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Are Black Men the "Alpha Males" of the human race.

  • Thread starterhorny_couple
  • Start date
Black men are usually more aggressive than white men with women and in other ways. But they aren't superior. I've slept with a number of black guys. Maybe its a fetish for me. I haven't noticed any difference in penis size or endurance from any other race. But somehow they turn me on more, although less than a few years ago.
But I also read that black people are more likely to be obese than any other race. I've additionally read that black men have a much higher rate of high blood pressure and heart disease. I don't know that I'd want to marry a guy who will be on HBP medication when he's 35 and can't get it up anymore. But I suppose that it would depend more on the individual. Maybe if he's good with his tongue.
Granted, there's more mystic than reality. But percentages favor young Black men in the physical\ endurance\ size departments or there wouldn't be "Dark Cavern." In the big cities there are many opportunities to inter-mingle in bars\ clubs\ beach. So it is common to see Black men w/ white women. On the dance floor young white ladies ooze desire and grab for me!

Gears, why do you persist? I am not interested in looking at your photos; that is not my scene. White men are in the background worrying about losing their women and feeling weak\ impotent. Your racist rants are amusing :blahblah:
gears said:
You might want to check that. Everything that black people have, was given to them, in one form or another, by other races. Who gave them their freedom? What's happening to blacks in Darfur right now...as propagated by Arabs? What would happen if other races stopped going to athletic events that had black people? What if other races stopped buying black musician's records and stopped going to their concerts?

For every black CEO, there's a group of shareholders with their hands up his ass making him do what they say (and they ain't black). For every rich black athlete, there's a mega-rich white man writing his checks. For every wealthy black rapper, there's a million white teenage boys laying down the cash to buy his CD. For every black doctor, there's 500 more qualified applicants of another race who didn't get accepted to medical school because they weren't black. (This is why nobody, not even black people, want to go to a black doctor)

Don't get too caught up in the Obama thing.

That is disgusting racism.

I know for a fact that if black people had their own nation seperate from us they would succeed brilliantly. At the moment they are the mercy of white racism.
white_man_loves_ir said:
That is disgusting racism.

I know for a fact that if black people had their own nation seperate from us they would succeed brilliantly. At the moment they are the mercy of white racism.

If black people had their own nation seperate from us ( I assume you mean white people), they would succeed brilliantly.... Okayyyyy

You mean like Zimbabwae, The Ivory Coast, Ethiopia or any other country in Africa????? No white people holding them back there. They kicked all the white devils out and saw 1,000,000 percent inflation in Zimbabwae. Oppps.

The only country in Africa worth living in is South Africa... quick, try and spot how that country is different than the other African nations????

White racism is holding people back? You mean like affirmative action? How about the glass ceiling... we'd never elect a black president right? The long and longer people try and play the race card, the more "excuse" it gives and the worse off everybody ends up.

If everybody became an "American", instead of an "African American" then that would be a great start.
Person 27 said:
If black people had their own nation seperate from us ( I assume you mean white people), they would succeed brilliantly.... Okayyyyy

You mean like Zimbabwae, The Ivory Coast, Ethiopia or any other country in Africa????? No white people holding them back there. They kicked all the white devils out and saw 1,000,000 percent inflation in Zimbabwae. Oppps.

The only country in Africa worth living in is South Africa... quick, try and spot how that country is different than the other African nations????

White racism is holding people back? You mean like affirmative action? How about the glass ceiling... we'd never elect a black president right? The long and longer people try and play the race card, the more "excuse" it gives and the worse off everybody ends up.

If everybody became an "American", instead of an "African American" then that would be a great start.

Don't confuse them with reality- it's too painful
Person 27 said:
If black people had their own nation seperate from us ( I assume you mean white people), they would succeed brilliantly.... Okayyyyy

You mean like Zimbabwae, The Ivory Coast, Ethiopia or any other country in Africa????? No white people holding them back there. They kicked all the white devils out and saw 1,000,000 percent inflation in Zimbabwae. Oppps.

The only country in Africa worth living in is South Africa... quick, try and spot how that country is different than the other African nations????

White racism is holding people back? You mean like affirmative action? How about the glass ceiling... we'd never elect a black president right? The long and longer people try and play the race card, the more "excuse" it gives and the worse off everybody ends up.

If everybody became an "American", instead of an "African American" then that would be a great start.

