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Chatroom Equiette(sp)

  • Thread starterJennifer_Shannen
  • Start date


I'm sure the other ladies in the chatroom will agree with me on this and that is there's a total lack of manners among alot (BUT not all) of you guys when it comes to PM's
So take a moment and put yourself in our shoes and perhaps you will understand.
First off its quite difficult to keep a train of thought going with a dozen pm's especially if you have frequent "blonde moments" as I do plus it seems that when I receive a large number of pm's i wind up getting booted.
So here are a few things I think may help...
Ask in the room if its ok to pm (I mean you knock on someones door first and NOT just go barging in right?
If you do not get a reply please dont go ahead and pm because its possible we may be AFK or we may already be having a conversation and I hate to put someone "on hold" so please dont think i'm being rude and ignoring you.
So I'll end on that and let other ppl add their thoughts (my pain meds are kicking in and the "blonde moments" will soon start) and thank yall very much for taking time to read this :)
I agree totally with your post, Jennifer. All too often "men" online seem to think the anonymity they are afforded is a license for bad behavior where they can say things both literally and figuratively that they could and would not say in any other reality-based setting. However, in some guy's defense, you have to try to take into account the utter frustration that comes from encountering SO MANY fakes; men posing as women, white guys posing as black males, single, closet-homosexual cucks perpetrating a fraud based on ridiculous fantasy and so many other scenarios encountered that it boggles the mind. I for one approach ALL people, men and women alike, in a respectful manner in which I am entitled to receive in return and expect to be treated. Civility, manners, decency and basic respect do not go out the window simply because a keyboard keeps you from being found out. A jerk is a jerk in any fashion, no matter the gender.
I don't mind men just pm'ing me, I like their boldness and manliness of taking charge. Real men should be in charge like that. I would ask that if we are talking, and I don't respond for some time, its probably b/c i had to minimize my screen to avoid "others" from seeing what is going on.....<g>
As I've said many times i feel SO sorry for you guys with everything you go thru with the cucks and posers and I truly understand yur frustrations.
I've been coming here for 3 yrs now and seen how much as changed and for you men and it has seemed for me for the worse in my opinon. Also I ve seen alot of the real females quit. (perhaps they're like me and hate the fact that maybe these cucks and such can give a better blow job lmao)
Let me add my story to this...A PM I received a few mos ago started off like this..."hey, so you like to suck black dick mama"...normally I ignore such but this one struck me wrong, my response to this was "so, is this how you'd introduce yourself to a girl you saw in a club?". Interestingly enough he apologized and said he thought most here liked that kind of talk, and maybe most do I said, but I don't. Long story short, turned out he was a college kid from nearby, we set up a meeting and over his senior year had many more, so...moral of the story..if you are real and looking for real watch out, being rude may throw away what could have a fun experience
I had a similar experience with a woman, whom I thought was surely a man, based on her "chat style" and she ended up being quite an interesting, cool lady.
This is a very good thread and all should be required reading and if we could add some thought. another thing is when chatting, its hard to keep up with 50 IM's hitting you at once, so if we do not reply try again next time, i do meet real time if enough good things come from the conversation, not hey mama lets fuck, so guys try to be polite Judy
Thanx Jennifer, This is a topic that’s needed highlighting for a while. Not for most normal people, but for those unaccustomed to chatting to other adults in a mature yet civilized manner.

My own personal rules of engagement are…

Always say hi or hello, and include the persons screen name
Ask if they’re ok to chat or if they’re busy.
If I’m busy, and know I cannot engage properly, I let them know I’ll get to them when I have the time.
Introductions guaranteed to get a hostile response, “ASL?”, “You Hung?”, “Can I suck your cock?” etc…
Be honest.
Say what you want and what you don’t
If the conversation isn’t going the way I like or I have to go, then give regrets and say bye. (Don’t just log off or not answer…)

These work for me…and I apply them to others as well as myself. So if you see me chatting in the room and the first two words you say are “How Big?” you can rest assured the next two you receive may well be “F*** O**”.
I must admit i was hesitant at first about starting this thread because i just knew i was gonna get flamed for being a stuck up bitch or other things along those lines.
So thanks yall for the support and im glad to see im not the only one who feels this way :)
I personally have never IM'ed Jennifer,from seeing her in chat she's NOT stuckup.
Hiya Jennifer,

Great points that you make here, and I am very much in agreement.

