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a fantasy that may now become reality

  • Thread starteryoungcuckboy
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New around here...
Beloved Member
Dec 1, 2012
i found out i had a cuckold fetish about a year ago and i wanted too keep it a fantasy I've been with my gf for a year and a half I'm 19 and she's 18 so were very young one day she found out about my fantasy but questioning me and i got all embarrassed ever since then we've watched about 7 - 8 vids and she has wanked me off each time. she has always been dominant in the bedroom as i always have a foot fetish, i like wearing her underwear and i love eating my cum, i like being on a lead and treated like a *****.

I am not a weak person or a pushover I have a dick size of around 7 inches and i'm not the wimpy type of character.

Anyway about a week ago she had me on a lead sitting on the floor and put a cuckold video on and started wanking me off, she then wanted me too turn it off and fuck her so as i was fucking her she said did you like that I said yeh and for some reason a part of me opened up and started saying "i want u too have big black dick inside you" and she loved the thought of it and got so horny off it.

A few days later we started discussing it for reality and she knew someone who was black, sexy and had a big dick. The thought of it turned us both on so much and I knew she loved it but one minute she wanted to do it next she didn't and I was the same.

Anyway we both decided we didn't want too do it until she met him that night as she had already arranged it and I was fine with her seeing him although I never used too like him because he likes her and wanted her too be with him, while she was with him I asked her if she was turned on and she said "yeh i can't even looking at him my pussy is soaking", I then literally begged her too call off the agreement about us not doing the whole cuckold thing and she then kissed him that night and told me when she saw me I was so hard and excited and she loved it but she wants too take things slow and train me too become a cuckold.

At the same time I'm scared of people finding out, people have respect for me and I don't want too be seen as some weakling and a little pussy boy, I've tried too run away from this cuckold stuff but I can't everyday I am being more obient for my girlfriend and will do anything she says, she talks about him during sex and how she wants me too suck his dick and take it up the ass aswell when it happens but the guy hasn't replied too her text since the kiss so were not sure whats going on.

I'm scared of this new reality I may be facing I love my girlfriend and she loves me too, she won't go through with it unless I'm 100% but she really wants black dick inside her as she's always had a thing for black people which she has just confessed too me (I am white), although she is happy with me and wouldn't care if we didn't do it because I do satisfy her.

I'm young, I don't want too be burnt and it too affect my real life if anything does happen, my normal self is strong mentally and I'm not the type of guy this should happen too and I don't know how its going too affect my emotions although I was fine with the kiss even though it has been on my mind a bit i've dealt with it well, what if my friends or family found it? what if it made me feel like I'm nothing (although I already feel like i'm not a man and i'm my gfs bitch but I love it).

This is a massive thing and the thought of it has enhanced our sex life so much i never used too want sex that much because I was lazy but I have been constantly hard for the past 5 days, I'm wondering if I was just born too be a cuckold bitch because I can't run away from it I love it especially now she's already humiliated me so much over the past few days and is converting me too her bitchboy, but after the humiliation I find it a bit difficult too deal with for an hour or so and then I'm alright and back too normal.

I don't know whats going too happen from here we have made some agreements and will only involve a bull in who we can trust and we only want too stick too one guy for as long as possible as she doesn't want too be slutty.

One more thing though we think this experience may bring us closer together as we already do feel closer from whats already happened.

I Hope this hasn't been too long too read (sorry if it has) but I'd really appreciate what you guys think about the whole situation and also if anyone could give me any advice id be so grateful.
Well it's fine to be submissive many men are in the bedroom, that doesn't have to reflect on how they are in public. So don't worry about that.

It's difficult to engage in this type of fetish (cuckolding) at your late teens or very early twenties because you just havn't had the experiences of people who are older. But you can try being a cuckold if you feel that it's what you want, although you shouldn't expect your relationship to be impervious to problems. You two might very well break up over it, I don't think that should stop you from trying it since any old thing could cause you two to break up.

