You might want to check that. Everything that black people have, was given to them, in one form or another, by other races. Who gave them their freedom? What's happening to blacks in Darfur right propagated by Arabs? What would happen if other races stopped going to athletic events that had black people? What if other races stopped buying black musician's records and stopped going to their concerts?
For every black CEO, there's a group of shareholders with their hands up his ass making him do what they say (and they ain't black). For every rich black athlete, there's a mega-rich white man writing his checks. For every wealthy black rapper, there's a million white teenage boys laying down the cash to buy his CD. For every black doctor, there's 500 more qualified applicants of another race who didn't get accepted to medical school because they weren't black. (This is why nobody, not even black people, want to go to a black doctor)
Don't get too caught up in the Obama thing.