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Black Superiority & Reparations

  • Thread startermiss.lovette
  • Start date
The other guy is right yu sir are a moron. Hey don't get me wrong, I love IR sex. Black and white together fucking is one of the if not the hottest thing going and I love watching a nice white girl taking Big Black cock but reparations has nothing to do with this. Just hot fucking sex, pal.
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and to add----I have even , under the right cirCUMstances sucked a black cock but it had nothing to do with Owing anyone anything. It was merely a means to an end.
blackcocklover29 said:
Slavery was started by whites.

can we at least agree on that much?
Nope, that's a lie. Slavery was started by blacks and the blacks that were sold into slavery to the white man WERE CAPTURED BY OTHER BLACKS! So, let's get AFRICAN BLACKS to pay reparations. One other thing; millions are still enslaved in Africa to this very day!
lol...it's been so long since being here, but i forgot how entertaining it could be....
IN what way are Blacks superior? History certainly hasn't proven that. I will never pay reparations to blacks.At any rate, Mexicans will soon overwhelm us all.
zulu said:
Blacks invented slavery and still enslave MILLIONS in Africa today. So, this whole idiotic reparations thing could be turned around to make BLACKS pay reparations.


You sound you dont even like black people because that WOULD and WILL
come out of a racist mouth. There is a Difference between Racism and Slavery and I think the thing everybody is missing is that THATS WHAT WAS INVOLVED IN AMERICAN SLAVERY.... RACISM!!!!
This is AMERICAN SLAVERY the only thing worse than american slavery is China's child slavery. Doesnt matter if Blacks if you believe people in ancient Egypt were black invented slavery, the severity that Whites in America took it to should never be justified or EXCUSED... Unspeakable evils harbored the minds of White Slave Owners which turned out to be racist feelings towards blacks.

Whites Stripped Africa of its Riches and Goods, they did the same thing to Native Americans here in America and remember Barack Obama is NOT the president forever so this is still a white man's country and might I add nobody stripped white america of its riches and goods.

Blacks invented slavery Well you know what Whites Invented Racism.

With that said nobody living in today's world owes anybody reparations of slavery, but I be damn if Im going to forget or excuse American Slavery I wouldnt disrespect my African Ancestors by making light of their suffering by excusing it.
Everybody always says the white man of american owes the black man reperations. Why is it that no one ever goes after those kings and tribal chiefs of africa who traded things to put people into slavery are help capture other tribe members to put them in slavery. Africa will and still is today a country where the highest bidder gets a nation wiped out. Genocide is common there. The sad part is that the ones who continue this barking of reperations have it so good and yet want more. Go after those people of Africa first they sold your ancestors out to the Europeans. Another thing is that a very small percentage of people in America owned slaves. Also New Jersey was in the Union but was one of the last states during the civil war to abolish slavery, while being in the Union. If it is so bad here why don't those who wish reperations go back to Africa. many probably do not even know there own family tree or even where Africa is....
pop22 said:
This is AMERICAN SLAVERY the only thing worse than american slavery is China's child slavery. Doesnt matter if Blacks if you believe people in ancient Egypt were black invented slavery, the severity that Whites in America took it to should never be justified or EXCUSED... Unspeakable evils harbored the minds of White Slave Owners which turned out to be racist feelings towards blacks.

Slavery can never be justified nor excused, however the severity it was taken to in the USA was no worse than anyplace else that it occurred. Unspeakable acts are just that regardless of their roots.

[/QUOTE]Whites Stripped Africa of its Riches and Goods, they did the same thing to Native Americans here in America and remember Barack Obama is NOT the president forever so this is still a white man's country and might I add nobody stripped white america of its riches and goods.[/QUOTE]

Of course the whites that "conquered" the Native Americans screwed them out of everything they had, that is what conquering nations do and have done historically from the beginning of time. To the victor goes the spoils.

Don't worry, it will be a Latino country soon enough.

You apparently haven't been watching what has been going on with the financial sector, NAPTA and a multitude of other issues promoted by the captains of industry, bankers and other special interest groups with the blessing of the government.

[/QUOTE]Blacks invented slavery Well you know what Whites Invented Racism.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, racism was around long before white America. China and India have had their caste systems for centuries Blacks in Africa have had tribal superiority longer than that.