My advice to you is ensure that she makes him wear a rubber when he fucks her. And tell her to not talk about it to all her friends. Aside from that the rest is on you to not get jealous about her being with another guy since you wanted this, and if she is going to go for it then let her, you'll both get some great experiences out of it. Also if she does sleep with this other guy, let her sleep with him a little while if she is really into it. If she sleeps with him two or three times, and really wants to go back to sleep with him again, she'll do it one way or the other.
He is going to open her up like she has never been before and bottom out inside of her leaving her sore, swollen and spent. Hopefully she is one of the few ladies who like to bring home and share their abused pussy with the men in their lives. She needs to be insatable and still turned on about this because you are going to be ripping at her to be all in her shit dude. If she wants to go to sleep or some other lame BS then your going to not be a happy camper.
the situation at the moment

I am generally finding it hard already and nothing has even happened yet its making me feel like I'm nothing at all and that i'm not a man, its putting me down a little but with all the humiliation thats happened so far yesterday she peed in a cup and made me drink it and laughed at me.

She wants me too decide what I want because she doesn't want too do it if its going too make me feel like crap she will only do it if I'm 100 percent certain I want too because she doesn't want me too feel negative, she just wants me too embrace it and still feel like her bf and not her bitch but I'm finding it difficult too not feel like that with all the humiliation.

Also, The guy who she kissed doesn't look like his interested as he hasn't spoke too her since then, so we wouldn't be doing it for a while until we found someone who we could trust and could stick too, as she doesn't want too sleep with loads of men just one for as long as possible.
It is a scare time when you want to be a cuckold but frightened about what will happen. Concerns are normal and uncertainties about close people finding out is always a worry. But, you know what - that is the cuckold experience. It is the fear, embarrassment, humilation, that makes it such a thrill and very exciting.

If you encourage your GF to cuckold you then it will be with mixed feelings. But, for many it is such a great ride that they would never really regret. Good lcuk
The guy has got back in contact with her and wants too see her sometime this week she said she is going too suck him off but she isn't going too do anything unless I decide I want too be a cuckold or not she wants me too make choice and too stop messing about, I'm not sure whether too do this or not, I don't feel like I'm the kind of guy this should happen too I thought it only happened too skinny wimps with small penises who couldn't give their wife what she wanted? :S, I'm just addicted too humiliation, being treated like a ***** and being submissive. I hate this but I love it, I'm so confused but I think I want this more then I don't but I don't want too regret it :(.
Your a young guy, I think your in a good position if you like humiliation, I would say go for it. In my opinion she is in the prime age for cheating, she wants new experiences and she might just make you a cuckold, its up to you to decide if you know about it or not. I mean there is a chance she could end up not sleeping with him, but after she gives him a BJ, and knowing you want to be her submissive boyfriend there might not be a whole lot holding her back.

Being a cuckold isn't always defiend by your physical stature or dick size, you want to be humilated she wants a big dick, so it seems like fortune is smiling upon you. It's fine to be confused, but I doubt you'll regret this, I know it's a big step but since you like being humiliated you'll enjoy this.
Sucking or fucking, it's all the same thing. Cuckolding.
It's best to try it out now, before marriage, to see if it will work out and if you and her will like this lifestyle.
It's too late after you get married. It's a lot of headache to either get rid of her, or to deal with her infidelity after marriage, if you decide you do not want to be cuckolded.
Get the fun stuff out up front. Then make your decisions on if you want to stay in the lifestyle or leave.
Only issue is she may like it and you don't, or vice versa. That will be a problem with the relationship.
Then it comes time to find a new GF who likes what you like.

youngcuckboy said:
I found out i had a cuckold fetish about a year ago.

Hey, that's OK...

youngcuckboy said:
I've been with my gf for a year and a half. I'm 19 and she's 18 so we’re very young.

You have much living to do and much to experience...

youngcuckboy said:
One day she found out about my fantasy by questioning me.

Those things happen. You were right to respond honestly to your woman's questions about your underlying sexual desires.

youngcuckboy said:
I got all embarrassed; since then we've watched about 7 - 8 vids and she has wanked me off each time. She has always been dominant in the bedroom as i always have a foot fetish, i like wearing her underwear and i love eating my cum, i like being on a lead and treated like a *****.

