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Curious Wife

  • Thread starterAlexis
  • Start date
  • #421
Elegant solution you came up with together. As you say, not an easy road for either of you no doubt. Good luck and please keep us updated about the baby and your feelings as they develop.
  • #422
Hi Ms. Lexxi,

lexxi said:
Hubby and I took a long time deciding what we were going to do, and we came up with what we think is the best for US.


lexxi said:
So, part of my big news is that I am going off the pill tomorrow, February 1st. Also, we have decided that the baby will be fathered by a black man.


lexxi said:
With that in mind, hubby and I separated in the middle of November. I am currently openly dating black men, and that is now known by my family, his family, mine and hubby's co-workers, our friends and neighbors. Our PLAN is to get back together when I am about half way along. This will create a situation where no one will be shocked or surprised about my baby.

Hm... an aficionado of arithmetic might conclude that 2-1/2 months from mid-Nov. 'til Feb. 1 plus 4-1/2 months 'til you're half-way along, if you get pregnant immediately on Feb. 2, will be 7 months of separation. That's a lot of separation. Have you considered getting back together after some shorter length of time, say 2 months after you become pregnant, on the grounds that would accomplish the same purpose while reducing the probability of you and your husband drifting apart permanently...?

Also, do you and your husband have a "plan B" if it should turn out it takes you significantly longer... for instance, many months longer... to get pregnant than you expect?

lexxi said:
We have decided to have 2 or 3 children, so when any other children are also black, people will probably be surprised but not necessarily shocked.

While shopping at my preferred grocery emporium a while back, not all that long ago, I noticed a white woman pushing a grocery cart with two very young and attractive black children riding in it. I had the impression they were hers, although I didn't know that. They were intermediate brown, not deep black, as one might expect of mixed-race children. None of the other shoppers, who were predominantly white, gave her strange looks or "whispered behind her back" (as far as I could tell).

lexxi said:
Like I said, this is what we feel is right for us, and I'd love questions or comments but no advise at this time. This is a pretty tough road and we have to walk it ourselves.

Since you've already established your sexual preference for black men and the fact that you actively pursue that among your relatives, friends and co-workers; and since the birth of your baby-to-be will establish clearly that her or his biological father was a black man (not your husband); and since an unknown number of months may pass, conceivably, before you become pregnant: have you and your husband considered simply getting back together again in the near future, since nothing will be added to the certainty of his non-paternity by continuing your separation...?

I've phrased this query as a mild question, in hopes you will not interpret it as "unwanted advice."

Best wishes —

  • #423
lexxi said:
Now, for my other big news. No one here will probably have any interest in this...

You're putting us on, right...?

lexxi said:
This Saturday night I am reconnecting with a girl who was a college roommate of mine for one semester. She was gay, and I was intimidated by her because of that I think. I was however, somewhat intrigued not about being gay, or the gay life-style per se, but about her in general. She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen and........hmm.

Yes. Hmm...

lexxi said:
Anyway, I am going to meet with her as "old friends," but I am doing so at this time with a very open mind.

Hey, why not...? You've established yourself as a bold and sexually-assertive woman, not overly constrained by the "bounds of convention," in your own right. This sounds like an opportunity for a new sexual breakthrough. Your gay friend will probably be at least as impressed by — and, I'll guess, as attracted to — you as you are to her.

lexxi said:
If any of you want to know how it goes, let me know.

Go for it — and yes, please let us know how it goes.
  • #424
you could try anyother race of men who are not totally black like "negros", like brown or tanned ,asian guys,but not totally black

as saraha gave you the idea

She chats a guy up and learns all about him, and she lets her body decide whether his genes "feel compatible". She tells the guy she is on the pill so he can bare back ride her.

you could try that,you may find having a black baby horny or something like that,but you may regret it in future..

all the best..
  • #425
have as much as sex with big black cocks,try different black cocks,or try 3 to 4 black cocks at once,do everything with it,but dont' get pregnant by a black one... just my sincere advise,take it or leave it
  • #426
Lexxi, I am looking forward to your report of how things go with your same gender friend from school. I was at Boarding School, and my room mate was older and introduced me to sex with both boys and girls while we were all underage. The boys were from a nearby boys only school, and my room mate arranged for them to climb a tree by our bedroom window after dark. Sex was on the menu several times a week for all the time I was there. We used buy candles at the village and give them as gifts to each other. Orgy sex was common, but we almost got caught a few times by Matron who was a tad suspicious.
  • #427
Saraha said:
Lexxi, I am looking forward to your report of how things go with your same gender friend from school.

Ah... you are implanting this seed in the minds of other women already, Ms. Lexxi, and you haven't even "done it" yet. Or perhaps I should say, in Ms. Saraha's case, you have re-awakened this seed...

Saraha said:
I was at Boarding School, and my room mate was older and introduced me to sex with both boys and girls while we were all underage.

Your room mate made a valuable contribution to your education, Ms. Saraha...

Saraha said:
The boys were from a nearby boys-only school, and my room mate arranged for them to climb a tree by our bedroom window after dark. Sex was on the menu several times a week all the time I was there.

That's really cool. Your room mate also taught you and the other girls the need for creative thinking and inventiveness in satisfying your carnal desires. "Sex will find a way"...

Saraha said:
We used to buy candles at the village and give them as gifts to each other.

For use as disguised dildos and learning to deep-throat, presumably...

Saraha said:
Orgy sex was common...

That's better still...

Saraha said:
...but we almost got caught a few times by Matron who was a tad suspicious.

Maybe Matron knew what was going on all along, but refrained from interfering knowing that if she "imposed discipline" and brought it to a stop she would be eliminating the main appeal of the boarding school (from the girl's point of view). If the girls at your school, and the boys at the nearby boys school, had begun expressing strong dislike of their respective schools, their parents might have begun sending many of them to other boarding schools which could have ****** yours, and the nearby boy's school as well, out of business. But, of course, that's just speculation...
  • #428
I call bullshit on this entire story.
  • #429
I mean usually husbands are game to watch some porn with their wife before sex.
Pull up some BBC porn and you guys enjoy.
Then he will start to associate how wet, horny and happy you get from BBC porn and you can prob start brining up fantasy convos about you fucking a black guy....

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