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  • Please delete my account. I have a very addictive nature to this type of website. Trying to clean up my life and need to ban myself from this type of content. For this type of content it’s the best I’ve seen. Thanks for your help.
    i was banned from vpn from chat but i have to use vpn to get site and chat. can you something for me or do you know anything that i can reach chat without vpn?
    You should be all set.
    I use a VPN to access this site and the chatroom. Could this be the reason that my member login to the chatroom is broken? I do not see any messages in the chatroom, I cannot enter any messages and requesting a Private Message doesn't do anything.
    I don't see you as a chat member at all, which is kinda strange. Shoot me your password in a private message and I'll try to log on as you and see what's happening.
    Sent you the needed information
    WOW Hi there. Love the profile name and avatar. Welcome, hope you've been having fun here. Lmk if you'd be up for some chat, or enjoy being tributed Lexi? Have fun sexy
    I was having problems seeing chat traffic and bringing up the Private Message dialog before I had to leave on a business trip. I am back home now and I have the same problems. Is there something wrong with chatroom or with my account?
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    Reactions: hairbear1954
    Hi Dig, tried to log in today, that was ok but can't get into chat, is there a problem? I love the site and chat all the time but it must just be a blip. Please help
    I have a VPN and I was previously OK'd by you. Today when I tried to go to the chat , the screen seemed frozen. I tried several times and was just not able to get past logging in. Thanks.
    Can I ask ... what happened to Khristy Creams ? She was very sweet, and I thought took her forums and participation seriously, was both open and respectful.
    Anyone in NYC?
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    • Wow
    Reactions: horndog890, onlylooking, Levis and 1 other person
    I asked how to become a VIP. Grn Eyes informed me that long time members can & suggested I contact you. I started in Dark C chat about 2008/2009 then Slutwives when Dark C closed chat. names-Vivian, Vivian38 & now ValerieViv. We have talked before about my stories in Dark Wanderer and my first story is dated Feb 09. Last night Grn Eyes again reminded me to ask you about it.
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    Reactions: toolman2c
    ok done. Shoot me the link to one of your stories if you would :)
    Also I'm not seeing your username in the chatroom admin when I search users. Are you using another nick in chat or something?
    Hello, I'm new here but I seem to have a problem, I'm unable to open the chat rooms, I've tried everything even down loaded the newest Java, I also signed up for the Dark Cavern and is a registered on it and I can open the chats on Dark Cavern, but not slutwives i've tried microsoft edge and google but neither seem to work,
    Open a new incognito tab in your browser. Load the main site. Click to open chat. Click the button that says members sign in and see if it works.
    i tried that it still won't open the chat rooms
    try turning off adblock or popup blocker. There's no reason that this chat wouldn't open if it's not blocked on your end somehow.
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