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Black Superiority & Reparations

  • Thread startermiss.lovette
  • Start date
Whatever the truth of the slave trade and practice of slavery in the United States of America, the simple fact of the matter is that now is one of the best times to be a black man in this country for one simple reason. You have a whole generation or two of white people, and especially white women, who have been conditioned to be deferential and even submissive to the black man by the public education system and mass media. Is it any wonder that more and more white women are having sex with, marrying and getting pregnant by black men. They have been conditioned to feel guilty about sins they never committed, to hate their own skin color and to feel the only way to prove they are not racist is by submitting to and even breeding with black men. Does it work on all of them, no. This is true of any mass conditioning/social control effort, but it work on a very large percentage of them (rough unscientific estimate >60%), and the earlier and more repetitive the conditioning, the more successful.
So if you are a black man today, celebrate, you are superior if for no other reason than white people have been told over and over that you are. You can have most any white women willingly give themselves to you, and they will love it because they have been conditioned to feel that it is the right thing to do and it absolves them of a feeling of guilt that isn't even due to anything they actually did.
Its a great age to be a black man.
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I agree with your reasoning and know that I too have had the reparations thought in mind as i said 'yes' to a black man. But it's not just any but one in my social group that has interested me.
Blacks invented slavery and still enslave MILLIONS in Africa today. So, this whole idiotic reparations thing could be turned around to make BLACKS pay reparations.
frizzle said:
you are superior if for no other reason than white people have been told over and over that you are. You can have most any white women willingly give themselves to you, and they will love it because they have been conditioned to feel that it is the right thing to do and it absolves them of a feeling of guilt that isn't even due to anything they actually did.
Its a great age to be a black man.
BWAAHAAHAA! You spend WAY to much time on this website! There MIGHT BE 1% of white women who would sleep with a black man WILLINGLY (which is still a lot of women), but when you say "most", you really out yourself as an idiot! Let me say this; I travel extensively, and it is far easier for a white guy to pick up black women IF HE WANTS, than a black guy to pick up white women. The difference is - and this isn't racist, just the truth - VERY FEW white guys want to be with a black woman. One thing that is absoloutely true on this website, is that EVERYONE wants to be with a white woman!
white_man_loves_ir said:
okay people, it may be true that arab and jewish traders bought far more africans from the black slave traders than white people did, but the fact is that white people are far from blameless either and we do owe the black people of the world reperations.

How about the eldest daughter (between the age of 18 and 300) of every white family in the world be offered to black males as a gift of apology?
IndyHubby said:
I think the blacks and everyone else who has been on the public dole owe the American taxpayers reparations.
Absolutely! Lazy bastards of ALL races who don't contribute to society should be either deported (to where? I don't give a shit!) or ****** to do SOMETHING to earn their keep.
Josetta said:

Why didn't the 99% who did not have slaves STOP the 1% from MISTREATING THE SLAVES ?

We are talking about animal vets handling the pregnancies of black women, and proper Doctors handling the pregnancies of white women.

Would it help if the white race were to become the downtrodden race for 50 years and the black race run the country for 50 years - would that help the white race to understand the emotional damage their behavor did?

And of course, we could round up white men and falsely accuse them of crimes and execute them for the same frivalous reasons that got black men executed.

We have the recent releases of two black men locked in prison for 37 and 45 years for crimes they never did - dna proved they were innocent. And white men consistently blocked attempts to have dna evidence considered.

Should those who blocked the dna evidence deliberately, be now put in jail for 45 years for deliberate aggravated cruelty or just be executed immediately?

The black race are still being discriminated against by the legal system. Obama needs to stay in power until discrimination has been STAMPED OUT.

Josetta gets it. Racism is the sin, not just slavery. Unending discrimination. Obama should remain in power indefinitely and reparations are necessary. I totally agree! Financial, social and sexual. P.S. I volunteer for that last one!
Khufu_k said:
There are more white people on the public dole than black folks. A lot of whites are rich because their ancestors made a fortune off the cheap labor of black folks.
PERCENTAGE-wise there are FAR more blacks on the public till than whites. And, WHO CAPTURED THOSE BLACKS FOR SLAVES? THAT"S RIGHT - OTHER BLACKS IN AFRICA! Whites DID NOT capture blacks for slaves; why should they when the greedy blacks were doing it on their own!?
bunsupkneelin4blacks said:
Josetta gets it. Racism is the sin, not just slavery. Unending discrimination. Obama should remain in power indefinitely and reparations are necessary. I totally agree! Financial, social and sexual. P.S. I volunteer for that last one!

Josetta's clueless and warped as ever.

Changing colour imbalance the other way round will do nothing and nor will it happen. Equality's where it's at, where someone is taken on because of their ability, not because they're from a majority or indeed from a minority and needed to make up a government quota. Yes, that has happened, it's well documented, go and find it. I know people on here will cry "prove it" in total disbelief, but I studied business at university 15 years ago and there were case studies showing both sides back then, so if you fancy trawling through my old university library, feel free, but I won't!

Positive discrimination does more bad than good, which is essentially what reparations are; you're what, 8 or 9 generations on from 1841 and the abolition so why should there be reparations? Shall we get after the Egyptians for reparations against their slave masters in the pyramid-building days? Should the rest of Europe get reparations from Italy for the Roman slavery?
IndyHubby said:
I think the blacks and everyone else who has been on the public dole owe the American taxpayers reparations.

Yo Indyhubby by your statement you just included disable VETS .If memory serves me correctly .I had to remind you of this before. Us Vets put our lives on the line for your ass now you want us to pay you back because we got our ass shot for you Did you answer the call and put on the uniform. How about being more precise in your statement
how about american corporate farms on the dole??

huge percentage of these are owned by old white dudes. most black farmers are small family businesses not getting congressionally approved subsidies for plating crops which diminish public health such as corn for sweetners. damn, how i get sucked into this???

I think this is a fantasy.:whip_it:
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I think it is too, great fantasy and its a very exciting one :)
Good points here but it is also fun to think about submitting to Black Men at their whim.
mmm, especially if they are Hung and Hunky
luv, MsGary
I agree. There is something to submitting to a dominant black male, knowing that he will test your boundries and push you until you have no boundries left to cross...

I even have gone out of my way to help out black service men, especially army guys who have gone over to Iraq. While this is not quite the same thing, it is serving black men who have done what they were asked to do. So naturally I do what they ask of me.

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blackcocklover29 said:
Slavery was started by whites.

can we at least agree on that much?

No, we can't. Black tribes were enslaving each other long before the whites came along.

However, white USA was one of the last "enlightened" countries to do away with it as a legally accepted practice, which is what is reprehensible about the USA. This is not to say that slavery doesn't still exist in Africa and other places, such as China. Whites NEVER had a monopoly on this horror.

Reparations sound good to me! I want in on it too. My family came her from Scotland, against there will as slaves. Indentured servant / slave two words for the same thing. Not much difference when you can't earn money to buy your freedom.
Irish slavery

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