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Cuckold Divorce Stories

  • Thread starterrenonympho
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(and renonympho, make your update as long as you like - the longer the better!. Your writing style is perfect.)
ok here is a lil bit of an update. I have reconnected with the friend I spent a weekend in Tahoe with. Since I have told him that my hub is willing to divorce me, my friend has stepped up. He was excited to hear that I am available and he wants me to divorce and be with him. He is breaking away from the girl he is living with and getting his own place. This will give us more time together because once he has his own place I can go down and spend time with him without interruption. I can show him what it would be like if I was his wife. Husband has become more into this than he ever was before. It has become everything we talk about. We even text each other at work about it. It turns me on to think that my hub is turned on by the thought of me being with my bf.

My bf has said he is kind of into our fantasy but will have to see how things play out. He has said he does want me divorced so we can move on with things. He says he does want to take it slow because I have a 14 year old son and he doesn't want to split up the family. So while I may divorce before he turns 18 I will be living with my hub until that time. I agree and so does hub. We are all nervous about the future for our own reasons. Hub is afraid he will lose me forever and be completely alone. I'm afraid that things wont work out and I've lost 2 great guys. BF is afraid that we are just playing a fantasy and we would have fucked with his emotions. Hub has said that since we have come this far he will not turn back because it would not be fair to fuck with other's emotions and lives that way. He said he will go all the way no matter what. WOW!

My bf is leaving his gf and moving into his own place.Now I can go spend time with him and show him what it will be like if we are together.

Hub has said he wants 2 videos of us. My bf loves making vids for my hub. I think he gets off on taking another man's wife. The 1st vid my hub wants is of me and bf having a sex session then at the end while we are both cuddling each other naked my bf and I tell hub I want a divorce. In the 2nd video hub wants another sex session followed by us telling him that I am leaving to move in with my bf so we can be together. Both my bf and I have agreed and are into it.

I also told hub that I would want a few months alone with my bf once I move in so I can solidify our relationship. I also told hub I would have a hard time facing him after I told him I was leaving because I really don't want to hurt him. So hub suggested that I came home while hub is at work. Leave the video, grab my stuff and go to be with my bf. I would change my number, not give him the address, and block him from contacting me electronically until I was ready. He said that way there was no way for him to make me feel guilty about our decision. I loved the idea. I will keep in contact with hub, but want a good 3 months alone uninterrupted with my bf before I bring hub back into things.

That is the update so far. Will let you know more when it happens.
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by the way here are some pics of me pleasing my bf. I also love words of encouragement to help me move along. A lil reassurance from my peers is always nice. :)


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My wife was a black only hotwife for years when on day I came home and she announced she was moving her black lover into the guest room. I told her within a week he would be in the master BR and I would be in the guest room and I didn't want that. It was a frosty week for me and then she announced an ultamatum. Either he moves in or she moves out and she in fact moved and we divorced.
My wife has had several lovers during our marriage, only one of them has actually lived with us, in fact slept in our bed with us. She slept in the middle of the bed and had her choice of rolling to her right for my size large cock or left for his size average unit. We all got along quite well for a year or so until we came home one afternoon to find him mounted on a rather striking fifteen year old young lady he'd picked up somewhere. We chucked him out the door that afternoon.

In our minds this was not in any way some sort of "child molestation" or "child sexual abuse", the fifteen year old was a phsically fully developed woman who was, as I said, strikingly attractive. The four of us sat around for a time and discussed things. She was quite aware of what she was doing and had a better understanding than many adults--she was however fifteen. We learned from our talk they had been fucking for over six months. Had she been eighteen we would have seen it differently I suppose.

As a side-bar---a year or so later I met the two of them out one eveneing and he asked me to join them in bed as he wanted to see her with a stretched pussy. He cleaned us both with his tongue afterward--turnabout I suppose.
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Just a quick update. He moved into his own apartment last week and I am going down this weekend to deliver him a house warming gift <eg>. I am really looking forward to spending the weekend with him alone. Time to play house hehehe
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I'm hooked on Reno's Developments!

