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Younger Family question

  • Thread starterupmeplease69
  • Start date


I am proceeding slowly with my wife and things are moving in the right direction, the problem is that we have three daughters 9,11 and 14 and its difficult to have the house to ourselves so are having to halt things.

Has anybody got any tips on how to proceed?
We have a 16yo and a 13yo. As a result, my wife tends to date "out" rather than activities taking place in our home, and it's the exception rather than the rule for me to be involved with what she's doing with her fuck buddies.
Younger family

Sometimes you just have to put your extra-marital sex life on hold, and raise your family while that is a priority. But, if you can't, do your fucking as far from home as possible. Kids are smart, and they may figure-out what your'e doing, if you aren't careful. After they're grown, you'll have time enough to get out there and fuck with whomever you please.
Do You Also Hide Your Bible?

In a natural family tradition you ought to ****** your children to the culture that you yourselves approve of. In this manner they will develop within said culture, learning it's benefits and flaws. Over time they will also question the validity of your choices and improve upon the life style; benefiting all. Eventually, by your example, they will know their choices as they approach adulthood.

How better might your life be now had you understood what a cuckold was when you approached marriage and adulthood? How much better insight you would now have into female and male sexuality had you been lovingly guided and ******* to it during your formidable years?

I suggest you take the time to craft and merge your outside activities into your inside world. The family needs no secrets to grow and be strong. Of course, guidance is important and essential. You cannot ****** innocence to the explicit no more than you ought to tear open a flower bud open with the expectation of having it bloom.
thanks so far and further question

Wife has suggested that my boxers are got rid of and i am in panties 24/7, has any had this experence and what has been said to family?

We had planned to keep things secret and use away trips or when they are away for any dates.
upmeplease69 - get the panties on the next trip to town.
Ask your wife to cut your boxers up with sissors, then buy her a dozen roses and a nice bottle of wine, so you can annually celebrate the day your life changed for the better.

A wife-led marriage is always superior, and can be a lot more fun if you truly care about your wife's happiness.

Take your wife with you to the shops, as the panties you purchase need to be pleasing on her eyes to make your fantasies much more exciting.
Joe Regions raises an interesting point, as to whether parents should let their children be aware of their swinging lifestyles. I have talked with several men who told that they knew their parents were swingers, even if the parents had never told them directly. I would imagine something like this would be very hard to hide from the children.

One man even told of having found some photos among his father's papers of his mother being fucked by other men. It would be hard to deny being swingers after that.

My own answer would be to not talk about it, but if the kids figure it out for themselves, don't deny it either, but explain how it fills a certain need in your sexual relationship.

After my sons were grown, they came to me with questions about what their mother had been doing when she was absent from the house so much. They asked, right out, if she had been fucking with other men, and I admitted that she had. This led into a long discussion about marriage and the sexual needs of both partners, and the fact that they satisfy those needs in some unusual ways.

They also mentioned several men of our acquaintances and asked if they had fucked their mother. I felt that I owed them the truth, at that point, and told them that these men had, indeed, fucked their mother.

This discussion, instead of causing any communication between my sons and me, was the catylist for an even better communication. We have talked openly about the women each of us has fucked.
Son of John Has It Right BUT

I suggest that Son Of John has it right ... if the family needs to hide their activities. If you are ashamed of this life style then why get involved in the first place? MacnFries comes right out saying that the activity is shameful and wrong. Why? Why would you be involved with anything that you are ashamed about? How can you face yourself or your creator if you can't live a life to be proud of? I'm a bit at a loss at that notion. Cuckold is what I am and its our life style. It was my parent's life style, my grandparents and most everyone I grew up around. Sasha mentions that the word will get out. Again, so what?

If for some reason, beyond my comprehension, you are embarrassed that you explore your sexuality and feel that your family ought to try to figure you out on their own, follow Son of John's advice. That's excellent advice under those circumstances.

If you find no shame in just being yourselves and feel that your explorations should be shared with others, be forth right and honest. Yet, as I did mention, you will be wasting your time trying to display, set examples or explain matters that young children just cannot ever come to grips with. Don't ask - don't tell works nicely.