It positive that you recognize your woman's natural role is to be the dominant partner in your relationship. Regarding your liking for being on a lead (/leash), you and she might find it of interest to read the forum:

Should women keep men on leashes?
Comments: Male Leash Laws

youngcuckboy said:
I am not a weak person or a pushover; I have a 7-inch dick and am not a wimp.

It seems to be fairly common for "manly men" who are dominant in their daily lives... i.e., who have leadership roles at work where they're responsible for sometimes large budgets (and output)… but they have a strong preference for their wives to dominate them at home in the bedroom and sometimes in a broad domestic sense. Seemingly the appeal involves their dominant wives relieving them from the stress of always having to be in charge.

youngcuckboy said:
Anyway, about a week ago she had me on a lead sitting on the floor and put a cuckold video on and started wanking me off...

Your woman has the right idea re. her position vs. yours in your relationship...

youngcuckboy said:
She then wanted me to turn it off and fuck her.

...and, it's proper of course for your woman always to be the one who initiates sex and for you always to respond by giving it to her in whatever way(s) she wants, even in the unlikely event you don't feel like it.

youngcuckboy said:
As i was fucking her she said did you like that? I said yeh, and for some reason a part of me opened up and started saying "i want u to have big black dick inside you." She loved the thought of that; [it made her very] horny.

So, you too learned something about your woman's sexuality you hadn't known previously...

youngcuckboy said:
A few days later we started discussing [whether to make it a] reality. She [knows a man who is] black, sexy and has a big dick. The thought of it turned both of us on a lot; I knew she loved it, but one minute she wanted to do it then the next she didn't. I was the same.

It was your first glimpse of what's coming...

youngcuckboy said:
Anyway, we both decided we didn't want to do it.

No, no... of course not.

youngcuckboy said:
But, she met him that night. She had already arranged it! I was fine with her seeing him although I never used to like him because I knew he likes her and wanted her to be with him.

Surprise! But, you responded to your woman in the right way...

youngcuckboy said:
While she was with him I asked her if she was turned on. She said "yeh i can't even look at him without my pussy getting soaked." I then literally begged her to call off the agreement about us not doing the whole cuckold thing. She kissed him that night, and told me when she saw me. I was hard and excited and she loved it. But, she wants to take things slow and train me to become her cuckold.

So far, so good. You're showing promise, but she's a wise woman for 18 (or considerably older, for that matter)...

youngcuckboy said:
At the same time I'm scared of people finding out, people have respect for me and I don't want too be seen as some weakling and a little pussy boy.

Hey, don't worry about it. There are lots of strong men — even men who are dominant in their everyday work lives, as I mentioned — who are dominated by their women at home, and it’s not that unusual for them (certainly some of them, anyway) to be cuckolds.

youngcuckboy said:
I've tried to run away from this cuckold stuff but I can't. Everyday I am more obedient to my girlfriend and will do anything she says.

That's the way it should be. Your woman is successfully training you to be her cuckold boyfriend. It won't be quite the same as being a real cuckold, because the dictionary definition (as you probably know) is — "cuckold: a man with an unfaithful wife." But, you're getting there.

youngcuckboy said:
She talks about [her black lover-in-waiting] during sex and how she wants me to suck his dick and take it up my ass as well.

Your woman is giving you an increasingly-clear picture of your future...

youngcuckboy said:
But, the guy hasn't replied to her text since the kiss so we're not sure what's going on.

Patience... your woman will move things forward...

youngcuckboy said:
I'm scared of this new reality I may be facing. I love my girlfriend and she loves me; she won't go through with it unless I'm 100% but she really wants black cock.

Well, an important part of your role as your dominant woman's boyfriend is to acquiesce in her getting what she needs for full sexual satisfaction...

youngcuckboy said:
She's always had a thing for black people which she just confessed to me (I am white).

...especially now that she has told you what that is.

youngcuckboy said:
Although she is happy with me and wouldn't care if we didn't do it, because I satisfy her.

That's a plus...

youngcuckboy said:
I'm young, I don't want to be burnt and for this to affect my real life. I'm strong mentally and I'm not the type of guy this should happen to.

