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    Hello, Mark and I just got married a couple months ago, and moved into our new off base housing, Mark is in the Navy
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    Reactions: nudistDon
    Come back tonight 11/2 in the chat room 11:00 EST - would love to chat with you! I am sure a lot has happened since we last spoke
    I just tried to log in to darkcavern.com, however it says that my authentication was denied... I signed up on July 19, 2018... I received my verification email with my username... Since then I've received a couple messages... However today, I'm not able to log in... Can you help???
    hey yeah, we're in the process of moving the dating section back to dating.darkcavern.com for the time being and putting the video site back on darkcavern.com while we fix up the search script. You should be able to access the site normally at dating.darkcavern.com, and I'm going to put a link to it on the video site tomorrow.
    Is there any way to restore deleted pics? Sure not but figure it doesn’t hurt to ask
    You're Gorgeous. Im sure you will fine Lots of real Men who would enjoy your company. As well as us sissybois would would love to hear about your experiences.
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    Reactions: SlutwivesRock
    Hi so Nice that your a country girl who desires Real Black Men. This makes you a precious Princess.
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    Reactions: SlutwivesRock
    I cant see any dialogue in the room
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