You beat me to it.
Person 27 said:
If black people had their own nation seperate from us ( I assume you mean white people), they would succeed brilliantly.... Okayyyyy

You mean like Zimbabwae, The Ivory Coast, Ethiopia or any other country in Africa????? No white people holding them back there. They kicked all the white devils out and saw 1,000,000 percent inflation in Zimbabwae. Oppps.

The only country in Africa worth living in is South Africa... quick, try and spot how that country is different than the other African nations????

White racism is holding people back? You mean like affirmative action? How about the glass ceiling... we'd never elect a black president right? The long and longer people try and play the race card, the more "excuse" it gives and the worse off everybody ends up.

If everybody became an "American", instead of an "African American" then that would be a great start.

It's not whiteboys holding black people back in sub-saharan Africa, it's racist Chinamen.

Also, you cannot blame Mugabe for kicking Whites out of his nation because black Africans are the indigenous people of that continent, not white people.
Peeps, please don't take "whiteman loves ir" seriously. His posts are 99.9% horseshit.

And, dude, Chinamen is not the given nomenclature, please.
white_man_loves_ir said:
The nation of Mugabe was established by Robert Mugabe, who was then given a Knighthood by the Queen of England.

Get your facts right.

He's never been knighted. You have to be BRITISH to get a knighthood.

Britain fucking hates Mugabe,and he hates them. The Brits should send the SAS in and remove the fucker.
white man loves ir...you need a black cock sooo much man

i can see that in your words
All I'm going to say is good job on ruining a fantasy thread in the IR EXTREME section.
troy_boi_84 said:
All I'm going to say is good job on ruining a fantasy thread in the IR EXTREME section.

Don't worry because reality or fantasy is that a Black man has a piece of meat hanging low to sniff the scent of pussy. And like bees to honey, these females swarm about me!
Regarding the ACTUAL question....

horny_couple said:
Many people think so...especially do to penis size and stamina....I think its possible but what do you guys think? and if thats the case is it white males (and other races) duty to submit and serve black men?

DEFINATELY!! I have done more for Black men than I EVER did or would do for white boys.....and it is because they are SO Alpha. They don't really "ask" for anything, thye just expect it...and I don't mean in a dom/rough sort of way.....they just EXPECT it, its all about sex and GOOD sex the way sex is meant to be enjoyed!! That means sucking cock AND swallowing, not pretending to lick it and acting like there is something "dirty" going on.....act like that with a Black guy and you'll be back to accepting the timid and inadequate dribblings of white boys in a heartbeat!!

Refuse a black man a GOOD fuck...he'll go find someone who WILL fuck good and he CAN!! If he tells you to service his friends you do it and enjoy it and they ahd BETTER tell him what a FANTASTIC fuck you were too!! Whoring, streetwalking, dressing for them, and eventually bearing their children are ALL something they will just expect of you should they decide and you won't deny them. Because you LOVE the sex with them and it is just too addictive to give up....I know, I;ve been there, done that, almost ruined my marriage over it too....and don't regret a minute of it and would do it ALL again in a heartbeat!!

Yep, they ARE the Alpha males.....but we have to breed occasionally with wimp inadequate white boys so we can produce more daughters to carry on the lifestyle....but we don't have to LIKE it!! LOLLOL

Another obvious example is professional basketball. Most teams are overwhelmingly Black athletes. Tall, fast & strong bros!
JMNBABE@comcast.net said:
Yep, they ARE the Alpha males.....but we have to breed occasionally with wimp inadequate white boys so we can produce more daughters to carry on the lifestyle....but we don't have to LIKE it!! LOLLOL


You are clearly an incredibly intelligent lady. I hope you did your duty and had many African-American children?
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JMNBABE@comcast.net said:
DEFINATELY!! I have done more for Black men than I EVER did or would do for white boys.....and it is because they are SO Alpha. They don't really "ask" for anything,

You're basically saying black men are more animalistic and white men are more courteous and gentle towards women which is just total horseshit. You can't pocket entire races like that. There is no alpha race. We're all equal. I really hate spoiling the fantasy but I think racism crosses the line an awful lot on this website, unnecessarily so....
Leon BBC said:
You're basically saying black men are more animalistic and white men are more courteous and gentle towards women which is just total horseshit. You can't pocket entire races like that. There is no alpha race. We're all equal. I really hate spoiling the fantasy but I think racism crosses the line an awful lot on this website, unnecessarily so....

That is how white trash women should be treated by the Black Gods.

It sets the tone for worship.

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