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Cuckold Divorce Stories

  • Thread starterrenonympho
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Quote: "Sure, I would love this to start with a situation where I watch her with another instead of taking the immediate quantum leap to divorce."

How do you see this scenario developing in your fantasies?

Do you, for instance invision a your wife after some attempts, meeting a boyfriend with whom the "spark" of serious mutual attraction appears?

If so, what then would be your role/course of action?
A brief update. Went to see my bf this weekend. spent a quality 24 hours with him. When i got there we quickly went to the couch for a make out session. I so love making out with him. He is such an awesome kisser. He can get me wet just kissing me. We then moved into the bedroom for a couple hours of hot sex. He was much more aggressive with me this time and I LOVE IT! I think he is becoming more comfortable with me and is feeling like he can start doing those things. Awesome!

When we finished and cleaned up we went to dinner then got a movie to watch. While we were watching the movie i fell asleep in his arms. He said he didn't want to wake me up because he thought I was so cute when I sleep. When I woke up around 1am we moved to the bedroom and went at each other again. Each time we have sex I come like 15 times and he cums once. And he has quite alot of sperm. I love that too. A real man on every level. After a long night of me sucking him and him fucking me we finally collapsed exhausted and fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning we woke up and went at it again. We had no sooner finished and the cable man showed up to install his cable. (No I didnt do the cable man. he was ugly). We rushed around to get dressed. The cable guy knew exactly what was up. Then we went looking for new furniture. He kept saying "What do you think of this? You should have a say since it will be ours." So I'm thinking he is just moving a little slow, but we will see. Then I drove the 2 hours back home. Missing him the whole trip.

My hub says I should ask him straight out what he wants and where he wants things to go. I'm thinking I shouldn't say anything, but just let things play out. What do you guys think?
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Hi Ms. Renonympho,

renonympho said:
My hub says I should ask [my lover] straight out what he wants and where he wants things to go. I'm thinking I shouldn't say anything, but just let things play out. What do you guys think?

I think you're treading on thin ice, planning to divorce your husband based on an assumption your lover will then present you with a marriage proposal, which you will accept, after which you and he will live happily-ever-after. Your proposed course of action, IMO, has high potential for working out badly.

I understand what you are saying. I am not divorcing until I am sure of what is going on. I know that no one can see the future or how things are gonna work out but I can wait until I am more sure of the situation.
Ms. Renonympho,

renonympho said:
I understand what you are saying.


renonympho said:
I am not divorcing until I am sure of what's going on.

Also good. But, with regards to "not divorcing until you're sure of what's going on," note your next sentence:

renonympho said:
I know that no one can see the future or how things will work out.

Here, you have put your finger on the essence of the problem. As one well-known American put it a while back: "Predictions are difficult, especially of the future."

renonympho said:
But, I can wait until I am more sure of the situation.

If being more sure of the situation means being more certain of how the future will unfold, well.... see above.

no one knows the future. no one will know if my hub and i will be together tomorrow or not. all we can go on is feelings and intuition

This has become my favourite thread by far! Please keep us upto date on what is going on, how your hubby is taking it, discussions you have etc.

I for one just can't get enough of this very hot situation, and I'm sure others following your story as it unfolds feel the same way too!

Are there any plans to make the two video's for hubby yet, or is that for the future?

Have you or your hubby come up with any more scenario's with which you can make him 'run the gauntlet' of emotions he enjoys so much?

How is hubby taking all of these new developments by the way?, I'd love to know.
Quote: "I also told hub that I would want a few months alone with my bf once I move in so I can solidify our relationship. I also told hub I would have a hard time facing him after I told him I was leaving because I really don't want to hurt him."

Now that you have virtually reached this point, perhaps I was thinking that maybe Hubby actually wants you to be inventive and imaginative and come up with ways you can hurt his feelings. Does he maybe want this? Why not ask him?

Infact, if he does want that from you, perhaps he can tell you what sort of things you can do for/to him to intensify the agony of your denial towards and for him?

Just a thought!...

My wife and I have had mutliple conversations about it and I have pushed her towards admitting her real desire to be with a hung stud and cuckolding me. However, I have scaled back lately because she shows no interest and has begun to resent me for it. As of right now, I am not pushing at all because it is turning her off and I am using reverse phsychology....don't say shit, refer to it or bring it up and maybe she will find her own way to it, make sense? Ideally, I would like to find a guy whom I know she would be attracted to and formulate a game plan where he just happens to be where she is and comes on to her, then getting the feedback from him, not her as she would never tell. I also think that it would be nice to find a woman in my area (Ohio) who is a very attractive and respected wife who happens to be into the cuckolding lifestyle, where she befriends my wife and steers her in this direction. You know, they become friends, start hanging out and after a trust is formed, the other woman begins to tout the lifestyle. That would be ideal but much easier said than done. As far as how string my desire is to see this.....I would say that it occupies every hour of every day but I, of course, have to function at work and in life, and I do a commendable job of taking care of my responsibilities. What would my role be after she finds her man? Not really sure, I am sure though that initially I would be very jealous of the time she spent with him and I envision her smiling and saying, "You wanted this, now you have it so get used to it". I also envision her telling me about her liasons early in their relationship, then slowly pulling away and saying things like, "it is none of your business". I also envision her starting to close doors when she gets dressed so that I cannot see her, asking me to sleep in the spare room, telling me not to touch her when we are in the same bed, etc. Then after some time has passed, she tells me we need to talk and she comes home from work dressed in her cute little skirt, nylons and heels, sits on the edge of the bed, smiles and tells me, "it's over babe...he and I are very much in love and I want a divorce". I picture her glowing as she tells me this with a smile on her beautiful face. She then teases me with her legs (my weakness) while telling me that she wants the house and alimony and really doesn't give a shit if I have to rent a shitty little apartment or live on ths streets. But then, it is all just a fantasy as of right now. Then again....are their any attractive wives in Ohio, into the lifestyle looking for a new drinking buddy???
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That is a really good fantasy, Kj.

