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  1. R

    Being Bi: Nature or Nurture?

    Thanks, Nazareth. I am personally more in favor of environmental influences, but as you mentioned, not all are the same. One could be being raised in a family comprising mostly of females, especially when you have an older sister and a single mom. I could relate to that very well. Also, being...
  2. R

    Being Bi: Nature or Nurture?

    Are we born bi, or do we develop this? Or if it's both, which has a more significant role?
  3. R

    How to get your wife to cuckold you - your ideas?

    Have gone through that with lots of ups and downs.
  4. R

    Who do you want to fuck

    I've always wanted to fuck my mother in law, even years before I married her daughter. Second on the list was my sister in law. Since mother got too old to be fucked, sil went to the top. Second now is my wife as she was a few years ago.
  5. R

    Wearing her skirt

    I know what you mean...same story!
  6. R

    What's your biggest ever sexual regret?

    Oh...this just reminds me of my own stupidity!
  7. R

    Two pregnancy - No regrets !

    My wife got pregnant by the same guy twice. The first time was their plan to keep it and make me belive it was mine, but half way she regretted and had an abortion. Second time was unwanted. She didn't tell me but I found out through her best friend. She got rid of it as well. I took good care...
  8. R

    Who would you like your wife to fuck

    Yes...and as I said, I'm away from wife. She is in the same town as my friend now. She called me a few ours ago and said she called my friend and had a nice chat.
  9. R

    Sister in law subtle flirting

    My SIl has been my jerk subject for years, especially after I found out that she also cheats on her hubby just like her sister, my wife. She is in her 40s, tall and slim, pale skin with long straight dark hair, an absolute beauty. I've seen her fully naked once, and half naked or in see through...
  10. R

    Who would you like your wife to fuck

    Two of my best friends top the list, mainly because wife has shown interest in both, and that makes me excited. One is single, and the other has a girl friend. Wife is now working on the single one, but so far he just doesn't seem to get the point. The conversatios got a bit kinky as he...
  11. R

    First time u sucked cock?

    Very well explained. That's how I tried!
  12. R

    First time u sucked cock?

    I tried a lot but could never do it. However, It was worth trying as I managed to cum on my face and in my mouth.
  13. R

    First time u sucked cock?

    I feel embarrassed to say how old I was. Just to let you know, I didn't even know the difference between boys and girls. I just thought girls were more beautiful and had long hair! I had played with a boy or 2 in our old neighborhood. When we moved to another place, I met a boy of the same age...
  14. R

    Cum in ass?

    Many times. I couldn't really feel the comfort, but I've always loved the moment the guy is satisfied. One regular told me my ass was better than his girl friends pussy!