I am a 43 y/o wannabe cuck to a 42 y/o MILF in every sense of the word. Only problem, she is just not into the whole Cuck scene. Sure she has had much larger and probably much better lovers, but something about this whole "vow" thing we tool 15 years ago stops her from pursuing any of my fantasies. I was hooked on Reno's story however, because every morning or night when I am lying next to her I have the strongest fantasies about her finally acting on my cuck desires, taking a lover, falling in love with said lover and ultimately divorcing me. That might just be the most whacked out fantasy in the World but in reading Reno's post, I now know that I am not alone. I can't show her face just yet but I am sure any of my like minded foot fetish friends will appreciate the attachments.


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Have you discussed your fantasy with your wife?

If so, what was said during those discussions and how have you tried to encourage your wife to make them a reality? Does the the thought of wanting to 'push' her into the loving arms of another man fill cause you any jealousy, doubt, fear, angst or dread ... this of course will all be tied in to how much you actually love your wife. Does the thought of losing her also hurt aswell as excite you?

Would love to hear your thoughts and don't feel you have to keep them brief either!

Another update from Renny would be nice too!

You said, " Husband has become more into this than he ever was before. It has become everything we talk about. We even text each other at work about it. It turns me on to think that my hub is turned on by the thought of me being with my bf."

It would be great to hear some example of tyhe kind of dialogue and conversations you have had and are having around this subject!

I forgot to ask another question that I would love to hear an (in depth) reply to.

Could you talk us through why, if you love your wife so much (which I presume you do), you want her to leave you and marry someone else?

Do you want to take it to the ultimate denial conclusion of her having a life entirely seperate from you?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing, far from it, I can see why I would find that scenario outcome hot, I would just like to hear your personal thoughts and reasoning on it, aswell as the emotions such a vision invokes, and how you feel you would deal with it should it become a reality.

Are you planning on taking the steps for this to become a reality? If so, what ideas do you have of how you might go about it?

Yes, of course I have discussed this at length with my wife who has little desire to follow through on it. Yes, she has had some well hung lovers before me (15 plus years ago) but she is offended when I bring it up because that is not what she belives a marriage should be. That said, I should throw the question out there.....who has been in my situation where the wife is dead set against the cuckold lifestyle and did a complete 360? Pushing my wife into the arms of another is extremely erotic for me but also all of the things you describe....fear, jealousy, etc. I think I love her so much that I want her to experience what a hot wife like her should experience (being filled up), as opposed to sex with my very average 6" cock which is only 5" around. We have several dildos and all are much thicker than me. One is 9 1/2" around and this is her favorite. With me she needs a pocket rocket to cum but with the big didldo, she experiences vaginal orgasms and also squirts periodically, which she has never done with me. The only variable to this is that she loves to feel the man over her...skin to skin turns her on which is why she likes the dildos but prefers close contact with a man. I am no rocket scientist but I kind of put the two things together. On a side note, the best part is fucking her after I have used the dildos one her....tallk about ****** pussy! Several times when I have done this, she just starts laughing when I put it in and that excites me beyond belief, and generally makes me "pop off" very quickly!

Most of this is probably normal for a cuckold or "wanna be" cuckold as in my case, so how it has taken the turn towards a divorce exciting me....I really have no idea but I will take an old College try at it. Yes, I do love my wife more than anything but it's more than that....I think I am infatuated with her. Her hair, her smell, her perfect legs and feet, everything! I always find myself starring at her but don't let her see it. This whole infatuation thing probably started roughly a year ago. I was ALWAYS very attracted to her but lately is has been more of an obsession. No for the Pshych 101.....I have had 4 serious relationships and EVERY Girl dumped me for a guy with a larger cock. This is not fantasy but reality! How do I know....not sure why, but I always pried until I got my answer in that dreaded long conversation before, during or after the breakup. My first girlfriend started dating a black guy in high school and I was crushed. 15 years later, we were still friends and she admitted that she didn't want to have sex with me after that because she was afraid it wouldn't feel good for me or her after having been "enlarged" down there. Another girlfriend in College left me for a man with the nickname "cobra" and when I asked her why, she just smiled. Another left me for a guy (I later found out) she called "doorknow" because his cock was as thick as one. Yet another left me for a guy named "meat". While some of this may seam far fetched, I swear that it is 100% true...all of it! The final straw was a girl that I dated for 6 years and was the first girl I really loved. We were young and even though we loved each other, we experimented around with others (behind each others back). She slept with the varsity Quarterback on our College Football Team who was a big dude and also slept with three other guys....all athletes (as was I ) but they were all bigger than me and I saw two of them while showering after baseball practice.....both were much bigger and thicker than me at least limp they were, so I assume hard they were as well. So with all that said.....I guess Psych 101 would lead me to the deducement that I have a hard time dealing with a happy relationship because every girl has left me for bigger and better. Now, this thought process didn't creap into my head until my wife and I were married for 10 years so while a bit overdue, my subconscious mind must have wandered back to all of that hurt and disappointment I felt as a younger man.