Perhaps some of those following this thread can come up with some ideas or advice on how to proceed and make it a reality.

I will also think about it.

Good luck!

I imagine a first step might be aclimatising your wife to the idea of going on a date with someone perhaps?
I'm anticipating with hope that reno's hubby gets his wish and receives his divorce soon. Can you share with us what qualities your bf has that are better than your hubby and does hubby masturbate to the possibility of losing your heart and pussy to a better man?
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This is my first time posting. I was married for 9 years to a very pretty woman. She is a very sexy and attractive woman, but very selfish also. It was my idea to start swinging when we were married about 3 years. We tried that a few times, but it always seemed to add tension to our relationship and I really didnt want to do the wife of the couple. I always enjoyed watching her enjoy herself. So we decided to find a guy to do a threesome with. We met a very nice guy and proceeded to have fun with him. She met him off and on for about 5 years, nothing serious but she would do him when he called. She had a couple other one night stands mostly with me there. She also had a short lived relationship with a guy that lived about 70 miles from us, she would go see him once a week. Then about two years ago she was getting hit on at work by a guy that came into her business once in awhile. She was really interested in her. Well things went along pretty well for awhile, but then she seemed to always stay up late texting him and waiting for him to tell her to come to him. It got to the point that she wouldnt tell me what was going on. One night she was going out with friends and I asked her not to see him (as we agreed upon early in this) and she said she wouldnt. Well I found her with him and they were hot and heavy. I approached her on this and she blew up major. Said he told her that he would never want to share her with others and couldnt see why any man would and that he wanted her for his own. Well she fell for it and wanted to be with him too. Ended up that she moved out and wanted a divorce. She didnt move right in with him, lived on her own for about 3 months then moved in with him. They are still together today and I do not have any contact with her. That was the best and worst 5 or 6 years of my life. I loved it, but it didnt go in the end as I wanted. Even though that ended that way, I would love to find another woman to try it with, I am sure there would be a different understanding of things. If anyone has any questions about this, please let me know. Thanks for listening, this is the first time I have told this.........

Thanks for your description of your unfortunate experience with your ex-wife.

iowacuck said:
This is my first time posting. I was married for 9 years to a very pretty woman. .... [Finally, my wife's lover] said he told her that he would never want to share her with others and couldn't see why any man would and that he wanted her for his own. .... Ended up she moved out and wanted a divorce. She didnt move right in with him, but lived on her own for about 3 months then moved in with him. They are still together today and I do not have any contact with her.

Your experience seems a good illustration of an unavoidable risk of "hot wife / cuckold husband" marriages. That is, the wife — having attained the security of marriage to her cuckold — can continue looking for a better marital or otherwise-permanent partner, while her cuckold accepts that he is securely married to her and (usually, it seems) agrees not to do likewise. The cuckold thus becomes vulnerable to his hotwife taking lovers "not in good faith" — meaning, if she establishes a hot sexual relationship with a potential mate she regards as better (say, further up the socioeconomic scale) than her cuckold, she may abandon him for her preferred lover.

iowacuck said:
Thanks for listening, this is the first time I have told this.........

You're welcome. Thanks for posting. Sorry to hear your rather hot-sounding marriage worked out badly for you.


Have you had any more conversations with your wife about what you would like her to do?

I know she asked you to 'drop it', but if you only talked about it as a fantasy when you are togrther, perhaps she would be more prepared to listen?
Thanks Custer, If anyone has any questions about it please let me know and I will be happy to answer them. T
Qoute: "Husband has become more into this than he ever was before. It has become everything we talk about. We even text each other at work about it. It turns me on to think that my hub is turned on by the thought of me being with my bf."

Any details, renon, of the sort of things you text each other - would love to hear the details! x
Nothing New

Yea, nothing new on this end. I have reached the point that I am leaving it alone and have for a month or so hoping that the reverse phychology thing will work for me here. She did come home from the grocery store the other night and made it a point to say "a nice Black Gentleman helped me pick out steaks" and said that they talked for a few minutes and that he was very well dressed. I left it alone and did not press her for more. Then, this morning, I was at my desk and she put her foot in my lap and said, "where is that little guy"? Other than that...nothing new although I did get her an email (anonymous) subscription to 'ScandalousWomen' which is a site that focuses on Female Power and has many elements of cuckolding included. She has not said anything about it but I am hoping she is reading it when she gets updates. Not too exciting, sorry to disappoint but it is what it is at this point.
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Does look like she is maybe at least thinking about what turns you on, Kjsub.

If you have nothing that actually happens to report, at least keep us informed of how any reactions you have to things your wife says and does that 'prick up your ears'

BTW, even though it was a really mild event, did your wife telling you about the black man in the shop and her chatting make you feel anything? A twinge of jealousy or flutter of excitement perhaps?

If you do decide to 'brave the storm' and mention to her again what you would like to happen, be sure to tell us!
Kjsub, in reply to wether or no you had discussed your fantasies with your wife , you replied:

"Yes, of course I have discussed this at length with my wife who has little desire to follow through on it. Yes, she has had some well hung lovers before me (15 plus years ago) but she is offended when I bring it up because that is not what she belives a marriage should be..."

Do you remmember when you first broached this topic? Was it gradual or did you just come right out with it? What did you say and what was your wife's reaction, initially and over the next few days?

Anything else that you remmember that you care to tell us?

Just tell me to sod off if trying to recount the details is not something you want to do, but I would just love to hear the details!

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