I can remember when my family first started in the porn biz (1959) and my sister and I use to tag along when no one was around to baby sit us. She and I were fooling around at that age, mostly playing doctor-type stuff. (I was 10 she was 6) Those early 8mm movies were often shot at motels on Long Island or in the homes of producers and investors. Sis and I hated the motels because we had to sit around with the other actors and the grips and fluffers in close quarters. The homes were wonderful because we often meet other kids and had plenty of space to run around and play doctor with our new found friends. What I'm driving at here is that until I started fluffing and joined into the family biz (when I was 13) I had been ******* to what was going on but it never sunk in. That was just mommy and daddy's work (and Uncle Fred's and aunt Betty's and this one and that one.) It was neither sexual, shameful, thought much of or detrimental to our schooling or future careers.

Why should it had been? Porn is just another trade. Why should you allow your cuckold life style be a cross to bear? It's just another life style and one that is a lot more common than you imagine.


So sorry, you know yer have to write replies without viewing the other posts (unless quoting.) My memory never served me too well.

I did have kids and have grand kids and am proud uncle to all kinds of kids. And they're associated with the porn industry in one fashion or another - no not all are on the sex side of the trade ... had to throw that in. But several are.
Different strokes for different folks.
The porn industry pays large taxes, and ************ is a big source of income to large numbers of women and their pimps around the world. It is no longer "disrespectful" in the same way religion tried to brand it for thousands of years. Jesus did get very angry with money lenders doing trade in religious buildings, so to some extent religion has been doing some shameful things itself. The Chritian Crusades where it was okay to murder any person that was of a different religion, and the Pope apologised to the world for the burning of "alleged" witches.

I think it is important for children to grow up free from sexual pressures, and as adults to make their own choices about their sexual expression. Some will accidentally find out hidden things, and hopefully they will feel confident enought to ask mum and dad about what is going on. Children do not need long detailed explanations, but they do need to be "free of the pressure of guilt" that many adults thrust on them.

It is wise to not thrust the cuckold life on a young mind too soon, but I suspect that a lot of children put two and two together without much difficulty. Some Teachers tell of some intriguing stories when children talk about their family life at school. "Mummy has a lot of boyfriends visiting to help do jobs around the house while daddy is at work, and sometimes when he is at home". Quite a lot can be innocently spilled out by a child before a teacher is able to put the lid on further revelations without the child becoming anxious at having her story cut short - after all it is her turn to "show and tell" at school.

Cuckold families have to decide what is right for their own circumstances, just as nudists all go along to nudy club to be around other nudists. Nothing is wrong until adults put labels on kids to indicate something is wrong or scandulous.
can of worms!

hi again, I had not meant to open up sucj a can of worms, but the comments have been very helpful.

Wife is adamant that any activities take place away from the house or when they are away as does not want children to be ******* to anything and no accidental slip ups!

With regards to panties, wife has told the children that I have lost a bet with her and therefore I have to wear panties all this year.

Although this is not the case, she gets the power in the bedroom and also knows her husband is wearing panties.

I raised the origional question as talking to a bull online, he indicated that it would be part of the deal that daughters would know that wife ahd a lover, this was a new senerio which we had not come across. Although we have now agreed that this will not happen.

once again thanks for your replys and help
Joe_regions said:
In a natural family tradition you ought to ****** your children to the culture that you yourselves approve of. In this manner they will develop within said culture, learning it's benefits and flaws. Over time they will also question the validity of your choices and improve upon the life style; benefiting all. Eventually, by your example, they will know their choices as they approach adulthood.

How better might your life be now had you understood what a cuckold was when you approached marriage and adulthood? How much better insight you would now have into female and male sexuality had you been lovingly guided and ******* to it during your formidable years?

I suggest you take the time to craft and merge your outside activities into your inside world. The family needs no secrets to grow and be strong. Of course, guidance is important and essential. You cannot ****** innocence to the explicit no more than you ought to tear open a flower bud open with the expectation of having it bloom.