I am not sure what it is about the divorce thing....we had some issues recently and I brought it up (the dreaded "D" word) and even though we are in a better place now, I started thinking about the divorce thing and it turned me on that she would eventually find another man who no doubt would be more successfull than me and I am sure have a much larger cock....she has admitted that she likes big cock but says she is happy with me and we have toys when she is in the mood for bigger. Since these thoughts started creaping into my head, I find myself lying with her in the morning before we wake up, you know....where you're both half asleep but kind of playing with each other also, touching, etc. In those moments, when she has her eyes closed, I find myself looking at her and receiving so much excitement picturing her saying to me that she is in love with another man and telling me that she wants a divorce, but wants to keep the house....I essentialy give her everything and start over in an apartment I guess. Sure, I would love this to start with a situation where I watch her with another instead of taking the immediate quantum leap to divorce but I wanted to explain to Malta why I may have some of these thoughts or desires which are VERY strong. Of course I would miss her and probably be miserable for letting a great thing get away (that's the realist in me) but the fantasy guy in me pictures her with a wealthy, hung stud where I see her at the grocery store, she smiles and is just "glowing" in her new life.

Probably the most fucked up thing any of you have heard and if so, I get it, after all it is whacked,crazy, all of the above.
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It crosses my mind that you might have a very good understanding of the term "Masochist."

Offhand I would say that any woman who is only interested in the length/girth of a man's hard cock is probably not worth being concerned about. She would rank right up there with the man who is only concerned about tit size or how tight a given snatch feels on his dick.

We might also say that most men do care to some extent about physical appearances in their sex partners, most women do too--neither usually bases their involvement in relationships on that alone however.

Now my wife has had a great deal of meat between her legs during the years we've been married, the great majority of those hard cocks have been with my full knowledge and approval. Most of those guys had dick that were half or less the size of mine--none of them ever thought she was too "stretched out."

Over the years I have "played the game" as both a cuck and a bull because I enjoy both roles. One of her lovers once freaked when he finally saw my hard cock, we had all played together several times but I had just provided guidance and clean-up service--I had never been stripped down with them until that night when I joined them.

What I'm getting at is this--seldom is it the size of a man's dick that decides who she marries. Tell her that you love her to pieces, but watching her get a mouthful (or pussy full) of hot thick come from another man's dick and then come home with you is the greatest compliment you can be paid.

Probably everyone has been where you are at one time or another--both men and women. Somehow you have gotten to the point of needing to be emotionally hurt, try turning that around and find the joy in her return to you after coming on another man's cock.
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LOL__My current thing is trying to get her to pose nude with her lover and me for a very personal photo album. So far she is balking (he like the idea too), but eventually she will come around to our way of thinking concerning fucking on camera.

The thing is you see, it doesn't matter who she fucks, in what positions, or how often. It only matters that she comes home (which just reinforces the hell out of my ego).
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Really, really great reply, thanks!

What discussions have you had with your wife, what encouragement or 'pushing' have you done to initiate your fantasy becoming areality?

Assuming you would really like it to happen, have you formulated any ideas of how you might get the ball rolling?

I imagine you would like your wife to look for a boyfriend that she could be compatible with and develop strong feelings for... have you told her this is what you would really like her to do, and if so, how has she reacted?

How strong is your desire to make this a reality (i.e, mild fantasy/all consuming need that fills your waking hours!)

Thanks again for your fantastic response.

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