This happens to a lot more people than you probably think. In fact, it can be considered more-or-less an aspect of everyday life. It sounds like you (like most people) need increased sex education. I strongly recommend letting your woman know you would like, for Christmas, a copy of:

Baker, Robin, Ph.D., 1996, "Sperm Wars: The Science of Sex" (BasicBooks, 319 pp. [hardcover])

which is available from online sources. I also recommend getting your woman for a Christmas present a copy of:

Ley, David J., 2009, “Insatiable Wives: women who stray and the men who love them” (Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 291 pp., hardcover)

which is also available from online sources. Both are fascinating and readable “science for the layperson” books.

When you and your woman have finished reading your Christmas presents, I recommend exchanging them.

youngcuckboy said:
I don't know how this is going to affect my emotions, although I was fine with the kiss. This has been on my mind a bit and I've dealt with it well, but what if my friends or family found out?

You can reasonably consider your sexual relationship with your woman to be your and her business, not theirs. You should spend some time talking with her about this aspect of it, however — let her know it’s important to you that she be discrete, and find out whether she’s willing to be discrete.

youngcuckboy said:
What if it made me feel like I'm nothing? Although I already feel like I'm not a man; rather, I feel like I'm my gf’s bitch but I love it.

I think you’ve answered your own question.

youngcuckboy said:
This is a massive thing; the thought of it has enhanced our sex life greatly. I never used to want sex that much because I was lazy. Now, I have been constantly hard for the past 5 days. I'm wondering if I was just born too be a cuckold bitch because I can't run away from it. I love it, especially now she's already humiliated me so much over the past few days and is converting me to be her bitchboy.

It sounds like you’ve found your calling in life, or an important aspect of your calling.

youngcuckboy said:
After the humiliation I find it a bit difficult to deal with for an hour or so, then I'm alright and back to normal. I don't know what’s going to happen from here. We have made some agreements, like we will only involve a bull we can trust and we want to stick with one bull for as long as possible since she doesn't want to be slutty.

If you’re “back to normal” after only an hour or so you have a fast recovery time. Your agreement sounds reasonable.

youngcuckboy said:
One more thing: we think this experience may bring us closer together, since we already do feel closer from what’s already happened.

Good, that sounds positive…

youngcuckboy said:
I'd really appreciate knowing what you guys think about this whole situation. If anyone could give me advice, I’d be grateful.

I think you’re standing on the threshold of a greatly-intensified erotic relationship with your woman. You’re both young and not married, so you’re in a good position to experiment — what you decide to do will not commit you to anything for the rest of your lives. So, I’d say go for it. Continue to communicate with your dominant woman about all aspects of this and allow her to guide you. She’s been doing a good job keeping you on your leash and you’ve been responding well to her.

youngcuckboy said:
.... Yesterday [my woman] pee'd in a cup then made me drink it while she laughed at me.

That was a nice touch... I like it. (Human urine is sterile so you don't need to worry about that resulting in infection or something.)

Speaking of which, you and your dominant woman might enjoy reading the literotica story "Birth of a Cuckold" (it's the first one on the list), here:

Literotica.com - Members - Aladylover - Submissions

and "Cuckold — The Wive's Tale" (should read 'The Wife's Tale') which is the 3rd story on the same list.

The author of "Birth" claims it's a true story; his wife's version is roughly consistent although somewhat different in detail. (Whether it actually is true, of course, is left to the reader to judge.)

youngcuckboy said:
She wants me too decide what I want because she doesn't want to do it if it's going to make me feel like crap. She will only do it if I'm 100 percent certain I want it, because she doesn't want me to feel negative. She wants me to embrace it and still feel like her bf, not her bitch. But, I'm finding it difficult to not feel like [her bitch] with all this humiliation.

Well, keep thinking and talking with your dominant woman about it...

youngcuckboy said:
Also, the guy she kissed doesn't look like he's interested as he hasn't spoken with her since then. So, we [/she] wouldn't be doing it for a while until we find someone we can trust and stick to. She doesn't want to sleep with loads of other men, just one for as long as possible.