[/QUOTE]With that said nobody living in today's world owes anybody reparations of slavery, but I be damn if Im going to forget or excuse American Slavery I wouldnt disrespect my African Ancestors by making light of their suffering by excusing it.[/QUOTE]

True, no one "owes" anyone anything EXCEPT to stop it from continuing. Remembering what our ancestors suffered is the first step toward preventing it from happening again.

pop22 said:

You sound you dont even like black people because that WOULD and WILL
come out of a racist mouth. There is a Difference between Racism and Slavery and I think the thing everybody is missing is that THATS WHAT WAS INVOLVED IN AMERICAN SLAVERY.... RACISM!!!!
WOW - you are almost illiterate - not exactly sure what that meant! Anyways, you all need to read real history, not that shit made up by revisionists and in fake mini-series like "Roots". The biggest majority of slaves in the U.S. were treated very well - when you paid up to the current equivalent of $200,000 for a slave, you DID NOT BEAT IT SO IT COULDN'T WORK! Imagine a farmer today buying a $100,000 or $200,000 tractor and then run it off a cliff so he couldn't use it. If you want to study where slaves were REALLY abused, you need to study the continent of Africa itself and Brazil. Also, when you study Africa, see what is going on there TO THIS VERY DAY! Before you resond with your totally ignorant reply, please do some REAL research AND BE HONEST.
One more thing - where in the hell would you rather live? You know damn well, that if you live in America, you are WAY better off than if you lived in Africa. And, if you live in America, and don't believe it, feel free to move to Africa. I have been there many times, and let me tell you, you haven't seen prejudiced people until you've been in Africa. And, I mean prujudice against OTHER BLACKS! I dare you to spend a month there and want to stay there.
pop22 said:
Blacks invented slavery Well you know what Whites Invented Racism.

Egyptians were being racist against Nubians before White people even knew about Black people.
MrsDruuna said:
I'm a white latin girl from P.R. and my ancestry is 100percent european even after many generations. Slavery lasted over there longer than in the States but people don't even talk about it anymore and has moved on. So why the hell is this still such a problem mainland? If anyone wants to do interracial it should be because of an attraction to a different skin tone, a fetish and nothing else, but to do it because of superiority stuff is just plain idiotic.

I agree, there is nothing "hot" in racism. Racism is a tragedy not a fetish.
notsoinnocentgrl1980 said:
I agree. There is something to submitting to a dominant black male, knowing that he will test your boundries and push you until you have no boundries left to cross...

I even have gone out of my way to help out black service men, especially army guys who have gone over to Iraq. While this is not quite the same thing, it is serving black men who have done what they were asked to do. So naturally I do what they ask of me.


Yes Marie, I do agree with you. I also feel a deep need to provide these guys with whatever they want. They deserve it and if they want it, I give it proudly.
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WatchWife&BlackGuy said:
We already did...barrack obama...how's that working out for ya?
barrack hussein obama is (let's get this straight for once) HALF BLACK AND HALF WHITE. He is not "black". And, how's that working out!? So far, not so good, huh? And, I don't say that because he is HALF black, I say it because it's the truth. I wouldn't mind a black man in the White House (the RIGHT black man) - I'd vote for Allen West in a heartbeat!
Betty Smith is right. I feel obligated to be the best I can be, and hope to be their best white woman sexual experience. It makes me happy to please them and have them calling me back for more and more sexual escapades with them.

I have given up the ass to my black men recently and this is a new and liberating experience. While I cannot say I love it, I love that it pleases them and I am giving my all to them.
smart ass dummies...

all of these smart, dumb ass people in here claiming to not be racist/prejudiced/biggots..but funny how we come to the dark cavern- an IR sex site- to get off...? how fuckin dumb and in denial do you have to be to NOT understand and acknowledge that RACE/RACISM/PREJUDICE have played some part in developing the fetish that you have for IR sex?!?

-How can you be pro cats, and not admit you harbour, at the very least, some baised against dogs?-

I like pussy-period..but what i like about fucking "white" pussy is totally based on racial hang-ups and i openly admit that..how can it NOT be based on racial hang-ups when i refer to it as 'white pussy"....does anyone refer to mexican,arab, or indian women as "brown pussy"??..asian pussy as 'yellow pussy'??..or mexican, arab, or indian men as 'big brown cock'??
Riddle me dis: If we dont acknowledge and emphasize the 'brown' or 'yellow' in other nationalities why do go out of our way to acknowledge and emphasize the color contrast between black and white?? ...and dont say its purely the contrast because some of the white women i've had the pleasure of fucking were just as tan as I was brown- so even though contrast wasn't the kick, we were still on some "black dick" in "white pussy" type roleplay.....?

This site constantly reminds me that people are just big ass kids, and no matter how much you think you know you can still be dumb as shit.

Just admit it- Racism, prejudice, and slavery have mind-fucked us all..........hope you came!!
I guess this thread deals with a lot of guilty conscience...

An exotic appearance can be a good turn-on.
It signalises you that your potential partner is foreign.
It might awaken the protector- or predator-instinct in you.
That's why people from Europe, Africa or else have sex with each other.
But you are partly right: "Race" is a stupid construction. Honestly, I could all but laugh about it.
I discovered for myself that culture might also be a good turn-on.
I like the idea of all that blonde women around me being submitted and humilated by a foreign culture.
I also enjoy the submissive tendency of my girlfriend, who is from an african country. That's part of the reason why I'm here.

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