come in here and delete or ban something someone has said if it wasn't a nasty name calling word directed at someone.expatdad said:Dark Cavern does not exist in the real world! It has a politically correct blinkered view in which the only hings that happen are lawful, it does not recognise the right of free speech....
If I see the first thread or post from someone and they talk like this prick did they will be banned and the thread deleted we do not need this bullshit on this site that is my goal to do away with this kind of shit and make it a friendly wanting to visit site.Shadowmuffin said:can you stop new subscribers from joining for a while? Might be the only way to sto this crap for a while. This asshat want's nothing more than to cause problems. And, you think Will and Eve maybe moved your disgusting thread at the request of others? Why the fuck should you care if it gets moved anyways, it's still on the friggen site. You're acting like a twelve year old.
billy-ray said:Hard to believe that this site's perhaps most outspoken member was banned for dealing with the nincompoop.