It can take a woman who's looking for another man to fuck... i.e., other than her regular partner or husband... a while to find one she feels chemistry with.

Meanwhile, you and your dominant woman are both young (as you pointed out at the beginning of this thread), so both of you can take your time deciding how you feel about it and how to proceed.

Incidental note: "too" means "also" as in, for instance, "I too would like my woman to make me her cuckold." In most of the sentences where you use "too" it should be spelled "to." (Sorry if this reminds you of unpleasant times in school.)
Well it's been over a week. How are you feeling? I know from experience the roller coaster of feelings. You want to try but you are afraid. But I gotta agree with the others. You're both young and still dating find out now if this is something you can live with its cheaper and easier now before you are married.
Just make sure you both agree to certain rules before hand. Condoms, lying/secrets, those things need to be discussed. But also be reasonable and don't fool yourself. In the heat of the moment things get forgotten. You gotta let fantasy go and be real.
My wife has a few bfs ( not that she see them all often.) some are open to different things, you and her need to discuss each others feelings. And respect them.
My wife said early on she didn't like the humiliation stuff cause it effects how peoe view themselves and she wanted me to know I was and are the most important thing in her life.
I've said it before on this forum. Communication is very important. If you don't know how each other feel then you can't adjust.
Good luck keep us informed.
I'm jealous I had to wait till I was in my late 30s to figure out I liked this life style. Lol
Hey guys sorry for the late reply we did call off the whole cuckold thing but yesterday she tested me and kissed someone she knew why had a big falling out but were ok now and talking about making it happen she wants too do it 100% and has been tryna enforce it on me but promised she won't ever do anything like that again unless I agreed now I've kinda gone back too wanting too do it I can't get away from this and as much as I love it I hate it I can't let someone else have sex with my woman :(
You are incredibly lucky to have found a horny, adventurous young woman who wants to play sex games and sexually experiment with other men.

Thousands of married men will be so envious of you - because their wives won't talk about any kind of sex other than missionary.

I want you to read at least one free story every night from a google search for Literotica free stories, hot wives section. This will teach you about how other men handle the emotions of cuckolding.

Your girlfriend has told you that she want to train you to be a proper cuckold, taking cock up your ass, and you sucking cock. If you don't let her have her wishes, she will find other guys who will.

I would like to see you marry your girlfriend and have a cuckold honeymoon. Your new bride picks out a black bull to take on the honeymoon to start the marriage off properly. For the first week after marriage, you lick the bull's cock and guide it into your bride's pussy. Then you eat the creampie he ejaculates into her. During the second week of the marriage you finally get to fuck your new bride (but not before).

It is extremely difficult to find young brides keen to cuckold their husbands from day one. If you don't marry her, you may find you can't find someone else suitable to replace her when you realise too late, she has moved out of your life (and is not interested in giving you a second chance).

Your girlfriend is testing you to see if you are a wimp or not over your fantasies and weak promises.

Make a concrete decision to let her become a full-blown cuckoldress, because you are already wearing her panties and enjoy her bossing you around.

One day she may tell her mother about the "arrangement"......but if you are an excellent husband, then your mother-in-law will think her daughter is very clever to have trained you to be obedient in all things.

A lot of men have deep regrets when they turn down the chance to be a cuckold, and years later realise it was the biggest mistake in their lives.

Make sure your girlfriend/wife has nice clothes so she can look and feel her best if she dates other men. You want her to have a happy sex life - right?
Saraha she would never leave me if I said no too the whole thing she wouldn't force me but yes I am going too have training but we live with our parents so we don't have no where appropriate too go and do this plus the agreement is that its with someone who's reliable and not local and who will keep it discrete I'm kinda still not sure but she really wants this because she wants too turn me into her bitch and humiliate me

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I've been consistently saying no but she keeps bringing it up and even said she was going to force me but she keeps saying she will force me then she won't, i think its because she knows i don't want it but apart of her thinks i still do, I don't want her too go and do it but she said she would still tell me if she was going to and wouldn't publicly humiliate me but still I am a man not a cuckold, I can't let it happen too me I will feel like a loser for the rest of my life and it would damage my own self respect.

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