Bullshit,leave the kids out of this,let them have their childhood!!!!!
Stop acting like a selfish prat,bring your children up,THEN you can do this.
The only thing your children need to know is a good education will benefit you in life,anything else is tantamount to paediophilia
Saraha said:
The porn industry pays large taxes, and ************ is a big source of income to large numbers of women and their pimps around the world. It is no longer "disrespectful" in the same way religion tried to brand it for thousands of years. Jesus did get very angry with money lenders doing trade in religious buildings, so to some extent religion has been doing some shameful things itself. The Chritian Crusades where it was okay to murder any person that was of a different religion, and the Pope apologised to the world for the burning of "alleged" witches.

I think it is important for children to grow up free from sexual pressures, and as adults to make their own choices about their sexual expression. Some will accidentally find out hidden things, and hopefully they will feel confident enought to ask mum and dad about what is going on. Children do not need long detailed explanations, but they do need to be "free of the pressure of guilt" that many adults thrust on them.

It is wise to not thrust the cuckold life on a young mind too soon, but I suspect that a lot of children put two and two together without much difficulty. Some Teachers tell of some intriguing stories when children talk about their family life at school. "Mummy has a lot of boyfriends visiting to help do jobs around the house while daddy is at work, and sometimes when he is at home". Quite a lot can be innocently spilled out by a child before a teacher is able to put the lid on further revelations without the child becoming anxious at having her story cut short - after all it is her turn to "show and tell" at school.

Cuckold families have to decide what is right for their own circumstances, just as nudists all go along to nudy club to be around other nudists. Nothing is wrong until adults put labels on kids to indicate something is wrong or scandulous.

Nothing is scandalous,you say until you put a label on,what planet are you on !!!
When these kids mention that mom has a lot of boyfriends or daddy wears panties,do you not think that the authorities will be alerted or that child protection will pay you a visit.
THE ONLY WAY TO HANDLE THIS IS LEAVE KIDS OUT OF IT!!!!! until they are adults and leave home,anything else is plain paedeophilia.
Don't screw your kids up for a cheap thrill,stop being so selfish
Sorry to be a pain in the ass, BUT

It is so easy, and normal for those of us who do share everything with our families and friends to just shrug, grin and walk away when finger-pointing "others" fly off the handle. But, once in awhile, I like to poke the embers before walking from the fire. Especially when it's someone who I barely ever agree with -that Sissy Candice guy.
Look, no one is going to call the cops because little Johnny says Dady wears panties or because Mommy has lots of men over. Cops have come to my door asking why I and others are walking around nude or touching kids in the pool area. I do and have every legal right to slam the door in their faces. Unless it can be seen from a public space, such activity is not a misdemeanor or crime at all. Nudists playing with kids in a pool is perfectly legal. If you (Candice) want to call it **** behavoir, that's fine; don't touch kids. When did fondling become illegal? It's not, never was - except for unusual instances like mentioned by Sasaha.
Of course, I do not condone anyone infringing (molesting) a kid, or forcing their passions upon anyone else. I expect every family to be created and built upon the idea of bringing good solid citizens into this world. But, for Pete's sake, just cause I may like chewing on paper doesn't mean I want a phone book shoved into my mouth! You may not be able to be nude around naked people or kids without getting sexually excited - not everyone is built that way. Leave us alone, please.
Joe_regions said:
Sis and I hated the motels because we had to sit around with the other actors and the grips and fluffers in close quarters.