There was a time that I would often visit the chat room, and would get frustratingly booted time, after time, after time.

If I ever visit the chat room nowadays, then I am far more selective about who I chat with. For example, any text speak is instantly binned.
ASL? What kind of witty conversation is that...??

Anyone who claims to have "17 inches of black dick..." or anyone that is clearly NOT a black man, judging by their username, will also be binned.
As will any other "girls" seeking sisterly advice....!!

I'm afraid that I have to be rude and ignore, because otherwise the incoming IM's will boot me from the system. And I don't feel is fair to either me, or the black man that I happen to be chatting with.
chatroom manners

I also hate being hit with 20 or so pms at a time and as someone pointed out this ends up in me being booted. I also hate guys who start up with "whatsup slut" etc. I had stopped using the chatroom for a while, tried again at the weekend and it it just the same!! Does anyone know of any decent IR chatrooms.
Jennifer_Shannen said:
As I've said many times i feel SO sorry for you guys with everything you go thru with the cucks and posers and I truly understand yur frustrations.
I've been coming here for 3 yrs now and seen how much as changed and for you men and it has seemed for me for the worse in my opinon. Also I ve seen alot of the real females quit. (perhaps they're like me and hate the fact that maybe these cucks and such can give a better blow job lmao)

Its always going to be a little out of control in here..period, your right when a guy PMs you he should realize that you maybe chating with someone else, but thats hard to tell. Guys grow up being the pursuer/hunter. There is no way to tell you're just luking, chating, or did not notice his call. So excuse the initial PMs, but once he knows ur busy he should back off.
I feel I can speak for at least 70% of the black men in here when I say that one of the things we have to deal with in here is people wasting our time, not really being serious, just wanting to hear us describe what we going to do/want( all the while not planning to go through with any meeting or continuing communication), women/couples who are interested, but are years away from being truely ready to do anything.
I whish there was a will for us all to see if someone is busy, if someone is just here for information, if someone is here for a serious hook up, or if someone is here just to be a lurker. I don't care why you here just don't waste my time and don't be rude to Jennifer.

Jennifer_Shannen said:
As I've said many times i feel SO sorry for you guys with everything you go thru with the cucks and posers and I truly understand yur frustrations.
I've been coming here for 3 yrs now and seen how much as changed and for you men and it has seemed for me for the worse in my opinon. Also I ve seen alot of the real females quit. (perhaps they're like me and hate the fact that maybe these cucks and such can give a better blow job lmao)

Hi Jennifer and other posters. I also enjoy the chat room on occasion when i have the opportunity, and although the constant pm's are sometimes a nuisance
I do try to answer all eventually to say sorry busy. My problem with them is that I have to look at the keys when I type and many times half or more of my reply to who I am chatting with goes to someone else. But for the most part I enjoy the members there and usually have a delicious time. dawn
OMG I agree with yall about the pm's that open with "wassup slut" or "been blacked yet?"
Those just TOTALLY piss me off. Why do some ppl automatically assume yur a slut because you chat in here? To be totally honest I found this room by accident when doing a search for a game called "Dark Cavern" and being a naive 16 yr old country girl I was mesmerised by what i found lol. But I met alot of ppl I became quite fond of and thats why I continue to come back
u r so Full of it
u do not follow any of these rules.
You have pm'd me and made a lot of assumptions

anyway, Jen, Thanks for great topic and thread
luv, MsG
Agree...this thread SHOULD be MUST reading for ALL before entering CHAT for first time. I do agree that it would seem that all manners, decency, vocabulary and IQ are checked at the door. But am also persuaded that 99.99999% of ALL in the room ARE Male...regardless of ID. Sooooo many STROKERS and Posers

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