I think this point should not be neglected. You are probably not telling the whole truth as you won't elaborate on this side of the story- either with us or yourself. I am NOT being judgmental, should I have had the ******** you did I probably would have the same feelings but, take care. man! You are limiting your children's potential, let them live their own lives.
Joe_regions said:
It is so easy, and normal for those of us who do share everything with our families and friends to just shrug, grin and walk away when finger-pointing "others" fly off the handle. But, once in awhile, I like to poke the embers before walking from the fire. Especially when it's someone who I barely ever agree with -that Sissy Candice guy.
Look, no one is going to call the cops because little Johnny says Dady wears panties or because Mommy has lots of men over. Cops have come to my door asking why I and others are walking around nude or touching kids in the pool area. I do and have every legal right to slam the door in their faces. Unless it can be seen from a public space, such activity is not a misdemeanor or crime at all. Nudists playing with kids in a pool is perfectly legal. If you (Candice) want to call it **** behavoir, that's fine; don't touch kids. When did fondling become illegal? It's not, never was - except for unusual instances like mentioned by Sasaha.
Of course, I do not condone anyone infringing (molesting) a kid, or forcing their passions upon anyone else. I expect every family to be created and built upon the idea of bringing good solid citizens into this world. But, for Pete's sake, just cause I may like chewing on paper doesn't mean I want a phone book shoved into my mouth! You may not be able to be nude around naked people or kids without getting sexually excited - not everyone is built that way. Leave us alone, please.

YOUR KIDS WOULD BE TAKEN FROM YOU BY SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE UK,where actually it is illeagle to "fondle" your kids as you put it,and now you say it can't be seen from the street,what the fuck does it matter if any one can see you from the street
LOOK FUCKWIT IT'S A CRIME,WHEREVER YOU DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe_regions either 1) has mental problems or 2) gets his rocks off on suggesting his kids know about his cuckold lifestyle.

upmeplease69 said:
My wife is adamant that any activities take place away from the house or when our children are away, as she does not want our children ******* to anything.... and no accidental slip-ups!

Your wife's view is reasonable. Your life as her cuckold will go much more smoothly, and your home life will be much more peaceful, if you comply with her wishes. Others have suggested this (above), and I agree.

upmeplease69 said:
With regards to panties, my wife told our children I lost a bet with her; therefore I have to wear panties all this year.

Very good! Your wife has you on the right track. She has broken ground for later developments, so to speak, by informing your children she has pantied you and you have accepted that. A year will be plenty of time for her to think of a gentle and plausible way to inform them you have become her permanently-pantied husband.

upmeplease69 said:
Although this is not the case [i.e., the "bet"], she has the power in our bedroom and also knows her husband is wearing panties.

Excellent! Your wife is moving forward, and is moving you forward, nicely.

Regarding your original question: I suggest the most positive way to proceed — given your family situation, your wife's wishes, and the fact she has pantied you and is taking the lead in your sexual relationship — would be for the two of you to agree it is her prerogative to date other men and take lovers as she wishes, while you must remain faithful. This would facilitate you staying home, caring for and "being there" for your children while your wife dates. I suggest also making it a part of your agreement that you will do so.

As you and your wife move in this direction, as it appears you will, it may be helpful for both of you to read:


By way of considering the future, you and your wife might want to read the thread by ffred (of Germany) that starts here:


As you will see, he and his wife Nadine dealt successfully with the problem of how to inform their grown daughter of their cuckold husband / hot wife marriage, and talk with her about why they live that way, when she became curious and verified for herself that her mother was fucking other men. (Briefly, after initial feelings of angst Nadine and Fred became much closer to their daughter. I don't know what the situation is vis-a-vis their grown son. To my knowledge, Fred hasn't said anything on this forum about communicating with him vis-a-vis he and Nadine's lifestyle.)

Joe now that you are coming to terms with your parents using you and your sister to make sex films with other children while you were both so young, COULD YOU NOW decide to go and find your sister to check she is okay since she disappeared in 1988.

Afterall, if you truly are a millionaire, it would be easy for you to find her, even if you had to hire a private investigator. If I was you, I would like to e-mail her every month (at the very least) to check her eccentric husband is keeping to his promises to give her adventures and intrique. I bet your sister thinks about you a lot, even though writing has been difficult for her.

If the police considered you a threat to society, then they would have charged you a long time ago. Obviously, the neighbours have not rung them up with "sordid details of strange goings on in your yard", and I guess some of them have visited you from time-to-time to confirm that all-is-well. If you were a bad man, then your wife would have moved on quickly many moons ago.

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